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Remember kids, the cloud is just someone else's computer.


Cloud can also be your computer when you’re away from it. You can turn your old laptop into a cloud storage if you wanna


an old but functional laptop can be a great server in general, attach it to a vps or some other public ip and it's just become your own server for any data you need


How do I do this, I've heard people using Plex but I couldn't figure it out. What method did you use?


Search for how to install Ubuntu, then do that to your laptop or spare pc, then search for plex installation instruction on YouTube and follow them


<-< I just reverse tunnel with autossh from the lapto to the vps, assign vps port :2222 to the laptop :22 and connect to the laptop through ssh, ik I'm lazy (that's also how I use my laptop/vps as a rather slow VPN, by just forwarding all the ports of my new laptop to the old one)


and here i thought :222 was a smiley face


Jellyfin is my preference over Plex


Syncthing my beloved Nextcloud my cherished


That's not real cloud hosting though, they're just rebranding the idea of having a server in your house with a buzzword so they can sell your own computer back to you. Cloud hosting implies at least some level of redundancy and distribution. The FTP I ran off my desktop when I was 15 so I could play Quake 2 at my high school wasn't "cloud hosting", it was just running an FTP server. Which is objectively based and everything, and you should do it, but the real benefit of putting shit "in the cloud" is so that it can't be killed by any foreseeable type of failure short of another Carrington event.


…or some company going under.


Okay but what if I have 2 computers and I make it so I don't even know which computer I'm saving stuff too, how about that one, huh????


yeah well you know the data redundancy on business solutions is usually like 2-4x and one junior engineer making a typo is extremely capable of destroying that. for consumer solutions it might be even worse, 2-3x. you can organise more for yourself, and you usually should.


usually it's someone else's more than one computer


OMG Boyfriends pfp!!!! :3


I luv Hank hills voice so much, sometimes if I've watched a lot of the show I'll start accidentally imitating his accent for a lil bit x3


Gaht dang it! lol my wife and I are in the middle of a rewatch now 😅


I’ll tell you hwhat




my grandpa is basically an old version of hank hill (or an outdoors hobbyist handyman version of tom anderson)


Recently got a windows laptop for the first time and Jesus Christ this is so true WHY is windows annoying like this


Its not? Windows cloud option is like one fucking slider and you dont have to deal with it again. Apple cloud options however are borderline hostage situations.


Yeah, that's still annoying. Let me opt into all that convenience shit. I shouldn't have to set a bunch of options and uninstall extra crap until my windows install is fully "clean." Especially when using it for the first time! I remember one of my CS professors saying the "smart" in "smart device" basically means "anticipate what the user wants before they ask for it." It's like magic when it works, it's frustrating when it's wrong! I feel like the same applies here. STOP trying to guess how to be helpful and doing it, wait for me to indicate that I want it! And stop trying so hard to get your grubby mits on my data.


Or at least present the offer in the setup instead of just going ahead and having it enabled by default. Recently got a new laptop with Windows 11. The onedrive thing was irritating AF. Though that did motivate me to figure out how to turn it off, which I then did.


lol what? onedrive fucking begs you to set it up every single day. you just… don’t have to use icloud if you don’t want to and you’re never asked again.


Nah. There’s a way to turn that off. I got irritated enough to find it. Bullshit that it’s necessary, but it’s still possible. Note: I’m assuming you have Windows 11, since that’s the only version I’ve encountered the onedrive issue on.


probably is, i stopped using windows before i got to that point. mac is better for creative stuff and linux is better for coding, and gaming is good enough for what i need. windows is the worst of both worlds to me lol


I've turned it off several times and it keeps finding a way to be enabled again


i actually like icloud, i keep all my stuff on there since my last macbook broke and i had to plug it into the tv so i could save my files. the only annoying thing is that it doesn't let you store app files in your cloud




I used OneDrive to move my docs between PCs.


Tried to click on a link to someone’s email yesterday through their website and instead of just giving me the email address, windows has to open its own mail app (which takes way too long to start) and beg me to connect all my email accounts to it


But when I save it to OneDrive, it acts like this :3 https://preview.redd.it/8bv8i2xq786d1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c3743f49145932f30da3addd9471c0b00be275


I remember when I first disabled onedrive a game lost its keybinds, and on that day I put Linux on my laptop to start learning a new os


I hate windows trying to make OneDrive the default so much. I was trying to copy stuff over to a new computer, thought I could just paste it all in the documents folder and then everything turns red and the computer says "no you stupid dumbfuck, that's a OneDrive folder with a 5 gigabyte limit, we aren't even going to have your normal documents folder be visible on quick access by default, now there's going to be a big red x in your file explorer for the next few days even after you found the document folder and deleted everything in OneDrive."


