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Both are perfect for what they wanted to be


The Zelda series is great because they don’t pigeon hole themselves. Allowing for varied graphics and gameplay styles is why the series consistently stays on top. They could have pulled an Ubisoft and made 10 Ocarina of Time sequels with no changes, but they didn’t, and every Zelda is a game of the year contender when it comes out.


I like to think of the Zelda series as Cher or Madonna, always reinventing themselves and bringing something new and exiting each time.


You could have picked other examples but I understand.




Quick question, do you believe in love after love? Or do you believe it just gets pushed over the borderline


I'm disappointed we don't see more pink hair link


Have you tried becoming a drag queen https://preview.redd.it/icmixvj6ff3b1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb5f1ac4ec309f24d38ad38c4d79e40aa5617ec4


What shirt is that?


I don’t have it myself but after a little googling it looks like it’s from the Charged set


Awesome, thanks. Hopefully it can be dyed.


The charged set can be dyed and if you have the headgear it also dyes links hair


Charged set, pretty shitty defense with attack up during lightning storms, >! You will get it during the main quest line anyways!<


Spoiler fail


You can actually skip getting it if you >!Go through Thunderhead Isles/Dragonhead Island without doing the Kakariko stuff!<. You can still go back for it though


Is >!Kakariko (via the ring ruins or something?) what’s supposed to point you to Dragonhead Island?!< I just stumbled upon the island while dicking around in the sky.


Most people I've talked to just stumbled across it, myself included. I mean >!what kind of person DOESN'T try to go into the giant electric hurricane blocking off part of the map then try to push open the giant door? It may as well have a giant glowing sign that says "cool stuff here"!<


>!The 5th ring ruins become open for entry after the Phantom Ganon fight at Hyrule Castle, the slab inside directs you and Tauro to Dracozu lake and the Spring of Courage, from there is where you get the charged armor and following the rest of the steps will clear the fog from Thunderhead/Dragonhead, which is supposed to be your cue to go up there and explore it, assuming you haven’t already!<


Nah, we don't need this, this hair is false, we need a natural pink hair link like from alttp


Alttp Link was blonde, his sprite was just pink so it'd show up better.


I know this, but let us believe


I've got easily a thousand hours played in link to the past, and have played it as recently as two days ago and i NEVER realized his hair wasn't yellow. wtf?


The Charged Headdress actually changes Link's hair color if you dye it.


Pink hair Link doesn't even exist. That was a product of the limit color palette of the SNES.


It was actually just to make link stand out from the background. It has nothing to do with a limited color palette. You see plenty of yellow things in the game that could easily be translated to Link’s hair. It was to make his model pop out and stand out against the background.


I thought it just had to do with the fact that he turns into a pink bunny when in the dark world without the moon pearl and they had to keep the pallet consistent between the two sprites.


Again, hair could’ve been yellow and the bunny could’ve been too.


Probably one of those things where it didn’t turn out how they wanted, so they used a different color.


Yeah I mean all artwork showed link being blonde, the pink hair thing is funny but doesn’t have a leg to stand on lore wise


Still would love to see a Cap to the Past with pink hair.


ALTTP link was going through his rebellious phase. I mean, he was told to stay put but he left the house anyways.


Wait, you're supposed to leave the house?


Well the previous zonai hero had red hair, so somewhere along the Bloodline of Courage pink hair must have been a possibility...


Glad I wasn't the only who thought of this. LTTP Link even turns into a rabbit type figure in dark world before getting the crystal item. I'm loving all the callbacks to previous games even.


I’m not saying he cant have other hair colours (Zelda 1 for instance


This right here. They’re perfect for the mood, atmosphere and story the game wanted to convey.


While I don’t disagree that they are both great, the finishing move against ganondorf in WW would have looked so badass in TP style


well if I were to bring physics into it, TP Link's size would probably tear Ganondorf's head from his body if he attempted that move.


Even more badass


You say that like it's a problem. /s Though semi seriously... it is one of the few to get a T rating so they actually might have been able to pull that off, how WW got away with stabbing someone in the head is beyond me.


I don't think so, I think it was perfect for WW and wouldn't translate nearly as well into other art styles.


Yeah I think it would have looked silly in TP graphics. It was a very cartoony move that looked cool bc it was in a cartoon


Honestly, I think it works better in the cartoony art style because it was just sooo unexpected. Like, the game was pretty tame and lighthearted in terms of its presentation, and all of a sudden BOOM, Link splits open Ganondorf’s cranium.


