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From the name, i can think of Evil HERO, D/D/D or Zarc


Probably Evil HERO, to go along with GX 20th anniversary too.


What if it's referring to the Gentle darkness in jaden more so than evil heroes? Evil Hereos would still be sick though!


>Judai/Jaden Yuki is the reincarnation of The **Supreme** King who holds the power of The Gentle **Darkness**. I already mentioned it.


Zarc already got supports and is a cover card in AGOV, so probably not


Maybe the XYZ universe card for Z-arc?


Maybe, that would work I suppose


I don’t think Zarc would get another cover card in series 13, and D/D/D seems unlikely too, so Evil Hero is the safest bet


Zarc had a booster recently so nope, D/D/D is a maybe but evil HERO for the "supreme king" seems more likely There's also the fact that we have a character in GX literally called Darkness so there's that going for that series too


Are they really going to give Darkness his archetype in a main booster? I do hope its Evil Heros though.


Could be dark world support. Gx archtype. Dark From the dark world. The realm where the supreme king weilder of the gentle darkness is from. Darkness' stuff is basically just rescue ace turbulance but dark-Fiend.


Probably not zarc given we just got AGOV.


No shot it's zarc cuz we just got zarc stuff in AGOV


Could be many things, people thought about Blue-Eyes support when they heard Legacy of Destruction cause the set reference and BWED being refered to as an "engine of destruction" and it ended up being little Yugi suport with Gandora as the main boss monster for the archetype. Similarly this might sound like Supreme King support as the obvious direction to go in to turn out being Atticus support with Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon as the focus.


I would crap if it was more Red Eyes support. Red Eyes Darkness Dragon needs a retrain like Fullmetal that we're getting.


Maybe an actual Supreme King Archetype that's not Pendulum, more related to Jaden's Archtype.


We had Zarc (technically) not too long ago in Age of Overlord, so it's probably Evil HERO or D/D/D this time.


Gentle Darkness, the power of the Supreme King. I smell Evil.


Isn't it too early for Zarc support. AGOV was the last arc v themed set.


It’s gotta be ZARC, right? *there’s no such thing as too much support*


Maybe we get XYZ universe Zarc but other than that I can't see more considering AGOV had Zarc cover


Zarc just got support in AGOV (Last year) and D/D/D got support like 2 years ago, It kinda depends a lot but doubt they will release more of em this soon.


Maybe we’ll get an Evil Hero Neos this time


Evil Hero Neos, Evil Hero Inferno Wing upgrade (that's treated as a Wingman card), a fusion that works with Super Poly like the new Yubel and fuses with the whole field, a new super poly that works for Evil Heros. There are a lot of directions to go into.


i would literally cream


Also a rock evil HERO because dark gaia needs support


A new Evil Hero super poly could be awesome, since he is the original user of super poly


Oh shit potential evil hero support incoming 👀


Malicious bane is getting some new friends


First reveal would be on August. I guess it's another GX time, Supreme King Judai maybe? EDIT: Judai/Jaden Yuki is the reincarnation of The **Supreme** King who holds the power of The Gentle **Darkness**. EDIT 2: Fun fact, **Supreme Darkness** and last year [**Phantom Nightmare**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Phantom_Nightmare) have the same release month, October, it's the month which [GX](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_GX) was first aired in Japan (October 6, 2004).


What i really hope: atticus' red-eyes DARKNESS dragon, my favorite art ever


A retrain of that would be sick. And since the dude also uses Red-eyes Black Dragon (it's his signature card ffs), that's another shot for Red-eyes too


If this is another Phantom Darkness / Phantom Nightmare situation, there's the very similar Shining Darkness booster, though there wasn't anything that particularly stood out from that set (Black Winged Dragon and watt debut, doubt they are making new watts and we already got blackwings).






Scaling up my D/D Savant Copium


Dark Contract with the Copium Collector


Maybe the Nightshroud cards?


Yeah we only ever get one of his actual monsters that's complete garbo, I wanna see the rest completely revamped.


Which one got printed?


