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I'm pretty emotionally numb, but it's a small price to pay to get rid of crippling anxiety.


Couldn’t have said it better.


This this thiiiiiis. Completely correct for me. A lot of mental health decisions involve choosing the lesser of the evils.




i can but my emotions are a lot more flat. it does somewhat suck but like someone else in thread mentioned, i'd much rather this to crippling anxiety and depression


Same but I love this honestly!


I hear that!!! I wish for such a thing...Granted I cant cry,but Id LOVE to NOT be able to feel unnecessarily frightened tho,in the EXACT capacity.


How do you mean


Hasnt kicked in totally... I mean that the feeling of 'numbness' is not actual numbness.Feeling as if you cant cry,for me,FEELS as if its not even on the menu,technically,physically & never has been or will be... BUT not like 'drugs',Its like I forgot about it/any emotion that could possibly trigger it...BUT NOT like 'drugs'. That sensation came in a very short amount of time,for me @ least,likely cuz Im primarily anxious, AAMF,& any depressiveness,was from that(?). My point is that,I wish that this anxiety would simply NOT be an 'option',as well.So powerfully,as to one not being able to 'Think-Feel' of an anxious situation, *EFFORTLESSLY* .


I could cry on 50mg but since being on 100mg for a month I haven’t been able to! The other day I was thinking about something that would normally make me break down in tears, I could feel that I needed to cry and let it out, but it just wouldn’t happen. Such a strange feeling when I usually cry so much. That said, I drank a glass of wine last night and saw a picture of my dog who died and broke down. It took a few seconds for me to realise “woah, I’m actually crying”. I think it must have been the alcohol that contributed.


Same thing like i feel like a cry coming on and something or a stress that would typically make me cry and i literally cannot cry and it passes much quicker I haven't cried w alcohol but i did recently have a stressful move that made me breakdown and sob but it really took a lot to get there and it's the only time I've cried IN MONTHS


Both of these things (alcohol and stress) reduce serotonin levels, so that may be why!


Sorry if I was unclear, alcohol didn't make me cry or more emotional like the last poster


But you said you were stressed from your move. im just mentioning that both alcohol or stress can lower serotonin levels, so that could be the reason both of you could cry in your separate situations.


My mum died last November and I couldn't cry. Stupidly stopped taking my medication for two months (I know, I know) and couldn't stop crying. Probably needed that release though. Started the meds again mid February and haven't cried since. A middle ground would be nice, lol.


I am sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you 🙂


I’m so sorry. My mom passed in November 2020. It’s hard. I was on Zoloft and it really helped me. 🙏


It took awhile but I can cry at media again.


I’m on 50 mg and i still cry. I feel like it is different for everyone!


Same. I’ve been on 150 for ever along with other meds and I can still feel emotion quite strongly


Yeah it’s common side effect


I hate it so much, but it’s better than being hopelessly depressed.


Same here! I want to be able to cry where it’s warranted. I don’t like the numbness but I guess it beats a nervous breakdown.




Before I started on Zoloft I was a very emotional person. Sometimes on the extreme end of the spectrum. When I was on 50mg I got to where I could be in situations where crying would be appropriate and a healthy release of emotions and I couldn't really cry. I was at a funeral where someone I grew up with was murdered and seeing the pain of his family was devastating to me and I kinda cried for 5 seconds and that's it. Then I felt nothing even though I really wanted to if that makes sense I'm now on 100mg and it's the same but I can't even cry for a second. Emotional blunting is completely normal with Zoloft though


I can cry a little bit but I definitely don’t as often. I went to a wedding recently and like barely teared up a bit when normally I’d be bawling my eyes out lol


If I ever cried at a wedding it would be because they're stupid and boring


Aint it beautiful


I'm on the same dose, but this is a good side effect for me. I had been crying at the drop of a hat previously. I still get sad and upset, but it takes a whole lot for the tears to come.


You'll get used to it...I have only been able to truly cry three times in the ~18 years I've been on the 200mg. I can tear up maybe once a year or so. Numb zombie for life...I think it's a reasonable price to pay.


Yes, it is a reasonable price to pay versus being in bed all day and crying and not being able to do anything. I feel like I have my life back.


