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(Whistles) c'mere Sidon, (whistles again) here boy! (Whistles) Good boy!~


I actually did this as a joke because I was so annoyed with Sidon, but never realized it actually works like that.


So happy I wasn’t the only one. I was treating Sidon like a lost puppy. He acted like one too.




Yeah, it’s definitely a hit and miss mechanic. No telling which one will get to you first if they do come either. I agree with others who’ve said it would make more sense to have them on the wheel or something.


absolutely baffling they designed it the way they did instead of something like this lol


Nonsense! It's the perfect setup: - You want help so you run towards them to trigger their action - as companions, they "follow" you which means they run in the same direction that you do - since you are both moving in the same direction they are essentially running away so you can't trigger the action 10/10 🤣🤣


brilliant system, no edits needed!




If they would be on a wheel, they would be spammed too much trivializing combat.




Of about ten seconds. Over 4 sages. That one every 2 seconds about.


It's like you were one of those reinforcement mobs in a game. "X used call a friend...but no one came."


Yep, this is actually when I discovered the mechanic lol. Seems that Sidon getting horribly misplaced is mutual between most of the community.




Good boy, Sidon! Come on~


Sidon would like link to call him a good boy


Would have been useful during the water temple, as it was I just made a water scepter and used that instead. 🤣


I just tossed Splash Fruit at everything lol. I absolutely love the elemental fruits in this game, reminds me of the seeds in Oracle of Ages/Seasons you used to perform different actions (set stuff on fire, fast travel, sprint etc.)


I remember whistling out of instinct when one of the sages got too far. I never knew it actually did something until now.


That makes so much sense now lol. I always try to use Riju but accidentally get Tulin instead, and I whistle to cancel him then suddenly Riju is right there.


You can whistle to cancel him? I could never figure out how to cancel him without using the ability or activating a different sage


For some reason they all have different ways to cancel. You can just hit B for Yunobo, you have to walk up to Riju and click her again, you whistle to cancel Tulin, and you can't cancel Sidon.


> you can't cancel Sidon You're god damn right.


Underrated comment


Am I the only one that only keeps Tulin out because he’s a mobility benefit? The rest stay dismissed until I specifically need them


I've heard other people do what you do but I keep all of mine out all the time because I like when they fight low level monsters for me even if they are inconvenient in other ways. Tulin is especially satisfying when he gets headshots




I do agree that Tulin is handy to have around in a fight. Just feel like the rest get in the way more than they help. I somethings bring out Sidon just because he’s Sidon though


Sidon is part of the old one-two, though. Tulin pings, Sidon stabs, then I smash.


You shouldn't be trying to smash Sidon in combat. Let the man work.


He's got a wife, too. That's just fucked up.


It's fine, she can join in too!


You mean you didn't want Yunobo to incinerate all the butterflies in front of you instead of picking them up??


Kinda reminds me of dark souls summons though. Like an area becomes so much easier when just one enemy mob is aggroed onto something else


I get the same feeling with the sages that I get when playing heavily modded Skyrim Having a party of dudes with you is a great feeling, even if they're not as powerful as you are. And the sages can actually fight on their own, they do actually deal damage, I remember going through the Lightning Temple and was trying to kill an enemy with the environment, but Tulin just sniped it and one shot it instead, was a great moment for me


I always keep all of them out. I don't find them as inconvenient as others seem to. The only real issue is trying to get to the one you want to use in a fight, but generally they pull agro and occasionally take out an enemy for me. Yunobo has pretty good knock back when he gets a hit and Tulin has staggered enough enemies with headshots to earn his spot on the team.


I think it's kinda cool to be constantly traveling with your sage friends.


Yeah, just be careful when gathering materials and generally they're not much of a bother.


I think I've only ever had Tulin blow away materials once, because I actually pay attention to what the A prompt says


That's fine in most cases, but when you're trying to pick up half a dozen things off the floor or off plants, waiting to see the prompt for each item is very tedious.


I wish you didn't need to click A to pick up Poes. It feels tedious when there's like 20 of them and I'm just running around mashing the A button.