Darkness Neosphere. Actually one more as well, the level 7 fiend Darkness Destroyer.




Honey, wake up, it's time for the yearly Hero support.


If an Evil HERO is the cover card of the Set, then Evil HERO would get around 9 cards in terms of support


Evil HEROes, Pls. Yubel and Neos getting Evil HERO upgrades would be dope. Maybe some spell/trap support that reaches for main deck Evil HEROes as well




This *should* be a Vrains set, but the name doesn't really fit any of the major Vrains archetypes, does it? GX seems the most plausible based on just the name. EDIT: October is GX's 20th anniversary so maybe it's getting to skip the line this time around like how INFO got to?


They’ve been doing everything possible to skip VRAINS because it only has 5 or so relevant decks, and they’ve all received support if not been the cover archetype of several packs with in the past year. I can count the number of VRAINS deck yet to receive support in one hand 1) Gouki 2) Sunavalon 3) Dinowrestler 4) Tindangle 5) Appliancer


Tindangle support would be awesome


It would. But it doesn’t really scream cover archetype lol. The only currently playable VRAINS deck that does, @ignister, already got a wave somewhat recently in LIOV.


Inb4 one of the Series 12 VRAINS core sets is for Topologic, with a new LINK-5; followed up by Pandor's Topologina cards in AC05 next year, because Konami's allergic to any 10+ card deck from Season 2 that isn't Salamangreat or Marincess.


5Ds got Yusei twice. That wont stop them.


And none of those are likely to ever be on the cover.


Its just gonna be Yusaku again. But with Code Talkers.


This is the only realistic option. That or @ignister.


Or more Firewall Dragon stuff to make up for how it got robbed of stuff in the anime due to the banlist mess mucking things up.


Haven’t we gotten like 7 versions of firewall now 


Not exactly. And its missing a Ritual, Fusion and Synchro form too


I didn’t even know Firewall had an xyz form. apparently it got released 5 years ago. If they planned on doing other extra deck summons they would have done at least one on the last 2 support waves don’t you think 


Previous wave was to expand on Firewall's Link stuff such as the Link 6. Its next wave could be the missing forms


I agree. 100% Firewall Link-3 and Firewall Ritual are in the VRAINS core set.


I honestly haven't been paying much attention to what VRAINS anime archetypes got cards, but weren't there a whole bunch of archetypes that were unreleased when the anime ended? Pretty sure there's still a few at least like Hydradrive to release.


Oh no there are a LOT of decks that have yet to be imported to IRL. Really popular ones too. Drones, Armatos Legios, Stormriders, Hydradrive (this one not so popular), and Topologina. And as far side characters go, Motor Worm, Dark Mummy, Helixx, and D-Scale have all yet to be imported, along with some of Brave Max’s Baboon support.


Motor Worm Spreader Queen deserves to be in the game, it would become the best Link-3 for Insect decks


Could be @Ignister support. A.I. was the Dark Ignis, and the main combo piece and the big boss of the deck are both dark. If "Lighting Overdrive" wasn't a 5Ds set, than anything can happen with these names imo


Hello [Darkness](https://i.imgur.com/agxjTeU.png), my old friend...


If Evil Hero support, then this is truly the year of Jaden. Also, their promotional ads for the sets have been using Jaden's VA. We can clown on all the Yugiboomer DM pandering, but we've had good GX fanservice this year.


Yo u/CosmoNeos7, it looks like your prayer has been answered. Maybe it's not "Neo-Spacian" or OG "E-HERO" but you'll take "Evil HERO" too right?


I just want retrains for the OG Elemental HEROs


Maybe they'll finally print the evil variant of Clayman


Evil Clayman be like: "I am am a useful card"


Evil Hero Soen. "When this card is summoned, you can fusion summon using cards on either side of field. And card used as material for this fusion summon can serve as a substitute for any named material except for 'Evil Hero Soen'."


I will 100% take Evil Hero support lol! It ain't exactly my wish, but Konami heard part of it at least lol.