I disabled the syncing and then deleted onedrive from my pc outright :3


I wish I could do this on my work PC. I'm driven mad multiple times a day by onedrive having a heart attack because I don't want autosave enabled on template files that get edited and saved-as constantly.


Oh! In that case, I recommend remote detonation with plastic explosive as one method for removing Onedrive from your computer


I just got a new laptop last week and this was my exact experience.


a reminder to all windows users to set up [shutup10++](https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10)


~~also a gentle suggestion to use linux, it really isn't hard i promise, just different!~~


What about gayming tho, how is it on linux these days?


Honestly not too bad, just have to use the, what is essentially a, windows emulator; Wine. (Yes, you run a windows emulator on linux to make it work properly. Don’t think about it too much.)


That sounds awful lot of difficult for someone as dumb as me


Steam can automagically setup a thing called proton which is pretty much wine with game patches for you and most games will just work.


It's not. Steam has an optimized version of the emulator baked right into the client itself. You just go into the Steam settings, select "Compatibility" and then click on "Enable Steam Play for all other titles".


I'm dumb as rocks and I've been a Linux Gaymer™ for around four years now. Steam makes it super easy with Proton.


wine is not an emulator


I fucking hate that wine's acronym contains itself, it just makes my blood boil


here are some other fun ones :D - GNU's not Unix - GNU HURD -> Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons (Hird -> Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth) - YAML -> YAML ain't markup language - PHP -> PHP Hypertext Preprocessor - RPM -> RPM Package Manager




>PHP Hey, it's Pre-Hooktail Pit, the Paper Mario challenge :V


Why is it always “Linux is great! It’s the best OS!! Well, if you want to do anything on it, you need a Windows emulator.” So why do I need Linux? I’ve used Linux before, and I just found it as an annoying middle man that existed to run a windows emulator. I got a copy of windows 10 LTSC which I use for all of my computers I build and it’s perfect. It removes all the bloat from windows and gives you just what you need.


The only thing that I need wine for is gaming. Everything else I do is done with native Linux apps. There are thousands of native apps for Linux that fulfill almost everything you'll ever need to do on the PC. If you only used Windows programs, then you should have just looked for native apps that do the same thing. That's not how you're supposed to use Linux.


I know there are native Linux apps. But of the native apps, the only one I would use is the web browser. All other apps I use are pretty much exclusive to windows. It’s either gaming related or some weird, esoteric, ultra specific program for 1 specific use, and I could never find a Linux version of these. So, I stopped using Linux because it was just a middle man for me to browse the web and run a windows emulator. Once I found the LTSC versions of windows, I had no reason to ever use Linux again.


Every OS has its quirks. It's just that Windows made me want to die for the last 5 years of using it. Linux is exactly as bloated as I want it to be right out of the box, and I've had fewer issues of far lesser magnitude on it compared to Windows.


then dont? seriously, no one's forcing you to. windows is mostly fine as an OS for the average person, bar the privacy / adware stuff. if you run a lot of weird esoteric apps, don't use linux, that sounds like a bad time. also most people aren't running enterprise windows, they're running windows home.


Yeah, I know no one is forcing me, no fucking shit. We are having a discussion about operating systems and I’m giving you my opinion. I’m not claiming that you or any Linux fan is forcing anything on anyone. I’m just discussing shit with you. I don’t know why you would jump to the “no one is forcing you to do this.” Yeah, I know. We are having a discussion about operating systems we use and like, this isn’t a political or moral discussion


your entire comment is about your specific, uncommon, scenario, but you chose to generalize it to "there's no reason for *anyone* to use linux". what can i say to your (very reasonable!) choice to use windows in your highly specific usecase beyond "ok"?


> if you want to do anything on it, you need a Windows emulator At this point windows is like 40% emulator for older versions of Windows.


uhm achtuhsually Wine isn't a windows emulator (Wine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator,") so actually you don't need windows at all (unless you want to do/play something which specifically blocks Wine users.)


