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Konami doesn't make the anime, they only work with alignment with the anime's production for cards. The anime production is done by TV Tokyo/Sueisha, the companies in charge of the anime.


I know that part about Konami doesn't make the anime, but they don't have any discussions about which decks and cards are used or allow the composer to make their own cards?


No because thats not how it works. Sheuisha and NAS/TV Tokyo make the calls. Konami licenses and distributes product.


Just as an addendum, Nihon Ad Systems is no longer part of the production committee for the Yu-Gi-Oh Anime That's why we got the copyright update in the cards on 2020


Konami distributes the prodct, Nas has broadcasting rights, who decides or meddles in the production of the show then?


Sheuisha and NAS........


That's...disappointing to hear at least.


If I may: Don't take anyone's non-gameplay opinions about this game seriously and you'll have a significantly better experience. Especially not people who make (or aspire to make) money from clicks. 


...you know what, good point.


I just wanna see a villain playing Runick Stun.


One Google search later: those look pretty sick


Or a psychic villain which power is always open with a Robina.


The anime really did hype me up for new cards, even if they were bad. Its pretty different without it


The anime has always been a bit of a vehicle for selling cards and Manga, it focuses on entertainment over accuracy though it's often okay with accuracy. For example face up defense summoning is normally only doable with special summoning but in the anime the face up defense summon like it's going out of style for dramatic effect. but frankly those people who rage and cry about it are just idiots, you can enjoy both sides or only one. Pointing out inaccuracies is fine but some people are just dicks


To be fair, normal summoning in defense mode was dropped in 5Ds.


They still normal summon in defense in 5Ds. It's dropped in Zexal.


Didn’t Yuma summon gagaga golem in defense mode once?


Perhaps the funniest thing about the situation is that people say that Yu-Gi-Oh is no longer played like it used to be, in the early days of DM and GX. However, in the Anime, the DM card game is something separate and meaningless, taking elements that do not exist in the card game: the tide that is altered by the moon, Spellcaster cannot destroy and affect Machine Monsters, among others. GX is somewhat similar: in many Duels, the Heart of the Cards was the main focus, not the strategy. In fact, in Anime, it is common to see that the Duelist with Strategies always ends up losing (something that must be the other way around: in the card game, the most skilled Duelist ends up winning the Duel) About the Main Character filler cards, that's always something that happens in every Yu-Gi-Oh series: they bring out situational cards to get some plays or combos. Good cards are counted on your fingers and are not always used constantly. People expect that when these cards are printed, they will improve them or alter their Effects (Melodious is an example that comes to mind: many of their Anime cards had to be buffed or changed Effects to be considered viable) Although something curious happens with Rush's Animes, the Main Characters have filler cards, but they are very few. In many Duels, you can see which recurring cards you always use. Although, during the SEVENS Era, Konami was forced to print any Main Character cards: including cards that were bad or situational. That helped that many Characters had their Decks printed or that almost all of their Decks were printed (with the exception of some Monsters or the Backrow) GO RUSH Era brought with it the fact that many Main Characters don't have their cards printed: even the good cards. However, also the number of new cards used by these Characters in Duels has decreased (an example is Yudias, Yudias rarely brings a new Monster these days: that is because they are reusing the same Monsters which gives it some consistency and they are useful in his Deck. The Backrow changes, but remains almost the same)


Well yeah with DM and GX I had a feeling that was the case. I've been trying to notice since Zexal when cards get reused, like Yuma using Baby Tiragon after he got it three episodes later, Yusaku using the emo widget dude and Cyberverse Wizard, Romin's pick spells, etc. Did GO Rush characters not get their cards pritned because of time or something else?


In the Go Rush era, there was an increased emphasis on import and original archetypes that took slots away from anime archetypes. It worked out in the long run, since import archetypes sell packs just as much as anime ones. Original archetypes, the jury is still out on that one.


