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Romania doesn't claim to be the successor, just the descendant.




They did, medieval Romans called their state Romanía.


kinda, if you allow me to have a more nuanced view, all romans were "romanian", and after the fall of the roman empire (both sides by the way) the people outside of it without a proper kingdom to identify with ended up sticking to their roman identity all the way into the present, that's how we get the many romance minorities like the aromanian, the istro-romanians etc (as well as the greek rhoman in anatolia, I didn't forget you guys either). If Romania unified in the middle ages instead of the industrial age, they would probably have named themselves after whatever duchy/invading tribe unified them, likely Muntenia/Muntenian something along those lines


I fucking love this sub. It's the only place where you can chat shit, throw insults at the fr*nch (and others but well... you know) and occasionally actually learn something. You guys are awesome.


No problem Barry, tu es le bienvenue


Wiser words where never spoken


Can confirm. On a side note, I recently found out about Pechenegs who rulled present day teritory of Romania in 700's or something. They came from west of Korea. So many want to be Roman descendents and (choose to) forget about the others.


They would have needed to maintain their rule in the region for longer if they wanted their name to stick. That's the same reason why Portual isn't called Suevia today and Spain isn't called Visgócia


More like Robmania! \*enter german laughing track\*






It's not made of copper


I know a guy who can sell you some high quality copper ingots


Unholy Romanian Confederation




Same here in Spain. We are just waiting for Italians to name an Emperor, but they are busy with their own pasta wars.


To be fair, Antoninus Piùs was a spaniard and maybe their best emperor. You should name it yourself.


Also Trajanus, great emperor.


Make Tarraconensis Great Again


I think the reason Spain is there, is because your monarchy can lay some claim to the title of Roman emperor. IIRC it had something to do with buying the title off of a legal heir to the (Eastern) Roman Empire.


The son of the exiled emperor made Isabella and Ferdinand Roman emperors in his will: [https://youtu.be/vhu66Q8rfhI?si=Cb5uBt9NhreFgtPy&t=1413](https://youtu.be/vhu66Q8rfhI?si=Cb5uBt9NhreFgtPy&t=1413)


He is also King of Jerusalem. But I would rather not claim that part.


Yes but **Roman**ia , are we stupid?


True, and we fought harder to preserve our Latin heritage against the Ottomans, Austria-Hungary, imperial Russia, barbarians than the other Latin countries did.


Have you ever met hardcore Romanian nationalists? According to them Latin descends from Romanian.


Brazil? USA?


We need to get our caravelas again my brother this mockery is getting out of hand


As an American, I can confirm that our daily pledge of allegiance mandates we acknowledge that God appoints the US President every four years, continuing the Roman empire to this day


Brazil was an Empire after its independence, and Pedro I married the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, Maria Leopoldina. Not much to say it's a claim, but I asume that's the reason to be included in the list


Its clearly Finland


Thank you for driving our the Korean empire spanning all of Eurasia 5000 years ago


Finland is the successor state to the Hyperborean quantum Imperium that was destroyed by the proto-Roman Lemurian alliance.


Hillarious to see such irrelevant states scuabble over proven Finnish heritage


Fun fact, simplified: Austria only became an archduchy because the Habsburgs were pulling some bogus document from the Roman times out of their asses. Edit: as far as I know they forged a „Roman“ document to prof the duchy of Austria has some privileges or something. Don’t nail me on that, it’s just something I remember from school.


This is the proof that Austria is just the lost 17th Bundesland. Please come back, Dad misses you, you can even keep most of your laws this time with the amount of autonomy the modern Länder have, we can even give you the little sliver of Bavaria that borders Lake Constance.


I’d rather let Austrians have their own country they can ruin instead of letting them ruin ours once again.


Yeah just imagine essentially having more of Bavaria, but less rich. You should go for less Bavaria, I think, and get rid of the one you already have. (to explain my flair, I live in Germany, thanks for taking me in)


We and the Germans only claim the HRE which in turn claimed the Roman Empire. So more like a second hand claim to Rome. But we should make a difference between the eastern or western Roman Empire. Western Rome: Italy, Vatican City, Germany (HRE), Austria (HRE) Eastern Rome: Greece, Spain (bought the Title), Turkey and somehow Russia (Marriage) Everyone else has 0 legit claims.