Okay, hear me out. Twilight Princess in the cartoon style. Following me so far? Have Junji Ito make the key art for the twilight realm.


Ironically I think WW is much better in its moments of tension than TP.


Agreed. TP's entire vibe and style are already tense lol, really can't do much past that to make it MORE tense and grim than it already was. WW's tense moments were much more impactful because the majority of the game is pretty light-hearted and bright. IMO, the cartoony faces (big eyes, simple mouths, big heads) also allowed them to be more expressive compared to TP's face models, which I felt took a step back in face animations, so moments of shock or anger are easier to convey.


Glad this is the top answer. How they look has no bearing on how they play. I prefer TP as a game and consider it the epitome of the traditional Zelda formula, but WW was still great too.


Oh yeah, for sure, TP is the best game IMO as well. Personally, I think MM and WW have the best story.


its insane how complex of a story mm was for being such an old game.


Exactly this. I actually hated Wind Waker when it first came out. Looking back, I really enjoy Wind Waker and I love that Nintendo tries something different with Zelda all the time.


Same here. Wind Waker is absolutely the #1 Zelda game I want to be ported to the Switch. I've been contemplating trying to find a WiiU \_just\_ so I could play Wind Waker again.




The way both of them clashed together to create the style of botw is something i cant unsee


Can't have the best of both worlds Nintendo: "As a matter of fact, yes I can."


* Child Timeline / Adult Timeline (Ocarina of Time) * Hyrule / Lorule (A Link Between Worlds) * Overworld / Depths (Tears of the Kingdom) * Light World / Dark World (A Link to the Past) Nintendo: "We're in the business of having the best of both worlds."


I was listening to NPR a couple days ago and they were talking about an upcoming segment on how video games affect child development. The background music they played was the Dark World theme from ALttP. Made me happy to hear that on the radio.


I really hope that they remake ALttP


They did on 3ds sorta. Link between worlds is set in the same Hyrule map


Literally just yesterday, I heard the dark world theme on the radio too! Mine was a different station though


ALttP Dark World theme and FF7 Shinra Theme are forever embedded in my brain.


The style of Skyward Sword first


Skyward Sword walked, so Breath of the Wild could run.


I mean, I’d say it’s more accurate to say they clashed to make the Skyward sword artstyle than the botw one. The characters in botw and totk are far more uniform in design and less cartoony than both TP and WW whereas SS has a lot of cartoony characters. The only character in botw and totk I can remember with cartoony proportions is that Maestro guy


Windwaker art style is really charming. It made me wanna explore and observe and really drink in the world. Twilight princess's art style made me feel like a badass link in a desperate world. A survivor, in a eerie place. I prefer both styles for different feelings


I’m dying for a TP rerelease for switch. I haven’t played it in so long and I loved the art style


If they released it again which way do you think they would flip the game


The HD porn on the Wii U has the original GameCube layout. I'd assume that unless the switch version had motion controls they'd keep it that way Edit: port, I meant port


Wait, the HD what now on the Wii U?


There's an HD port of Twilight princess on the Wii U. It's not as big of a graphical upgrade as Wind waker HD but it's still great(it's basically just higher resolution textures and slightly improved lighting). It also adds some miiverse features which are kind of defunct now but it's a good port. It uses button controls and the original GameCube layout for the game


>The HD porn on the Wii U They're talking about your typo


Oh shit lmao


In case you didn't, reread you first comment


Oh shit lmao


I replayed that version recently and it was as close to a masterpiece as possible. Being able to use a Pro controller instead of motion based and also reverting to Link being a lefty just made it perfect for me. The visual enhancements just added to it, and I will never get tired of the music (honestly I thought BotW went a little too ambient there)


I dont see why motion isnt an option aswell, they did it for skyward. Realistically i think theyd have both, i just think its funny to consider.


The game needs an actual remaster, not just an upscaled HD port to Switch. So far only a very few Zelda games have actually had this, and OoT3d and MM3d were on the... 3ds. Maybe it will be more worth it for the Switch successor which will hopefully have some more power.


I would pay absurd amounts of money for a TP remaster that looks like that one Wii U demo


I think it would be flipped like the Wii U/GameCube. Unless they decide to incorporate motion controls there's no reason to have it flipped the same as the Wii. The whole reason the Wii was turned around compared to the GameCube is due to the fact that most people are right handed. It was flipped so Link would have the same dominant hand as the player. (which is super ironic for me because I'm right handed but hold the Wiimote with my left XD) but with the Wii U gamepad, that became irrelevant. I'd assume the same would be for the Switch where it's also a pad in ways, but that's not taking into account playing with the joycons detached. Perhaps using the joycons would flip it? Highly unlikely, but it unlocked a different way of playing in Skyward Sword HD so who knows what they'd do.


