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What the fuck is up with the University of Manchester? They even admitted the least degenerate Swede https://preview.redd.it/4xjji4nn7j6d1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d5c5d108578167020ad845459328784b82b152d


Honestly much more would like to have a porn star as a prof


I remember reading about that in the okbuddyphd subreddit back in the day. It was absolutely insane


There was also Reynhard a few years back, another University of Manchester student who stayed around his undergrad uni even when he went on to do a PhD at Leeds on his own very specific sexual experiences (he called it 'queer autoethnography' so it gets published - just as valid research as maths and physics, promise). What else… Oh yes, he was also the most prolific convicted rapist in UK history, though at least he had just enough sense not mention that part of his shenanigans in his thesis. Did brag about some of them on WhatsApp, though.


propa English banta the mainlanders would never understand 💪😎


Well that Swede certainly does... But this fellow was Indonesian, so indeed not the mainland, though ‘Reynhard’ seems suspiciously Continental to me.


Lmao wtf https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:I_am_not_alone_(Andersson_paper).pdf


https://preview.redd.it/kh6lm8qtzi6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e909260de40720d80fce50a6d355036c0710a3 Not the Old Nick I'd like to have


Why does the university care what he does in his free time? It’s not like it’s effecting his teaching


Because it's big haram brother.




there was person named MC Devvo who in the olden age of YouTube created some proper funny shit in which he'd pretend to be the stereotypical chav. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I9EoGOKbyg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I9EoGOKbyg) Years later he was sacked from his job as a primary school teacher because the kids got a whiff of what he used to do. [https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/mc-devvo-sacked-teacher-doncaster-18874096](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/mc-devvo-sacked-teacher-doncaster-18874096) Rather have this cunt teaching my kids than most of the ones you see about.


Fucking hell. That was hilarious. Thanks. Never heard of him. Bullshit he got sacked. At the end of the day, he’s an actor. Film actors can play anything and get praised for it. Look at begbie ffs.


ya jeb end


Round the bike sheds fingering Selena, got four fingers up, you shoulda seen her, and me trousers couldn’t be any keener


'Ave a can of kestrel and kick me girlfriend's head in, all the girls were lezzin Takes me back, man


Because this is happening in the United Sharia of the British Isles


This is a uni that locked it's students up in their halls without food. [here ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/manchester-university-lockdown-students-police-coronavirus-b632513.html)


Idk but at least here in germany a professor would probably get fired for this too. Idk how its with public servants in the UK but here the Beamten also need to refrain from doing things that would "damage the reputaion of the profession" in their free time


meanwhile in Italy we have a math professor that was a former gay porn actor once again, we are so based




Because former porn actresses have such an extensive history of being left alone after retiring from porn, yes. Go touch grass man


I'm sorry man in which universe do you live in that women are celebrated when it's discovered they have had a porn career and not fired, harassed, doxxed and assaulted for it?


articles are written and subreddits exist in support of them at least. normalize sex work is a common slogan on the internets


Imagine teaching a room full of students of whom 60% of all female attendants probably have an only fans account, and then losing your whole career just because you wanted to have fun for once in your goddamn life. Gender equality, everyone.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "60% of all female attendants have an only fans account" LMAOOOOOO




he's kinda right though. people will defend sex workers (as they should) when they are female and be all mad when a teacher with OF gets fired. but this guy is doing the same being a sex worker and the amount of sympathy for him will be about zero. people will call him an old creep lol


I doubt its because hes male. Its because hes geriatric. Do you seriously think a woman in her 70s wouldnt elicit the same reaction he's getting? Hell, women might get the same reaction for just being over 30


Psst, don't support me! They're trying to direct their hate towards a single individual so they can stop using their brains here!!


You seem pretty hurt? Do you have something you want to talk about, little man? Wouldn't it be really, really bad for you if I decided to feel offended by what is obviously a personal offense? Because you will definitely get sued for that in Germany, teehee


Least insecure G*rman.


No Onlyfans only mustache model


Man or woman, I have more sympathy for a broke student doing sex work than a professor who, let's be real, most likely wasn't doing this for the money.


Well, that was my point. Everyone needs sex, some more than others. So what's the problem with him doing that? It seems you've got it the other way around: I have no sympathy for young women doing sex work because if you're young and look halfway decent, anyone can do it. It's just a question of self-respect. But old guys like him don't get sex that age. So why shouldn't he take it any chance he gets?


Professional jobs have clauses in the contracts about behaviour outside of work. He would have known this. He could have just paid for sex discreetly like I'm sure thousands of other old blokes. I don't hate the man for doing what he did, but this outcome was entirely predictable and easily preventable. Not gonna feel too sorry for him.


In Italy a similar thing [happened](https://tg24.sky.it/cronaca/2023/03/02/professore-ruggero-freddi-sapienza-causa). He was initially laid off (not in bed) because of his past porn career, went to court, won and got a hefty compensation for his troubles, he is now allowed to teach. In general there are a bunch of people who do OF as a side job while studying or working at Uni, I don't think preventing them from studying because of their part-time career choice is a good thing. Puritanism should be dead in the water and your Uni career should only be affected by your skills on the books and I think the same thing should apply to professors as well.


Something vaguely similar just happened recently [in Yankland, too](https://www.thefp.com/p/wisconsin-professor-porn-star-fired). All that said, the Manchester one roleplaying as a creepy lech 'Old Nick'... can't imagine being one of his students or them taking it seriously.


Yeah, but of course we would react like this. You know where those Puritans you kicked out ended up. I was going to say I don't understand the UK making a stink about it, but the accompanying picture has made things clearer.