Well I think the eu has a claim as the new Roman empire on the same grounds the HRE does. Because if the unification of continental Europe. Naturally growth still has to occur.


So Belgium it is then. Bruxelles = Nova Roma


Germany doesn't even officially claim to be a successor of the HRE for some fucking political reason. The Bavarians however officially do so. Rare Bavaria W.


I vaguely remember something about Austria-Hungary claiming the Roman empire when the German Empire came around (it could have also been shortly after the HRE was dissolved I mainly remember that technically the last official heir to Rome died in this century with the death of the last crown prince of AH) EDIT: I was remembering this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-KxS3L9bcM and it looks like i got it wrong


Same with France, we only claim to be successor or the Charlemagne's empire which itself kinda claimed to be successor of Rome


You can make a decent argument for Kazakhstan since it was the läste state to leave the Soviet union which was the successor state to imperial Russia. You can also argue for Egypt, but that requires arguing that Rome was defacto ruled by illegitimate rulers for the entire imperial era. Kind of a Taiwan is the one and only China situation but more extreme. BTW I'm not sure Germany or Austria even claim succession of the HRE, it's just something you can argue when you want to be funny. You know given that it was dissolved by napoleon and stuff.


The HRE was not dissolved by napoleon. The Kaiser desolved it himself out of fear that napoleon would do it or claim it for himself once he got the chance.


Are you kidding me? I have been living a lie my entire life. Freaking french and their perfidious lies


No perfidious is for the albions


It's crazy how all the Nordics want to be Rome but will also lie through their teeth that they owe nothing to Rome... There's just one Empire, and it's Rome's successor. No need to distance yourself from it, or to split the hair about the virtue of German's political project, the authority comes from Rome through the Church. Also you conveniently forget France and you put Spain in the East, which is comical. Russia "somehow through marriage", also like their Orthodoxy and the role of protectors for the East against the Muslims didn't count... The HRE legitimacy isn't exactly uncontested either. It's ironic that it died when one of the Germans claimed that this crown had to be *deserved*... If marriage counted, then half of Europe would have a shot...


Can you guys stop roleplaying as our ancient civilization for five minutes thank you, use your own super dope ancient civilization to roleplay as, oh wait....


All hail the glorious weirdly shaped tree in the swamp! I will now kill my daughter in his honour!


I also choose this guy's daughter.


I would also like to kill this guy's daughter. But not for the swamp tree, but for the oak tree. And I will kill to get my right to sacrifice this guy's daughter to the **RIGHT** tree!


So it is war then...


I assume this was the average day in germany and swamp germany while Luigi was building aqueducts and the greatest empire of the time.


You mean to say you *weren't* enjoying kidnapping daughters and revenge killing before those assholes in the church brought us that so-called "civilization"?


Forget about the trees my man. How about you put a big rock up and scribble some shit on it ans then sacrifice your animals to it.


Tbh, the romans were doing basically the same things, the main difference was better civil engineering and military discipline.


Until Pierre came and burned down all our trees.😭


You DARE speak such rot about the swamp tree. I will have your head on a pike for this!


Very Abrahamic of you. It has the requirements to become successfull.


Feast in honor of the gods and die in battle, or you'll suffer in an icy waste for eternity!


Can I buy her? Would be appropriate in those times... Probably?


7 sheep. Take it our leave it.


>use your own super dope ancient civilization It's not really that ancient but its forbidden here anyways... so let us just have a little fun with yours


Ok ok Hans, since you are actually the master OG larper, we can grant you....uhm...the... HOLY Roman empire, yeah that sounds cool right


Superior to the original anyway, thank you Luigi.


Yeah yeah, no problem. Of course it's super cool it has HOLY in the name, it must be way better


the holy Roman empire is neither holy, nor roman nor an empire


And since when it was THE


Behold the emperor of the THE is speaking! *fanfares are playing


Voltaire is an overrated cretin.


You are just angry because Marie Antoinette was beheaded.


It was holy, Roman and an empire for most of its duration


Least side-switching Luigi


I swear people read one voltaire quote on the internet and now think they know shit about the HRE


https://preview.redd.it/l8ij0bar1b9d1.png?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c63233f0870bc018304f6d477d7af22469c1174 I actually don't give a fuck about the HRE, just wanted to shit on Germans


Nor is having you as an ally a help, benefitial, or having you on our side


Only in it's last years


The Nazis aren't "a super dope ancient civilization", they're LARPers that corrupted tradition and turned it into a murderous gnostic cult


German empire until 1919 is forbidden now?