I couldn’t cry when it first started working. I was pissed because I love a good cry. Don’t fret, for the tears will return once your systems balance out. You will also have a range of emotions. Enjoy the break from intense emotions. They will return


Yes, I haven't been able to cry since I started 6 months ago. It's not because I'm not sad or emotionally numb, its just the tears don't come. It's similar to the sensation of trying to orgasm. You can feel it coming, but as soon as you get close, it disappears.


Makes up for constantly crying before Zoloft.


I feel like that too but am enjoying it so much I don’t want to test the theory!


I cried watching the movie trailer for Pete's Dragon yesterday so I guess I'm not numb yet! (on 75mg)


It's not numb for me I still feel tge emotion but it's not as deeply or unpleasantly. Like it's blunted


I cried a lot less, and once I came off Zoloft I found a renewed appreciation for its tendency to keep me from abruptly weeping.


I cry constantly on that dose. I'm way overly emotional 😒 . I think everyone is mad at me or are being mean to me. I hope this stops soon


I also constantly cry because I think everyone is being mean to me, but I haven’t cried as much since starting


Same, I'm on week 3 and I feel like a weepy mess, I'm not usually a crier but I feel so raw, everything makes me cry.




I remember that from when I was taking it, I went years never crying at a movie, and rarely crying at real things. Now I'm off Zoloft and I cry at EVERYTHING. Idk how scientific it is but I honestly feel like it saved up all the tears I didn't shed for the ten years I was taking it and now it's like a flood. I also just feel generally more emotional - happy, sad, angry, whatever.


This also happened to me when I came off it, I don't mind though. Feeling a range of emotions makes me feel more alive.


I just cried for 4-5 hours yesterday cause my dad has a 50/50 chance of living


I’m so sorry :(


Thank you so much also sorry to dump trama on your post just kinda needed to


I was crying all the time. Upon waking up, in the shower, driving, etc. I'm glad that all the crying stopped. A year later, a friend passed away, and there I was, crying.


I cold Turkey a year of being on 100mg. It’s been 3 months and I can’t cry still


i had this for a while. after a few months i think i was able to cry again. i’ve been on it for a year and i definitely find it harder to cry than before but i definitely do.


same! i only cry when something really really affects me


i’m on 100mg and i can’t cry as well it starts to frustrate me though when i feel it coming but nothing happens 😭


I thought I had lost my ability to cry (I used to cry at everything before) on 100mg and then I drank for the first time since starting the medication and I sobbed. Don’t even remember why but I guess I can cry when I drink (been on it like 2-3 months)


I still cry, but it eventually stops, unlike before


I just cant nut


Give it time,if youre new.....Same deal.....NOW its like,never happened. That shit WAS wild. I hope that you recently started,say 2weeks ago.


ive been on it about 2 months now😭


Hmmm.....interesting.Im only like 6.5 weeks. I HATE to generically tell you to pretty much just take whatever comes your way, & that *'Everyone Is Different'* ,etc, BUT thats the only truth that I can offer,in this instance. Hopefully this is your case tho.I thought my d@ck was going to become a permanent dildo.....had no feels for a few weeks,but could get it up...Strangely,I honestly didn't mind TOO much,as long as my lady still wanted it(LTR).I wanted this intense anxiousness gone, so much, that it was worth it to me. Let me say that I wasnt necessarily horny either,but wouldve still have been with it,no prob. Im a 'young' middle-aged dude,I swear age IS but a number.My *inherent* maturity,may be a factor there,cuz believe me,personality-wise,Im a young hornball. I say this cuz I understand that if you are a younger person,that this side may be(IS) a dealbreaker,especially if youre still in the field playing,&/or,also have a fresh/cutesie relationship. So I can ONLY ask if remedying your *OS's* wonky behavior > not being able to play one of your fav *games*, on your *laptop*. Please dont quit(?) if youre seeing benefits.


That's usual with this medicine and most antidepressants. I was numb when I first got on it over 5 years ago at 25-50 mg and then it went away. I only get numb when I have to get a higher dose and then it usually goes away


I’m on 200 Sertraline and am currently crying my eyes out


I wasn't able to cry on zoloft. I'm missing that numb feeling now. Been off it for over a year. I think life is better with less feeling


ive been on zoloft and it made me pretty numb but im not crying at everything at least, and as a 23 year old man that's something i don't want.