It's actually kinda fantastic now. Still not native windows good but performance is about equal because there isn't all the Windows overhead. I put Fedora on my laptop just as a test. You just open steam and install a game like normal. Steam does most of the needed compatibility layer stuff automatically in the background. Sometimes some extra work is needed in your end but I haven't actually run into that yet


People say that performance is not native Windows good, anecdotally I’ve gotten better performance out of Cyberpunk 2077 on Arch and Ubuntu than I ever did under Windows.


I mean Linus tech tips did a video a while ago showing that performance is about equal and in some games more performant. I believe CS:GO was one but it's been a while. It's probably game dependant. I haven't noticed any performance issues.


Like 90% of games on Steam just work out of the box now because of Proton. It’s actually pretty remarkable, we’re now at the point where native Linux ports of the vast majority of games are just kind of unnecessary now. Games with intrusive anti-cheat solutions like Valorant won’t work but I don’t want that spyware on my system anyway so no great loss for me. If you do play those games though, Linux gaming will be a non-starter for you and will be until the developers of these anti-cheat solutions address it. Which they probably won’t. Outside of Steam it kind of varies a bit, you’ve got software like Lutris that resolves a lot of the headaches of configuring WINE through install scripts created by the community for most games you would want to play, but it’s definitely not quite as slick or beginner-friendly as Proton. There’s also Heroic Launcher that attempts to do the same for games on Epic, GOG and Amazon Prime Games. All in all Linux gaming is in a much stronger place than it was even a few years ago, many things that were not possible or a pain to implement before are now extremely easy and well supported, and for me personally it’s allowed me to eliminate Windows from my setup entirely.


actually much better than it used to be! there's more native linux games than ever, and in the still very common case of only having windows binaries you can use steam to run the game fine. I would say most of the time i have to not think about it. however, ill say this upfront - you will need to do tinkering at some point to get certain games to run. it's unfortunate, but certain games are just wonky sometimes, and sometimes antipiracy or anticheat will just not let you play.


Great for a ton of games. You are SOL if you mod a lot or play multiplayer games with weird anti cheat such as Valorant tho


Some games with heavy anti-cheat won't work at all, especially anything from Activision. I haven't had an issue with anything else, but I don't think I could honestly recommend Linux over Windows as an over-all system. I can't stand dealing with Linux file systems when the alternative is so much more intuitive, and not every software supports Linux or your specific variant of Linux




!remindme 8hours


One of my uni units had a topic on SharePoint admin and I wanted to pull my hair out the whole time


I'm a systems engineer. One of my customers needs me to set up SharePoint for them and it makes me want to function test a shotgun with my throat


i hate big tech companies so much, i wish they all get destroyed 😇


I want my shit only to connect to the onternet when i tell it to. I want my printer without software update that kills it, i want my onedrive to stfu, my browser to auto decline and delete cookies, my office aplications to be downloadable like any other application, my layout free of sponsored sugesstions. My location private and my notes to not require a fucking login. I want big tech companies burned to the ground!!!!!!


There's blocklists for uBlock Origin that just remove cookie consent popups outright. Why auto decline when you can just force them to fuck off :D


I don’t know what a onedrive is but i ain’t using it thats for sure


Protip, you can uninstall Microsoft's """system components""" using the now built in winget cli tool. MS forgot to disable the ability to uninstall their stuff using it so you can remove OneDrive, edge, Cortana, copilot, etc.


Do I look like I know what a *winget cli tool* is?




It does that, but it also keeps a backup online. (for anyone curious.)


onedrive made me switch to linux


It took me too long to realize that my DESKTOP on windows 11 is on Onedrive. The fucking Desktop! Why would they do that?




Onedrive is useful for work. But damn i agree i want it on my pc and I'll decide if it goes there.


While irritating sometimes. I have to say, as a University student, having the ability to save important things across devices is really nice




The funny thing is I actually like OneDrive quite a bit and use it extensively. However, I have it set up to NOT back up my local Documents folder, because poorly written programs that don't know about AppData like to use that as a place to dump assorted files that can't be relocated and don't really need to go in my OneDrive, so I maintain a separate Documents folder in my OneDrive for actual documents. This is not the default OneDrive setup, and Microsoft doesn't like that, so despite USING ONEDRIVE ALL THE TIME AND PAYING MICROSOFT FOR THE PRIVILEGE they STILL bug me all the time to redo the setup so they can back up a bunch of extra bullshit that I explicitly don't want them to touch.




