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I do miss having a proper campaign unlike master duel


LoTD had a shit campaign. Sure, you get to play through the 'anime' story but the main problem is that they did not properly use the appropriate decks/card lists for it. For example, if you play Duelist Kingdom at the start, your starter deck is dog shit. But guess what? Weevil is using 'modern' cards while your hardest hitter is probably Dark Magician or vanilla Gaia the fierce knight.


Thing that really pissed me off about this is some of the decks don't even use the cards the character has, top of my head Girag doesn't have Number 106 in his story deck...Just Gem Knight Pearl and Number C106


Its a great game especially on sale the only issue with Yugioh games is the games become outdated fast as new packs come out that game is a couple of years old so the meta will be different.


> Its a great game It really is not. The gameplay itself is abhorrently slow, the pack opener has no duplicate protection, the best way to farm money is to repeatedly surrender against bots, the banlist is a silly mix of OCG and TCG, so shit like Gumblar is legal online, etc. There's just nothing here, unless you want story "cutscenes" that re-tell the anime in the least interesting way possible.


> It really is not. The gameplay itself is abhorrently slow Yep. It's extremely slow. Too many animations that cannot be sped up. Decks 'shuffling', cards moving from place to place i.e. GY to Banish etc all these take up a lot of time. Master Duel is so much more superior it's kinda nuts. Too bad MD is a online only live service game.


Slow is an understatement. The AI shits the bed when it has to make a choice and there are more than like 4-5 cards on board. You won't notice it too much during the older formats, but the duels in vrains take ages to complete just because you are sometimes waiting a minute or two for the AI to take a single action during their turn.


Idk why they couldnt offer updates with new cards itd the future after all


maybe because they cant sell cards with big prices with this game :))


I used to play this and it was fun. Able to play as characters from almost every series with such a huge card pool. But after playing Duel Links and Master Duel, I felt the game is slow and outdated so I kinda had difficulties playing it again.


This legit got me into the game again. So addicting


I used to run a mean deskbot deck in this game.


Hell yeah brother.


No cuz master duel is free


I haven't played in a few years, but yeah, it's a pretty great game


Not since an associate of mine modded Master Duel so that it has Link Evolution's campaign. I've got no reason to go back.


You have to share dude Edit: is this it? https://github.com/pixeltris/YgoMaster


Yeah. I uploaded mine. Here you go. Just go in YGOMasterLE, edit the .json files with Notepad, and set up your game how you want. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE\_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing) \\Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - 06-14-24\\YgoMasterLE\\DataLE\\ClientData\\ClientSettings.json \^ This is where you're going to find the majority of settings you want. Turning up the speed, and turning off Vsync in both the .json file and your Nvidia Control panel will allow you to play the game faster. You can earn the cards as you play, or turn on the setting to unlock them all from the start. GL, HF




Yooo really?? Hook me up with that shit I wanna play


I uploaded mine. Here you go. Just go in YGOMasterLE, edit the .json files with Notepad, and set up your game how you want. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE\_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing) \\Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - 06-14-24\\YgoMasterLE\\DataLE\\ClientData\\ClientSettings.json \^ This is where you're going to find the majority of settings you want. Turning up the speed, and turning off Vsync in both the .json file and your Nvidia Control panel will allow you to play the game faster. You can earn the cards as you play, or turn on the setting to unlock them all from the start.


How do I run it? When I downloaded and unzipped the archive, I tried running "masterduel.exe" in the top level directory and I get "An error occurred while launching this game: No licenses"


Look for YGOMasterClient.exe, under the YgoMasterLE folder.


Thanks. How do you update it when new cards come out?


You update the game on steam, then you update the mods from Github. Check my history, you'll find links and info. Should be a link to the discord too.


Yeah actually same, I'd play that


I uploaded mine. Here you go. Just go in YGOMasterLE, edit the .json files with Notepad, and set up your game how you want. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE\_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing) \\Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - 06-14-24\\YgoMasterLE\\DataLE\\ClientData\\ClientSettings.json \^ This is where you're going to find the majority of settings you want. Turning up the speed, and turning off Vsync in both the .json file and your Nvidia Control panel will allow you to play the game faster. You can earn the cards as you play, or turn on the setting to unlock them all from the start.


But does it have the associated AI for all the AI decks?