The film Aftersun did it for me finally


Yup. I can’t cry when I’m watching my anime anymore even during the saddest scenes lol. I feel like a monster


Lmfaoo i mean I’m also in the same boat. I can’t cry but I feel empathy and sadness , I’m not an emotionless monster lol


Yep same- I could never cry and it’s just a muted feeling 😂 coming down off them currently and now on 12.5mg before coming off completely and the tears are back


Apathy was a side effect for me


As soon as I started on it which was 25 mg I haven’t been able to cry at all. I’m now at 50 and still nothing. The emotions are there but I just can’t physically cry I know I’m supposed to cry about it because I would before but I just can’t.


I thought I was the only one who felt this !


Same thing happened to me! I couldn’t cry for the first few months on 50mg, but I got it back eventually. Just have to adjust!


Filled the hole in my head with prescription medication then forgot how to cry, who am I, who am I to complain?


Same here but I'm on 25mg, was thinking of something super sad the other day that would normally make me cry and I just couldn't


Yep. I can’t cry either. It’s better than dealing with my crazy high or low emotions though.


I can cry but can’t org. 😩




weirdly enough i stopped taking zoloft and now im an emotional wreck lol


I literally cried every single day for years before starting. Now I often find myself in a mood where I want to cry but the tears just don't come.


i can cry suprisingly lol


I was numb like this on Prozac, but not on Zoloft. Maybe try a different med.


It took a bit of time like a month but I can definitely cry again lol -- I kind of miss not crying sometimes


That happened to me when I was on lexapro. It’s normal. Maybe need a smaller dose? But that time will pass. You’ll get to cry soon


Yes me too I physically could not cry on 50mg except for when I was pregnant!


Same for me, I feel the emotion like if a movie is sad but I don't cry. I actually hate this I feel like there is no release!


yeah i cant cry hahahha


Hello everyone, so I'm on 50mg of zoloft. Before now, all I felt was anger and anxiety. I could never ever ever cry unless it was the funeral of a loved one. Now I cry more than ever. Like I feel like I feel more emotions and anger feels muted. Maybe it was the anxiety that had me on edge. But yeah, everyone's different. I couldn't imagine now not being able to cry it's such a great release .


I started on 25mg 4 weeks ago, upping to 50mg after the first week. The emotional blunting was too much for me, so I was advised to go back down to 25mg, and they will be titrating my dose slowly from here. I’ve been at 25mg for about 2.5 weeks, and I’m barely able to cry as of the last few days– like you and some other posters mentioned, sometimes crying is totally appropriate and a good release, so I feel robotic about not being able to. For context, I lost my soon shortly after childbirth nearly 3 months ago, so it’s all very fresh.


It takes like A LOT for me to cry, but I still feel like I experience the full range of emotions. Sometimes it feels like I need to cry and just can’t, but to be fair I also felt that way when I was in a deep depression so 🤷🏻‍♀️


yeah the first 2-3 months I couldn't cry. But after that I was able to. Although I was generally less emotional (ie things that I know would have made me cry in the past didn't even make me tear up).


Hi I’m on 25mg and I’m supposed to go up to 50mg but idk if I want to cause I’m already feeling a lot better. I was on 50mg a year ago when I first got diagnosed and I remember I couldn’t cry as well. But a good trade off.


I'm at 62.5mg and still crying. Might try 75mg.


I’m on 150mg and only cry occasionally. It’s wonderful actually


It’s the one thing I liked about Lexapro… haven’t experienced it yet on Zoloft and on 50mg.


I was really bothered when I noticed that I had zero sense of humor anymore. I also felt that the regular housekeeping maintenance things that used to give me anxiety weren't getting done and my home became extremely cluttered and it was getting g woes. So I decided that I needed to feel a little bit more to get shit done. Getting off was physically painful, but I'm better 3.5 mo the later.


i cry all the time


Yeah I’m pretty far from my emotions tbh


I felt this way for the longest time until I watched a really emotional anime and was able to tear up a bit. But yeah, that's about it. if I ever do cry, it's barely anything at all.


I’m on 50 mg. My ex left me about two months ago. Every time he takes my baby (18 months) for the weekend, I spend a good 24 hours crying and sobbing. It’s pretty much the only thing that I cry over. I miss my baby when he’s gone.


I wasn’t able to cry for about a year and a half. My emotions somewhat returned after awhile


this happened to me too, but the feeling went away and i can definitely cry again. if you feel too numb though, you should switch your ssri


This happened to me. Stopped the med, I was blunt enough I didn’t care about anything at all.