If I want to use a cloud storage option, I’ll go to google. It’s literally all cloud (unless you deliberately save offline).


I loved Dale in that episode. "I'm your worst nightmare! I have a 3-line phone and nothing better to do with my time." Whenever I have nothing to do, I like to imagine myself as my government's worst nightmare as well. As I sit in my computer chair watching a 3 hour video essay on some game from 2009.




Hank Trill


It's all fun and convenience until Microsoft trains their models on your personal data


The one time I ever used One Drive was to upload gameplay clips of Metal Gear Rising from my Xbox because you can't put them on the Xbox servers (too cool for Microsoft)


I can hear his voice


I started watching King of the Hill a month ago (I'm only planning to watch the first 4 (best) season), but what I have seen it's been a blast. Incredible how "modern" is for the time it was on air.


You can set it so stuff is saved to your computer and OneDrive at the same time. OneDrive is supposed to be for backups and data transfer, not regular storage.


I just googled how to uninstall it on my laptop because I was annoyed by the constant “pLeAsE sEt Up OnE dRiVe!” and “bUy MoRe StOrAgE!” notifications every time I turned it on to play games :P Idk why tech companies make using their products so needlessly complicated and frustrating when they could literally be more easy than ever now. I just wanna play GMod and Elder Scrolls games, I don’t need a billion extra features I didn’t ask for being pushed on me literally ALL the time. It’s convenient for work sometimes I guess, but still far from perfect there.


RevoUninstaller should be able to take care of it IIRC.


And then you wonder why you’re no longer getting emails on your Microsoft account and it’s because your one drive is full. Imagine that, imagine missing important emails because you accidentally saved too many files to your one drive. Tell me Microsoft, WHY TF IS IT LIKE THAT? You know who doesn’t have this problem? EVERy OTHER EMAIL SERVICE. Fuck you Microsoft. More like MicroDick


I just got two of my most important folders deleted because of one drive errors and I am now a broken man.


One drive? Yeah Microsoft We’re gonna take one drive One drive down to the river where I will shoot your digital fake corporate ass in the back of the head and throw you into the water, watching your Windows 11 body bob and float and bloat and slowly sink and fade out of view


I actually made new documents and pictures folders


i havent checked the comments yet but i swear to god if theres one with more than 50 upvotes that says "just use linux lol" i'm gonna become hostile




So you want to lose all your files if something happens to your computer?


I'm a big boy. I can make my own backups.


How do you do that?


There's other cloud backup services out there (Google Dropbox, etc.), and I think there's a system restore built into Windows somewhere. If you have any extra hard drives lying around, you can just clone your drive yourself


if something happens to my computer I can just remove the hard drive and recover the data.


Not always


Just get external hard drives/SSDs to back up your important files in. Store a copy of it in a second location between backups if you want to be REALLY safe.


Is it not easier and cheaper to use onedrive


Easier? Probably, yeah, although keeping a HDD somewhere safe around the house and periodically reminding yourself to update it isn't that bad. Cheaper? No. Microsoft Office 365 Personal, which includes 1tb of cloud storage (as far as I can see, Office 365 is the only way to get Onedrive storage), costs €69 per year. Meanwhile, at Curry's PC World, a 1tb Toshiba external HDD costs you a one-time sum of €65; less on Amazon. Of course, the Office 365 Personal subscription includes the Office suite, but given that there are dozens of free alternatives and older one-time purchase versions for Office software, I don't believe that it needs to be included when it comes to personal cloud storage.


Well the 100tb costs a lot, but for free you have 5gb, isn’t that better than not using any


It is but pretty useless for seriously backing up your files. You could put the most important things in there, but most of your stuff will be gone if your computer goes. You can also pretty easily find a 128gb SD card or USB stick which should be a good enough if not comprehensive amount of storage for around €25, while the 365 plan that gives you 100gb of storage is €20 yearly and only includes web versions of other Office programs.


I’m not saying using external hard drives are bad, it’s just it’s always good to have an off site copy that you know nothing bad will happen to


If my computer dies it will be dead like god intended. No necromancy under my roof


I'll own up to my mistake


I save my important file by emailing them to myself like god intended


That's just the cloud with extra steps


the virgin cloud vs the chad external hard drive collection