Yeh as long as he’s not fucking kids I don’t see the problem. We’re not Greek after all


I'm surprised you didn't elect him Prime Minister.


We don't elect people with degrees as our prime minister.


Least horny Italian


Yeah, but this is an old, unattractive Barry doing what looks like creepy scenes with very young girls. Who's gonna be on his side realistically? It might be the same, technically, as a female professor having an OF, but it's not the *same*.


As long as the sex was consensual I don't see the issue, it might be disgusting to some, to me as well, but it's not sufficient to justify someone being fired in my opinion.


Everytime you see a link on that topic from an Italian there is a 78% chance it is something about Berlusconi.


Just found his account on Pornhub lol


Don’t fuckin hog the sauce you savage


The sad part is university teachers need a second job to make ends meet. That uni should be sued


Could be a hobby


Fuck, was that an option?


Fuck is clearly an option for Old Nick.


I think he was giving out his meat.


He could’ve just been a JustEat driver, if he needed more money. It wasn’t the money that caused him to do this.


Except being a justeat driver is shit and pays fuck all, whereas being in porn is fun and pays much more


If everyone is a consenting adult, who is anyone to judge?




Jesus standing beside my bed and dissenting to my sexual activities? *New kink unlocked!*


He got cucked for our sins


Professor, do you think we can do something about that bad grade you gave me? I really need a good grade to pass this course 🥺👉👈


Yes we can 😏😏😏 Here is a copy of Taylor’s classical mechanics 📕 please read chapter 1-4 until Mönday and do the exercises.


Most enticing German sex act




Ich dachte, dass das Wort "Vergnügen" verboten war ? Nicht genung Arbeitsfreundlich !




kinda hot though


I have that book and Goldstein Classical Mechanics.


If you think about urgent, he's prolly the least likely Prof to fall for that because he already rwgykarily bangs young chicks. And gets paid for it.




Dude works with adults and does porn? What is the harm? It's not like he has children under his care. All his porn is legit stuff, right? No shady crap, right?


They discovered who is the guy of FakeTaxi?!


I dont know man. I all his costars are doing it without being forced I see no problem. If he teaches well it doesnt matter if he does porn. Work hard play hard.


> work hard Otherwise he’d need a fluffer


f\*cking legend


Why do people call porn stars a legend? They literaly get a girl assigned to them


its not about "getting" girls, its the combination of his two jobs for me :D


It's hard work man, you gotta keep your arousal for hours in front of dozens of production guys, have a director commenting on your performance etc


Just like most jobs


A lot of these guys just start out as a way to reduce the cost of getting prostitutes. You pay them extra to film, but then you recoup some of the costs online. A lot of them start like this and happen to get popular. You're thinking of old school "get cast and work for someone else". Most of these guys nowadays run their own show, choose the girls, etc.




No money?!


"Old Nick" 😂😂🤣🤣👌👌


Jesus christ why are all british men so agressively unattractive


To give everyone else a chance


Academia is the really fucked up career, not porn 🥹


Who is she, i need source so i can perform holy ritual.


That explains why so many dumb college girls got their A+


I was hoping you would give me the D... Tee hee *Bites her lower lip*


That woman already has grandchildren.


What does it matter if he does porn as a side hustle?


Dude is just engineering some chemistry for science. Isn't that what he'a supposed to do?


We must protect Wayne Lineker at all costs.


Why the fuck does it take an arm and a leg to get rid of a well known pedophile but some guy has a well-documented sex life and he gets the boot?


How did he think it wouldn't be discovered? Honestly. He showed his face and put it out there on the internet. The only shocking part about this story is that this didn't happen immediately after, but took YEARS.


There’s everyone knowing, and everyone admitting they know I, for instance, have no idea what Sasha Grey looks like. I don’t even know what she does for a living. In fact I have never heard of her and just picked a woman’s name completely at random.


There's also the third level of people reporting it to the uni authorities and demanding action be taken. But I'm still amazed that someone didn't overhear students joking about it


TF does it matter? This ain't the United States of Prudes. A bit of a fuck-around didn't hurt anybody.


Given the porn name 'Old Nick' and that picture, I'd guess he is role-playing - and maybe by definition being - an old creepy lech with much, much younger women. I can imagine this info gets put about by students and it would make a lot of them uncomfortable and unable to take him seriously as a prof. Maybe it should be ignored but the simple fact is that it makes the uni a bit of a laughing stock and some 18 year olds' parents are not going to be happy about it


Would it be the same if he was playing a serial killer in a TV show? It's an actor job, you're supposed to be able to differentiate a movie from reality. Unless he actually does inappropriate things in school then it's a non issue


There is semantically less difference between someone acting a creepy old lech while actually fucking women half his age or less on video, hamming up his look, and fulfilling the definition of such. Someone acting a serial killer isn’t actually killing anyone. Again, won’t argue he deserves this but it will in reality have a negative effect on many students’ experience and their ability to take him seriously as a prof


So the problem is he has consensual relationships with younger people? All the teachers with young wives would need to be expelled as well.  Also, no one has to "take their prof seriously", it's university for Christ' sake the students are adults not kids that need to be reprimanded. If he does his job properly then that's it. 


Again, I'm not saying that he deserves it or even that it's immoral. But it's very foolish to show his face given the effect this would have on students' experience, and how he would be perceived and become a figure of mockery at best and creep students out at worst.


If the students are mocking the teachers then it's a students issue. I had teachers that were mocked for dancing tango wearing those shoes with small heels (they were male). Should they be expelled? Or should the adult students grow the fuck up? If it's going to be like this the UK should just make being a porn actor illegal because this uni is acting like a crime was committed 


Nicholas God Hard


Why are they so disgusting looking?


Wtf is palpatine doing?