No. The AI is janky as always. But if you play the right deck, it might kick you around anyway, believe me haha. I'll make a dedicated thread to this later. But there are AI decks packed in with this from all the old games too. So you can go fight the Tag Force series decks if you want, which is what I usually do. Honestly, the AI is going to be a pushover due to power creep and shitty AI, but that doesn't keep this from being fun. I'm slowly making my own folder of AI decks that put up a GOOD fight. When it's done I'll share that too. Meanwhile, it's fun to RP. I uploaded mine. Here you go. Just go in YGOMasterLE, edit the .json files with Notepad, and set up your game how you want. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE\_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cRpgrA-zQPJfvEXE_iB7-1YQUTSyxUd/view?usp=sharing) \\Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - 06-14-24\\YgoMasterLE\\DataLE\\ClientData\\ClientSettings.json \^ This is where you're going to find the majority of settings you want. Turning up the speed, and turning off Vsync in both the .json file and your Nvidia Control panel will allow you to play the game faster. You can earn the cards as you play, or turn on the setting to unlock them all from the start.


Its really good for PvE but PvP is impossible basically since no one uses the PVP mode anymore.


I go back to it often. I put so many hours into Link Evolution!


Same, sunk more than 300 hours in this game on Switch. Was a great and easy way to learn decks I wanted irl, before buying singles


I was and then I got to a point where it kept lagging really horribly and never figured out why. It was against the Altergeist deck in the Vrains era.


If by lag you mean the game would just sit during the opponent's turn, that's a problem introduced in Link Evolution. The newer, complicated decks strain the AI and it takes longer to calculate what plays to make. If you're talking framerate lag, though, that's weird.


The second one. I had no issues with framerate since the game doesn’t have much to it. But that altergeist one is so complicated that I think it shuts it down every time especially if I have the upper hand at the time


Had this same issue when the computer faces some complicate decisions, it takes a really long time for it to calculate and the game just freeze.


I do yea. I stick with my Cubics in certain situations but if with friends I'll just make almost anything I'm feeling at the moment


i only played the GX route because i’m jaden simp


Used to like Kaiba but big Yusei fan. So many of the synchro decks are massive combos.


I tried to do draft games online today and no one is online 🙁


I prefer this to master duel even though it only goes up to the second to last pack of vrains. Just having the story mode and being able to buy the cards with points in the shops is nice.


Good game but prefer Master Duel


On and off.


I bought it on sale for 10$ and well got my time/money's worth just doing the original DM duels for nostalgia. I'm not familar with post GX season 2, so the cards I wasn't familar with. For me it's not fun when you're giving a character's deck to roleplay as that you don't know how to play with. You can make and play with your own though, which may give a better experience overall.


Me. Just finish DM campaign. Wish for more characters though and updated card list


Its a great game, you can play trough all the anime and reverse duels


I play it from time to time. It has a lot of fun modes and allows you to try banned decks which is fun. Opening packs and getting cards to build decks can be a bit of a grind but I like it a lot


Just bought it on sale and so far it's fun


I only play it offline


I like to play it when I'm tired of playing Master Duel and there are no micro transactions


yeah i got it on sale for like 5 bucks. The Ui isn't the best though, but getting to play older decks is fun.


I was a main player on it before MD. It's dead. Slow. But filled a gap before MD. I made a video on it. Check it out: [Heroes vs Heroes](https://youtu.be/LCpCm213gl4?si=CYqXcbYurtsbmK8A)


I used to play the original legacy of the duelist got like a good 100 hrs in it !!


Everyone who comments on this post


after 3000hrs during covid, hell naw


Used to play on switch but man it would crash if I ever did a combo more complex than "summon monster, set backrow pass" - I was only playing a HERO/Terra Firma deck so the combos were literally summon a link monster, fusion, miracle, etc and by the time I summon Firma the game would crash lol


I'm actually playing it now after buying it a few weeks ago


Good game. If only could someone mod it to look a bit more like master duel it would've been great. It's quite tedious to make a good deck since you need to finish the campaigns to get that one card that makes a difference. Especially the booster from Varis. That character has a lot of good cards. I was able to finish all the campaigns without a single Link monster. But if you don't want to grind for the cards, you can always unlock them.


Too much


I play it now and again. I remember hating how slow the summon animations made it because you couldn't turn them off. I've been half tempted to make a challenge run of playing through the whole campaign using bad anime decks just to see how they fare in each era.


I've been using the Story Mode decks for the playthrough I'm doing. At least until I lose too many times, lol.


I played a lot of it and had a ton of fun, but I wish the gameplay was faster as it's very slow like in the old games


I do play it sometimes. It can be fun, especially when you're using the story decks. They make my Mokey Mokey pile look like a viable meta threat.


Daily. Either a synchro swarm or danger! Dark world. Like others I wish they’d stop outdating them. Both legacy games got 1 update.


Me! I loveeeeeee that game! You should buy it!


Yea actually im playing through it rn


That game lured me back into playing YGO


400+ hours locked in


I play both versions on my Xbox from time to time. It’s pretty ok, getting the ball rolling on card collection can be a pain but otherwise it’s pretty solid.


