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Barcelona is something else, just a few month ago a friend of mine got "arrested" by 2 guys posing as police officers saying they needed to control his car and papers. One of them was checking the car papers with him while the other one was stealing everything from the trunk :d


The fake policemen is a classic trick. I remember the first news about it since more than 20 years.


They used to say it was "Peruvian gangs". I wonder who they say it is now.


Peruvian here. We are not sorry, it's in our blood


Get a savage flair, NOW


Get off the metro NAOW!


I hope you get a Flair!


We would mistake it for yours


Yes, that's what I remember. "El clan de los peruanos" in the A7


That's when they've had enough of playing the panpipes and knitting llama-hair ponchos.


If it involves distraction and stealing I guess it’s Pedro Sánchez.


Not even in Brazil I saw shit like that, wtf is going on in Barcelona lol sand people again?


A trunk is something on an elephant, the normal English word is “boot”. Edit: Where are all these yanks coming from? This is how you lot look: https://preview.redd.it/q6isz51t2x7d1.png?width=1629&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f2b2fde1c6db8a8a9cf14b5be9e99c8bb6b995a


Yep you're right. 2westerneurope4u confirmed to be just a bunch of yanks larping...rip in peace


It’s a sad day when Europe would rather be American




Rhooo ta gueule, rosbif...


Va te faire encouler, frog


Ça s'écrit enculer* connard


Lui parle pas, ça lui fait mal aux dents...


The yanks really have gotten inside your head haven’t they?


It's the opposite you shrimp


A boot is something you wear on your foot, silly!


shut up barry


I'm tempted to change color in favor of the yanks, just to spite you.


I lost my phone in a clothing store in Barcelona 2 years ago. I found out when I was in the Bershka and asked a worker if they happen to find it (they didn't). Another Spanish man overheard the conversation and was very worried and told me he could translate if I needed to go to the police (a bit dramatic but ok). I went back to the previous store and asked if they found it, and they did! Went back to Bershka to show the worried man my phone and he gave me a hug lol. This was so random. Anyways, was a very nice Barcalona experience.


Did your wallet mysteriously vanish after he hugged you


no haha


A true Dutchman would never let go of his wallet.


Did you guys fuck? If this doesn't end in sex I'm going to be extremely disappointed.


I wanna fuck that worried man


I´m would be worried if you didn´t wanna


You’re using the wrong apostrophe.


Least horny Spaniard




I can never understand how people lose their phone. It's like forgetting to put on pants and underwear - walking out winnie the pooh style.


Why did my phone show up in Morocco? ​ https://preview.redd.it/9u8wn4nk6w7d1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=dac581645b77587d668ece23a493300a87785311


That font is the reason why you deserve it.




when someone tells me that these behaviors are not cultural I reply that I haven't yet seen news of chinese stealing or raping. and in Europe there's a very large community of chinese and the ones I know work hard and are integrated and don't make trouble


That’s a big factor but not the only one. What China and India are like themselves, and how safe your wallet is there, might surprise you. It’s not just a function of the country of origin, but which particular stratum of that country of origin heads to that particular destination country, especially taking distance into account. Poorer and criminal Moroccans might wander over to Europe, but Indian and Chinese people will be more like to be postgrad students, doctors and businessmen. Moroccans in the US are more likely to be educated than Mexicans in the US, but the reverse is true in the Netherlands. 


> I haven't yet seen news of chinese stealing or raping https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037


The Chinese got the money they open businesses and more bars than Spaniards themselves Moroccans that immigrate are mostly illegals and poors same with other Africans


Chinese in Spain mostly come from a very specific region that isn't exactly thriving.


Well it's not cultural, it's religious


The Tatars and Turks in Romania are hard working and well behaved. It might just be the culture.


It could be because of culture, or (speaking of statistics) the main predicting variable for crime is low education level and/or low income?


beheading a teacher in France is related to poverty?


That’s due to religious extremism ofcourse. Still, the main predicting variable of crime like theft (like in this video) is low income/low educational level.


and rapes have to do with the level of poverty?


It seems that it is influenced by poverty as well. Not every crime is related or caused by poverty of course. But poverty is a better predictor of crimes compared to culture. This is my main point. Focusing on culture as a predictor is first of all not a good one and second, is a slippery slope to an extreme right wing movement whose major focus is on hating on other cultures instead of fixing actual, complex problems. These reason is that complex problems need complex solutions. Most of us can’t understand the complexity, are feeling insecure/helpless about it, so they start to blame problems on minorities which, again, does not lead to fixing any of the actual problems.