Well, as long as people are enjoying the anime archetypes, I guess it worked out


I would say that, for GO RUSH, we are not lacking Recurring Character Decks: we have 90% of them. The only "bad" thing is that we don't have all the cards (at least, the good cards) and the rest of the Anime support However, since the only recurring Decks that remain in print are Muda, Dinova (tied to Zwijo's Deck) and Damamu (which is Yuhi's Tamabot Deck)


Honestly? There was a time (several months) when you wondered if you were going to see original Archetypes for Rush Duels (or if they were replaced by OCG/TCG imports). The last original Archetype was Skysavior at the beginning of the GO RUSH Era. From there, we didn't have another original Archetype until the arrival of Love in Over Rush Pack 2. I think Konami was afraid of having another Excutie/Skysavior: original Archetype with a gimmick that's ahead of its time (in the Rush Duels format). Excutie was a Tier 0 and Skysavior was a ticking time bomb for that Floodgate Deck to explode. The original Archetypes seem to be slowly returning, but applying the Excutie treatment: using an existing card as a base to create the Deck. Examples: - Love Deck was based on [Love Angel](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Love_Angel)/[Pure Love Angel](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Pure_Love_Angel). - Berry Fresh Deck is based on [Berry Fresh Happiness](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Berry_Fresh_Happiness). - Legend Magician Deck is based on, well, [Legend Magician](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Legend_Magician).


Weren’t a solid chunk of the decks featured in vrains tiered at some point? Apparently the duels were difficult to write, which certainly sounds like YGO. Also, there are two kinds of cards that sell packs, strong and rare cards (it has to be both), and cards with a blue eyes white dragon on them.


Yeah, people complained that the rush duel anime duels are too simple, but they got more complex as they went along to the point where I actually enjoy how fun it is because of the back-and-forth. It also helped their gold rush, actually started a tutorial to get new players into rush, but the longtime fans didn’t like that because they don’t like basic tutorial duels With VRAINS it felt like it took forever to get something like that, but that got better as it went along, I think in the pacing beginning was the problem, combined with duel matchups that were lacking


IIRC, they outright said it was getting harder and harder to write fun duels because modern decks are too consistent and powerful, and that was with Salamangreats.


No the writer said it was specifically Salamngreat because of the cards available (I mean the deck won a world championship) they never complained about the other archetypes


It's about hype. Anime brings the hype. There is no better way to market your product than to have a visual media to go along with it. Seriously, look at Fallout. That was a dying franchise that only dedicated fans were excited about. But we had a live action series and BOOM, everyone was playing Fallout. It happened to Cyberpunk 2077. It happened to The Last of Us. Now this isn't to say Yu-Gi-Oh! is "dying", I mean it is slowly dying due to other issues, but it is definitely not getting enough new blood without an anime.


just responding to this one line, specifically > I'm also genuinely curious. In competitive YGO (Master & Rush), are there players wither majority Dark Magicians, Elemental Heroes & Neo Spacians, Synchron, Gogogos/Syllables, Performapals, Code Talkers, Sevens Road, and Galaxy doing well or decently in tournaments? well, they come in and out like any other deck. in the current meta, no; none of the protagonist decks are competitively playable right now, neither in master nor rush. but there was a time when pepe (performapal performage) was tier 0 in master for example, and wonder fusion (sevens road fusion) was the best deck in rush for some time too


Oh, OK. Well, I guess it’s cool that they were used well for a bit. Thanks


Personally I hope they do more anime, but within the lore of stuff. Like give me a Fallen Of Albaz series. The 25th anniversary promo video they did earlier was fire.


Yugioh needs an anime to appeal to the new generations. We need to replenish the base so when old players leave we have new ones coming in, like it has happened for 2 decades already. Now this anime doesn't need to be a reboot of the first series or a tcg based anime, but it needs to feature new yugioh monsters and cards, either in a Played format like it has been since forever or in a story-of-the-characters-of-the-cards like they've done with the recent short video featuring the monsters from multiple archetypes. Either way we absolutely need something like this. Either this or a movie... or a videogame, or anything. Look at Pokemon, Look at One Piece, Look at Lorcana. Those famous and popular card games would be nowhere without the massive popularity of their shows/games/mangas (other medias in general). Can yugioh continue to exist without an anime? Yes. But it's getting more and more stale, so much legacy support, so little new archetypes. Even the packs themselves tend to only feature monsters used by some of the main characters from the anime, years after the end of any Tcg show. We don't need an anime for Yugioh to exist, but we need an alternative sort of Yugioh media for it to keep its relevancy and bring in a new crowd.


So basically, we need a new Master Duel anime that's trying to get younger people into YuGiOh like how Rush Duel anime are trying to get younger Japanese people into YuGiOh, or just hope Konami stops being lazy and bring Rush over? Webisode Lore anime would be pretty sick.