Not forbidden ofc, but in mainstream discourse liking the 2nd Reich is basically seen as liking the 3rd and to be fair like 95% of the time someone is waving a white, red, black flag its a neofacist/neonazi (as they can't wave the flag they want to wave as this one is actually illegal).


*this joke doesn't apply to Greece of course*


And yet Greeks love LARPing as Romaioi and get upset when people fail to call the Byzantine empire (centred on the Greek city of Byzantium) the Roman Empire. Imagine but that cucked by your civilisational apprentice. 


![gif](giphy|W28BnhTaiDRMp9St6z|downsized) YOHEEE YOOHOO, THE NATIVE POPULATION MUST GO /s if it wasn’t obvious


You keep your hands off our rocks


Your ancient civilization has role played the ancient greek so you have no actual copyright on any of this anyway.


Bro we CHANGED THE NAME, you Hans and Fritz of course can't even come up with your own shit. Also I'd argue that we conquered Greece, and became part of the empire, you literally roleplayed a hundreds of years dead civilization, we are not the same https://preview.redd.it/88i8jn4lta9d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f73ef3459e119dbbfa08bacef38aabdd0ab2fdff


Rome was part of the HRE, as were you. I hope that doesn't make you say https://preview.redd.it/oft7purthb9d1.jpeg?width=1181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d5786eff623291e78ddacc5a9938716cf29748 Primarily because that's Spanish, which wasn't part of the HRE, very unbased of them.


Nah man, on CK3 the papal state is autonomous, sorry :(


we also conquered rome


Of these Greece and arguably Turkey (geographically at least) should be able to do so


Turkey no. They grabbed the wrong parts of the culture, and all the wrong parts of the lands.


*cough* *cough*


Can someone tell me wtf Brazil and USA are smoking?


Crack mainly, but OP is even more insane when the US gov nor population makes no claim to Rome.


Right, this is literally not a thing…


U.S. Government Officials have claimed before that the modern U.S. is the spiritual successor of the Roman Empire and in certain political circles, both in a negative and positive way, that comparison is pretty common. So basically the same claim as the eastern Europeans, notably Russia, but without the actual official aspect. Some people misremembered that, some people intentionally misheard that, again because politics, that's where the idea of the U.S. claim comes from, it's bullshit.


Ok I can maybe agree with all the Europeans but what the hell is Belgium. Brazil and r\*ssia doing here.


USA is normal for you?


Oh sorry didn't see my brain is automatically removing all USA related stuff to don't spread cultural cancer war anymore.


Understable, this is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Based kurwa




My phone broke because the basedness of this comment overheated It 😡😡


It's kind of cheating a bit. The USA doesn't claim to be an actual successor state of the Roman Empire - this is probably just from various American politicians'/generals' comments about its having the superpower role that Rome once had. But then could probably point to a large number of other powerful countries in history. I seem to remember a notion of ‘Pax Britannica’ once…


The Founding Fathers were really into Rome and got inspired by the Roman Republic a lot.


USA _not_ trying to claim they’re related to another culture they know nothing about would be the unusual one


nah, they're 1/1024 roman


Pizza was invented in New York. They are basically Augustus successors


Belgium claims that Charlemagne was Belgian and thus the Frankish Empire (and thus France and the HRE) are all Belgian.


Imagine all the little Pierre being in exile for not wanting to live in the great kingdom of Belgium


TIL Aachen is in Belgium


Very good, now update your maps.


We call it Aix-La-Chapelle and no, I don't see why we can't rename other people's cities...


His father(Pepin The Short), grandfather(Karel Martel), great grandfather(Pepin II of Herstal) and great-great grandmother(Begga of Herstal) and great-great-great grandfather(Peppin I of Landen) are all provably from the region around Liège. Where Charlemagne is born is unclear, but to deny his family is from what is now Belgium is ahistorical insincerity. Is he Belgian? No, but nobody before 1871 has the German nationality either. When "German" was becoming a thing, those that were hammering out the identity considered the Netherlands and Belgium to be part of that identity as well. After all, there was just as much difference between a Belgian, Dutchman, an Elsatian, a Saxon, a Prussian and a Bavarian. There's no clear line where the German(ic) identity ends.


