• By -




Anti-adblock detectors, or the classic adblock blocker blocker


Yo, that's why I got this Trace Buster Buster. See, when a mf try to bust your trace with a Trace Buster, this mf if gonna bust the mf'n Trace Buster that's bustin' your, uh...


It works great until someone pulls out the trace buster buster buster!!


I was hoping someone would pull out this reference 😅🙌




The AdBlock Blocker Blocker would actually block any attempts at blocking AdBlockers.


lmao, it would try, I guess? adblock blocker blocker blockers blew adblock blocker blockers away _hours_ ago, they're useless. Now, you find yourself a good adblock blocker blocker blocker blocker? _that_ might do it


what about the adblocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker 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okay fine I'll watch the ad


Superblocker, blocker in second power


The technical term is usually anti-adblock.


Super AdBlocker :)


Do'nt care. Using Firefox. ^^


Or use a VPN and connect to Albania. One of the few countries with no ads on YouTube.


Firefox is for free and you don't have to use browser that is spying on you.


the browser is spying on you, use an open source one.




Malaysia also works


I go to Malaysia like at least minimally four times a year, they do definitely have YouTube ads in Malaysia.


Me who uses Basilisk to use Flash Based Video Hosting Sites: I am Four parallel universes ahead of you.


Meanwhile Google: allows adblockers which can stop YouTube ads, on the chrome add on marketplace


If we are really lucky, the judge in the Google advertising monopoly case will just break up the whole company, at which point Chrome wouldn’t care what happens to YouTube anymore. Of course, if YouTube went solo and had to pay market rate for storage and transmission, it would also paywall and then shut down within two or three years of getting spun off. Really, in the event of a breakup, Google would be doing its shareholders a solid by just shutting YouTube down as a nonviable division.


Before that would happen, I'm thinking there's got to be a large corp/investors out there that would be interested in buying youtube. It's one of (if not *the*) biggest brands and platforms in the history of media. There's got to be at least some kind of value in piggybacking off that and figuring out how to make it profitable and worth their while. But of course; that's the billion dollar question. Investors demand returns, so how are they going to monetize it? Probably the same way Google is - ads and paywalls. And if that were to happen, no doubt about it; there will be just as many ads, and Premium is going to get more expensive. It would have to. Nobody is going to buy youtube as a passion project. (Well, maybe Musk would, that narcissistic fuck. And then the platform would turn to heinous dogshit because he would fire the entire content moderation division and it would turn into youtube + stormfront + live leak.)


It’s a big brand, but if it’s not profitable, then anyone would just piss money down a bottomless hole to continue operating it. If it was a reasonable business to be in, Amazon would scale up Twitch to be a YouTube competitor, but they don’t, because it’s a shitty business with high delivery costs that don’t benefit from economics of scale. If you deliver to a million people, it’s four cents per gig delivered. If you deliver to a billion people, it’s four cents per gig delivered. A lot of people seem to think that the reason nobody builds a YouTube competitor is, “YouTube is so big! We can’t compete!” and those are the same people who moan that college is a waste of money, which is why they don’t understand if you can get ten percent of a forty billion dollar market, that’s pretty good. But, if you’re making four billion dollars per year and it costs you five billion to deliver the video, that’s not good, and is likely part of the reason why Google doesn’t talk about profit margins of the individual arms of the company (let alone because they’re all tangled with one another). But, if YouTube had to pay market rate for storage and bandwidth, rather than “friend prices” from Google data centers, they’d be sunk. It’s why an independent YouTube is a dead YouTube.


All good points. It's quite the quandary.


YouTube will become profitable this year. And the numbers are pretty insane, 8.1 billion in ad sales in Q1 alone this year. Coupled with their massive layoffs I think YouTube is going to be a money printing machine for Google starting fairly soon.


When did Google put this information out? Also, payroll is basically negligible for YouTube. Last I checked, they only had about a thousand employees. If you paid them each a million dollars a year, layoffs make for good savings, but otherwise it’s like trying to put a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.




