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The beauty of Zombicide is that you can house rule just about anything. A few years back the creators encouraged it. Adopt rules from other versions and what not. You don’t need more expansions, but 1 or two to change it up wouldn’t hurt.


Thanks I just found Prison Outbreak and Toxic City Mall for $60 each. I think it'll suffice our sporadic game sessions.


Not bad on price. They can make a fun combo or alone. Try to keep your distance from toxics and you can only melee against berserkers.


A) No, you have not been scammed and yes this is very confusing. The upgrade kit is meant to incorporate your 1st edition survivors and zombie into 2nd edition. It doesn't work the other way. So in your case the upgrade kit is useless. You can decide to stick to first edition and try to collection Prison Outbreak, Toxic City Mall, Rue Morgue and Angry Neighbors (but they are out of stock so mainly available on secondary market). Or you can jump to 2nd Edition by getting the core box and some of its expansions (3 are already available: Washington ZC, Fort Hendrix and Rio Z Janeiro). If you jump to 2nd edition, you can get rid of you current Zombicide box (the one in the picture) because you won't need it at all to play 2nd edition. B) Never tried it, but Western is apparently well appreciated but also more challenging. If you like the theme, it can be a good pick. It's also less confusing as there is no 1st and 2nd edition like in modern. Everything labelled as western is compatible to one another. C) If you like campaign, with some continuity between missions, you should switch to 2nd edition, because the three expansions are campaigns. Similarly, the Western version has a campaign expansion "Gears and Guns" working similarly as 2nd Edition campaigns. If you want to stick to 1st edition, try to get Prison Outbreak and Toxic City Mall. You'll have new type of zombies, more survivors and one (or two ?) weapons able to deal 3 damages to abominations. Bonus - Some resources to expand you game experience: A large collection of missions: [https://boardgamecompendium.com/en/index.php](https://boardgamecompendium.com/en/index.php) Fanmade content: [https://zombicidefans.com/](https://zombicidefans.com/) Zombicide fan community if you have more questions: [https://discord.gg/mZYMgHJF](https://discord.gg/mZYMgHJF) I hope it helped. Enjoy your game.


Hey mate! I wanna say I appreciate you just saying I wasn't scammed with that set. We know where it puts me ;-) I think I'll talk to my group about western theme, but in the meantime I found some used Prison Outbreak & Toxic City mall on eBay for $100... Fingers crossed I can get it ;-) Oh, does it matter Prison Outbreak is season 2? I saw I can buy tiles from the 2nd edition and could proxy the rest, but have to think about it. I like having all the bits "original".


Honestly you’re better off buying the second edition. With the upgrade pack, you can incorporate bits of the first, and play all the previously released characters as long as yiu don’t mind using the minis you have instead of the proper ones. In terms of missions, you’ll have all the missions that are included in the box, plus all the downloadable ones. Then you can invest into 2nd edition expansions.


Thanks. I'll keep my eye on FB marketplace etc for some good deal on second edition. Really excited now :-)


Prison Outbreak is the season 2 of the 1st edition. So it's fully compatible with the box you currently have and can also be played on it's own if you don't want to mix the two boxes.


Glanced through what others have said so I'll give my brief addition. 2nd Editions rules should be online for free if you want to read through them and see if you might like it more. It does change spawn rules (changes to tiles) and changes to weapons/characters which would compliment the upgrade kit you have. 1st edition stuff can be played as 2nd edition with the upgrade kit you have as well as some modifications. There is a great fellow in the Zombicide community named Fjplayer22 who has created stickers for the tiles as well as rulebooks to modify almost all 1st edition content at this point. Big boxes can be found here: [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1hksmbeensqapdcn6zutl/ALayaopEi71pVGfgz8erYhE?rlkey=stfcldov0hvd1737em2ocxecp&e=1&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1hksmbeensqapdcn6zutl/ALayaopEi71pVGfgz8erYhE?rlkey=stfcldov0hvd1737em2ocxecp&e=1&dl=0) The conversions go deeper with game nights too, can be found by looking through their BGG (Board Game Geek) profile or I can dig up the links for those too if you DM me at any point. They've play tested all of this stuff too, absolute legend. There is an awesome Discord community for this game that i've been enjoying a lot as well [https://discord.gg/fVEPhXwqqr](https://discord.gg/fVEPhXwqqr)


Omg. This is brilliant. I love that someone has thought of all those things already. I'm much more keen to commit to some 1st edition expansion, now I know I can convert them. I listed in another reply what I'd need to fully convert my base game (tiles,kids, pimpmobile weapons and maybe abomination). Have they worked on the base too? Or just the extras? Thank you so much!


