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“Portuguese colony” - ah yes, that time when portugal conquered the birds and lizards of Madeira.


Tbf we did the same to Cabo Verde and they're African now. But that's another discussion


It makes as much sense to call Cape Verdians African as it does to call them European.


Never seen an European looking cape verdian in my entire life


Their former president... https://preview.redd.it/csqfj9baue8d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee1cb2fd3a120c958f216f7ae32a84fe796cbb5


Hey man I found a picture of you https://preview.redd.it/0skzl5xtpd8d1.png?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338a0af3d51d27b2fd933180fd6e1a95cb38c393


That’s Goebbels giving a dark eye to the photographer because he just learnt the guy taking the picture is jewish. (True story no pun intended)


It's fun that Goebbels himself looks kinda jewish.


I got no clue on who that's supposed to be, but I'll take it that you agree with me


I find it strange that a European would not recognise Josef Goebbels


Why would I care about some nazi weirdo? I guess everyone that says African people don't look European is literally Hitler


Maybe you should start by learning the difference between phenotype and genotype, right? 🙄 They, in general, have a more African appearance, their phenotype tends much more towards African traits, but their genotype shows that they have a mixed ancestry of European (more specifically Portuguese) and African. Basicamente, eles são na sua maioria mulatos.


Nice cute lil cope bro. We wuz Portuguese and shieet https://preview.redd.it/ejzdf1ho2e8d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f4a3a7ba6b3ab2d330663795819cf071315e634


Guess you don't know a lot of people?


I know a doctor that works with my mom who is the whitest man I know and speaks creole better than most "Cape-verdeans (born in Amadora)"


Yea yea and my neighbour’s dog knows a hard working Alentejano, show pics or it’s fake news


Not it doesn’t, Cape Verde is a country in africa populated largely by people of west African descent. Edit: I am aware that the island was originally uninhabited. External territories such as Reunion aren’t “european” despite belonging to a european country. Independent countries outside of Europe with a history of european occupation are obviously not European. The logic that would describe Cape Verde as a european country would also identify India as a european country. Regarding ethnicity - “of west African descent” means >0% African heritage. The vast majority Cape Verdeans have >0% African heritage.


No, cape verdeans are mixed european and west african. They were uninhabited when the portuguese discovered them


Not really, the majority of the population is mixed, European and African. Don't be fooled by appearances. Btw, the islands were uninhabited until they were discovered by Portugal.


São Tomé and Príncipe were also uninhabited


You fucker bring in Africans when you could bring in Portugalians, and now would we all have nice supremacist tropical vacation that I would never be able to afford to visit. Such bad move


>you could bring in Portugalians We barely had any people for the islands we managed to keep 🥲 But yes most likely if the demographics were a bit different Cape Verde and STP could well still be Portuguese Autonomous regions. (But thank god they aren't learning the 9 Azorean islands was already a pain, can't think of trying to memorize 12 more)


I'm Cape Verdian bro... but please, tell me more about my country.


Excuse my ignorance. But why wouldn't Cabo Verde want to be Portugal again? It doesn't matter if you are black or white or mixed.


There were movements that sought to integrate with Portugal while still retaining autonomy (as a sort of Federation) around the time of independence, but they have almost no expression these days. The people of Cape Verde are, understandably, proud of being independent. On a personal level I think what I outlined above would have benefitted Cape Verde in it's early days of independence. Even if we eventually segregated completely from Portugal down the line it would have made the transition A LOT smoother. For what it's worth there was no active fighting in Cape Verde during the Independence war, our liberation movement was fused with Guinea Bissau's and the heavy fighting against Portuguese rule took place there. Until two or three years ago the biggest migrant group in Portugal were Cape Verdians (now it's Brazilians) so many Cape Verdians have family ties to Portugal. We also brought our musical genres to the limelight in Portugal: Funana and Morna especially. I don't mean to brag but I would say in the Lusosphere we are like what Jamaica is in the Anglosphere (small insular country with disproportionate musical and cultural output)


>I don't mean to brag but I would say in the Lusosphere we are like what Jamaica is in the Anglosphere (small insular country with disproportionate musical and cultural output) Yes, and food, don't forget your food \*drools\*


The point is, if family ties were and slowlier or less but getting with time more and more between both countries, why not making a federation? Each their own autonomy like different countries but exterior and military issues together, together stronger! Imagine the amount of water in common, no joke. But I get your point. You have explained it short and well. Obrigado


I doubt that what you describe will happen in the near future. Perhaps it would be more likely if Portugal (on the continent) regionalized itself (a concept that serves to describe a kind of federalization) as is so often said here, but significant and serious political measures in this direction were never taken. On the other hand, if there is a country in Africa that could perhaps join the EU, it is Cape Verde.


