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"How DARE you play something for fun! You should ONLY play Yasuo, Riven or Yone! Unless you're on my team. Then play support cuz I don't wanna... Since you're playing support you may as well play Yuumi so that you can make my Yasuo look better..." \- Jive Turkey probably.


Is there something wrong with playing Yasuo, Riven and Yone (and Yuumi)? I have the power of god, anime and book on my side


Not inherently, no. I was trying to poke fun at the notion of mocking people for playing champions they enjoy. Unfortunately people who play/main high skill ceiling champions can be of the opinion that only high skill ceiling champions are worth playing, such as Jive Turkey. People shouldn't have to put up with being mocked for their enjoyment, and that includes people who play the high skill champs. Play what you enjoy :)


Yuumi actually has a high skill ceiling, similar to akali


Let's be honest, Yuumi isn't actually that hard to play. People are just trash.


If she was the easiest champion to play then so many people wouldn't suck with her haha. She has simple mechanics, but that doesn't mean she's easy to play. There is a whole lot more to playing a champion than their mechanics


I totally get what you mean dw


People don’t understand that some of us enjoy playing healers lol, I played a healer in my old mmos, it’s just what a lot of us like to do


Yep I’m a support main in whatever game I play lol


ironically support is one of the most impactful roles in this game (imo best soloq role for strategic players) - you don't have to farm - because of the above, you have enough time to fight in lane and think about arranging upcoming objectives and fights - you have enough time to watch the minimap, track the jungler and warn your whole team about potential dangers - you get access to unlimited vision tools - you also contribute in fights actively but low elo players only see kda and dmg.


me too, I just love to heal a lot and make my teammates feel safe, used to play cleric in Aion before new patches took fun out of the game and started playing league just as yuumi got released <3


fun? in my league?


its surprising to me people actually enjoy playing yasuo or yone and not healers


I'm guessing people wants to be flashy and cool? I main Akali and Sona so


sona is a badass so yeah you’re cool


Yeah, be flashy and cool. Can't imagine people who play Yasuo, Yone and other edgy champs are really having fun, except some true mains.


im not exactly a “yasuo, yone, riven main” but i do main champs like viktor syndra and stuff. we dont play these champs to look cool (at least some lol) but because its the most satisfying to play for us the way healing is probably the most satisfying for you. different people different preferences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean, look. Viktor, Syndra, Riven are champs you see not so often, they are just like the other "casual" champs. So people are trying them, maining them or just having some fun to play with them. But champions like Zed, Yasuo has highest banrate and highest pickrate, most hated by community and, in my opinion, have most toxic summoners in league. Because it's mainly kids and teenagers choise. "Oh, I can be a ninja a oneshot the others! Oh, I'm a samurai, I can dash million times without mana and buy only two items kill an enemy with cool so-re-ge-ton sounds!" "Oh, this champ is so op I must play him!" Other champs are less edge, though they're annoying too. I mean, when I see these champions in game, I'm just like "Oh, another toxic twelve years old teen". And after the game I open his profile and "Oh, you're Ekko, Yasuo, Zed main, that explains a lot". Althought I can't blame teens for being... teens (oh yeah, I can, I never was such a toxic shit in online games). I know there's normal people who mains them or have fun. But these people, what I wanted to say, without the state of mind "I AM THE GOD OF THIS GAME OBEY ME YOU DOGS!" But yeah, it's different ways to get enjoyment from this game. I just said why I don't like such champions.


I personally think Yasuo is really fun! ~~To play, not to play against~~ As opposed to other 'edgy' champions like Zed, every time I have tried him I want to fall asleep


Yone is extremely fun


I love that this is flagged as Achievement lol


Couldn't find more fitting!


"noo you can't just play fun support champs! you need to do damage and kills like Yasuo" "ha ha kitty goes e"


I got Yuumi in Aram yesterday and at the end game chat this random Tryndamere on the enemy team said 'Support Yuumi player must be fun playing with training wheels' and continuously insulted me for playing Yuumi... in ARAM. Must've tilted him a bit with my AP Yuumi build lmao


its actually disgusting how low some people fell to insult someone for playing a champ, especially in aram...


Had someone call me subhuman. I just enjoy locking the cat man :/


I love that you tagged this as an achievement


“Achievement unlocked, trigger idiots”


"all you play is yuumi soraka" thats actually true lol I played a lot of soraka when yuumi was nerfed but decided to play her with the buffs and even played with the nerf sometimes


I'm a Yuumi main, but for some reason I don't like playing Soroka at all. I don't like having to sacrifice my hp for others, and I'm actually better at solo laning as Yuumi somehow.


Did you really stop playing because of E nerf? This didn't hurt Yuumi much. Instead, it gave us the opportunity to main Yuumi since her banrate fell down drastically after the nerf.


Well, it went from 50% to 35%, but yeah.


Well, depends on your server but by all regions overall stats It was 70% right before the nerf and then it fell down to 30% during a month. In Korea it even dropped down from 50% to 6%. So, for me the E nerf is actually a buff because PoM and MFB solve problems with mana and people stopped banning her in every match. However, the passive buff made people ban her more often :(


Yeah, those were some wild numbers, haha. I even had to play Blind Pick just so I could play Yuumi.


I played some yuumi even with nerfs realised she was still good so yeah even with buffs


Some people just need more banana in their diet.


Omg the same exact thing happened to me I literally may post it now I swear to god I went like 7-0-11


I got told once that the bot laner wouldn’t fight and would sit at tower because he doesn’t trust a yuumi player. And would only fight if jug was there


I know the feels. It's like during lobby/pre-queue, my adc already voiced their own own negative opinions on yuumi players. Not much I can do about people's feelings other than focus on my yuumi support role and try my best to create a better outcome for my teammates. xD


I got those, too. Always end up a loss.


lol calling you a degenerate when he goes around calling himself Jive Turkey...


So, playing hard champion is for degenerates?