I'm not sure what you mean. Konami has been giving all the anime love recently. Yes, we got Dinosaurs, Gate Guardian, and Kairyu-Shin for Duel Monsters, and we've been getting Hero and Yubel support for GX. However, they don't only cater to the first 2 anime. They released T.G. and Red Dragon Archfiend support not too long ago, and a new Red fiend monster just came out in the newest set. People still play Junk Synchron decks on Master Duel thanks to all the support they've gotten over the last several years. Superheavy Samurai, Melodius, and Raidraptors all got more support recently and were topping in tournaments. Superheavy Samurai actually had an FTK and were becoming a problem before they got hit on a banlist. People are saying the next most powerful deck after Snake-Eyes is going to be Sharks from Zexal. Rokkets from Vrains are the main engine in Dragon Link, which won Worlds. I might be misunderstanding the point you were trying to make, but as far as I can tell, nobody is treating any of the anime badly except for maybe Sevens. Every anime has been getting new support alongside the other original archetypes, and the support has been mostly good. I can actually play Dinosaurs and Raidraptors competitively now, it's great!


I think sevens is doing fine in the Japanese OCG, but it is kind of weird to hear people say that they won’t accept it because they can’t play it in person just to just get Konami to get it. It’s really cool to hear that Konami has been supporting decks from the first six series, even though there are some decks from VRAINS that still haven’t gotten printed yet


That's true, but they're releasing anime cards slowly. I think they released the Colorless King for Darkworld and they announced new Clear World cards from GX recently. You're not wrong, it feels like Duel Monsters and GX get more love than other anime sometimes, but every anime eventually gets their turn on the new card rotation. Konami has realized a huge demographic among Yu-Gi-Oh! players is anime fans, so we just have to be patient and we'll eventually get the cards we're waiting for. Seems like it was ArcV this time, but Zexal is about to take their turn. The people who love Gimmick Puppets are gonna get a real kick out of the next upcoming meta.


I think in some way having no anime is a good thing. People who have no idea about yugioh think it's a children's card game, which is definitly not the case. But the anime is definitly mainly targeting children, and the adults who watch it mainly do so for nostalgia (I know there may be exceptions, but that's what I noticed among the players that I know.) I mean technically, the whole concept of the show is absurd. I do not mean to offend anybody who loves the anime, there are good reasons to like it. My point is just that having no anime would maybe help outsiders see the game in a similar way as magic, and not as a childish weeb hobby.


2) Point twoo I think it's important to have an anime and a lore people care about. It creates and ignite interest in People. Its how pokemon tcg actually live and why a lot of people are interested started their interest in Lorcana. And it's why i think animation chronicle is a good thing.


skill issue




I can’t lie I’m really struggling to understand what you’re trying to say. I don’t bother discussing the anime anymore, people don’t really seem to care after so much time has passed and Rush Duel fans will just dogpile on you if you aren’t singing the praises of Sevens/Go Rush. Just the other week some guy posted about how shocked he was at the quality drop from Vrains to Sevens and he was downvoted into oblivion. It seems people just don’t have an appetite for the anime anymore. I do agree that the game isn’t the same without the anime accompanying it and products are becoming a bit stale because of it imo. As much as I love the legacy support it’s all getting a bit old. Year round the products consist of: > Main sets with 3 legacy themes and new meta breaking cards > Deck Build Packs with the same 3 themes of Mecha, Dragon and Waifu under different names one of which will be meta defining and the other two forgotten > Animation Chronicles with a total 29 slots for new cards > Premium Packs that now have to share a portion of the already limited space with Sky Strikers > Duelist Pack though we get max 1 a year now and who knows if these will continue after Duelist of Brilliance > Maybe a Structure Deck if you’re lucky. And that’s it. This is literally all the game is now. I dunno I just always thought it was cool that you saw characters debut cards in the anime and then they get revealed in the real game. I honestly don’t see us ever going back to that. I think with how Rush is doing in Japan and there clearly being demand for Go Rush to continue I can see Rush duels being the norm anime for the foreseeable future. Yep there’s the downvotes