This is probably either zorc/bakura cards or new evil heroes


red eye supreme darkness dragon let's go


Evil Heros let's go


Could be Evil Hero, but knowing Konami they’ll probably make it Dark Magician


DM already got 2 cover slots in series 13, so no


Bold of you to assume DM plays by the same rules as the others.


I mean this is Konami JP GX had nostalgia point as much as same as original so uh.


*Cuts to the Duelists Packs where DM got 5 characters, and GX only 1*


Goated comment lmao.


Cool. We can make some predictions. From GX for sure: - Evil HERO (because of the name) - Atticus' REDD cards (and because of the recent Metal support for it) - Darkness cards (but they could be saved for AC like Clear) More: Zorc (or Diabound) stuff.


Evil HERO support incoming, i hope its good enough to make evil HERO its own real deck


im fine if it just makes hero better OR makes evil hero playable with yubel


Finally Atticus retrains.


If we don't get a proper zorc theme to mirror the exodia stuff in infinite forbidden, I'm gonna be salty AF...


Well, dark bakura calls himself "darkness itself" a few times


you all wrong, of course its more lair of darkness support! real support!


Evil Hero cover support + GX Darkness Red-Eyes support is the happy ending the community deserves.


I pray you got the angel's tongue


This definitely sounds like GX theme in correspondence to Darkness from the series. Only question is whether it is in regards to the themes he used, or if this will release Red-Eyes themed support as when a partial part of him possessed Tenjouin Fubuki, he used the Red-Eyes deck. Hoping the latter honestly. Red-Eyes is in need of dire support. Lots of it. Otherwise it could be in regards to Judai becoming Supreme King and using DARK themed HEROs after.


Well the Supreme King using the Gentle Darkness would make the most sense. Could be a Nightshroud/Darkness related thing with the only options being REBD and Clear (I doubt they will make Darkness' own cards outside of a Animation Chronicle). But yeah Evil HERO cover seems likely. So upgraded Inferno Wing to complete the trifecta of the Avian/Burstinatrix fusion upgrades we've gotten. Now what could Evil be idk. It really can't be it's own strategy because at a base level all HERO cards support each other and Evil at a base level was designed as half an archetype built off of Elementals. I can't imagine that the designers don't want to fit it in as right now in the HERO deck, Evil is not used. That being said what can they do I have no clue. Interestingly with Adusted Gold and Sinester Necrom you could do an insane consistency engine for the deck if you print the right cards. It's just a hard thing to think about since Evil lacks an identity other than being bad Elemental. They could also give a 0/0 Fiend make Evil HERO/Yubel for superpoly.dek


I'm personally hoping for Evil Hero retains of the 5 Elemental Heroes used for their fusions 1. Having them always treated as the originals would make Infernal Devicer much better since it will be able to search them 2. Giving them on summon effects for Sinister Necrom's summon from deck effect 3. Giving them Graveyard effects for Supreme King's Castle 4. And more of a personal hope give them effects that they give to monsters the use them for a fusion summon like Evil Clayman turning effects into quick effects (Turning Lightning Golem into quick play destruction)


id rather just give us starters/extenders. Devicer is already used and is needed for Neos in the main combo. And i dont think the deck will ever care about the castle nor turning bad effects of bad fusions slightly better. I want useful cards not just pack filler to make anime shit.


Why not both That’s what the on summon effects could be


Because I don't trust Konami in making useful cards when they could be lazy and make bad cards and then people will just go crazy and buy them anyway because HERO. Neos got its cover and it was awful with only a small handful of cards that only became good later on. Not to mention HERO is already massively bloated so smaller but good support would be better than contributing to the bad bulk.


Surely this is GX and Arc-V support


Evil HERO please


…Evil hero


Seems like Evil HERO, hopefully it's not just gonna be another engine for the HEROES piles.


I think it’d be neat if evil heroes had synergy with Yubel to set them slightly apart from the rest of the hero archetypes.


