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Sounds like you’re experiencing anxiety, maybe even a panic attack. You are completely safe on 50mg, some people take up to 300mg. Unless you’re doing other drugs that can interfere and increase your risk of serotonin syndrome, you are completely fine ❤️


why do i feel high like a cannabis high its quite alarming because ive been hospitalized from stuff like prescription pills and mixing alcohol with them and stuff but I didnt take anything just the zoloft.


You’d be surprised what anxiety can do, it can cause physical symptoms like that, too.


Serotonin syndrome is very rare. But if you are concerned please speak to an adult and ask to speak to a doctor about your symptoms and what doses you should be taking.


I dont have anyone to talk to. My moms just telling me its placeblo effect and I doubt she'll call my doctor.


Please look up who you can speak to. If you have to you can phone the emergency services if you feel you need it.


Don’t tell them that they’re in no danger, they’re gonna panic and call 911 😂


If they have a symptom they feel needs treated and a parent won’t listen then it is fine for them to phone for help.


I mean as someone who’s had health anxiety you have to be self aware of when you’re in actual danger and when you’re just anxious. If I went to the hospital every time I got chest pain or my right arm went numb my parents would be bankrupt


I think I’m more concerned there is a 13 y/o taking antidepressants without a responsible adult to discuss and help with side effects.


If you had serotonin syndrome, you wouldnt be able to type right now. You’d likely be in and out of consciousness and on the way to the hospital. Serotonin syndrome is very serious and rare and is more often the case when very high doses of unregulated drugs like MDMA are taken or mixed with SSRI’s. It is likely that what you are experiencing is panic, which can be VERY uncomfortable and can make you feel like you’re very unwell. Just rest assured that this is temporary feeling and you will feel better. It’s worth contacting your doctor for some support and to just check that everything is ok.


this, 100% this


Go to a doctor, but I want you to know it’s very unlikely you have serotonin syndrome. I’m surprised they prescribed Zoloft to someone so young though.


Some people are sensitive to Serotonin and can get Serotonin Syndrome from small doses, but this is very, very rare. Most people would need a massive dose to get it. Way above what is prescribed for depression. This is probably not Serotonin Syndrome, but is definitely a side effect you should discuss with your doctor, even just to get the reassurance that it's safe to carry on and that your side effects will improve soon.


changing dosage especially the way you did can cause those not so pleasant feelings. You are going to be okay. You are not at risk for serotonin syndrome at all. I take multiple serotonin targeting drugs and am at a higher zoloft dose than you. You’re going to be okay. I know exactly what you are talking about. When I missed a dose of my medication I felt the same exact thing but I promise it’s going to be okay. Zoloft can be hard on your brain and body. Anxiety can make those bad feelings worse. Take care of yourself and try and destress. Starting and stopping zoloft abruptly can do this to your body but you are not going to die


You won’t get serotonin syndrome unless you take like 10x the dose. I took 1000mg once and my pupils were so dialated I couldn’t look at lights and I was sweating and twitching super badly. FYI it’s pretty normal to have muscle twitching from this med, I’ve been on 100mg for months and it still happens sometimes.


I feel so lightheaded its crazy and get random pains around my chest and I feel kinda nauseas. But if its not serotonin syndrome that why is this happening to me


Health anxiety, I’ve convinced myself I’m having a stroke/heart attack too many times to count. Ssris can sometimes make you more anxious/depressed before they help and also nausea/fast heart rate is normal at least from my experience. Zoloft made me nauseous for like a week.


Taking 1000mg isn’t an accident usually, I hope you’re doing okay and have someone to reach out to ❤️


Also did you stop 100mg suddenly? That is generally not advisable and much better to come of slowly with the guidance of your doctor.


Hi!! Just seeing this now, I hope you are doing better ♥️ from my experience, going up and down and back up caused major dissociation, dizziness, ringing in my ears, severe panic attacks etc. Nothing more to worry about - just try to hang in there! They’re horrible horrible side effects. Whether you stay on or come off, the most important thing is to take the same exact dose every day at the same time. The fluctuations are likely the cause of all your symptoms and they will subside. Hang in there friend!!


Also- feeling of being high I absolutely felt too!! This is a common symptom.


Hey there I've been on Zoloft for over two decades. I started on it when I was 9 and I am now 31. And like others have said it's rare to get serotonin syndrome and it is unlikely on a dosage that low with no other conflicting medications anyway. Some details are missing from your posts so it's kind of hard to say exactly what's going on. But please note It's important to stay on your medication as you are prescribed it. If your doctor didn't advise you to drop the dosage or to stop then you should continue your medication as prescribed. Zoloft is one of those meds that can cause withdrawal effects as as you decrease your dosage or if you abruptly stop which is basically just your body trying to readjust itself not having the medication anymore. If you randomly stop taking your dosage and felt sick later that day or the next day it's likely due to not tapering down which you should only do with a doctor's instruction. That being said not every medication works for everybody so if you taking it for a considerable amount of time and you feel like your symptoms aren't better talk to your provider and they can work with you about finding a medication that might be a better fit.


Won’t happen


and now im having muscle spasms im really getting worried


Muscle spasms are very normal, they’re also a known side effect of Zoloft. You are safe ❤️


How are you? Are you feeling better? If not I strongly suggest you explain again to your mum how bad you feel or call another adult. It’s a high chance it is anxiety or panic attack but you really should talk to a close adult about it either way x


I was just as scared. I’m on 50mg and fine. You won’t get it only on 50mg and this is from my dr. Just don’t eat grapefruit or its juice for some reason it has a reaction with sertraline. Also, when you use pain meds always ask a pharmacist or dr if the pills are ok to drink with sertraline. You got this 🙌