Very rarely and not online any more just something to do untill i fall a sleep, or i feel like monkeying around with builds


I did when master duel first announced to relearn the game


It is a good game, with a fun campaign mode that goes through the anime from DM to VRAINS. And since many campaign nodes are lower difficulty than those in Master Duels, you can feel free to try out a lot more casual, outdated, or wonky decks, and you can even throw in up to 3 copies of banned cards. The only issue is that they stopped updating it after Master Duels came out, so the card pool doesn't have a lot of cards that came out in the last couple years


Love that game it’s what got me to start playing the card game.


Just don’t play stuff that excavates 💀


Played link evolution for 2 years straight and I wish there was a sequel or an updated cardlist from 2024. Anime based pve yugioh games are my weakness.


I played every duel from yugioh to 5ds just earlier this year it’s super fun


no, but I played it so much althoug it was so trash


My actual only issue with this, is that out occasionally freezes and shuts down unexpectedly on Switch. Other than that I've LOVED playing this


I loved this game! But I moved to master duel and havent looked back. I really enjoyed the game though!


Don’t buy it unless you only intend to play with bot only. The duel animation also really slow that you have to install mod to boost it’s speed. The grinding for pack also really bad that the most efficient way to do is instant surrender. I’d suggest you player Master Duel if you don’t mind playing with other prople or play Tag force series if you don’t care about newer card


No, better play Master Duel. This game will never get updates again and you will not find games online. Master Duel is free to play and you will get a competitive deck within a week from nothing if you want. If you want a fun deck it's a bit hard or easier depending on the deck. If you already wasted resources like gems and UR points you need to grind like 3-4 events with gem missions to get a deck from zero. But there are deck too you can build without UR or SR points and you can get platinum or diamond with them too.


Me I still play on the Switch


i remember the game play was slow (even when playing against bots/story mode)


Really enjoyed both sealed and draft formats that the game offered.


I play it offline


Seeker 😭


I love it


Yep. Almost everyday. Really wish they would have kept supporting it.


It's so great! I too wish it was further supported. I loved all the old Gameboy games that let you play with every card without having to dump money into a game like master duel. Being able to just grind for all the cards through just dueling is much more fun to me. I also never cared about facing actual people for the most part. Sure it's fun every once in a while. But being tied to one or two decks you can get for near free, while simultaneously facing the same 2 or 3 decks everyone else is running gets boring real quick for me. I'd much rather face all the Ai, games like this can throw at me, with all their wacky themed decks.


On steam this game just straight up doesn’t work. The game would never save for me beyond maybe a pack if I was lucky. I actually bought it on the switch which worked fine and I was able to play a lot with it but fuck this game on pc in particular


If you want to stab yourself... go for it. I played this, I hated it. I did not like it, not one bit. There's a few things I do like about this game like the Battle Draft. That was a cool "game mode" if you don't have a friend to play Drafts... even though that was in the old Legacy of the Duelists. I kinda wish they added new drafts, even a custom one to make it easier to get cards than opening the TERRIBLE, absolutely TERRIBLE packs. And the "story" decks for the story mode range from "Okay, this is decent" to "HOT GARBAGE". Like my god. HOWEVER, you might want to try it since there are Mods to prove or challenge yourself. I might give them a try too to be honest.


Yeah, the decks range from Hot Garbage to "I lost to Exodia before I even got my turn. WTF" In recording my duels against Seeker I lost like 10 duels, 2 of which were FTKs.


He had like 3 Pot of Greed, 3 Graceful Charity, 3 Upstart Goblin- any draw card and of course 3 copies of each Forbidden One piece. JUST LIKE IN THE ANIME... AND UNFAIR since if you use the Yugi deck for that duel, you AIN'T WINNING. I had to cheese him by using my own custom deck and later duel Seeker multiple times to get his cards to make own Exodia Deck and cheat out the rest of the game later. Many of those character decks AREN'T GOOD and your opponent match up can be worse too!


Shit’s broken, lol


And then there's nothing you can do. It's like one of the Tag Force series where you could play different decks or custom deck duels with another character and its somewhat bad AI but in here... it's just boring since you can't change their decks to be more like the anime and instead it becomes "I want to make this deck but I can't get this STUPID card AT ALL".


It's what got me back into YGO. I play it more than MD, because fuck the sweaty meta decks people play on there, I just wanna build something simple and fun to play.


I recently started playing it on my new YouTube channel. I'm at Part 11 right now, having just defeated Strings in the Yugioh campaign. I'm going to do all 6 campaigns.


I have it saved on Steam in case I want to relearn the game, without melting my brain with all the cancel-meta gameplay.


Only game I can play on single player. Master duels decks just arent fun to duel against