He wasn't born in Aken, he was born in Luik.


Russia claimed it as they were the last remnants of the orthodox faith after Constantinople fell


Their claim is unironically quite solid. They got dynastic ties and became the HQ of orthodoxy after Constantinople fell (one of the reasons they didn't help)


Nah. Becoming emperor by marriage is completely un-Roman. Imagine not even poisoning the emperor to become emperor.


It also calls itself third rome


And also niece of last Roman Imperator was wife of Ivan III.


Also something about Catherine the great.


I’m more surprised that China didn’t find an excuse to shoehorn itself into that list, they’re the real masters in weird historical claims


https://preview.redd.it/wmxw88wkua9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8e82bbc1d080160f8c235cbe47410d22afceed We don't give a fuck about the Roman Empire. If anything, we just want Uruguay back. Maybe Paraguay too, but without killing 90% of their male population this time. I've learned from Hans that genocides are a bad thing. \*


Don't do it , it's not worth it history wants too rhyme , how much yerba is worth it


The Russians claimed that title because after the fall of Constantinople they thought themselves as successor due to the religious connections with Byzantium. They essentially claimed that they were now the leaders of orthodox christianity and styled Moscow as the third Rome. Ivan the terrible also claimed family connections because he married the niece of the last emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos.


Also the tsar were married to the last byzantine family, so they claim it by blood


Not Ivan IV, it was his father Ivan III.


Russia’s claim definitely died out when they killed the last Tsar (Caesar) Nicholas.


There are Romanovs out there


Belgium has a loose claim on the HRE because it's likely that Charlemagne was born in nowadays Belgium. Not sure how that translates to a claim on the Roman Empire though.


If you ever feel a Frankish pride, remember that Charlemagne likely spoke a form of Limburgian and weep.


I already do when I realise that West-Flemish is the closest thing to old Dutch that still exists.


That's not according to scientific research. >Einhard refers to Charlemagne's *patrius sermo* ("native tongue").[^(\[37\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne#cite_note-FOOTNOTENelson201968-40) Most scholars have identified this as a form of [Old High German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_High_German), probably a [Rhenish Franconian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhenish_Franconian_languages) dialect.[^(\[40\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne#cite_note-FOOTNOTEChambersWilkie201433-44)[^(\[41\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne#cite_note-FOOTNOTEMcKitterick2008318-45)


Brasil is the country with the largest number if speeker of a language that comes from latin and the country with the largest number if chatolics


Russia is actually legit for it was known as the Third Rome when a Tsar wedded the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor. The title Tsar is actually a deformation of Caesar.


well, same for "Kaiser" so what?


Not sure what 'legit' means here. They claim to be the Third Rome as 'true successor' to Constantinople in an Orthodox sense, but a claim to be the successor state to Rome is still silly




Solid arguments, I agree


cant get more roman than finland


High effort trolling 👌


Makes perfect sense. Also, it means that either Russia says it's the successor of the ussr to keep its seat in the UN, in which case Finland is the true heir of rome, or it's the successor of rome, and Russia should not have the ussr seat in the UN. Perfect!


yeah thought so myself, no self-respecting list about roman succesors is complete without Finland


My brother in Christ, ![gif](giphy|FnfVBpkz3NQgWSH7pe|downsized) Pure Romano-Finnish culture right here...


All this discussion when the true successor is San Marino.


The US? A colony that surpassed it's coloniser, an economic power backed up by an extremely powerful navy whose whole basis is money and trade? Sounds like more akin to Carthage than to Rome


I'm going to be honest here. Not one person in Government nor the population claims we are Rome's successor. OP is just making shit up. Besides, San Marino is the true successor to Rome.


As it should, oldest republic still standing, somehow from Roman times.


I believe we all agree EU is the real one


Ursula von der Leyen shall command our armies to reclaim Mare Nostrum!




Who claims the EU though?




i personally do


the first 3 and Spain and France. i think Vatican City has more claim unironically, speaks latin, his leader has title of Pontifex Maximus and has residence in Rome. rest are posers and LARPers.