Honestly. I don't understand why people can't just read the prompts. Never been an issue.


You don't even really need to read it, if it's going to activate a Sage, it shows a little picture of them


That's true too, that's usually how I know which I'm activating if they're all next to me


I keep m all out unless im dupin items cuz tulin will blowem out the water temple lol


I keep riju out those lightning bolts do work


I have tulin out at all times except for when I’m picking drops up because I have anxiety I might accidentally activate him and blow everything away.


I typically rock around with only Riju, since she seems to do the best at basic fighting, and I use her to start fights by lightning I take Tulin out only when I need to fly horizontally a fair distance Yunobo only comes out when I need to mine Zonaite Mineru for walking across gloom And Sidon... well, he was there for the Ganon fight


Yeah I can, it's called the Dismiss button so I never have to use his useless ability ever again.


The whole system for using them is bad for other reasons, but I feel like Riju and Tulin really need to have more different silhouettes. When you’re under pressure to get to one quickly it’s really difficult to tell the difference. I wonder if they could have made them have slightly different hues? It feels like if they were all shaded slightly to a different color it would be much easier to read quickly, but maybe it was too much visual noise.


god, right now they're the only two i have, and it is _so annoying_ to see the difference between them sometimes


I barely even used Riju for her own quest line. I used bomb arrows on most of the hives, and a lot of shock fruit on the temple boss


All of the bosses and temples can be done 99% without their sage, which is a good and a bad thing, it allows you to take whatever path you want, but you don't become used to using that sage I love having Riju around, probably because when I went into the Lightning Temple, I had basically no materials, no armour, little for weapons, and a handful of arrows. I had to claw my way iut of it,cand without Riju it would have been outright impossible, so now that I'm out of it, I feel like I'm more aware of the situations where Riju can help


I knew nothing of the OPs tip, nor of this one. This would've saved me so much headache. Now I dont have to scream "Ge the fuck back here!" At Yunobo when trying to blast something and he's just running away.


I knew about this but it hasn't worked for me or at least it doesn't look like it does.


They definitely take ages to run over, especially mid fight, it's like they don't know if they should keep fighting or start running to you


You’d think being avatars they could just teleport to your side, idk why they made them need to path find lol


Oh, it's worse. They DO teleport, but only sometimes


Yeah, I saw the tip, but have yet to get it to actually work. Or at least work well enough to actually be noticable




I have the same problem with calling my horse, I'll have it taken out and everything. If it's so much as 20 feet away it won't come to me


Riju is such a fucking dumbass. She always tries to run from me. Like bro I'm trying to kill that big skeleton monster COME TO ME I NEED LIGHTNING.


Meanwhile for me she's always running in front when i wanna use another sage


Bruh exactly! Like do you want me to save Gerudo Town or not 💀


The... things my neighbors must have heard me yelling at her.


me after seeing all the people talking about chasing their sages https://preview.redd.it/yps6hborii3b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf45a84ca4885e5f46788a8ad7c07d78278d94e


Me seeing people use a low quality version of this image: https://preview.redd.it/jlkhdfuspj3b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed4993e086c0e1362ee1a23e32aa328ae66850e


Yah no the low quality kind of adds something to it I think.


I dunno... I could actually see theirs. Yours may be crisper, but that don't mean shit if it's too dark to actually see him


Damn what's your brightness at?


At the time it was at half brightness, which is where I usually have it


Brother turn up your phone brightness


Battery life bro. Minimum brightness always


Pfft amateur. Natural light is where it's at. Like the gameboy


These idiots out here with their BACKLIT screens not simply waiting to pass under a streetlight to check their phone on the way home pfft




TIL. I usually just unsommon the ones that get in the way (Tulin).


Tulin's purpose as far as I can tell: help you glide further, kill random chuchus you didn't feel like wasting your time on, getting in your way and firing off random gusts of wind.


He's invaluable in lynel fights, though. His tendency to randomly nail crits helps a lot if you're cornered and can't pull your bow


True true. His crits can save you when you're about to get caught.