I’ve always been quick to cry. Since I’ve been on 150 mg Zoloft I only cry every other day now lol. It’s never made me “too” numb. But I’m sure it just comes down to personal anatomy and psychology.


I’ve gotten it from Zoloft plus another med I take. I feel like I’m crying but poker face. I hate it.


I would freaking love this, I get so emotional lately that I cry for anything. I mean, I cry easily before but not this much haha


WAIT YES. I TRIED EXPLAINING THIS TO MY FRIEND LOL. I used to be set off by almost anything, and now even if I’m sad or WANT to cry I just cannot produce tears. The only things that make me cry are…. My boyfriend when I’m upset. And that is the only thing that can trigger my crying.


I can't recall the last time I cried, even before zoloft


I’m a chronic crier at everything lol, I’m pretty sure I experienced this when I first started taking Zoloft, all of a sudden my eyes would be dry during moments they usually wouldn’t. I’ve been on it for about two years now and pretty much feel like I’m back to normal, this was just my own experience but give it a month or two and maybe you’ll level back out like me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Actually I cry more now personally; I think I was too frozen to cry for a while.


100mg for two years now. At first it was difficult but now I cry the "appropriate" amount 😂


Yep, I’ve been on 200mg Zoloft for over a decade and I NEVER cry. I can remember myself crying maybe three times in the past ten years. I recently switched to lexapro (ended up switching back to zoloft), and all of a sudden I started crying, like a lot. It was actually kind of refreshing. I mean it sucked that I felt worse and was crying at pretty much everything, but I was like holy shit I can cry?? And it’s easy??


Yep! I usually don't give a fuck but sometimes you just need the catharsis of a good cry.


Same. I’m on 50mg & I cried today. That’s when I know shit is BAD bc I usually can’t


this happened to me too, the waterworks came back after about a year. not as frequent as it once was but it actually helps a lot with managing emotions.


I’m on 200mg daily. I go through times where I can’t either. It’s not that I’m numb, I feel it but just not as emotionally as I would have before. It sucks, at times because some think I don’t “feel” but I do, crying isn’t the only sign of emotion. But I can’t back off or go off, as the alternative anxiety and ocd is so bad!! I still deal with then with the Zoloft but so much more manageable and not as many highs and lows on this dosage.


I’m on 25mg and only cry if I’m REALLY upset. It’s a bit of a relief tbh given that beforehand I would always be on the verge of tears. Got a bit embarrassing with crying at work a couple of times! I’ve always been the type to cry if I got into an argument with someone, have found that Zoloft has really helped overcome that. It has been a wonder for being able to communicate without having the other party feel like I’m having a breakdown!


💯 Thinking about this yesterday - 4 weeks on 50mg and I can't feel I can cry thru grief atm, like feeling numb


Wait till you can’t get a boner anymore and still can’t cry!


12.5 mg and my eyes will water but I cant really “cry” per-say. I kind of like it but I DONT like how negatively its impacted my creativity in that aspect.


Same! But when I cry.. I CRY! It’s a proper floodgate situation when something makes me cry now


Yeah I used to be a real cryer, a book, film, tv show with even a slight emotional edge and I would be off crying. Now I can’t cry at all. I haven’t cried about my dad’s death since taking it. I’m not sure I like it. Feels like I don’t connect to entertainment in the same way but as many have said I don’t want the anxiety so I’ll stick with it


Took me 2 months until I cried on sertraline, and I was drunk at Christmas. Second time was about 4 months on, and that was a situatioship ending, the third and last time I cried was about 5 months in where I was hungover, but realised I was proud of how far i've come and what i've achieved. But in general I can't cry at all. I've just reduced down from 100mg to 50mg this week, hoping to regain some emotion if I can handle it


Lmfaoo yeah i can’t cry anymore since being on 100mgs of Zoloft. Not even during movies anymore. It’s not that I am not experiencing emotion , the tears just don’t come like they used to anymore. I’ve also noticed a sudden stop in intrusive thoughts that would torment me everyday to the point where I would cry all day in bed. I feel like a different person but in a good way. I feel like I’m myself again and I’m much happier. But yeah, I can’t cry. Only a few tears will roll down my face .