Evil Hero support let's go


Supreme Darkness, GX, Supreme King, Super Fusion, SUPER FUSION GOD


Please please please let this be the pack that sees the reveal of Labrynth’s Big Red, from the Big Welcome artwork Also wanna see a new Multchummy, one that draws when they summon from GY


Welcome back. Haō.


If it is Evil HERO stuff please be retrains of the Elemental HERO based stuff, like retrains of Inferno Wing, Lightning Golem, Infernal Sniper, and/or Wild Cyclone or evil versions of other OG E-HERO fusions. I always thought that the corrupted Elemental HEROes were way cooler than the original cards for the deck. Maybe main deck retrains of the normal monster Elemental HEROes? I know its a running joke that HERO players are spoiled and always beg for support right after getting some but I want support that at least looks like it's anime Jaden's cards that isn't an 30th version of Neos


We haven’t gotten an evil bubbleman or any of its fusions retrained so I’d be down for tempest or steam healer retrains.


Evil hero making a comeback? Need evil hero bubble man


I honestly hope we get the Darkness Archetype.


Was just gonna say that with all the GX predictions I don’t know how nobody mentioned Darkness as in Nightshroud/the final boss demon guy, they just did the clear world stuff and it would be awesome to finally get playable reworked versions of the Darkness cards. That’s what I’ll be putting my predication on as well.


Maybe red eyes support?


Here's hoping! The new Red-eyes metal retrain was a good start


Zorc incoming


They have to do at least one GX character darkness was literally the main theme of the show. I'm hoping we finally get Darkness(the character) cards which could include Atticus red-eyes support. If not that then Evil HERO support like an evil neos.


>I'm hoping we finally get Darkness(the character) cards **which could include Atticus red-eyes support**. That's actually the last thing I would want to see. If they ever want to make proper retrains for the Deck Darkness played fine but the Red-Eyes Darkness stuff Atticus played should get its own separate set of Red-Eyes related retains.


Well Darkness used a red-eyes deck for the first 3 seasons so I think they'd have to give him a red-eyes card. Plus we've seen with millennium ahnk and gold sarcophagus they have no issue linking different arctypes together for a character deck.


Darkness "used a red-eyes deck" because he was using Atticus and his Deck. Going by that logic any potential Marik Deck retain should then also include Joey cards because he used Joey and his Deck against Yugi. At least the archetypes you mentioned were played by the characters as part of the same Deck unlike with Darkness who never used any Red-Eyes cards in his own Deck.


Can’t wait for new Evil Heroes support. I hope we get Evil Hero Neos and an upgrade Inferno Wing. I would like to see Evil Heroes get their own Neos Fusion and their own letter cards too.


According to that name i think it'll be guarantee the next pack will concern GX but what could be the support for the cover card ? Evil Hero ? the Darkness support used by....Darkness ? Actually which booster pack could be the inspiration for this new one ? After that new Core Booster could Konami please give us a VRAINS pack ? It's the only anime we don't see in Serie 12


I hope it's Evil HERO support. Also if that is true, I hope we TCG folks don't get ripped off hard like with Evil HERO Adusted Gold and Malicious Bane back when they were introduced in Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny, but knowing Konami (on the TCG side), yeah...


I'm guessing the cover card will be the Evil HERO equivalent of Destiny HERO Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer and Elemental HERO Shining Neos Wingman. DPE = Fusion of Phoenix Enforcer and Plasma SNW = Fusion of Shining Flare Wingman and Neos The Evil HERO equivalent could be a Fusion of Infernal Wing and Dark Gaia.


Maybe a counterpart to Shining flare wingman, so an update for infernal wing fusing it and any evil hero main deck monster


So, I'm guessing VRAINS will be skipped as a cover card? Meh, not that big of a loss, the archetypes from there don't even need much support at all.


They really flubbed it giving Ignisters support so early.


Ignister was what I was hoping the next vrains pack would focus on. This will most certainly be a gx set. Guess I gotta wait longer.


They might give Vrains two packs later in the pack series, if their plan is to eventually have every anime series represented twice per pack series? But yeah, don’t know what Vrains would get, pretty much everything important they have works well already or has received support recently.