Tried to respond to this earlier in a longer winded way than I will now but reddit wouldn't let me post then I lost the comment by copy pasting something else like an idiot (apparently there is a copy history windows key + V but it needs to be turned on first.. lol). I can't give you a good answer to converting 1st ED core box to 2E, but I think the Discord (modern-help channel) would be a great place to ask that question to very informed people(I am still a Zombicide newbie). I saw a comment from Fjplayer22 before that he has no plans what so ever to convert 1st edition base game because 'CMON would have done that if they wanted to when they made 2nd Edition'. I think (don't know) that this is in relation to the missions. They also mentioned not wanting to tread into a murky area because a full conversion would effect 2E sales and maybe head into some copywrite areas (could be misremembering this bit). CMON said you could play Classic (Season 2/3) as 2nd Edition so the conversions on classic are in line with what CMON suggested. But CMON only gave us cards and said have fun leaving everything else up in the air and confusing. Fjplayer22 just filled gaps and provided a solution to dark room/spawns. Edit: Oh yeah.. since I noticed your name is "Final Brush", if you are into miniature painting one thing to consider is that the 2E miniatures are SOOOOOO MUCH better. Don't look at the Reboot box unless you want to go broke.. lol


Ok so if you want to keep going with Zombicide 1st edition the main expansions/standalone expansions are prison outbreak and rue morgue , you have angry neighbours and toxic city mall as just expansions . All these include new survivors and new types of zombies but they only offer scenarios , they aren’t campaigns as such . The scenarios have an overarching story but you don’t keep equipment and so forth in between scenarios. 2nd edition actually has campaign expansions . This have new survivors and new zombies aswell but the idea is you play as the same survivors throughout the campaign. The campaign expansions are - Washington ZC - Fort Hendrix - Rio Z Janeiro Personally I really like 2nd edition particularly how powerful the survivors feel once they start leveling up . I also feel that certain zombies make the game much more tense ( soldier zombies ) . As for scenarios the beauty of zombicide is that it’s such a modular system , I mean it’s not hard to just imagine a quick story line in your head and just roll with it . You can do that with either 1st or 2nd edition . If you need to play with the difficulty ply around with the more or less spawn points . I think the first things is to see the availability of the expansions because that may very well influence whether you go with first or 2nd edition . Once you e decided that may get the expansions to suit and play around with that even if you incorporate 2nd edition rules . Personally I play very little first edition whilst I have most of the expansions and mainly play 2nd edition .


Thanks for your comment. I just found someone near me sells Prison Outbreak & Toxic City Mall, so I think I'll start with that. Maybe once we get sick of it in a year or two we'll go for 2nd (or 3rd ) edition. The campaigns you mentioned sound exactly what I'm looking for. I wonder if I could buy tiles from the second edition and just use what I have now. I reviewed the game components and - tiles = need to buy - 12 survivors = I miss kids and Phil got replaced by Elle - zombies = have them from 1st edition. I have one Abomination, but it isn't a big deal to roll a die to pick which one of 3/4 is it. - equipment cards from 1st edition - pimp weapons - it's gonna be a pain. May have to print out proxy. - abomination & zombie cards come from the "upgrade set" - car zones etc - everything is in 1st edition. Some bits missing and $50 for tiles vs $150 for a full compete game... Gonna have to sleep on it. Thanks again!


All good glad I could help , I think one of the advantages of the Zombicide system is that it is so easy to tailor and house rule to your needs . So I think that sounds like a pretty good idea . Also cmon like release a new version on Kickstarter pretty much every year so it’s not like they won’t release another modern Zombicide . We’ve had DCeased on crownfunding this year and will undoubtedly get another Zombicide next year . White death which was last years release will probably see delivery at the end of the year . That’s like their cycle .


Dont forget you can download tiles and print them yourself. Same with survivors, missions, tokens, vehicles, etc etc. Example tiles: https://zombicidefans.com/printable-map-tiles/


You can add the cards together. Use my opaque sleeves found at LingSter Games. The backs will be covered and you won't really care or be able to tell them apart!


Don’t worry, so do CMON