That doesn’t say the word ‘profit’ anywhere and only addresses net income as it applies to Google/Alphabet as a whole. They don’t disclose profit-loss for individual arms of the company. It is 100 percent possible to make $30 billion per year and still lose money. It probably is *technically* profitable, but if the cost of storage and transmission are being subsidized by Google data centers, that’s not really playing fair, and would be Exhibit B in a monopoly trial against YouTube, where Exhibit A would be just casually not running any ads for years and years, taking the loss, and keeping other companies out of the market, because they couldn’t afford to piss billions of dollars per year (generated by other parts of the company) down a hole. I stand by my statement that streaming video is a fast way to lose money, because the users aren’t worth advertising to (because the heaviest users tend to be younger, less educated, and have less money than someone who’s watching prime time television), which drives down ad rates, meaning you need more ads to get the same revenue. Plus, it doesn’t benefit from economies of scale, because the bandwidth will cost the same per person, no matter how many people you’re streaming to. It is an incredibly shitty business model, which is why Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Netflix have never bothered to get into it, even though they could deploy it, fully featured, whenever they want. It’s not like they’re afraid of being second; it’s just a shitty business model for companies that don’t want to lose billions of dollars per year to entertain users who refuse to spend money and constantly bitch about ads.


umm chrome currently doesn't care what happens to youtube lol.


If youtube would go separate ways from Google and in best case go opensource, i probably would pay.


That wouldn’t solve YouTube’s big problem, which is how to pay the bills if it has to pay market rate for storage and bandwidth. Say you make one 1080p video per month, and it’s twenty minutes long, and you serve it to a million fans per month. What do you think that costs you? About forty thousand dollars. Open sourcing doesn’t solve that problem. So people start thinking, “Well, we can just go P2P,” but they weren’t alive for Napster, so they’ve never had their ISP send them a letter saying, “Okay, you uploaded a terabyte each of the past three months. Once or twice, fine, you’re backing up a couple of drives to the cloud. After that, we are going to give you three options: Stop all the uploading, or move to one of our business tiers (which are substantially more expensive), or find yourself a new ISP). They don’t care what you’re uploading or to where (unless they get complaints because you ate from a honeypot), but they do care that the uploads are costing them money, so they invoke the part of the contract (which you agreed to) that gives them the option to clarify the terms of the contract or back out of it entirely. So, P2P doesn’t work for serving video at scale. So, the question is, how do you have a YouTube that’s independent from Google and is financially viable? I would argue that you can’t.


I would rather give up on YouTube than to watch their kind of ads. If they just put soundless ad banners on the side, I wouldn't even complain. The problems are the the ads they actually have.


the sound pisses me off the most. I was even thinking that maybe there should be a background program running on my PC that detects ads and then mutes the sound for the whole browser. that way there is no way for youtube to possibly detect it.


Once YT raised their prices I quit paying for it, and used an adblocker. Then, my family included me into their family plan which is kinda cute, but if it weren't for it, I'd still be using an adblocker.


I just interrupted my Premium due to the new layout. If they want me to use extensions to make YT better, I'll use ALL of them and won't bother with Premium. I can live without downloads.


These adblocker blockers they set up are like lines in the sand. You make a better adblocker and just step right over them.


yes, that's why they're giving now strikes to users. I could just buy a temporary SIM card and set up a different google account every time but then it messes up my recommendations as it keeps recommending me videos that I have already watched.


And then they’ll find ways to block strikes on users 😂


Every time this pops up, I just refresh my page and my ad blocker works perfectly fine. I always wondered what was even the point in this if it hardly even works.


And now it's detecting my non-adblocker extensions as well. It's getting beyond infuriating. I even took the free trial of YouTube premium and I regret it; as they now keep bugging me to renew it. Same with a channel membership I did ages ago.


any extension that changes a page's content in the DOM can possibly be detected as an adblocker if it happens to touch the adblock detection or ad code.


operating system level adblock is needed then. something as simple as muting the browser program would already be awesome.


well that would be the smart way to do it. I am not sure why devs went the extension route tbh.


firefox ftw


I never once even saw that popup (thank god)


Accurate. Once I saw that annoying as fuck popup, I just updated uBlock Origin, and it went away the next time I hopped onto YouTube to get my daily lolcow fix.


It's a barrier to entry, I'm sure plenty of people either got premium or disabled their adblock because of this message. And while it is annoying at the end of the day it does make sense for YT to be unhappy with folks adblocking so makes sense to be working against it. (even if I'm still rooting for the adblockers to bypass that XD)


Instead of working on the quality, placement, suitability, etc. of the ads...


Bad quality ads give moneh, no ads don't. So they are working on the latter. (I'm not saying they shouldn't work on better ads, but when they don't have much in the way of competition they aren't really working on making the experience better, they are working on getting more money out of it)


I'm hoping things get bad enough that a competitor springs up, but i doubt it


Yeah would be interesting. But would be quite hard for competition to arise that would be able to go against Google.


Yup, those are deep pockets


I actually find it hard to believe that ads earn them 11$/month per user because that's the price of premium account. What they should do is to lower the price to the point where it matches exactly the expected ad revenue from a single user and then maybe if they also allowed cryptocurrency payments I would just pay to disable the ads.