It’s not complex at all; limit immigration from the countries that provide these criminals, despite whether it’s religion, culture or poverty.


OK cool, let’s do that. I can agree to a measure like this. But, does this solve the problem? Because now the attention will switch to people with a migration background who are already living in Europe. “Send them all back”. OK, but they are born in Europe. So is that legal? It again comes down to variables like poverty and educational level. Invest in these, and then a lot of problems will be prevented. But because it doesn’t trigger our underlying tribal feeling of us vs them (which expresses in the form of racism), people will just keep on blaming minorities for the problems.




Of course , they can't afford prostitutes. The cultural lack of respect for women is completely irrelevant. The fact that until only 10 years ago a rapist could avoid prison by marrying the victim is also irrelevant.


The cultural lack of respect for women is a fair point, but this is not a static value. Don’t forget how far women rights have come in the past century in the western world. I think these other cultures are just some years behind the western ones. You see it changing already in second generation Muslims who are far less conservative than their parents. This trend will continue in the coming generations.


They are only less conservative about themselves, they still lack total respect for women. At least proper Muslims maintained a degree of modesty that kept them away from going after women without marriage intentions. The newer generations just took the worst of both worlds, drinking, drugs, and libertinage + the idea that any western women showing skin are whores that are begging to be fucked. It is an explosive combination as we can see happening every day. Proper integration is attained by low numbers and forcing them to integrate in the host culture out of fear of marginalization. If you reach enough numbers where they start to form ghettos then there will never be and integration because they just become a Moroccan territory in Europe.




It does not make it all okay at all. But if you want to reduce crime, invest in education and in poor income areas so poverty is reduced/eradicated. Saying poor behavior is due to culture ignores the real cause, which only leads to a downwards spiral of more crime and racism instead of fixing the actual problems.




Wait, who is them in this instance?




Ah I thought you meant people from Moroccan descent living here already. I’m also not a big fan of poor people coming here for a better life. I do understand them and I think we can take in some of them. But there should be a limit. And for people from Morocco I think it’s not that easy to immigrate to the EU, so it’s not a big problem. And the Moroccan economy is developing, so poverty should be reducing in the coming decades. So it’s a positive outlook.


*And for people from Morocco I think it’s not that easy to immigrate to the EU* It is not easy for a Moroccan to immigrate to Europe legally, but illegally it is very simple.




Wtf is that? The Richter scale?


this is why Catalonia has a high GDP per capita, simply theft


Some of Barcelona FCs latest economic levers


Misleading title, please correct: Warcelona. Seriously here, if avoiding some awful neighborhoods such as “el raval” or taking extra care in places like “plaza cataluña” you should be as fine as in Italy, el raval is kind of your average french city though.


As fine as in Italy? Isn't Rome even the #1 worldwide for pickpocketing?


Did they steal our title?? Gotta have to work hard this summer 😔


Gotta chain the title to your hand if you don’t want it stolen


Not really, there are pickpockets in the subway, the rumor only really started because subways started making announcements to warn about it, and that was a big part of many tourists experience.


[What?](https://www.euronews.com/travel/2024/05/02/remain-vigilant-europes-most-heavily-pickpocketed-tourist-spots-revealed) [Really?](https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/in-Rome-in-2022-theft-is-the-most-reported-crime-with-over-100-thousand-reports/) [Dunno, where i heard that.](https://www.rome-airport.info/pickpocketing-in-rome.html)


Yup. None of the articles you linked give any reason to think Rome is a pickpocket capital of the world. They don't give any reason to think it's worse than any other city tbh: 1: "remain vigilant, pickpockets in touristic spots in Rome, same spots in other countries are just as bad" 2: "theft is the most reported crime in rome", which wouldn't mean that for many reasons and regards burglaries anyway. 3: Airport site telling you to be aware of pickpockets in touristic spots, specifically mentioning that this is the same as for any similar hotspot (just like the first article did). Where did you get that idea from?


People love to exagerate. Went through Madrid and Barcelona recently, not a single dodgy thing happened and we sure as weren't clasping to our purses.


Admit it. Your city has become a shithole and you did it to yourselves


Those are their traditions and you shouldn't be allowed to prevent them from doing it, tourist are killing local culture smh. 😤


Barbary coast anthem playing in the background.


I feel relaxed everywhere in western Europe. My Brazilian "spider sense" never triggers in those cities people say you should be careful.  In Rio de Janeiro my flight-or-fight instincts are activated all the time when I'm outside. Brazilian big cities are so bad for robbery that we kinda develop a 360 chameleon vision and this spider-sense-like ability to perceive danger.