You forgot blowing away all your loot before you can pick it up


He's like the best one! The reliably headshots everyone, and since he is ranged, takes more attack chances than the others that waste 90% of the fight trying to align a hit that misses.


How do I unsummon? lol


In your key items menu


I legit didn't know, sometimes they just get in the way when you have all of them out and about which I've had this whole time lol. Thank you!


Yea I obly keep Tulin out when I'm gliding around. Riju or bust lol. She honestly is the best.


I've never gotten this to work. Or maybe I just dont understand what they mean by "Form Up"?


i havent gotten it to work either.


They circle around you


In my experience, they dont. They stand wherever they happened to be when I whistle, and stare at me.


I tried this when I want Yubobo to come to me to break rocks but he just stands 20 feet away down a ledge just staring at me.


I was just complaining to my partner that this should have been a thing. I've tried it. It doesn't work. Hope it gets patched bc it would be so helpful


They should just take whistle out and make it a scroll menu for which sage powers you want to use. Whistle seems like a waste of a button honestly


id say Keep the Whistle (for those who use Horses more), but just change your "D-Pad Down for Abilities" idea into a "HOLD D-Pad Down for Abilities" idea, and you might be onto something...i mean, we already have to menu-pause the game for Every Arrow, if we want to use elemental/bombs with them...might as well make the Sage Abilities menu-pause as well, as you cycle through the ones you have...exiting the menu could Activate that ability, so like Yunobo would be ready to launch; Tulin would be ready to gust; Riju's AoE would start expanding; Sidon's Shield would appear; and, i dunno, Link would just hop on Mineru... ...itd be MUCH better than running into the Gloom, chasing down the construct youre trying to mount, in order to get through the Gloom...


It’s certainly worked for me to make a single sage run to me during a temple.




I still don't think it helps or even works in 90% of combat situations my party will still run from me


I discovered this because it makes sense but also I only had Riju at the time and it felt kind of demeaning.


never had this work for me. Tried it after seeing it in tiktok comments. can any1 confirm its working as intended?


I can confirm that it usually doesn’t. I wish I could call a specific sage. Riju needs to just stand right beside me the whole time. No, you do not need to run off and whack anything with your blue ghost swords when you have *goddamn lightning*, my dear.


Holding down on the D pad should open a mini menu where you can scroll through your sages. We do it for weapons, shields, materials, etc so why not the sages?


Right? Have "press down" be activate ability, "hold down" - select sage ability/whistling, and use X/Y in the menu to toggle whenever sage is summoned or not. How did they miss something so intuitive?


I saw this tip too and immediately tried it. Didn’t work for me. Maybe user error, maybe bugged. I wouldn’t count on this mechanic too much either way.


I knew this cuz of the last game. The mission with yunobo where you had to launch him at rudania.


That worked better than this does. I also really liked - because that was more of an ‘escort mission’ - that the person you’re protecting would stay the fuck where they were on one whistle, then follow on another. Like, shit, where was that in every single other escort mission in every single other game. Honestly, this should have been as revolutionary to gaming as a whole as Z-targeting was in OoT.




is it just me or do they always run away if you try to take a picture of them?


That's because at the very least, despite how incredibly stupid the whole situation is, Nintendo did realize that it would really suck if you couldn't even take pictures of things without their asses being full screen. There was an attempt anyway, often they just float/stand across my entire viewfinder anyway. This does have the side affect of being generally unable to take pics of them.


Question, why do you want a picture of them? If it's to get their weapon in the compendium, yeah that's a pain. But you can take a picture of the actual character for that. If you just want a picture of them, use the screen shot button on the controller. Much easier that way. Turn off the hud for a nice clean picture


I will never get over it how they absolutely destroyed the sages actual usefulness. like, idk, maybe I don't want to call attention to myself when I just want one of the sages to come near me, because they're always like on purpose running away from me when I need them the most. maybe I want to sneak by


Good thing I learned that the day after I finished the game...


I've only ever gotten this to work when the actual NPC is with me in their dungeon. The avatars don't give a shit.