It will come back in time. I am on 150 and am able to cry. But I have been on Zoloft for 5+ years. I prefer this than having a panic attack every night.


Mostly yes. I’ve been on 50mg for 7 months and have only been able to cry since last month. Sad videos would send me into an ugly cry, I cried in the car park before work because I had a bad dream, and cried due to severe period pain. But, not being able to cry sucked.


I’m on day 6 of 25mg and I finally was able to cry in therapy today but it was NOT as easy as usual. I was the type of person to cry every single day on command. The past few days i’ve been wanting to cry but I just couldn’t. I’m so happy I was able to tear up today lol. Who knows when that will happen again.


I love that I cannot cry. It makes you look like a badass in the most challenging of situations when you're dealing with someone heartless and uncaring.


MEEEE for the first few months. I’m back to my normal crying self lol


A spot of hope here for anyone who might be worried about never being able to cry again: I had this side effect for almost a year when I was on 200mg of Zoloft. This was in 2021. Then one day my friend did something super emotionally touching for me and the floodgates opened. Since I broke that seal I’ve been able to cry pretty normally since, whether it be in happy or sad moments. Hopefully it comes back to some of yall, I didn’t think it would for me! Hugs 🫂 <3


Absolutely! I havent cried in over a year, and this year has really been something to cry over. When I want to cry, I just look down and put my head in my hands cause that’s really all I can muster up. It’s like you can feel a wall inside your head holding it in.


Yes! Omg I’m on 150mg and EVERYTHING used to make me cry before. But now it’s so hard to cry. I prefer this than roller coasters of panic attacks everyday 😬


I noticed it was more difficult to cry for a few weeks but I think that’s sort of improved now, I think I need to increase my dose from 50mg


I’ve only cried like tops 10 times in the past 2 years on anti d’s. Beforehand, when I wasn’t scream crying in bed, I was literally on the verge of tears all the time. I would take the former any day personally!


Can't everything!


I’m on 100mg. My daughter got upset at me for not crying at her HS graduation. It was a crazy ride and had I not been on Zoloft I would have been a mess. The one time during the ceremony where I did feel a wave of emotion was when 2 kids, who passed away were being honored and their parents slowly walked to receive their awards. But I didn’t cry, but felt it coming on. So I think I do have the ability to cry, just not as easy as before. Just to give you an idea of life before Zoloft. I can easily cry by sitting on public transit and watching anyone with a disability being loaded onto the bus. I avoid all sad movies or books. My husband sends me videos of soldiers reuniting with family for fun. Just to see me cry. He sends while we are in bed…. And just stares and waits.


I'm emotionally numb to, was at a funeral and didn't shed a tear.


I’ve been tapering from 50 mg for about a month now. Currently on 12.5mg and my ability to cry has absolutely returned.


that’s so me!!! Even when I want to cry I can’t, it’s definitely super weird after being a “crybaby” for my whole life. I’m a little sad/nostalgic for it honestly. I think you can have space to be grateful to zoloft for making your life better/easier while also kind of mourning some of its side effects


I had this exact same thing. I felt like I was so broken with things that were going on with me but I couldn’t shed a single tear. For me I started to feel like a bit of a robot and decided to come off my medication all together and it was the worst thing I could’ve done. I’ve just spent the last 3 months in the deepest pit of depression and anxiety ever. Had to go back to my gp and start my medication again.


Sounds like heaven to me


I couldn’t cry at first on 50mg but after a month or so my emotions came back. But I also have bipolar 2


i haven’t cried since i started zoloft but it’s not because i feel emotionless or anything i think? i used to cry A LOT because of severe anxiety and i feel like i’ve just stopped be anxious to the point where i break down in sobs. i will say that on occasion i’ve felt that burning feeling before a cry behind my eyes but i’ve never actually shed a tear. i find it’s just easier to bring myself off the edge now.


im only on 25 but the exact same happened to me


Same, but I’m okay with it because otherwise I cry at the drop of a hat and my partner doesn’t deserve to deal with that


The first time I was on Zoloft was my senior year of high school. Then a couple years later in college. After those first 2 times, it's been extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to cry. The emotion is still there, but not the tears. It's definitely a weird place to be in, but at times I remind myself that it's better than randomly having existential breakdowns and crying at inappropriate times due to getting so overwhelmed and defeated.


This symptom goes away with time.