I hope they don't do motion controls. I got frustrated with Skyward Sword, I'd rather just use joysticks


I agree, for the sake of other people at least. I've never had a major issue with motion controls on either platform, but yeah a lot of people don't like them. For quite some time I was that weird kid who *liked* Skyward Sword 🤮 but after they made it so you could play without the motion controls everyone started ranting about what a good game it was lolol


Wait they made it controller supported I was stuck in the jug temple trying to stab that damn spider for hours.


Yeah, I played on a pro controller c: The buttons to make up for it are an adjustment but once you get used to it, it's super nice!


I want TP for Switch too tough I have a Wii U. TP and WW for Switch seems unlikely since we just got a new Zelda and Switch is inching closer to the end of its lifetime.


>I want TP for Switch too tough I have a Wii U. TP and WW for Switch seems unlikely since we just got a new Zelda and Switch is inching closer to the end of its lifetime. Very slowly. I think switch is a 10 year console


I hope you’re not talking about drinking the salt water in WW 😭


Salty like the tears of the haters when the game was first revealed 😋


>Salty like the tears ... ... ...of the kingdom..?


I know what you mean but it's fun how Twilight Princess has the most dark aesthetic of the grown Link games yet he's the one with the most secure home (alongside Skyward Sword). He can return to Ordon village and the farm and his treehouse and goats. Ocarina of Time and BOTW don't have that option at all.


I don't quite understand, you can buy a house in BotW. WW you can go back to your hometown.


Home in the sense that it’s not just a place. They have people who know them/raised them, etc. BOTW doesn’t have that, neither does Ocarina


Twilight princess atmosphere and designs just screams medieval, the world, the music the character designs and would Honestly love another story with the art style my opinion best designs in the series Wind waker is truly special I wouldn’t put it over twilight princess but it nice to always have that one Zelda game (or few) that looks like childhood Saturday morning, takes the tension off the task at hand 💀


Except for the Wild West towns in TP.


Fun fact, that’s actually the “old” Kakariko. It’s even written on the sign. (I mean the hidden Village)


And poor Impaz is the last of her tribe, all alone in her old age :(


30… No more like 20 cats hang out with her there, so she’s not completely alone.


I did count all of the cats once and I believe there was 25 of them XD


Lol that is true, you can never be too alone with an army of cats, can’t imagine that they’re helpful tho, if impaz fell and broke something those cats can do nothing to help her.


Probably end up eating her....


I loved that (and the soundtrack got stuck in my head Instantly too, a true banger)


*boing, bong, boing, Bing* DOOOO DO DOOO DO DOOOOOOOO


The wild west shootout is a fantastic part of that game




The gif didn't load instantly, but I KNEW it would be this one 😂


Twilight Princess. I don't hate the cartoony style or anything, I actually quite enjoy it, but to me, TP's Link design is the BEST design of all time for the character. Whenever I think of Link, this design is the one the always comes to mind first, it's the definitive version of Link for me. Pair that with the darker vibes and settings from TP and I'm set. Even though it isn't my favorite game in the franchise, I'd say that TP has my favorite aesthetics and designs out of the whole franchise.


I do like the trend of having some chainmail showing that TP started. Looks ever so slightly more adventurous imo.


Tp also has the best looking Zora armor.


oh yeah, 100%. all the armor in that game looked amazing, especially the magic armor.


Everything about the magic armor and the quest surrounding it is so funny to me lmao It’s just so bad and you buy it from a baby


Agree! Even though it isn't the strongest I walk around TOTK in the twilight set just because it feels the most 'Link' to me.


me too!!


I just wish you could dye the amiibo sets too


TP Link became the default version of link Nintendo will always refer back to when designing new games. Even in NYC that’s essentially his design. I want a future Zelda game with the Wii U tech demo art style. It would look soooo good.


My favorite Link design is blasphemous. It's the Link from the original Hyrule Warriors with the chain under shirt, the pauldrons and that big blue scarf


I mean it's actually a pretty cool design, fits the chaos of the game better as well


It holds a lot of weight in the public conscious compared to other games for sure.


Something about the baggy pannts of Skyward Sword Link just doesn't do it for me.


I like the baggy pants the best actually, just not the hat. In BoTW or ToTK put the baggy pants with the twilight set and it looks really good


Probably can thank smash for that. Mf design was in two games lmao


Same. When I draw Link that's my go to design to start from. Easily my favorite depiction of Zelda as well.