So definitely Evil Hero, which is cool. Kinda glad they aren’t having Vrains as a cover theme as realistically there is not much else cover wise they could do outside of Code Talker, Borrel or @Ignister all of which have loads of support. I would also wager that they are running out of cover card options so I suspect that series 12 will mark the end of the Legacy support era of main sets.


Well there’s Salads but they got support recently enough.


Code Talker could definitely use some cards in case Mathmech and Accesscode hit the banlist


I can think of Atticus style Red eyes cards, zorc or evil Heroes. I would be pleased with each one of them


It’s most likely Evil HERO support but a large amount of copium I’m on is hoping for Darkness support.


Definitely will have some Bakura cards to supplement AC04


Maybe evil heroes will finally be playalbe


With Beatrice on borrowed time, I’m just hoping we get some BA support.


Please, some Dark World support


Supreme Darkness.... Maybe some Entity cards? I doubt it... but I can dream!


If I’m correct on my guess, we should have the cover card revealed in August VJump?


Getting past the evil hero support hype. This could possibly be a dm set with relinquished /eyes restrict support


Archfiend support right!...... Right?? Q_Q


another hero floodgate boss?


hopefully protection against board breakers


Imagine a new DAD! Towers, Quick Effect Banish from Hand, Deck, GY, non-targeting Send, mill 3 Darks from your DECK to SS, Unique effect; if Banished original DAD, your Opponent Banish all their cards in their possession face-down. WILD! xP


Probably not gonna happen since us yubel fans are eating well, but I will laugh my ass off if we get mote Yubel support.


Do we really need so many Dark main core sets? All sets with Phantom, Nightmare, Darkness... Are the other atributes that unappealing ?


If they follow the pattern the only remainig era is Vrains and the only things that I can thougt about it, it is Ignister. But if they return in Gx I hope in cyberdark or evil hero or The archtype of nightshroud.


Evil Hero Shining Flare Wingman (Shining PDE one day maybe)


I was hoping the next pack would be Vrains. But seeing its most likely going to be GX, its gonna throw the pattern/order off even more now.


Lair of Darkness support, maybe?


Air Neos reprint??


Everybody here hoping for Evil HERO support while I'm coping hard for some Archfiend card retrains/support used by that Shadow Duelist called "Titan"....God I love those classic archfiend monsters, especially Terrorking Archfiend lol.....But just by the name of the set alone it is 100% guaranteed to be Evil HERO support which is also really nice


Pls be Jack support SOMEHOW


Hoping for more Supreme King support, can never have enough


hmmm I wonder what this set will be themed around


Blue-Eyes Dark Dragoon


I think everyone is trying so hard to apply the name to the potential support but I think it won't have anything to do with it as usual lol Remember Phantom Rage? We got Tri-brigade lol


>Remember Phantom Rage? We got Tri-brigade lol Tri-Brigade was related to the Albaz lore while the pack's name usually referencing the cover theme and in this case it's for "Phantom Knights" and "Raidraptor".


Thank you 😊


I hope that Serpent Night Dragon (Evil Knight Dragon) gets evolution and archetype


Could it be a reference to the phantom darkness (PTDN) Or could it be a reference to the shining darkness (TSHD) Hmmm


There is no shot that Evil Heroes aren't getting support with this set. The Darkness/Nightshroud's cards will also likely be printed with this set too (I mean if they printed Clear World cards + some new ones, anything is game) I am holding on hope that there will be some Bakura/Zorc support in here too tho


what if the are referencing season 4 jaden duel vs darkness and focus on that climatic duel?


Most likely


Umbral horror support?


