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People who don’t try to clean up / make their houses look appealing before trying to sell really confuse me


It looks like it's an estate sale or they're selling it and putting the owners in retirement homes. All that stuff looks super dated.


I mean, I get if stuff hasn’t been touched in a while or it’s a bit cluttered for estate sales, but not washing the dishes in the sink just seems like an odd choice


Yeah, that's why I figured it was an estate sale or the owners are being put in a home or are otherwise removed from the place. What I mean is that it looks like someone who is somewhat removed from the situation is handling things. If it was your house, you'd do the things to help it sell better. Someone who doesn't have a stake in that isn't necessarily going to do that. So it could be that the owner died and the heir just wants rid of the place or there's some contention in the will and the judge orders the sale or maybe a family lawyer is handling things.


I got a great deal on my current home this way. Lowball and go from there.


Them sitting at the kitchen table in one of the pictures really shows the gives no fucks attitude sellers and realtors have now a days.


I'm pretty sure they're included in the sale


Haha omg I was literally referring to all the unwashed dishes and stuff in the kitchen but somehow completely missed that😭


I missed the dishes in the sink. Had to go back to look😂


For local listings, houses with photos like these are almost always rentals. They’re not required to clean or stage the house for listing.


Oh, thank you for that comment!! I thought I was alone in my thinking that, too.


it's usually not the people who live there... ie, owner has renters and is selling... owner is being shuttled to a care facility... owner has passed and this is estate sale by state probate. anytime you see this the seller doesnt care. it could sell for $1 and they just want to get the paperwork done.


People get old and just dgaf anymore


the second floor bedroom is a death waiting to happen.... ooopppps i think i fell into a hole....


Right down the stair hole




Carpet in the bathroom *in Florida*.


There must be enough mold under that carpet for a year’s supply of penicillin


The ants love it.


I can't ... I can't...


My second favorite place for carpet is the kitchen


In Florida!


My house had carpets in the bathroom when I bought it! They made some interesting choices in the 70’s when they remodeled!


In Florida!


I ❤️mold


I, for one, enjoy carpet or throw rugs in the bath. I was taught at an early age how to dry myself before stepping out of the tub or shower so as to not drip on the bathroom floor. The rest of you are heathens.


That's not the drips we're worried about.


I hate carpet in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. I don't like dining room carpet either.


I bought my house in 2022. The first thing I did was rip out the carpeting in every room. Tile is the way. Low allergen, doesn’t stain, cleans well, lasts forever (if you take care of it).


first thing I do in every place i've lived Dogs and carpets don't mix well I use throw rugs i can machine wash


This. We love LVP.


Laminate for me.


I have LVP full glue down in every room and I love it. They actually have click together that is even better now.


I can almost hear a Seuss-style story in there…


I was thinking how many times over the years my husband's aim was slightly off, causing him to overshoot or undershoot the toilet bowl.


Ugh I dated a guy who had no aim at all, only for a year, and I swear I was still finding pee in weird ass places a whole year after we broke up. Like there is a window next to the toilet and I hadn't cleaned the window sills in a long time and THERE WAS PEE. I felt like I'd never get rid of him. UGH.


On the windowsill?! Yeech! My husband grew up on a farm so he was outside a lot. To potty train him my MIL would point at something (a bale of straw, a wooden fence, a tall clump of grass, etc.) and tell him, 'I bet you can't pee on that!' He once had the idiot idea (when he was older but apparently no wiser), to pee on an electric fence. I can't even imagine what it must have felt like. It must have subconsciously carried through to adulthood. Thanks, Mom.


Ahahahahahaha! This guy was really tall and acted like it was almost a disability, like he COULDN'T aim because of how far away it was, couldn't do lots of things because he swore he wouldn't fit, he had a big nose and claimed it was impossible to not sneeze and get snot and boogers everywhere because of it, it was really freaking weird. I have no doubt if he tried to pee on an electric fence he'd probably miss though, so at least he's got that going for him.


So many people think every guy can't piss straight? I was a janitor for awhile and the ladies RR was far dirtier than any men's. But that aside, I know where and how to piss. My wife, unlike you ladies complaining here, would correct me if I didn't. Apparently all you do is live with it and complain.


The throw rug in the bathroom was what almost killed my husband’s grandmother when she tripped getting out of the shower one day. She survived the broken neck and the doctors were amazed at her recovery.


That is why throw rugs should be banned. I heard that one did kill a person in 2018. I can't believe they still sell them.


Apparently the guy who opened a fake credit card in my husbands name lived in Brooksville, FL. Never been but 20 yrs later it’s still shows up the credit report as a place we’ve lived.


Well, the land is pretty but not pretty enough for me to pay a million to live in the devil's armpit. Memaw and Papaw got the gun situation squared away though.


Lol. I looked at it and wondered if the gun safe came with it.


Cause of Death: Picture 9, where one of the items plugged in at the tub contributed to untimely demise.


I love the headboard in the bedroom that looks like a set of tombstones! 😂


Wow, that opening at the top of the stairwell in photo 6 looks very unsafe. 


The whole place seems a death trap.


I can smell this house through the pictures.


Newsmax and Dallas Cowboys jerseys and Florida, what a terrible combo


Did you miss Trump on the TV in pic 9?


I like how the realtor positioned himself in front of the mirror so, while he was taking the photo, everyone would see he's the realtor? Class act.


Oh it’s breathtaking alright. But not in a good way. Also the price is absolutely insane, nobody in their right mind would buy a house in Brooksville for that amount.


Whoever decorated did a horrible job. The house itself looks like it needs updated, but all in all not a bad place.


