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The feta bread be where it's at


The spinach feta rolls are out of this world, big fan!


It's frozen from Sysco


I definitely think it is frozen too.


There was a minor local backlash circa 2010 just after they expanded because some beloved food items dropped off the menu when they consolidated distributors for cheaper prices. Unless something has changed since then (which speaking as a customer, it absolutely hasn't) it's frozen, preportioned and from Sysco.


Yeah, what a bummer. It’s still good pizza but not nearly as good as it was and not worth the premium, in my opinion. Now those spinach feta rolls? That is another story.


Bummer or not, it just is what it is. My local favorite is Mr Pizza which uses even cheaper ingredients but damn they make a good pie. Edit: correcting typo salad


Try pizza perfect. Cheaper than Mr pizza and their prices are more than reasonable.


Pizza perfect is my favorite too


So damn good. Highly recommended. They have such great value compared to other chain and local shops


Part of the appeal is that I'm within walking distance of the Washtenaw location and I've been ordering from them for going on 20 years. I'm not opposed to trying Pizza Perfect next time I'm over on that end of town though!


Pizza Perfect ruined Hawaiian pizza for me... It's so good it's the only place I'll order it. Marcos is my go-to for chain pizza places.


> Hawaiian Pizza > ruined I thought this was a given.


Lol personal preference I guess. It's not my favorite but gotta compromise for the spouse occasionally.


I recently got a deep dish pie from Mr. Pizza that blew my mind. They're so underrated.


Both I worked at used fresh dough. All besides the thin crusts are pan cooked instead of on the lil round screens like most pizza chains. Might add to the uniformity you’re seeing?


That could be, not sure. How long ago did you work there, out of curiosity? Wondering if maybe a change happened since then.


I left pre covid so it’s been a couple years


Hell, even Pizza Hut makes their own dough. At least they did when I worked there back in the day.


Yeah, I feel like if a brick and mortar restaurant is serving pizza on frozen pre stretched doughs that’s a no go for me. I’d rather have a Totino’s Party Pizza engineered by the General Mills food wizards.


Those Totino's pizzas can really hit the spot sometimes. No hate.


mama's pizza is far superior and more affordable! i love aubree's but the premium price for pizza is kinda insulting lol. however! happy hour is 3-6 daily and a massive two topping calzone is $6.


That calzone seems like a bargain! Thanks for flagging that!


Fresh daily


If you are in South Ypsi Township try Red Rooster.


I feel like red roosters smaller pizzas are way better than their large ones! They must use the same size dough ball for every pizza because their large pizzas always seem to have really thin crust especially by the center, where it practically falls apart.


C king seems pretty good


I was not wowed by C King, but to be fair, I was putting its mushroom pizza up against my favorite food in the world, which is Jolly Pumpkin’s truffle pizza. We had a second pizza too, though, at C King and it was okay, nothing to get excited about. The place had a good vibe though.


Oh man, that Jolly Pumpkin pizza is ridiculous. It's been too long, I'm due. And I agree, C King was just alright when I had it. Nothing I'll be going back for.


I agree, you are due. May you go forth and dine on the food of the gods and be better for it!


I also was not wowed by C King. Honestly, our pizza barely had toppings. Drinks were good, though. Have you had the forager pizza at the Corner Brewery? It's a personal fave, but we sometimes add bacon (not sure if you're a meat eater). Just wanted to recommend it..


Woah, have not, but I’ve added it to the list! Thanks for the lead!


Try the mushroom pizza at Dixboro project


Oooo I’ve never heard of Dixboro Project!


I also am in the pursuit of the best mushroom pizza, and that one is it for me. You can get it in the restaurant or in the carry out (Dixboro-to-go) side door


I also was not wowed by C King. I've only been once, but our pizza barely had toppings or cheese. Mostly bread, which was weird to me. Drinks were good, though. Have you had the forager at the Corner Brewery? I recommend giving it a shot. We sometimes add bacon when we order it, but I'm not sure if you eat meat.


fuck yeah C King


C King is one of the two places in the area my Sicilian friend will eat pizza at


Not sure, but imo Aubree's sucks and owned by the Frenchs' who I don't like giving money to. I would not be surprised if the dough is frozen.


Different faction of the French’s but yea


Yup, AFAIK it's the Trax faction that did the skeevy stuff like force out Woodruff's, that veg market, and Cultivate.


Not going to argue that they were conniving. But as far as cultivate goes, cultivate put cultivate out.


I thought they pressured the city to crack down on them because of the outdoor seating thing.


It was a grift from the beginning.


How so? I've heard this before, but never the reason.


I thought so too. They were taking too much traffic.


Same with Woodruffs.


Same but different yea


Loved Cultivate so much, was so sad it closed.




If you're looking for pizza check out Mama Pizza. Amazing crust.




It's all good. If you like Indian food try their Indian fusion pizza.


The Hawaiian is pretty spectacular. Chicken Tikka Masala is good too. He makes a Samosa pizza, which isn't a traditional pizza, but so good.


I don't want to set your expectations crazy high lol, that's the best way to be disappointed. But I seriously love their chicken tikka masala, it's so good. The owner, Sam, is such a nice guy. It's the only restaurant my kids want to go with me to pick up food because he's always so sweet with them.


Maiz- when I worked at a different bar in depot town, maiz employees were always talking about how good the owner and management are to them. They also do a lot of community fundraising and events


The owner of Bellflower is so kind and an all around good guy


Also the same owner as Wurst! Which I will always recommend.


Gora's Grill is a vegan halal place, and the owners are very nice. I would argue that Vertex is a restaurant as they make really good sandwiches for a nice breakfast. The owners are fantastic people truly. Regal Begal, I've heard is super supportive and fun. Heard good things about Stick's upstairs from Aubree's. Basil Babe's is great, and so is Ma Lou's Chicken. There really aren't a ton of awful options. I would mostly just stay away from the French's and Got Burger but that's cause Got Burger is like eating hazardous compunds that fell on the floor.


Honestly, nearly every restaurant and bar in this town is run by decent/good people once you get to know them. Being human, they naturally all have flaws, some more than others. The unfortunate side effect of the terminally online culture that we have these days is that folks seem to remember a few pain points and bring them up over and over without looking at the good. Hell, whatever anyone thinks about the Frenchs, it's indisputable that they've been a net positive in turning Depot Town into a destination, especially once the train station shut down. In the 70s when they bought the Alibi (now Aubree's), the location that is now the main Sidetrack building was a somewhat seedier bar called Central bar that was mostly for railroad workers and the Frenchies part was a VFW hall. Most of the store fronts were empty and half of the facade of the Follet House building was boarded up.


Feta bread is the only thing I like from Aubree’s lol


The bread or the spinach feta rolls? I’ve never had the bread but the rolls are to die for!