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YouTube ☕


Ive got premium so I can play music off of videos in the background on my phone that aren't on YouTube, music or Spotify.


I'm happy with my premium it's definitely worth it at least for me.


It is worth for everybody. That is just the problem. They are making YouTube without premium accessible, but really frustrating. Playing the same ad over and over again.


Ya mean yer tired of the Liberty Mutual commercials?!!


It is absolutely not worth for everybody. The price is global. My country's minimal wage is literally half of US'. So everything with a global pricetag is twice as expensive for us than it is for people in the US. So the point at which I would consider paying for no ads is just shifted and not in YT's favour. And instead of trying to adress this issue, they just gave me longer ads with no skip button, hoping to annoy me into buying Premium. Well screw that, at work I just bear with it, but at home AdBlock definitely stays on.


I tried YouTube premium after switching to iPhone. I didn't realize how terrible it was compared to YouTube revanced I used. It's like night and day.




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There’s no reason every person who uses YouTube shouldn’t have Adblock installed.