Finally someone picking a side. Most of the top comments discuss that both have their plusses and I agree, but the question was which one people prefer. (btw, I also prefer the TP style)


Yeah, that's what I thought lol. I agree that both designs work perfectly for each game, and since OP asked what we prefer and not what we think is objectively the "best" design, I went with my opinion lol


WW is personally much more stylish, and allowed the game to age way better


Agree WW aged better, but twilight princess hit great at the time


Never played Twilight Princess myself -- only really had handheld consoles from Nintendo, Playstation gang -- but my ex's roommate had it when it was new, and I remember being like blown away at the visuals. (This would have been late 2007 or early 2008, I think.) Kinda funny how from a modern perspective, 16ish years later, it actually didn't age all that well, kind of like, for that very reason. Graphics that go for realism/verisimilitude really don't age as well as more stylized, cartoony visuals.


Agreed, I tried to play Twilight Princess the other day and even on CRT the graphics didn't age as well as Wind Waker


Given the HD treatment on Wii U it looks pretty good, but still not as good as Windwaker HD


Wish they would port them to switch


Wish they were on switch...


Honestly that would probably get me to buy a switch, twilight princess really just hit different.


Despite owning them on GC and Wii, I'd happily give Nintendo even more money for these games if they'd let me. Instead, I've had to resort to alternative methods. But what do I know about business...


did you try looking for prices for the wiiU Twilight Princess? Scarcity drove that shit to the moon, and I don't know who in their right mind would pay 150-200 bucks on a copy, now that the eShop is down. Nintendo needs to port them to modern platforms, specially TP if they don't want people emulating it


The 4K texture pack for TP is really amazing. It was annoying to get working but totally worth it


I like the compromise Skyward Sword style


SS’s style is gorgeous, i remember spending hours just looking at the game when it came out


I couldn't stand the style at first. But now I love it, it's in my top 3 zelda games. I did feel like it was very linear though where windwaker felt more sandboxy.


When you stopped moving and just looked around it really looked like link was standing in front of a giant painting in the background. Amazing to do that on GameCube level hardware. Nintendo are masters of game design.


Skyward Sword released for the Wii


The wii is just a slightly stronger game cube.


Wii and gamecube aren’t super different as far as hardware capability


Well have I got a treat for you! This newer game Breath of the Wild and its recently released sequel Tears of the Kingdom take Skyward Sword's cell-shader style and combine them with an expansive open world ^gameplay ^and ^they ^^shake ^^up ^^^the ^^^^zelda ^^^^^format ^^^^^^by


Dead ☠️


*No fairies?*


No I cooked my fairies and turns out they aren’t edible




There's cell shading as a technique in that art style for skyward sword and for botw and ToTK. They just didn't do it with flat textures and went for a more painterly aesthetic


Skyward Sword absolutely does use cel-shading, just in a far more subtle way than WW. Interestingly enough, BOTW/TOTK also use cel-shading, and, imo, look horrible without it.


But skyward sword wasn’t cell-shaded


Link's design was goofy but the art style was gorgeous


My thought exactly. Not a fan of SS Link’s design. Face always looked off to me and the pants look inflated


True, but it’s too bad the world feels closer to Super Mario levels than actual landscapes


Ehh I don't like the compromise, takes all the character out of it. Go hard or home with it I say, Wind waker ftw.


Came here to say this, SS hits the sweet spot in between IMO


Wind Waker simply because the style is so crisp. I have both games on the GameCube and don't have a WiiU, so I never had the benefit of HD for Twilight Princess. I can hook up Wind Waker to the shittiest TV and it still looks great while Twilight Princess absolutely needs a decent TV though the textures are still a bit muddy. Luckily I have a decent TV that still has the old Composit connections. I really wish Nintendo would release the HD versions for Switch because I have no interest in a WiiU where I would be tethered to the console and the addition of those Mii stamps just isn't worth anything.


While I do want those two games on the Switch, I'm not sure if Nintendo is ever going to do that.


At this point, probably not. They'll miss out on easy money. I'll just play the games on my GC as I have been all these years. Would be nice to bring them around with me though


Yeah, I would like to take them with me as well. Still have a Wii to play the games.




I have a preference for TP but WW is still cool. ​ I like SS too , which is a compromise between WW and TP , TP with SS textures doesn't look so bad even if I prefer the original art style.


I like both obviously, but WW art style will age more gracefully. My grandkids gonna think the GameCube was super clean.


