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Weed and Zoloft is fine for me. Alcohol and Zoloft is horrific.


Me too. I black out almost any time I drink


Same here.


Yes THIS i absolutely can’t drink on zoloft but weed works great for me im on 50mg


One glass of wine and I’m drunk any more I projectile puke. Pre-Zoloft? I could drink and mix all night and be fine lol


Got drunk on Zoloft once… decided to go stone cold sober. Never again am I touching that stuff.


Smoking weed on SSRIs is pretty much a case by case basis. Basically, if it makes you feel good, then great, smoke away. But if it makes you feel anxiety or depressed, then either adjust the amount of weed you smoke/ingest, or don’t use. But alcohol, is a depressant, not saying people can’t drink on SSRI’s, many people do, and do fine drinking alcohol on SSRIs, but also many people have hard time with mixing the two. when I started Zoloft about four months ago, I decided to stop drinking (only drank 1-2 beers a night) just to see the full benefits of Zoloft. I’ve have few beers lately and do notice my tolerance is low, and do get a slight depressed mood the next day, nothing big but do notice a change. So I decided just to not drink. But like a said, many people do fine on alcohol. But when I smoke a little weed, Zoloft has no adverse effects whether I’m on it or not. Anyway, that’s just my anecdotal thoughts, cheers 👍


Weed helped me immensly with the side effects, and my doctor also said it was ok.


Yup doing this right now. Feel great.


Ok thank god


Yep I have felt good the whole evening. Relaxed and even motivated to get some things done too. It motivates me to get some good food to eat in the evening as well. 


I’m on Day two of starting Zoloft and tapering off of Effexor. Cannabis has always helped me, but my psychiatrist has often made it a point to give me a hard time about it, especially with being on meds. When we were discussing making the med change, he asked me if I was still smoking regularly. I told him of course I was and he said “Well that’s good!! For the next few weeks at least, you’re probably going to feel a little shitty. Marijuana will help a lot this time.😆


Awesome to hear


I’m in the same boat going from Effexor to Zoloft I feel like the Effexor was better for me way less side effects


I had some rough side effects starting Effexor though. I’m only a few days in on the taper and switch and I already feel shitty but I’m gonna tough it out. Effexor worked great for me until it didn’t. :/ why are you switching??


I’m switching for the same reason it worked great and then it just stopped working


What’s your taper like? I ask because I haven’t known anyone who’s done this switch. Good luck with the switch! Hopefully it’s not too bad for either of us!


I went from 175 down to 37.5 then I started opening the cap and taking like one bead out every day until about halfway then I just quit cold turkey my anxiety got pretty bad for a while


Zoloft or anxiety gave me insomnia..through trial and error I found that I can only sleep with at least 10 light beers , DAILY! , just so I can get some rest ..decided to start smoking weed to relax me before bed to cut down on beers ....results pending lol


Weed is so much better than alcohol imo


I’m sure it affects everyone differently but for me personally I smoked just about daily and it made my anxiety and depression significantly worse and I never really started to feel better until I quit.


Try using edibles instead of smoking. I believe thc brings people’s inner anxieties out - when I stop using I feel much more at peace. Don’t stress about it too much though as long as you feel good


I use it nightly


I just did some rips, weed is okay with zoloft!


How long did 75mg work for you ? Shame it’s stopped, sorry to hear that


It worked for like 2 or 3 months. Thanks, friend!


Dam that sucks… u hear people going well on 50mg for years…. Everyone’s different. Good luck with it all


It's fine I did for over ten years , finally quit last year 🤩😎🤩


take this w a grain of salt bc i don’t remember the specifics, but my psych told me about a dna or gene thing that some people have that when they smoke plant matter, ie weed, your ssris release either slower or faster so they spend more or less time in your system…i smoke hella, ive had waves of super similar experiences to you! i’ve been taking my zoloft at 175mg down from 200mg for the past few weeks, and i’ve been trying to smoke a little more mindfully and that’s been helping a ton. my biggest influence from my therapist has been to be kind to myself when it comes to stuff like this…it’s been so helpful for me. take ur time bae. u might be depressed right now, but that’s okay! be so patient with yourself, do what you can, and reach out to ur loved ones for support. it took me so long to do that last part, but honestly, it’s been the most helpful thing for me. i believe in u bro. u totally got this. take it day by day, remember what u can and can’t control. life is all good, meds are here to help, obv it’s the fucking worst when it feels like they’re doing more harm than good but it’s chemicals, yk? just take ur time sweetness, u totally got this!


This is the kindest thing I’ve heard all day. Thank you so much


Stupid question but… how does one ask for help? Like genuinely what should I say to my loved ones that helped you?


i reached out to my boyfriend first after coming to a pretty hard realization that i didn’t feel like the same person i was when i met him. i had to adjust my own view of myself and allow myself to be vulnerable with him and hope he understood. i am so lucky to have such an amazing partner, he’s been super understanding since i was honest about how i was feeling. im also super lucky that my roommates have been supportive as well. what i find helps me and those around me the most is talking about more specifically how im feeling hour by hour. if im feeling super apathetic that day, i try and let my partner and roommates know. i tell them im going to do my best to be aware of my moods and words, but hope that they can understand if i lash out or get snippy. generally, its stuff like that, letting those around me know how im feeling. this helps them know that they haven’t done anything wrong and prepares them in case i need support later in the moment/hour/day. additionally, in times when ive felt pretty clear headed, ive tried to come up with tasks or things to do that help me get out of my moods. i’ll gather these things and then my support systems will help me get out of bed, get out of the house, make food, etc. this is suuuch a process which has frustrated me time and time and time again. your friends will struggle and fail sometimes, but try and understand that they have their shit going on and allat too. i always feel like it’s easier to forget that when you’re feeling stressed, so i try and remind myself of that often…we’re all working together, always have patience <3


I’ve had mixed results. Be careful with edibles, I was stupid and took one with my meds. Ended up borderline hallucinating because I was so drowsy.


150 mg here. Been an on and off smoker. Currently going through withdrawals from 🍃 def thougher on meds. Feel bad for my body. I will say I caught my tolerance peaking a whole lot faster when on meds. Had to smoke a lot more to feel anything.


It’s really trial and error. I’m on 75mg and smoke a couple bowls a day. You might have to play around to find the right strain for you. My tolerance definitely builds much faster though.


As long as it's just to help go through the hell phase of adapting to the meds, I think it's fine. But stop it after the med is stable


If its good for you, then go ahead. Everyone reacts to things differently on SSRIs.


i started on 50mg about a week ago, was smoking multiple times daily before that, but i had to stop bcs i was having a horrible reaction to smoking. not sure if it was because i was smoking weed as opposed to my usual (hash), my heart rate would skyrocket and I'd get this horrible feeling of dread and a pressure in my head. if it works for you i say go for it? when i was last on ssris a few years ago i was smoking daily no problem, only thing is I've seen a few people warn of serotonin syndrome