Some nice couple built their dream home and now it’s an estate. They probably enjoyed a lot of good times together there.


Normally I try to think like that but this is just too much.


Did no one notice the women sitting around the table (complete with walker) in pic 12? Or the guy taking a picture of himself in the mirror in pic 18?


I lived near Brooksville for five years. A mix of Florida hillbillies, religious nuts and retired assholes. You'd have to pay me $950,000 to live there.


When “gravel drive” is listed as a primary feature in the narrative…


The pictures of this place gave me a giant headache. Pool nice, everything else - no.


Well. It has character. Also, my first thought was that I’d definitely fall down those stairs in the middle of the night when I’m getting up to use the (carpeted) bathroom. Then I see the 4WW downstairs and am starting to join the dots 😬


*Well. It has character.* What? Like a comedian? 'Cause this place is laughable.


*You think I’m funny? Funny how? Funny like a clown? Do I amuse you?*


I meant the house, not you.


As did I 👀


Sorry. I'm short and it obviously went over my head...


It’s all good, sugar ✨


Well it’s 95k an acre. Three houses an acre, minimum. Is the greater Tampa Bay area really booming that much?


Maybe it's just me, but it amazes me that people who intentionally put their homes on the market don't try to tidy them up to make them more marketable. The kitchen counters were one big cluttered mess, the master bed wasn't made, closet doors wide open; even the bottom of the pool needed vacuuming. And wall-to-wall carpeting in the bathroom?!?? I don't even want to think about what might be growing under it. I realize they were packing up to move, but you couldn't see some of the room areas for all the boxes that were stacked there. The yard wasn't neat looking and I even noticed a paper plate and other debris on the cement in the outside eating area. I didn't see any stalls for horses either. Maybe they were mingling in one big area? Where did they keep grain and tack? And where were the shots of the lake? Was the realtor talking about the pool??? (Did you see the picture of him taking a picture of the living room and he conveniently positioned himself so someone looking at photos would see his face?) My family has bought, remodeled, and sold 8 different houses over the years and we made sure everything looked move-in ready when they were put on the market to maximize offers. Am I being unrealistic? I certainly wouldn't offer 950+ grand for that, even considering it has 10 acres.


Cool architecture but not for that price 💀


I could see this price for 10 acres in most of Florida. My guess is they are targeting a developer to come in and rip everything down and build a community. A builder could easily get 10 homes on that lot but likely would be able to 30 decent sized home depending on the shape of the lot. Looks like there is a pond so that takes some space out unless they change it(fill in or change the shape and size. Not to far away from this lot you have a very nice older home for 650,000 at under an acre lot. So to build 10 houses similar to that and make a profit would not be that hard.


[https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18370-Lake-Lindsey-Rd-Brooksville-FL-34601/246727802\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18370-Lake-Lindsey-Rd-Brooksville-FL-34601/246727802_zpid/) This one isn't that far and has more land and is nicer.


True there are several that are way nicer houses and more land but I could see this being a property (depending on shape) that a developer liking and buying.  


Also has a big ol' gun safe. Starting to sense a pattern in this area.


God damn that’s a big gun safe.


I was looking for a private lake... Then I looked at the picture and the satellite map. Yeeeaahhhh private lake. More like depression that became a swamp overrun with trees. That along will need about 200K to clear up.


Also Brooksville is ….not the nicest or most convenient place to live.


There are nicer parts, like almost anywhere, but this isn't in one of them.


The town of Brooksville is named after Preston Brooks , He was not a nice person. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston\_Brooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston_Brooks)


Thank you for the information/link; very interesting. Telling that the town hasn't changed its name


The history of events in Brooksville is not exactly great, either.


Tell him he’s dreaming


So far this is one of my favorite homes it's ever been listed in the subreddit.


Huh. A mile from my Grandma's house.


Are they watching CNN or Fox News?


I don't get it. Several of those pics were of their stuff, not the surroundings. Odd. The place would be kinda cool if fixed up a good bit, but Brooksville? Never. If I wanted to live in the country where it gets cold and frosts, I'd go back to Tennessee where the country is beautiful. I live in Florida to be by the beach and not have much of a winter.


I mean if it can be subdivided into smaller lots it can absolutely be worth that. 10 acres in an area where every body else seems to have about one at most? And those smaller lots are selling at around 300k each?


[https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18370-Lake-Lindsey-Rd-Brooksville-FL-34601/246727802\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18370-Lake-Lindsey-Rd-Brooksville-FL-34601/246727802_zpid/) This is nearby.. And has a bigger lot, is cheaper and nicer.


Something must be fundamentally different between them. The first is on sewer and public water, the second is on septic and well. This suggests that the first one is in a different municipality, which makes me think it might have better redevelopment potential as land that's on septic and well water is usually designated for lower density.


I scanned the photos and moved on to the comments. NOW I have to go back and really look at these photos. Always come for the article, stay for the comments.


I don't hate it, once all the crap is gone it would be mostly alright aside from the pool, too much work for not enough payoff IMO and central FL is just about as close to Alabama as you can get.


Bro I’m from Florida and this price is hysterical


How booming is it that far north of Tampa these days?


More than before because of all the people that moved during covid to come to a tax free state but there’s so much of Florida where there isn’t anything that not THAT many people moved there. Now IN Tampa and Orlando and Jacksonville on the other hand, its exploding


I lived in SOFL until a few years ago. Half-backed to coastal NC. The locals “hate” us, they know what’s coming.


I can smell this place.


That fireplace is pretty cool if it wasn't completely impractical in Florida.


It gets more than cold enough in winter for a fireplace in that part of FL.