Is there any movement or moves towards it?


Change your flare then


Make me whiteboi And tell your girl to stop DMing me, I'm not into fat chicks. The Senegalese are the ones who are into harpooning the white whales.


✅ Attempting to insult someone for being white ✅ Dreaming up fantasies of white women being interested in you You really couldn’t be more African if you tried.


✅️ Being too autistic to realize people might not fit into arbitrary categories ✅️ Getting upset at a lil bit of banta on a shitposting sub You couldn't be more Germanic if you tried. Now go and fish me some codfish boy, your last shipment was kind of shitty. Don't make me go up there and smack you.


The only real reason for Cabo Verde to be an independent country from Portugal is their cool flag. You made those Africans portuguese, it doesn't matter if black or white, just Portuguese. Sorry you lost it.


Daily reminder that the African Union considers that Madeira, the azores and the canaries are all colonized african territories that shall eventually be decolonized (to whom ? Who knows ?)


The birds who owned the islands when we arrived of course. We stole those lands from the poor birds


Justice for the island birds 🪽


I understand Madeira and the Canaries beeing considered africano, but saying the Azores are african is wild


Yeah, special considering Flores and Corvo are located in the American tectonic plate, so technically not even Europe. It's confirmed, Portugal is a nation that exists in 2 different continents.


3, Madeira is in Africa


Some of us are really bad at math! Mostly politicians




You can see the lights of New York from the west coast of Flores /s But seriously, longitudinally closer to Brazil than Portugal


I mean, some russian propagandist said we could see the Statue of Liberty from Lisbon. I would like to know that spot in Lisbon to take a pic lol.


It’s got 7 to choose from


Not even understand why Madeira is colonised when Protugalians are literally native to that land because there wasn't any other humans before. For Canaries kinda understand


I think it makes sense if you consider Macronesia as a greater connected region, and that's closer to Africa as a whole. Not saying that's right, but I see it


Is the african union real? I though it was a joke


They are real and they are a joke.


a real joke


Weren't those islands uninhabited before the Europeans settled them?


Madeira and Azores yes, Canaries was inhabited. Cape Verde was also human free, but got colonized with an African origin majority.


Yes, the Guanches lived there. A red haired people.


Look at the UN list of territories that it thinks should eventually be decolonized. It's just a list of small areas that are territories of Western countries and don't want independence. No Tibet, or Siberia, or anywhere else that wants independence but isn't Western. Absolute clown list.


Unpopular opinion : the UN has been polluted with the adhesion of third world countries which overwhelmingly are all hateful revanchist dictatorships


https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en/nsgt 10/17 are British 💪💪💪🇬🇪


At least five territories on the list are too small to even wish being completely independent. Especially Pitcairn (42 people). What were they even thinking when they made this list?


West bad, that's all


Just when you think the UN couldn't be more of a clown organization. They don't even have the balls to list the administering power of Western Sahara as Morocco.


If anything, being on the list is a mark that your country actually admits to being/having been a coloniser. China would have a tantrum if it was put on the list, and the UN needs that Chinese money


I understand calling Madeira and the Canaries ‘African’ from a *geological* perspective - but North African, not West. Assuming that must extend to politics when (1) the Guanche have been gone for centuries, (2) Madeira was first recorded by Europeans and first settled by the Portuguese, and (3) everyone on those islands identifies as Spanish or Portuguese… is regarded. Same geological ‘logic’ the Argies wheel out for the Falklands now and then. The Azores don’t even have that - they’re on the very corner of all three tectonic plates (European, African, North American), the Azores Triple Junction, and they mostly aren’t even really on any one of them but probably their own transitional microplate.


The African Union is a legit joke and not even African memberstates consider it worth contributing to.


Seriously? They didn't even have people in them until we found them.


Yep, seriously. They aren't friendly.


Lol, lmao even


"Neighboring country is too close to me. Therefore, neighboring country should belong to me" Never understood this batshit mentality. So, is Morocco rightfully Algeria then?


It's anti imperialism if you aren't western white, duh


I think we should colonize again just for shits and giggles


https://preview.redd.it/ur4c3zll3d8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176f9cb3be5b64781cb14d993baa420ca930aa6f This time I get to participate too! Which region are you picking, Jean?


Not Algeria, that's for sure


Comon work on divide et impera. Supply Kabila movement with weapons first kek


Yeah, let's have the African union tell Madeirenses they must be "decolonized" and be part of africa. Let's see how that goes.