I think the constant legacy support and new themes and cards actually improves the game overall, it's just Konami are sticking to the old product types and not innovating with how they deliver product to us is what's harming the current era of the game. Packs like rarity collection were great but I'm thinking now that they should start taking a page from other companies and how they deliver new and exciting products. Something like the stride decksets from Vanguard where you get a meta ready deck out of the box with all the ratios you need + accessories. Collection boxes from pokemon where you get something thematic to the box like a pin or a coin or mat or something more than the usual. Hell Konami did do an elite trainer box style product for a while, bring that back. I know there's always going to be a delay between product releasing in Japan before it releases over here but some specifically western exclusive products wouldn't hurt either considering Japan have already had those previously (I know the mega tins are this but it's a once a year affair that is mostly just baggage followed by however many meta reprints Konami wants to give out in the set). The past 4 years or so have proven the game doesn't need an anime, but it's also shown how boring it can become without innovations to cover the loss of the anime.


>Something like the stride decksets from Vanguard where you get a meta ready deck out of the box with all the ratios you need + accessories. The new Tactical Try decks are like this but with pre-existing archetypes and cards rather than introducing new decks to the format.


Sure but the tactical try decks are Japan only (at least for now) and all 3 themes are themes that have been reprinted in the west at least once in the past 4 years. Plus they don't come with any accessories and I think something like an all inclusive starter set with a meta deck of something new and thematic accesories would be more interesting than reprinting all old cards. I'm not saying they're a bad product but I'm thinking on a more global scale for how products should be.


Definitely agree with this and you’re right, it’s more the lack of innovation than the lack of anime that is making the products stale.


Maybe it's cuz I'm editing and typing but I haven't seen any up or downvotes yet. Honestly i've seen people debate between Sevens vs Go Rush much more than I've seen with VRAINS vs Sevens. I guess people stopped with the rumors Sevens is the reason VRAINS ended early given the number of production problems that plagued VRAINS behind the series. Aren't there like characters from the anime who's decks still aren't printed, especially from VRAINS? Do you want to see characters using the new Mecha, Dragon and Waifu decks in the anime regardless if they're good or bad? Wait, now I wanna know which ones are meta and which ones are forgetten, cuz I'm laughing right now in that's usually the decks of the main protagonist, best friend or rival and girl in every series but Go Rush ahahhahaha. Then again there was one that one person on the Go Rush disqus servers who got upset the girls were getting so much play they went on a sexist rant about women ruining YuGiOh, so with Go Rush I think it depends on who you talk to.


I’m being upvoted now strangely enough. > Honestly i've seen people debate between Sevens vs Go Rush much more than I've seen with VRAINS vs Sevens. I guess people stopped with the rumors Sevens is the reason VRAINS ended early given the number of production problems that plagued VRAINS behind the series. Don’t know tbh, most people who are still around on this subreddit are fans of the new anime style so I guess you don’t see discussion of the Gallop series anymore. > Aren't there like characters from the anime who's decks still aren't printed, especially from VRAINS? Yeah you’re right Vrains is the biggest offender of this, but this is the fault of Konami’s product placement at that time period. They completely dropped the ball when it came to supporting the anime and Vrains support was limited to main sets and Structure Decks. Also the space in main sets were heavily chopped for Vrains as Konami started giving spots to legacy support. With how things are going and Konami’s outright refusal to print anything anime related outside of Animation Chronicle which in itself is so tight for space I don’t really ever see us getting Armatos Legio or Drones printed tbh. > Do you want to see characters using the new Mecha, Dragon and Waifu decks in the anime regardless if they're good or bad? Wait, now I wanna know which ones are meta and which ones are forgetten, cuz I'm laughing right now in that's usually the decks of the main protagonist, best friend or rival and girl in every series but Go Rush ahahhahaha. Not really, I liked how anime archetypes were a bit more imaginative in their design. > Then again there was one that one person on the Go Rush disqus servers who got upset the girls were getting so much play they went on a sexist rant about women ruining YuGiOh, so with Go Rush I think it depends on who you talk to. Yeah some people do go extreme with their views


I kinda agree with you that product releases are becoming too stale for me nowadays. On the other hand, for all its faults and its tendancy to stick to Mecha-Dragon-Waifu trifecta for aesthetics, Deck Build Pack archetypes are still some of the more creative ones when it comes to mechanics.


i always wondered if they ever considered a reboot of the OG anime. theres so much cultural goodwill towards ygo in the west i feel like konami doesnt quite cash in on


I mean, there is the fact that the creator is dead and people are asking this to happen when go Rush was out, any exact same week this happened rush issued an in memorial for the Creator


They will probably just make a one to one remake without upgrading the decks and removing the filler.