Well ads most certainly don't earn them that much, I never said they did, however both ads and premium give them more then people using adblock. That being said, premium isn't just for ads (especially for mobile), it gives you some other basic features that any self respecting app should have by default. And well they want to get more money from you, like if they get the same money why would they go through the trouble of getting the money in the way preferred by you. Also I'm not sure but I suppose when people watch ads that raises their cred with the ad companies, so long term it might benefit them a bit more.


You know you can just open the link on a private tab right?


Does it? I just tested it, and none of the addons work. Ads still play and the multiple other addons I use also aren't there. (since I presume addons in general don't work on private tab, IDK I don't use it). Not to mention I'm not even logged in, so private tab really ain't it. And either ways ublock does seem to be doing the job RN, so no issues there.


You need to enable the addons for private viewing. Go in manage extensions, click on the extension you want to enable and it should be there in the middle "Allow/Don't Allow".


Ok, my bad, as I said I don't use it so I didn't know. What about logging in? Can that be saved? But yeah for now ublock is doing the job. So not overly worried


I don't think so, i think thats the point of the private feature. I do wish you could customized it like that though.


Yeah, so sadly private window wouldn't really do the job.


I just got newer addblockers they arent detecting yet, youtube can respectfully suck my nuts with that stuff


I used to turn off ublock when I've got the pop-off, then after like 20 or 30 minutes I enabled it again and everything worked as intended for some time, been doing that for a few weeks until youtube stopped sending me the warning, it's been months without it bothering me again and my ublock is permanently ON, I guess they've got the message, they understood I'm not paying and stopped annoying me, or maybe EU privacy laws finally pocked their noses as it's illegal for them to snoop on your browser add-ons like that. Anyway youtube L ha ha


That is funny!


somebody please create a good alternative to youtube


People say this but when Netflix did their password crackdown, it did exactly this. They reported highest increase of users ever


Just use Avast browser. Built in ad block and YouTube has never asked me to disable it


firefox + ublock origin: 🗿


Thank you


All this did was make people get better adblockers. Even if all adblockers stop working, I will download every video before I watch an ad.


With brave browser u don't even have to worry it has a good built-in blocker


Brave is a chromium based browser and will most likely lose adblocking capabilities on Youtube with Manifest V3, happening sometime in 2025.


They delayed V3 again? It was supposed to happen in the next few weeks.


That's only for the beta users. It won't come out in the stable release until much later. My guess is they basically just want to delay it until people forget.


Typical, but I'm not sure people will forget, not entirely.


Well for me it works fine I have 0 idea about what you're talking about manifest, but as soon as it works then its perfect for me, besides Brave browser is not owned by google and they're also aware of the YT detector and are still not gonna give up.


Brave uses a browser engine called chromium, developed by Google for Chrome. Manifest V3 is going to be a new version of chromium's extension platform, essentially changing the capabilities of extensions in *all* chromium based browsers, including Brave. Manifest V3 will severely limit adblocking capabilities, essentially making adblockers not work on Youtube *at all*. Brave's adblocker still works because Manifest V3 is slated to release sometime in 2025.


the thing if they throw a free trial at me well i got in the trap so yeah....


ublock origin in your face I have no income and the ads are nsfw


I deleted the YT app off my phone a while ago and don't miss it.


Using brave this has been a non-issue since forever. Idk why you guys keep complaining when the solution is right in fucking front of you


because not everyone wants to fucking swap their browser for yt


Especially if using a browser that does password management across devices.


fr, and its just a general inconvience


This. I switched to the Brave browser app a couple months back, best thing I’ve ever done.


I wonder if this actually affected Premium sales.


Mozilla ublockcels remain strong.


I mean, the parasites weren’t ever going to pay to begin with.


The problem with your comment is you never needed "premium" back in the day to have a functional youtube experience. What you insist on calling "parasite" is every user from 2006 untill gootube binned its credibility and focused solely on United States Dollars. They could easily run an ad based platform that wasnt a horrible user experience but that appears to run contrary to the current google ethos of "ruin everything" and "we hate people"




Hi MinimumPear5195, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If YouTube blocks ad blockers, would the ads blockable when those YouTube videos are being played on a different site? Say you have an ad blocker, share the YouTube video to reddit or fb or whatever, and play, does the ad blocker work then? Or can YouTube just make sure the ads still play? Sorry if this is a stupid question I don’t really know much about this stuff


I'm using Brave for years now, haven't seen an add on YouTube and in vids since and never got this notification.


I've been using premium for quite a while now because of a free first month I had. And tbh. It's probably one of the last subscriptions I'll let go now.