Yeah but Brasil is improving (if I'm not mistaken) while we really aren't


It's a lot easier to improve when you are the worst, and to get worse when you've been the best since the beginning of time.


Lol, when i was in Barcelona in a school trip we nearly beat to death someone who was trying to steal a classmate golden chain (Nearly, our teachers stopped us unfortunately)


Cross "fucking with Italians" off the list.


Eheh, when i was in highschool it was also the period when UFC became popular in Italy, we had like 11/12 people out of 22 doing martial arts in my classroom


Vetorri effect


They'll just change sides halfway through and start punching themselves. Would be fine.


We do that only with lesser beings, like germans


Why do we catch stray bullets (punches ) here ? Least fascisto mommas boy.


I literally have a CLN flag hung up on my wall


Did I ask about your sexuality?


No, i said CLN flag, not Germany flag


You were doing so well and then you cringed it




Go to bed fra. Or do you want your mamma to come knocking on your room again?;


More like don't fuck with a pack when you're alone. They can even be middle school children, I assure you that when there are 20 of them (a normal classroom in italy) who kick you in the ribs and punch you in the back of the head, you end up on the ground willingly or not. It's not an italian thing, it's basic social rules.


I know its a social thing it's just funny to imagine young Italians going about the place beating the shit out of thieves. The anti-hero Italians.


Wake up, it's not Peaky blinders or Narcos, there's nothing heroic or anti-heroic about an obese failure who asks you for protection money or dissolves your child in acid, he's just a parasite incapable of supporting himself


I wholeheartedly agree with you, my sincerest apologies. It was the first thing that came to mind. Can you provide me with a name of a good group of Italians?


There is nothing cool about mafia. They are cowards that melt little kids in acid


Eh when you steal-a da phone you disrespect my eh my family, capisce? Cousin Louie come get a load of this guy ova here disrespecting nonna.


That's nothing when I went on holiday to Spain me and my mate took out a pedalo and went to africa


That was Gibraltar mate


Just come to the Po River Valley, of i'm not wrong it's in the african plate


Guys there is a reason for this to happen, let me explain it to you: *[Removed]*


Catalunya ens roba!




Upvote per fer servir ny i no ñ


Nos tamén temos a nosa lingua que non gusta a certa xente.


Espanya els roba, Catalunya els roba, Barcelona els roba...  Maleïts barcelonins, han arruïnat Barcelona!


I toured Spain by car and always parked in guarded car parks for fear of thieves. As soon as I returned to Italy I stopped in Genoa at the Autogrill two junkies tried to Stealing from my car


I'm from Naples.. is it really that bad? or are they just Muricans?


Was in barcelona and an old gypsy woman stole my mates wallet in the subway and left the cart just as the doors closed. We went back to the station to report the police and when we arrived there were a group of locals holding down another gypsy that had stolen from them, lol.


I once had to step over the recently dead body of a presumably killed street seller in Raval to get to a bar that had "authentic flamenco". I had to step over him as the street was tiny and the part not containing the body was blocked by a couple of cops who were robbing the dead guy. The music was just ok. On the same trip in a seemingly nicer part of town I was having an evening coffee with my sister in a terraced cafe in what I took forna nice square. The homeless people started going crazy all of a sudden. My sister lived there so I asked her to see what was going on. According to the crustiest man in the square there was a brothel in the opposite corner and someone had just slit a prostitutes throat. The homeless people were hunting for the culprit. I hadn't realised that street beggars were allies of prostitutes but it made sense. Since my sister was translating this back to me the homeless guy decided to finish the story in English and seemed to think I wasn't giving enough respect to his dead friend on account of her profession. "She was no different than anyone!" Fair "She was just like you!" Ok I get it buddy. "She was just like you", while pointing at my sister. "Just like you!" I'm not sure what the etiquette is when a grieving bum compares your sister to a whore but I decided to end the discussion and let him away with that one. However just like a fucking movie the killer decides to return to the scene of the crime and the homeless people go crazy screaming at the psycho. This happened as the cops showed up so we got to see the chase, the capture and one of the cops waving the murder weapon around as the accused killer was disarmed. It was nice weather too. Warm but not sweltering.