This game has so much slow upskippable text and they couldn't have put this... idk... IN THE TUTORIAL THAT ONLY SAYS "you have sage now" AND NOTHING ELSE


Avengers Assemble!


Loading screen tips actually being useful?


No, useful would be if that tip 100% popped up after your first sage is unlocked (hell, do it once after every sage just in case you miss the first one). Instead of it apparently be so rare that most people don't seem to know this.


What's the point of tips on the loading screen then? It's a meme basically that loading screen tips tell you things that are obvious and pointless. This is just me, but I like that it doesn't tell you everything right away, because when you learn stuff it makes it feel that much better. But I understand how others would wanna know something like this at least when getting the sages


Great to know! I wish they added some sort of shortcut key to turn the summoning on and off without having to open the menu and go to them. Because I do not remember to turn them on


Oh, wow. I didn't know this and I need to try it immediately. The sage I have right now is the Gerudo one, but it's so annoying trying to chase her down in to middle of a combat situation to use her ability.


never seemed to work for me


I think this is one of the few flaws this game has. The sage abilities are just not reliable to use while in the middle of combat. It would be nice to have designed buttons to push to call upon their ability, like the champions in BOTW


I've tried this but it never seems to work


I mean yes, but when you have out all of them it’s just becomes one of those mass pile ups you see in American football. Then you just spam the shit out of the button and hope you get the right one.


1. It doesn't work, half of the time 2. You risk attracting your horsey into a potentially deadly battle!


You guys are using horses? XD


If I'm going somewhere with a path, yeah! I prefer to let the horse walk while I enjoy the view or look for interesting things


Huh. I can count the times I used a horse in one hand, and half of them are just to haul the Stable Trotters. My main transport mode was Skyview Tower launching. And if I was exploring a new zone, I wanted to be on foot to not miss anything before I unlock shrines to fast travel and never walk those places again.


Yes but can I ride on Sidon???


I need to get to my friend.


This might actually change everything


What's the sixth sage? I thought there were 5 available for Link


It's >!Zelda's icon for beating the game and finding her, since she was the 6th sage!<


I see. I finished the last dungeon and didn't want to end the game yet, thank you!


I did notice the boss bokoblins doing this. They kind of rally the little ones to their side if I try to scatter the group too far with a bomb flower arrow.


Anyone else notice Sidon's garbage movements compared to the other stages? My dude was getting lost mid battle 😪 Honestly wish they could've implemented Sage powers in a better way. Can't tell you the amount of times birdbrain walked too close to me as I was already pressing the A button and yeeted all the items I was trying to pick up.🤣


Saw that tip, tried it, Sidon went running away from me 😭


6??? Girl where?


Why do you have six sages symbols ?? >! I tought they were five !<


I think the final one is for beating the game


Think again! >!You'll get a quest for the sixth Sage after completing the main four, if you haven't found them before!<


Skip right over the fifth?


First one would be >!Zelda!<. The "main four" I was referring to are the ones you get a quest for from Purah. Then the "hidden" Sage. Technically you could unlock that Sage before the others, so it's a bit arbitrary to talk about order :P But she's intended to be the last one you find, allegedly. So Zelda (1) + Four Sages (4) make it the Sixth Sage.


The comment was surprised at the fact OP's loading screen shows 6 sages symbols. The "first" one >! doesnt add a sage symbol on the loading screen !< , so by the time you do the 4 main and get the "hidden" one, you have 5 symbols, not 6.


Ah I have wondered myself whether the developers have included such a function. Good to know they have but it could become quite a mess since the whistle also calls in your horse.


i dont think it IS a thing...but then again, ive had Mineru run away from me, into the Gloom that i was trying to use her construct to cross, waayyy too many times (with and without whistling) for me to believe this...even if it IS a Screenshot, even if i DID see the exact same LoadHint on my own game...i wont believe that it works, until it actually Works for me...


I just kind of assumed whistling did that and it seemed to work. Kind of reminds me of the Yunobo quest thing in BotW.