Hi MinimumPear5195, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not promoting it, but apparently Opera GX now bypasses this It used to give this warning a few months back, but now it doesn’t show & the ads look like something clicked stop seeing this ad in the blink of an eye


Are ads really that annoying for others?


Honestly, all this did was make me subscribe to Netflix and use Youtube less. I stopped watching a whole bunch of creators, because they are terrible with the distribution of ads per run time, and i am pretty much just watching a few of them that have the bare minimum. And i rather give Netflix my money, to watch Asian and "non american" TV shows, than pay for Youtube Red to listen to some podcast, i can also get on Spotify, or some dude/-tte in his basement bitching about their latest grievance. I can get that on Twitch with fewer ads.


I am the opposite. I get way more enjoyment out of YT than netflix, plus with YTM bundled, I get 2 for the price of one.


Try windscribe on your browser, worked for me but causes internet lag




Anyone with Android can use Vanced YouTube or Revanced Manager to remove ads and enable a lot of other features.


Im quitting Google chrome and completely switching to Brave Browser, I can't stand their crap anymore and Brave Browser is a chad that keeps blocking their ads flawlessly.


it isn't flawless. no adblocker is. sometimes it breaks and you have to wait for a filter update.


Firefox + ublock is better because firefox isn't based on chromium. Brave is.


Just get YouTube premium. * You don't have to watch any ads. * You don't need to install ad blockers. * Creators still get paid when you watch their videos.


I don't care who Google sends, I am not paying for something I can get for free


Things a tape worm says.


Things a meatrider says


Wahhhh waaaahhhh why won't other people pay for my entertainment waaahhhh waaaahhh




I'd be lying if I said it's not partially about the money for me. The price for what you get and what I actually want from it is too high. $5 to not see ads and I'm in. Anything over that and I'm 100% not interested and will just keep using an adblocker or stop using the service entirely.


pricing is subjective. to one person it is too much, to another it is great. For me, it comes down to the value of my free time and the cost per hour of use. The cost of premium for me ends up being about 5 cents an hour, way lower than any other source of entertainment. Secondly, I value my free time. Based on the cost of my sub, I have determined that if I spent more than 4 minutes on YT ads (or dealing with blocking ads) per month, that it is more worth it to me to just pay for premium. And lastly, part of my sub goes to the creators that I watch and to support the service I enjoy watching.


You can use that money to buy a PC eventually, but Noooo! You're using it to support one of the worst corpos on the planet


lol, you think they are bad? heh you don't have a clue.


These kids are such privileged babies


they really don't have a clue. I see it in my own kids. No matter what I say, what experiences I have had, or what I know, they think they know better. If you are a boomer, or within 20 years of being a boomer (because they can't seem to do math properly) they just discredit everything you say. Now, the only thing I would say, if I were to say anything, is, "I told you so."


You see, youtube isn't the only website people browse. So even with premium you are still required to install adblock just to avoid malware ads which pretend to be original software like those gimp and obs ads that was in google search while back. The problem isn't adblocker but the problem is there are no regulations/quality control in ads space. I dont mind seeing ads. But I sure do mind getting blasted by ads while trying to read an article in some news website or in youtube getting blasted by ai generated porn game ads.




The vast majority of people don't mind ads. I have ad blocker and still see ads on plenty of sites. The reason people use ad blocker is because half the time you stumble into a website spamming ads so much it locks up the browser and you can barely get back out of it before it crashes it. Imagine a world where when you go to any given store and a dozen people run up and start shoving you around and yelling in your face. Many of these people pick your pocket and use your DL for identity theft and worse. So you hire a body guard. Then you go to Walmart and they won't let you in with your bodyguard. That's pretty cheeky of Walmart isn't it? Personally, I just go somewhere else. When a business is completely inconsiderate of the plight of their customers, I'm not inclined to pay them premium prices for the privilege of using their website. >Creators still get paid when you watch their videos. The problem with this mentality is those creators find themselves in direct competition with Dennis Villeneuve, George Miller and Steven Spielberg. Do I shell out my $20 a month for YT and get WhatCulture or do I spend that money on HBOMax and get Dune Pt. 2 and Furiosa?


You had me at Dune, my money is better spent off of YouTube with that kind of competition.


Your getting downvoted


Why would I pay for a platform that doesn't care about its users or creators? Every goddamn update they make the user experience worse.


Haha YouTube 45% cut go BRRR


I won't give youtube money for kindly not showing me ads of crypto scams and all other kinds of frauds. I won't give them my money because they make money from my data so actually I SHOULD GET MONEY FOR USING YOUTUBE


No. I enjoyed YT for 15+ years without ads. I'm not paying for that now.


Nice try youtube CEO




Hi Remarkable_Rip_5846, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*