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Now that we know Somerton is alive, has anyone checked to see if his suicide post was plagiarized? It feels like something he would do, considering he has no shame or remorse.


"And consider this dismaying observation: this chamber has no windows and no doors...which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out! Hahahahaha! Of course , there's always my way." Admit it, him plagiarizing the Haunted Mansion ride for a faked suicide note would be one of the least surprising things out of this whole thing.


Fuck you you condescending piece of shit


? He’s not dead


Who is fireb0rn? 


Youtuber who mainly makes content around the game hollow knight


Fireb0rn is a hollow knight youtuber and speedrunner and he mostly makes challenge videos and discusses things the hollow knight community has done. In recent weeks, he's made tqo (or three) videos detailing things which far as I'm aware, don't get picked up by other youtubers which has caused him to be targeted by the people and things he talks about in an attempt to silence him. Recently he made a video discussing how this game developer, notorious for plagiarising other games, has been harassing fireb0rn and his wife. And fir some reason the game dev even got his own mother to harras fireb0rn's wife. Mostly, fireb0rn is in the range of 'respecatable' youtubers. No real damaging drama to his own image.


Persona 4 is an amazing game. I hope you have a ton of fun with it. Even if some of it hasn’t aged great.


I mean that is to be expected when the game centers around teens in the early 2000's. God I still remember the that's so gay PSAs.


Honestly it has aged better than P5 if you take a lot of Yoskues dialogue to read as repressed homosexuality as was originally planned and subsequently scrapped very late into development.


Hard disagree. He's still just blatantly cruel and homophobic even if he's gay, it just makes him also romantically jealous. It's aged so much worse than any other game in the series, and persona 2 already had better canonically gay characters.


And P5 is blatantly homophobic and transphobic to the point where it had to be censored on re release because Atlus went too far (I'm glad the P5 writers aren't working on P6 or the other game coming out in october), they also butchered Harus arc to the extent that the hack and slash spinoff had to spend an entire palace fixing it and ruined the ending of Ryujis story by having him get his shit kicked in for more sight gags and "Hey lets catch our teacher doing sex work" jokes. Between P5 and 4 I'll choose 4 any day myself. Yes 2 absolutley has better rep though and 4 is just as flawed as 5 is in many aspects (bath scene, drag scene though that one is done kinda alright, Teddy as a whole)


so you'll take the canonically important blatant homophobia and transphobia over the stuff they took out. alright man.


TMA is soooooo gooooodddd!!! Is it your first time listening??


yeah. just finished season one and i really like it so far.


It is a journey and a half, I hope you enjoy ♡


Exciting!! You're in for some good stuff coming!


I saw some chatter yesterday about Watcher apparently using AI art which is just adding fuel to that whole wildfire at this point


The magnus archives is elite


don't forget about the lio convoy """apology,""" then him arguing with a lawyer jesus this the past couple of weeks is it's own verse of we didn't start the fire


Look, I gotta say it. And I know this is ultimately minor in the grand scheme of things. Why Lio Convoy? Why name yourself that? Do you just *really* like the ultimately mediocre Beast Wars II? Your channel seemingly has nothing to do with it. I don't get it. Like. At all.


Because........................transformers And i guess thundercats


I mean, sure, but Lio Convoy is like. B-rate at best. He's the protag of a single season anime from the nineties that never really had distribution outside of Japan, save for fansubs nearly ten years on, and has had maybe five notable figures that aren't just quick buck repaints produced in the 20+ years since he was created. Like, if it were nostalgia pandering, something like Lion-O Prime, or Optimus Roar or something, I dunno, would be the obvious choice. Lio Convoy was such a *deliberate* choice, that it kinda weirds me out.


I love how the only good "event" that you cited is the Hades 2 early access. I'm so excited for the full release! Also, as someone who loves Glee, loves the songs and still listens to them till this day, I feel for you... xD


i already think by the end of glee i will actually be braindead and im only on season two. the darren criss yaoi really did me in i think


In hindsight, you do really to shut your brain off to enjoy the series. In my opinion, it managed to be both really good and extremely problematic for its time (Jesus, saying "for its time" makes me feel so old, specially because I watched the show as the episodes were coming out... xD)... but the songs still make me feel nostalgic for them


and don’t forget reuben sim and his fan base ironically doxxing people who are defending furries or anyone against his weird history of defending pedophiles. Maturing is realizing that these type of people who own those channels (parlo) need to call the police if all they’re doing is just exposing criminals who make content about the game doing something borderline illegal instead of letting them get away with it.


Soo fucking pumped when I saw Hades 2 in early access. Its pretty great, they mixed it up just enough to not feel like its just more of the same, but also feels true to the original




please advertise your soundcloud career elsewhere


since we are also talking non-youtube things as well, the whole Helldivers debacle is another for the list.


What the hell is Helldivers?


A satirical video game where you play as a Helldiver with up to 3 other players to bring Managed Democracy to the Galaxy and fighting the evil commie bots and the fascist bugs, while dying a lot for oil. The Debacle was Sony attempting to force everyone to sign up to PSN and over half the countries in the world be cut off from being able to play the game they paid for, thankfully the player base managed to make them retract this... for now.


And though it's not drama related, Rooster Teeth has now entered it's final week of existence.


So much shit has been happening in my personal life too. I don’t know if any of you relate, but if you do just know the chaos won’t last forever and it’s gonna be okay. We are going to have peace again, I’m trying to remind myself of that. Also looking at all those situations kind of helps distract me from my own shit ass life lmfao


IDC BOUT THAT. PERSONA. Chie best girl


Trial of the dragoooooon


imagine saying this when margaret literally exists


we all know Hitler is best girl /s


imagine saying this when yukiko literally exists




Nah. Chie can Galactic Punt me anytime


Magnus archives, hells yeah 👁️


What did Siwa do?