I think it depends on the zone, its not the same in all of Barcelona


Nah, Barcelona IS a shithole


Dude none of us are wearing those, we are the back bone of the gypsy economy. (We get our shit stolen)


I've been to Barcelona once. My friend got his wallet stolen. 100% record for the city


I have lived in Barcelona for over 20 years and have never been robbed. It's worth mentioning that everybody loses about 30 IQ points when they are on holiday. *Everybody*. We are all a bit dumber when we are in a foreign city. A lot (most?)of the Americans live in suburbs and their life is mostly getting in and out of their car so they have no understanding of how a real city operates. Most of *their* cities are not cities as we would recognise them; they are just a collection of roads and parking. When they actually have to *walk* around a real city they just have a certain gormless vibe to them. They walk around looking like big fat targets with shorts over their knees and baseball caps. Asians always look lost and are known to be conflict averse so they are seen as easy targets. Drunk people from northern Europe are also seen as an easy target as they are not fully aware of what is happening around them. Easily identifiable by their voices and sunburnt skin. I fully support our local pickpockets. It's skilled work and, for the most part, a victimless crime. These people have insurance. If not, they can skip Starbucks for a month and buy another phone. In my opinion, we need *more* robbing. It helps the local economy and supplies much needed aid to our neighbours in Morroco.


Down voted for being funny.


Any time you're in a new place, you're devoting a lot of mental energy to just reading signs and keeping track of where you are. Where did my kid wander off? Ooh. That's pretty. Son, this architecture is an example of ... I'm hungry. Doesn't help if you're staring at google maps on your phone. >I fully support our local pickpockets. Only if I'm allowed to beat up a 12 year old if I catch her hand in my purse. Make a sport of it.


Barcellona peggio di napoli, nel senso che nemmeno te ne accorgi


I'm not understandinig


It’s to prevent phones from being stolen


but what is the point of stealing phone, if you can block it remotely, and it can b used only as a brick.


The point? Selling it to someone who doesn't know that


> The point? Selling it to someone who doesn't know that Elsewhere on Reddit is someone complaining they got scammed by a fake/broken/locked product on facebook marketplace. Those assholes are the real problem.


Share this knowledge, and one day we will wake up in better world.


This man just singlehandedly prevented phone theft


Crime plummets to 0% 📉


But then somebody decides to steal his brilliant idea


you need to put out a public announcement for thieves right now. there are people actually out there wasting their time stealing phones without knowing this


It still leaves you… without a phone. Better to stop it getting stolen in the first place.


Nope, you can just factory reset it immediately before a block is triggered. https://mobi.easeus.com/unlock-phone/how-to-factory-reset-android-phone-when-locked.html https://support.apple.com/en-us/118430


To cut down on ‌iPhone‌ theft, Apple implemented a tool way back in iOS 7 called Activation Lock that renders an ‌iPhone‌ unusable without the owner's Apple ID or password. What that means is even when a thief or a third-party has your ‌iPhone‌, it's still tied to your ‌Apple ID‌ and can't be used with any other account. Your ‌iPhone‌ can even be wiped completely and it will still be locked down, making it almost useless to anyone but you. https://www.macrumors.com/guide/what-to-do-if-your-iphone-is-lost-or-stolen/


IMEI blacklist only applies inside the EU, so take it outside and Omar has a new iPhone.


You can sell it cheap for spares. There are also people specializing in fradulent unlocks of your icloud. And many of android ones can be just wiped and resold


Two people i know got robbed there twice. The second time, one of them broke a leg trying to fight them off.


Invite 3rd world, get 3rd world. Greetings from Germany, I’m wearing knife-proof clothes these days.


For real? I thought that was UK exclusive...


It’s not that bad, but it’s getting worse. Last week a German police officer died from a knife attack by an islamistic cunt.


Yeah, i see the video. That's brutal.


It was like this even before 2015xD


I remember a school trip to Barcelona in like 2009 and someone tried to steal my teachers camera in Camp Nou


I'm sorry but if you are actually wearing knife proof clothes you are severely mentally challenged


https://preview.redd.it/zzrauxfmvw7d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4413996528f9ca867bd02527a1b7e056b8f1962b Barcelona's centre is basically Rogueport (and the shadow queen is Ada Colau)


Bombardêem a catalunha


And of all the places in Spain I want to visit, Barcelona is not one of them. Seriously though is it that bad there? Don't know but Barcelona has just never appealed and I love Spain.


Thank you, please try to convince all your friends


Okay Pedro. Vamos a mallorca en cambio! Oí que los balcónes allí son muy bonitos este tiempo del año........


Who are you going to rob if there's no tourists left?


Most of the thiefs are 'expats' that rotate from country to country as they criminal record growths, so they will go to another city. aaah sorry, by rob do you mean to make you pay for fake paellas and monkey piss beer? For that we need tourist.


It's actually the best and only place you should visit.