Where you get all dem rupes! Only ones I can seem to find are shooting blupees and helping the guy stand his signs up


I KNEW IT. I had a feeling this was thing but wasn't too sure.


Woah, i never realized this


Simularly I had learned that down on the dpad with cryonis in botw let’s you place the block directly under your feet, I only learned this from a loading tip while replaying the game waiting for totk


How can i get that much monies? 😭 Everytime i try to sell everything sells for shit


Lynel guts in elixirs make them way more valuable. That's how I get my money


Oh wow! How much do they sell for? I rarely make elixirs maybe i should start lmao! I havent fought a lynel yet. Pretty much been running around like a lunatic doing little side quests here and there 🤣


Early game I go north and hunt moose and wolves to cook the prime/gourmet meat. Each meal sells for like 300-500 rp


I cant kill them though so i steal the boboklin meat baskets 🤣 and just run from the cute doggos .


Wow! I have 15 gourmet meats in my pocket. 🤣


Is this real??!!


I knew about it, but keep forgetting in the middle of battle


After complaining about how this never works for me and they just stand there staring at me while I whistle, my wife said: "well they're not horses..."


What is the 79 and the 120? Shrines and...other shrines? Haven't started Tears yet cause I'm playing Breath of the Gum Disease.


One of them represents lightroots which are in the underground


I actually tried that


I was doing that without even knowing that it worked


So you are telling me each time i was chasing Riju like a dog who ate something its not supposed to. I could of just whistled.... istg if this actually works I'm gonna be pissed.


God frickin dammit


I figured this out in the lightning temple because Riju wouldn't come the fuck on and do the thing


I just did that because it was funny and reminded me of botw, i didnt know it had a function


Feels wrong whistling at Riju... I thought we weren't supposed to do that anymore 🤣


WHAT THIS IS OP. Just making sure, sages as in those guys with the rods right? (Like topaz, ruby, sapphire, etc rods)


No, the sages are the ones you unlock as a result of the four regional phenomena quest. Essentially the champions of this game


.M... .. .M.. . .. . .... . .M ..


you know how many times i couldve used this?!?!


I was doing that by the assumption it would work


I did it as a joke in one of the temples when my companion got lost and it seemed as if it worked. Didn't know this is an actual mechanic tho.


I figured it out with riju (who I did last) and it was just a "wait I wonder if...oh it does work"


Yeah it never worked very well for me


Omg. Thank you so much. They are always running around everywhere. This could change my experience cause I wasn’t overly using the sages cause when i needed them they were darting around! I should pay more attention to the tips.


Bruh what?!


Wait whaaaaaaaaat


Never works for me when I need it.


BOTW: You can easily press a button and the sages ability will work automatically TOTK: We have improved the sages ability game play by not only letting them be on your screan "in person" but also you get to chase them like a herd of sheeps *also TOTK ᵘˢᵉ ʷʰⁱˢᵗˡᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵃᵍᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᶜˡᵒˢᵉʳ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ *


Oh thank god, chasing down a sage just to press A to get their ability and then accidentally using the wrong sage is so annoying


That’s gonna come in handy when yunobo keeps running underneath gohma all the time


Someone should make a list of all the loading tips. I feel like there's at least a few nuggets of information you wouldn't find any other way in there.


It works sometimes. More often than not they ignore you.


would be nice if they were assigned to buttons


I wish we could just hold the whistle button to summon/unsummon them, similar to equipping weapons/shields.


Tried this, it doesn't.


I had no idea this was a thing until i read this post. 😳


I have tried this several times and it does not work for me. I honestly thought it was not even a feature. Surprised to see it here.


Oh dang! Thanks!


That explains a ton of sudden Tulin appearances lol


You can...WHAT?!


I feel like it still doesn’t work that well.


I also had no idea this was a thing until my wife told me.


My out-of-combat summon technique is to climb something. They all go back into your ring when you're climbing and respawn next to you when Links feet hit ground. It doesn't work 100% of the time, my bet is that is has something to do with terrain, but it's pretty reliable.