I think it’s unfair that toon link got like 3 of his own games in his artstyle but we only have gotten something like twilight princess once


Link’s Crossbow Training does NOT count


WW chara and monsters designs are amazingly well done. I wish people could understand a bit more just how it is a massive game-design lesson


Twilight Princess all the way, I hope they do another game like that


I prefer WW over TP, but I'm hoping the next Zelda game is more in the direction of TP. I adore BotW and TotK and their aesthetic, but a shift towards something more akin to TP or OoT for the next title would be welcome.


I prefer TP, I like the gritty look in Zelda's setting.


Why not both? (Points to BotW/TotK)




Wind Waker no question


Windwaker by a mile


I think the cartoon style, or more specifically, the cell-shaded style, lasts longer. Not just for Zelda but it can help the games age well and still look good years later.


That’s how I feel about the current style that began with BOTW—that cell shading goes a long way. It’s timeless and will hold up for years to come.


Twilight princess easy. I personally prefer the more mature looking Zelda games. But that's just me. Windwaker is great too


Depends on the general attitude they’re shooting for. Wind Waker’s great as a surprisingly dark tale with a cartoonish facade while Twilight Princess’s is amazing for a Brothers Grimm type fairy tale complete with shock, horror, and heroics. Generally speaking though…gotta go Twilight Princess.


Wind Waker all day, but I love all Zelda so it'd be impossible to choose just one.


I like how botw and totk Link really is in the middle of these two.


I love both, but wind Waker aged way better


I like tp because it made link seem like actually a strong young man.


I would LOVE to see what a realistic art style version of Tetra would be like!


Twilight princess is peak Zelda and I don’t care if people call me edgy whatever for it , the soundtrack did it all for me The open world timeline has the blandest art style and I love those games but TP really had something insanely special jumping from realist to surrealism , some characters looked normal , and other looked freaky as fuck and it’s so awesome and I wish we’d have more of this and I have tears of the twilight caus I’m dying for a sequel


Wind Waker will age better, that game is a moving painting


https://preview.redd.it/4wfrqjagdf3b1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5af6df048d55a395eae96873d84b9ddbfec0e97 Why not both?


Wind Waker. TP has a great style but hasn't aged half as well. Skyward Sword was a good compromise


Wind Waker by far. One of the most beautiful games ever made that still looks amazing. Twilight Princess looks dated by comparison, as realistic games of the day tended to.


Windwaker, because it is timeless. Realistic graphics show their age a lot more than the cartoony style.


Cartoony will hold up for decades


My fav style will always be Minish Cap Link.


Cartoon link all the way without think twice


return to 8-bit 🕹


WW aged better, probably had overall better art direction, and tbh it might be the better overall game of the two. But TP was the first 3D Zelda to fully realize Link as we’d been imagining him since his first 3D appearance in OoT. The cap & tunic got the detailing they needed to sell them as actual clothing, his bandoliers & belts made sense w/ the supporting straps, the gauntlets & boots were legit, and **the chainmail was the perfect addition to round out a grown 3D Link**. He finally looked as badass and iconic as we’d been imagining since 98. And that principle extends to the rest of Hyrule too. WW was novel experience with its own unique world and message that stands up on its own even today, but TP gave us the grandest depiction of Hyrule itself that we’d ever gotten up to then. It was huge and sprawling, the castle was glorious, all the major landmarks were there and bigger than ever: Death Mountain, Lake Hylia, Zora’s Domain, Gerudo Desert, the Lost Woods & Sacred Grove, plus all the cool new stuff with the provinces & bridges, arbiter’s ground. Also Zelda looks the most Zelda and Ganondorf looks…ok he might be the least impactful redesign of the three from TP. But yeah TP just has a super iconic take on classic Zelda. Even after BotW & TotK, TP Link is *the* most quintessential design of the character imo, and to a lesser extent so is it’s take on Hyrule. The end.


I just realized that botw's style is perfectly between these two


Personally I am more of a fan of twilight princess style for Zelda (or skyward sword or botw) But I think the cartoony style really worked great for windwaker as it made everything very cheerful in my opinion fitting for adventure on bright sea.


Definitely the more stylized look. Wind Waker aged like a fine wine, while games that tried to look realistic end up looking jagged and muddy in the following years.


I prefer the impressionist art style from Skyward Sword. That entire game feels like you stepped into a medieval Monet.


Wind Waker and it's not even close


I think Twilight Princess had the best art style overall. Both Zelda and Ganondorfs designs are absolutely perfect.


Twilight was a far superior game with a better art style imo




If I had to choose, I’d prefer Twilight Princess.