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As much as I hated other people telling me this when I felt like I couldn’t bare the anxiety, it will truly kick in at 3 months! I would say after the first month you’ll see some improvements but not the full effects for about 3. It is soooooo hard to adjust but it has helped me so much. I eventually upped to 50 mg and had to start the whole adjustment period over but it has made me functional. I have OCD and still deal with anxiety but I can manage a job, leave my house, drive my car, got a promotion, flew on a plane, etc. Little things for others but HUGE things for me


how long were you on 25mg?


About 5 months! It took about three to kick in and was great until the effects slowly felt like they were wearing off two months later! I upped my dose and now have been on 50 mg for little over a year. Dosage is definitely different for everyone and for those with OCD higher dosage is common where anxiety can usually be addressed at lower dosages.


Talk to your doctor about taking 12.5mg. Many people are put on starting doses that are way too high. If you feel dizzy, weak and filled with adrenaline after being on it for almost 2 weeks, those are not insignificant side effects.


Some tips that I wanna share: 1. Never consume zoloft without food. 2. Drink plenty of water. 3. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks to adjust. Extra tip: Do some physical activity like walk at least 30 minutes everyday. Most of the doctors suggested Me that and it really helps mental and physical health. All the best! You are strong.


Why without food? My doc told me to take it with food.


You mistakenly read the above wrong, he was saying always take it ‘with’ food. Two negatives in the sentence.


Thank you for clarifying


Give your body time to adjust to this dose before deciding if you want to lower or increase your dose. It can take 4-6 weeks for you to feel better and side effects to lessen, and up to 12 weeks for your body to fully adjust to the current dose. It takes time, but as the motto goes, "slow and steady wins the race". Did your doctor give you anything to help during the adjustment period? I have found propranolol to be super helpful, it's a beta blocker so it will help ease physical anxiety symptoms. I also take lorazepam as needed for really bad days, but haven't had to use it in awhile. I upped to 100mg 7 weeks ago and I'm having more good days than bad. Continue to push through. We've all experienced highs and lows during the adjustment period. Be kind to yourself during this time.


What kind of physical anxiety symptoms does propanol help with?


Racing heart, chest tightness, sweating, adrenaline surges, shaking/jitters


No kidding. I have to try that. I'm too Scared to take benzo's more than here and there


I only take my lorazepam if I'm having a really bad day. 0.5mg is such a low dose that I can still function (work, drive, be a human), and only do 1mg if I absolutely need it to sleep. Really helps quiet my mind down if I'm struggling to do it through the tactics I'm working on in therapy.


Yea, today was one of those really bad ones for me. Tried going up in dose of buspirone from 30-45 and it was bad


Ugh sorry to hear that. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you!




Ive been on propranolol for like a year already. Also have hydroxyzine as needed. Both are somewhat helpful, but the level of anxiety and chest sensations are just insane right now. Guess i just need to stick with it for a bit longer before deciding what to do next though.


I was on 8 weeks of 25mg and felt like this the entire time since starting. On Monday this week, I dropped it down to 12.5mg (splitting pill in half) and I feel calmer. Speak with your doctor.


When did your anxiety start? I’m on 12.5mg for 4 days and want to go up to 25 now but so scared of these side effects


i was on 12.5 for a week and felt miserable but then once i bumped up to 25 i felt so much better!! give it a chance and good luck !!


Oh my gosh i needed this so bad i could cry. Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll take my full dose tonight and hope for the best!!!


I see lots of other people said this but you gotta give it about a month and a half for your body to adjust


I’m literally on day 12 of 25mg today! I have had worsened anxiety and a 2 panic attacks. I keep reading that the side effects subside and people start feeling better but I am paranoid that I won’t be one of those people. I am supposed to up my dose to 50mg in 2 days. I hope the side effects subside for you soon!


Hang in there man


I started out with 25mg with the intention to up it to 50mg. However, my body didn’t handle 25mg very well - I had terrible side effects and felt unfunctional. So, I visited my doctor, explaining my condition, and he advised me to take 12,5mg instead. After a while of taking 12,5mg, I upped it to 25mg. It’s been about 9 weeks now and I have ups and downs, but in total I can say that I‘m starting to feel better. I will talk to my doctor again to slowly up it to 50mg. 12,5mg steps worked well for me. I truly believe every body reacts differently. Talk to your doctor.


I was on lexapro. Cross tapering so starting zoloft is not that bad. Anyways first few weeks of SSRIs are bad for sure. Always remember it will get better. Take care of yourself in the meantime. Cold shower, order your fav food. Watch fav Tv shows. Take a walk. And most importantly.. write down your moods & symptoms everyday. It slowly gets better, you might not remember how you felt a few days ago to compare. There will be up and downs. Some days you feel better, and then you feel anxious again. Be kind to yourself.


Maybe get a benzo like low dose valium to help u get through. Just ask for 10 2mg tablets that you can have 1 two times a day.