Smart guy, trying to make all tourists and guiris to go to Warcelona instead of Galicia. 👀


Its an amazing city, with plenty of things to do and see, but sadly overtourism has turned it into an amusement park.


It's a great city, having a big city and all it's food and things to do, combined with beaches is pretty cool. But the pick pocketing and stuff is pretty obscene. It's obvious too, you'll see people trying it on the metro etc.


Been lots of places in Spain but Barcelona don't know why just never wanted to go there but it seems too touristy for my liking, generally prefer to go to the smaller cities though. I'm sure if I went I'd have a decent enough time but yeah can't be arsed if I'll be honest 😂


Yeah that's fair, it's busy as fuck, so you don't get the usual calmness of Spain. Seem to find myself working there several times a year, there's definitely worse places to be. Currently working in Paris and can't wait to escape. Was in Geneva last week and somehow it's cheaper to ear and drink there...


Yes, Barry. Stay in Magaluf. Or Lloret. Or Salou. Or Benidorm. Or San Fulgencio if you feel adventurous.


It wasn't in 2020, I can tell you that much. Haven't lived there since tho. Absolutely loved every second of it (if we exclude the flaming piece of shit that UPC-EEBE is)


Went in May this year and stayed in the Gothic quarter, had a great time, but mostly because of the social clubs. Didn’t get pick pocketed but I noticed that the beggars on las rambla would knock their pot of coins over when people walked past making them think they kicked it over and getting a bunch of attention and donations.


Go to Mallorca instead. They love tourists


I've been everywhere in Barcelona, this is really not necessary if you are just a normal person and act with common sense.


I was in Barcelona 1 month ago. Expected some kind of third world favela experience. Actually no-one tried to rob me, everyone was friendly. I haven't even seen any litter on the street. The city was cool. My kid loved the sharks in the aquarium. Would go again.


Dude, he's ragging on your chord!


So thats why a white gets cancelled when he steals, its cultural appropriation


Is it just me or all of them Asians? If so, don’t Asians have a habit of carrying their phones on a string?


Oh, yeah, classic. Living in Barcelona for 2 years already. Having your phone on a rope and never leaving things unattended is a must.


When in Rome, do as Romanians do. (old proverb)


Five Finger Discount™


When your city is famous for its pickpocketing and fly by nights. It's crazy.


People that behave as clueless tourists are going to be targeted… same stuff in Italy


I liked Barcelona I would walk back to my hotel in L'hospitalet back from the gothic quarter or around those parts every night at like 11-12 pm and never had any trouble. Then again I am south american and look like it and always kept my hands in my pockets where my phone and wallet were and looked around every 30 seconds.


In a hundred years this will be known as the first version of cyborgs


Idk where all these horror stories come from. I know a lot of people who went to Barcelona, including myself, and literally nothing got stolen.


Day 1 in Barcelona I got mugged by two guys with kitchen knives. Fun place.


Living in London for a while in the 90s taught me to keep my wallet in my front pocket and to keep my hand on it at all times on the tube. Or maybe I was just masturbating. Who knows?


I just wear a cross the chest bag and put everything in there, if they manage to get it off me without me noticing they can keep it


The shithole their citizens deserve and have voted. I'm genuinely happy for whatever disgrace happens there.


Most overrated western city. I don't understand why people keep going to it


Some friends had their phones and wallets stolen within like 1 hour of arriving a few years ago


In case you want to hang yourself?


Lieblingsland: Barcelona


What am I looking at


Have never had a problem in Barca. Maybe it helps to speak Spanish and not look like an American. I wandered everywhere, sometimes a bit drunk, and no one ever bothered me.




The knife with which they invite you to give them your things also serves to encourage you to undo the knot with which you carry your mobile phone.


I’ve been to Barcelona 6 or 7 times in the last 5 years and never even seen anyone tying these. In fact it’s been totally crime free except seeing one woman have her handbag straps cut with garden shears outside the train station lol


Barcelona és bona si la bossa sona!


I'm a lucky bastard, went to Barcelona and nobody robbed me.


I remember making a comment in the Barcelona subreddit about people that steal phones. Got me banned. 😂


Muy perro difícil ha de ser guardarlo en el bolsillo.


Robcelona classic




And i thought Romania was the only European country with professional thieves.


I'm from Barcelona and, while I don't live there anymore, I visit the city very often. Never in my life have I experienced theft. Same for most of my relatives. However, I got stuff stolen in both Brussels and London while I was there on a short vacation. Of course, it's just anecdotal evidence, but the point is Barcelona isn't that dangerous if you're minimally careful.