Portugal is a Galician colony in west Iberia (Africa)


Joder tio, que sana envidia le tengo a tu imaginación. Estava a almoçar e cuspi-me tudo quando li isto..


It's probably brain damage from too much Estrella.


Understandably. Estrella and our Super Bock are the best beers in the whole peninsula.




i agree with lispy porto guy here


Thanks for giving that cool flag to Ceuta.


Jesus, the amount of copium!😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣




This is the truth that all yakubians dont want us to know. preach brother






Instant gayfication.


Was the bulge really necessary?




For sure


https://preview.redd.it/tc0jvrcw4e8d1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=440fc8994c2290c65db26c0ea4cb971a57c55ba9 It was.


This level of retardation can't be possible. A quick google search is enough to know that neither of those is true.


It is possible and it's only going to get worse


Only these countries should be allowed to use African players in their NT https://preview.redd.it/59w0aswcob8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93036f8938557e70b60e2fcff0d6a89b3f7bf583


We made the cut, EZ clap


Look around we did this we created this it doesn’t matter what they say we did this ![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh)


That's not fair, USA didn't have enough time to surpass Spain. Pretty fast Dutchies


Don't play the innocent, you guys only had access to Africa in 1778.


And usa?


I don't blame Portugal you just had west Africa and Brazil


I do not understand people’s obsession with stealing European culture and accomplishments and claiming them as their own


I think its time we started claiming other cultures things as our own with no supporting evidence. Did you know that Mansa Musa was actually an Irishman named Patrick Doherty from Roscommon? The history books changed it because of anti-Irish pressure from the British.


The fabled pot of gold at the end of rainbow is the origin story.


> I think its time we started claiming other cultures things as our own with no supporting evidence. Maybe call it something like "the British museum" ?


I don’t think anyone in their right mind would consider the artefacts in the British museum as British culture (apart from the artefacts from Britain itself), but sure


Big fan of the British Museum being brought up constantly while the French constantly get away with it.


When it’s the fact that it’s Americans who propagate this and the “You European coloniser” stuff, you’ll realise people just love to throw stones and never think this stuff through. They mainly just get mad at what they’re told to get mad at.


They got none of their own that they can be proud off, there's even a cult (nation of islam) incorporating that into their faith.


This reminds me of when black supremacists on twitter said it’s morally justified to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because Lenin was actually black and the original Russians were black so then Russia is simply a black nation fighting against white European oppressors. Yeah, safe to say that these black supremacists are kinda regarded.


If they would have said Russia is Asian they would at least be partially right. But then again these are the people who claim the likes of Septimus Severus and Cleopatra are black because they were born in North-Africa, despite the fact that their family history has been clearly written down.


Russians were originally black when? 100k years ago?


No, all the Russian monarchs and royal family were actually black but western propaganda has tried to hide it, or something like that


Ah yes of course.


Heck, even Putin is black. But we are so racist, that everytime he appears, we put a "white man" filter on him.




What did you expect? Why waste time analyzing his nonsense? Any supremacist—black, white, Arab, Indian, whatever—is just plain stupid.


Personally, I’m a big fan of neanderthal supremacism, homo sapiens should pay reparations!


Let them keep coping. Tired of these people saying Portugal and Spain live on "stolen" land from the muslims.


You literally helped them in claiming Canary Islands in next move as they land because you recognize West Africa as part of Morocco. Canary was on border of two countries and noone couldn't claim it correctly but now is just off the shore of Morroco so I guess in future Morocco would start to claim it in same way as Argentina claim Falkland Islands. Oh yea, that's was actually Spain shootin in its own foot


Can it be colonised if no-one was there before?


only monkeys and snakes


Was there really monkeys


![gif](giphy|xUOrwrYpvY0VIV37Mc) This is a small video from that period, colorized


What a great documentary. Apes together strong


Fawade Jafar....


Hear me out. Ronaldo is not african. But sometimes we hear discussions about the best african born player. Ronaldo fits that criteria but is always ignored.


We need a new "African" flair for our friends from west Africa.






~640 km from the closest most southern part of Morocco. ~860 km from the closest part of Portugal. So I guess it’s true? Don’t know if there was people before on the island.


Technically Madeira is indeed in Africa but the rest is just non-sense. Ronaldo's father was Portuguese (and even if it wasn't, doesn't change the fact that Ronaldo is and will always be Portuguese). Madeira was completely empty when the Portuguese found the islands. It's not a colony and never was.


Yeah, I think of it like saying someone isn’t Turkish just because they are born in the Turkish part in Europe. Doesn’t make sense.


"fawaze jafar"


Well it's basically how a lot of teams came to their current players.


Nah, Ronaldo is partly West-African because of a great grand parent from Cabo Verde.