Maybe add as needed propranolol 10 mg daily until the zoloft levels out?


I’d just recommend telling this to your doctor, because maybe it’s not the right medication for you. I’ve been on the max dose of 200mg for close to a decade now, but I remember when I first started on the 25mg, and I never had anything like what you’re describing. I’m sure all bodies are different, of course, and perhaps yours just needs time, but I would let your doctor know immediately.


I was on max dose for about 13 years then lowered to about 75mg. While increasing, i felt terrible. Absolutely awful in every aspect but when i first started all those years ago, i didnt have a single side effect. So strange to me. Edit to explain that i needed to increase back to 200mg. I've been back on 200mg for 3 weeks tomorrow.


Like other people have said, and I'm sure it gets frustrating hearing it repeatedly, give it a good amount of time. I am currently on 50 mg but I started on 25 mg about 2 years ago. I remember the first few weeks were awful! I was 22 and my dad actually had me stay with him for the first month while my body and mind adjusted to the medication because it was pretty rough. For me, it was the depression that worsened a lot in the beginning but after a month or so things definitely got better. If you're someone who enjoys drinking, remember to be careful because your tolerance will decrease significantly. I made the mistake of doing multiple shots of tequila (because usually I'd be fine) and I blacked out. I actually thought I was going to die, it was awful


I would tell your doctor. Ssris (Zoloft, Prozac,etc) can cause what you’re describing if you are prone to a mood disorder (I.e. bi polar). I’ve been there and it’s a miserable feeling. If you try several and continue to have this reaction, this may be the case. P docs will usually add a mood stabilizer to combat these effects.


Depends on each perdon. I'm on 100mg and never felt something like that! Until 15 days your body is getting to it and even it can last longer. But feel free to ask to your doctor for any other med. There are other drugs that work on the same way than sertraline and may not give you those symptoms. Also, it can be a nocebo symptom too. Our anxiety over medication and treatment is tricky sometimes


I used 25mg for a few weeks. I ran out and couldn't refill because my doctor left her position. The second week was hell on earth but it got much better after that. Wish I hadn't run out or I'd still be on it.


Ask if they can prescribe Hydroxyzine with it to be used as needed (it’s an antihistamine, but is used for as needed anxiety treatment). Can def make you a bit drowsy, but it’s definitely helped tone down the anxiety for me atleast.


Oh my days, I know it’s not a competition, but I was straight on 100…. After 8 weeks 200mg Here I Am Wondering The Earth @ 48


I also felt awful at 25mg and 50mg. I’ve now gone up to 100mg (took 75mg for a week) and feel great! Most of my symptoms of anxiety are gone. I’ve been on 100mg for around 6 weeks and Zoloft in general for around 3 months. I thought there was no way I would feel better but it really has worked wonders. Stick with it. I also found regular therapy helped for me controlling my symptoms while I worked up, if that’s an option for you.


25mg is nothing. I started taking 12.5 mg then 25. No doubt it is rough. I am up to 150 mg now. I never thought I’d get to 50 let alone 150. It takes time and it is rough and then like others have said one day you wake up and it’s all good. It took me almost three months of gradual increases and being sick and wondering if I will ever get better before it did. Then one day at 75 mg and then a week later at 100 I felt at peace. I felt relaxed and happy. I suffer from extreme panic and depression. My panic attacks were absolutely crippling. I have them still but I can get passed them now. I still have a way to go but but stick with it. It takes time. I have been in your shoes. It sucked. But now I have have calm in my life I have not had in years. My psychiatrist gave me Xanax to calm the heart down which is a reaction to Zoloft. The two work so well. Wish you the best.


This was me. Had terrible akathisia. I explained it the exact same way. My doctor got me on propranolol and it has helped SO much. I can't begin to tell you how rough of a shape i was in. Btw, I'm on 200mg. I had severe increased anxiety but i think its starting to come down.


How long have you been on it?


I was on 200mg for 13 years and tried to taper down. Got to about 50mg and things got really bad for me again. Worse than they've ever been. Easily my biggest regret, tapering down. So I went from 50mg to 200mg in about a month, sunday will be the start of week 3 back on 200mg. I really feel for you because that feeling of adrenaline/anxiety was maddening and terrifying. But i survived it and you will too.


Took me 9 weeks of very rough time to get to the place where is better. 25mg.


OP have you had any relief?


Not yet, 16 days in with 25mg. Just trying to truck through it i guess. You?


Yesterday was my first day without an awful headache. I have a mild one rn. Still dealing with increased anxiety but forcing myself to go out tonight. I chickened out last night and was really disappointed in myself.




When do you take it? And how much do you take?


I take it in the morning and 25mg


There is a chance that you’re sensitive to the medication, you can try cutting it in half for a week then going up to the full 25. However please discuss that with your doctor before trying that.