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I've never heard of that. the only food I avoided was grapefruit. my psychiatrist didn't say anything about any of the foods you listed, including bananas, so I think it's safe


Yeah MOAIs do but Zoloft is a SSRI


Yeah as others have mentioned, it’s only old-school irreversible MAOIs like phenelzine that interact with high tyramine foods. Newer reversible MAOIs like moclobemide don’t have the same interaction, neither do tricyclic antidepressants, SNRIs or SSRIs.


I eat avocado and bananas pretty much every day without issue! Chocolate and fermented dairy products like yogurt pretty regularly. I’m on 50 MG daily for reference


I can’t find the article now, but I was concerned about the same and from what I’ve read SSRIs (such as sertraline) do not have any negative interactions with high tyramine foods. MAOIs, which were popular before SSRIs came around, do have interactions with tyramine so a lot of articles conflate the two classes of antidepressants. I haven’t found any official/legit sites that say that sertraline has any potential negative interactions with these foods. You should, on the other hand, avoid grapefruit, bergamot, and St. John’s wort. Also don’t eat anything with charcoal around the time that you take your meds, it’s used medically to absorb toxins & medications so it can prevent your meds from being absorbed properly.


Lmao I hope this isn’t the case cuz I’ve heard no warning from my doc or pharm and I’ve been doing all of those occasionally with no issues that I know of.


I’m on 100mg and just ate a whole 3 musketeers bar, guess I’m fucked.


rip 😭


never heard of that all the grapefruit!


Grapefruit messes with a lot of medications.


I don’t want to invalidate you but there is literally nothing to worry about. Avoid grapefruit, and even then you won’t die. Eat whatever you want


I work at a bakery and eat chocolate and bananas all the time and I never noticed a difference lol. You’re good :)


I was only told grapefruit. I eat almost all the stuff you mention frequently


Honestly I would only take guidance that specific about food from a dietitian or other specialist. The interaction between grapefruit and some meds is well documented, and easy to confirm. What reason did your dr give for telling you not to eat fermented products, milk or chocolate? Is it verifiable? My partner and I have both never heard of these restrictions, and we both hold prescriptions for Zoloft. Which is not to say your dr is wrong, just that it’s news to me


i’ve never heard of that and i eat all of these with no issues


Gotta love family doctors. I find they’re great for making referrals to other doctors and that’s about it.


I eat bananas every day and have no problem. I think it’s mostly just supplements that have tyramine in it. As many of mention, it’s pretty much only grapefruit/ grapefruit juice that will interfere with the enzymes that breakdown Zoloft.


I've been on Zoloft for 7 years and had no issues with any of those. You'll be fine


I’ve been all those things and I haven’t noticed anything


Oh wow. I’ve been eating aged cheeses and avocados 🥑 and on Zoloft. I hope this isn’t the case. I haven’t had any side effects. I also didn’t even know about the grapefruit part 🫠.


No it doesn't. Other antidepressants called MAOIs can interact with these foods but not zoloft. You should avoid grapefruit though


Actually dark chocolate avocado oyster nuts cheese milk is very good for anxiety I was on setraline up to 150 mg and know I am on 12.5 mg with all that intake


Nooooooope as someone who has been on Zoloft for most of 10 years I can tell you with certainty that I regularly eat milk (literally 500ml every morning with my ADHD medication smoothie) and avocados (literally every morning on my avocado feta sandwich) and chocolate more than occasionally and have zero problems 😂 I also loooove aged cheese and guess what, no issues! I don’t like bananas so I don’t eat them often but I do make a point to force myself to eat at least one before a night of drinking. Edit: also I am German so I eat a heck of a lot of sauerkraut and I’m pretty sure that’s fermented too


Can only speak from experience but I took Zoloft alongside 200mg of tramadol daily and had no issues whatsoever. I didn’t eat grapefruit but ate chocolate. I would imagine tramadol has a stronger impact on serotonin than grapefruit.


Chocolate, cheese and bananas are probably 30% of my diet haha you have nothing to worry about! The only thing I avoid is grapefruit


I’ve only heard to avoid grapefruit & ibuprofen


i eat all of those!! i’m on 150mg. IT’S FINE ENJOY WHAT YOU LOVE


Your doctor is an idiot.


https://youtu.be/Wbo3GJ2DvkI?si=KsOkM7JiM78RIj87 Even with irreversible MAOIs, there are ways around it. In any case, none of that applies to sertraline.


I had a horrible reaction to a cacao drink that I blame entirely on Zoloft. Definitely do not recommend.