Obviously the Supreme can only refer to King of Skull servants. We are gonna get quarter centery retrain of the king (with 3 negates and some sweet kicks), also of course darkworld support out the wazoo. Sangan, tourguide, witch fusion with 5000 atk and searches whenever yoi feel like it. Dark machines run rampant with metal raiders support by allowimg you to straight up cheat. Yeah we be banditing up in here. Seriously anything to shake up the game....please? Jokes aside, I am gonna guess we might get some zombie/vampire support (maybe a couple of retrainz of classic zombie support cards), fiends for days (with summoned skull being the quarter century?), some supports to archetypes introduced in abyss, and possibly a couple more millennium cards?  I am gonna stake the absolutely no cred i have to say this set will be intialy hyped up, but will do nothing to the meta.


October, Late October, Support for dark attribute monsters. Surely. Surely this time we are going to get Gt support.


My prediction: * Evil HERO Malicious Edge upgrade * Evil HERO Malicious Edge retrain, searches Vicious Claw * Evil Continuous Spell with Malicious Edge in the artwork * Evil Spell with Infernal Gainer in the artwork * Evil Spell with Infernal Prodigy in the artwork * Evil Trap with the cover in the artwork


I think this set is a good opportunity to branch Evil HEROs off from the other HEROs and give them synergy with Yubel/fiends/super poly instead.


sounds like referring to the Gentle darkness in jaden? Evil Hereos would still be sick!


sounds like it's referring to the Gentle darkness in jaden? Should be a Hero set. RatherRegular Elemental HERO or Evil HERO is the question. 🤔


im coping...but maybe new cyberdarks???


Super Poly God


Cards like that are usually printd in animation Chronicle sets


I'm still shocked it wasn't in this year's animation chronicle


Cards like super poly God, Chaos end ruler are probably fit to be cover cards of animation chronicle sets, so it's not too surprising in my opinion, i hope we get them soon enough


I'm still surprised in general cause that was my call when the set was announced, before we got the cover. With Yubel and it's super poly glory just made sense. Maybe Evil HERO will have some super poly stuff and then they'll do it.


Don't worry, we'll get it.... eventually...


Maybe it won't but it could since this year they printed some anime cards in core pack (earthbound servant, dark corridor...)


Good lord please evil heroes


100% pure Copium ON: "Finally Red-Eyes becomes an playable Archtype"


SUPREME DARKNESS has 2 key words SUPREME and DARKNESS as we know on yugioh there's a single Supreme archtype - Supreme King - but there's 3 Darkness archtype - Darkness lair with Diabolos, Darkness from GX and finally the Series of Cards that are just Dark version of other monsters So it must be one of this or Konami is just trolling us


I would really love me some new Darklord stuff. Make EDGY.DEK playable on its own!


Pls let this be more Duel Monster nostalgia where we finally get a Zorc Necrophades card.


All in on Zorc set. First Yugi, then Exodia came after that, what better than to wrap up a trilogy by finally putting the OG villain in the card game 20 years after the manga ended?


It'll be a supreme king GX set. October is the 20th anniversary of when GX first aired in Japan.


Hard copium tbh


Finally the least supported attribute gets more support /s


Shining darknesz--- supreme darkness I'm calling infernity 


Reminder this has to be VRAINS themed since thats the only series they have yet to cover this wave. Also remember the cover cards have to be new cards, so no imports from the anime.


October is GX’s 20th anniversary tho


They just did 2 DM sets back to back. They broke the pattern


That was a one off thing for the 25th anniversary thing.


Well to be fair, this “wave” concluded with Rage of the Abyss, since that set is the sixth one and marks the halfway point of series 12. What they might be doing is having every anime series represented twice in a series, but those representations not being split evenly within the two six-pack waves. Basically, none of the remaining series 12 packs would be DM because we’ve already gotten two, but two of the remaining packs would be Vrains-themed, and each other series would get one pack each. Regardless, I think this set is almost definitely a GX/Evil Hero headliner, the name is just too on the nose


I think it'll be GX since it's the 20th anniversary


You think they care about VRAINS? 😂😂🤣😭😭😭😭


I hope for TCG Main Deck Masked Heros


I'm gonna guess vrains set with gouki support


What has supreme darkness have to do with Gouki? 


It's a cope guess. We're due a vrains set since the new series started and gouki would make a good theme selection for it but it's cope like I said.