Everything is part of the magic. A new anime (although the game will continue regardless and it will never beat the old series), the old cards getting new and needed support (they are iconic for a reason and we want to play them) and even the different effects.


Yugioh doesn’t need an anime, but it helps. The game can’t be represented truthfully by a show anymore, so what they need to do now is focus more based on telling stories about the lore of archetypes. Branded, Terminal world, Visas, and World Legacy could absolutely hold up as shows on their own.


I wouldn’t say the anime needs to pivot to lore per se but I could definitely see Konami with their new animation studio doing webisode type things


I love the anime, I have for around 20 years (started playing a month after LOB came out) but it straight up doesn't do anything for the actual game. The original series was great and dynamic, but it was also an anime about wizard combat, not playing a card game, evidenced by the massive rules inconsistencies even well into battle city where shit just happened (Ra getting mad about a fake, Mako negating fairy box with umi 'cause "alligator sword can't breath underwater", yugi using ectoplasmer on Arkana's turn, and so on). GX eta card design felt focused on anime archetypes, which was cool as a kid but left a series of sets that were mostly boring chaff. And at this point in its life, yugioh just isn't that fun to watch (in my opinion), so they'd either have to make it wizard combat like DM, which wouldn't affect the card game, or full of so many unplayable archetypes that packs are 99% ass


I think the fact that the non-anime yugioh(5 years) era has outlasted every other era (3-4 years each) proves that yugioh doesn’t need an anime and vrains and arc v backlash and terrible reputation as well as the mechanics they created prove the anime can actively harm the game itself, besides like you mentioned western players don’t care unless it’s duel monsters anyway.


People always have such disproportionate hatred of Vrains for some reason and they end up misremembering and assuming it was hated back when it was airing. It was voted top 6 anime of 2019 yet now people act like it was a major flop https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/ey8k2j/vrains_the_6th_best_anime_of_2019/


It was voted on a fan poll from Twitter, so the fans who voted could repeat, like Demon Slayer was number 10 and saying VRAINS was popular than Demon Slayer overall isn't true, and it got overtaken by Duel Masters during it's runtime. According to Nico Nico did decently in terms of viewer count but was losing viewers over time. Not as bad as the people who went nuts on Nico nico for Arc-V, but I can get why people weren't vibing with it. Hell, in America, I saw a shit ton of hate for Soulburner vs Blue Girl. Like...over here in the west, I heard people were DROPPING VRAINS because of that episode. And look, I have my issues with VRAINS, but I did not think that episode was so bad that's the reaction.


I thought people here didn’t like to use Nico Nico as a measurement after this: https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/t5mdby/yugioh_sevens_has_been_breaking_records_in_terms/


I don't mind it personally but when it's abused it hurts cuz we don't get enough of a perception in terms of audience views unless you go back on twitter for certain episodes and just translate the reactions. It's more credible but it depends on the viewers and the impression score, cuz according to this most Sevens episodes got at least a 80% rating or higher. Go Rush's scores with the audience there was decent, but I forgot which episode did really well over there people were supposed by over here. Plus it was popular enough to get a sequel in Go Rush, and while I've seen people debate over whether or not Go Rush was even supposed to get a season 3 until fan reception changed that, I'm almost at the end of season 2, and there's a few too many plot threads to get wrapped up in only 6 episodes that I heard season 3 is addressing.


How could it not be considered a flop? it got rushed to end early and the studio was kicked out of the yugioh production, if that’s not a flop then i don’t know what is


> it got rushed to end early and the studio was kicked out of the yugioh production Both of these things are speculation and head canon.


Why are they not working on yugioh shows anymore then? And why did vrains have so few episodes compared to all the other shows? Listen man I know you are an absolute simp for studio gallop but that doesn’t change the fact they failed and lost the chance to work on this ip


> Listen man I know you are an absolute simp for studio gallop 🙄


aren’t you that guy that keeps begging for a new gallop anime very 3 months and complaining about sevens? Clearly you have an obsession with


I guess so?