The "pontifex maximus" title is a LARP afaik. They basically came up with the term during the Renaissance because muh classical antiquity


> They basically came up with the term during the Renaissance because muh classical antiquity i mean the title is from ancient times, it was the title of the high priest(ordo sacerdotarum), but yeah Popes started using it during Renaissance


The pontifex maximus is the highest Roman priest with the ability to hold political and military power and he who is in charge of making the calendar, therefore designating which days are lucky and unlucky. Usually it was some noble with renowned ancestry. Caesar for example was pontifex maximus. When Augustus became emperor he incorporated the supreme pontiff title into the various charges of the emperor, meaning every emperor was pontiff. After the edict of Milan emperors kept using the title until it was relinquished and later changed to something else in the fourth or fifth century, I don't remember. So the church, as usual, used it as a pretext to say stuff belonged to them by saying the pontifex ruled the empire.


Even us we just claim a Gallo-roman heritage. We dropped our savage ways through Roman architecture, but we kept rocking the badass beards.


That's a lot of clames from people not having Rome as their capital




First we will claim to have a proper government then we will see about that SPQR thing


Ok, Italy, Vatican and Romania is cultural heritage, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria because of Byzantines, Russia is the Third Rome bullshit, Germany and Austria are there because of HRE, France because of culture and French Empire also being empire weird arguments, Spain because of culture and last Byzantine emperor naming Isabella and Ferdinand his heirs, so far it all makes sense why they claim it regardless of accuracy. Turkey I understand why the Sultan of Rûm stuff from the Ottomans, US claims to modern Rome (stupidly) and EU because just like Rome it stands for Europe or something? And I guess Belgium is there because it houses the EU kinda? But anyways, my main question at the end is: why the absolute fuck is Brazil there? How does Brazil justify it’s claim, I genuinely can’t think of any reason


Not the Roman Empire, just the HRE. Get it right.


"Heiliges römisches Reich deutscher Nation" "German nation's holy roman Empire" ≠ Roman Empire


They did call it the 'Roman Empire'. It only became officially known as the Holy Roman Empire under Maximilian I, but even then this was still meant to be an extra adjective to the 'Roman Empire'.


As a greek I recognize only italian and greek claim and secondary Spanish and French


Thats it, no more money for you


Watched and historian channel talking about this and his conclussion was that Felipe VI (his bloodline) Is the more authentic legally aspirant to the HRE, because his family bought the actual title from the last living true ruler of the HRE, so thus making Felipe VI the actual living person with a more serious claim to the title


He bought the title of the Byzantine emperor not the Holy Roman one.


Ahhh it could be that yes I think you are right my fellow paint enjoyer


Somebody plz tell me what are Brazil, Belgium, and the US doing on this list


It's Brazil.


* Thank you, my ItaloAmigo. Now we can have 9 WC titles. 12 if we allow our noisy neighbors. https://preview.redd.it/ztr1gpg8ua9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2648bf2840d89c2d34873763e4aaaa8d014c8f


Isnt there also a village in china claiming to be descendants of the romans?


Guys come on we should know when it’s time to let a good thing die. The true Roman Empire were the friends we made along the way


I’m American. And this isn’t true for us. We don’t think we’re the successor to anything. We invented it. All on our own. Democracy, empires, freedom, subjugating poor nations, guns, bald eagles, pizza, racism, all of it. We were the first and best to do it ever and everyone else copied us even if they did it before we existed. Thats just how great we are


https://preview.redd.it/94tllz99ra9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9bec35f2f427e0cd1811be269a85b1d08a362dc Stavros vs Hans on who's more Roman while Luigi has the city of Rome..


... Belgium?! ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Yeah idk what we're doing in that list


Truth is there is no successor, you don't go around asking who is the real successor of a random Gaul tribe or some Califfats or ancient kingdom


The fuck are we doing on that list?


If you don’t speak the language shut the fuck up, excluding Greece as they always spoke greek


Luigis and Kostantines are the only obvious ones.


The only true answer is the modern province of Rome itself which only needs to free itself from the yolk of the Italian state to then start a new eternal war of conquest


Well, the crown is in Vienna and has been for some time and Rudolf II was also Holy Roman Emperor and his offsprings rules until 1918. **I consider this case closed.**


So it‘s in Germany? Sweet!


Technically it can only be Vatican City or Turkey. I’m gonna choose Turkey purely for the shithousery


Not for Belgium


Well whoever it ends up being… Stay away from our rock pile!


I mean, we have plenty of fun RPing as our own past empire, but come on. Britain has a much stronger claim than Turkey does, and especially the USA


Wales had the longest unbroken Roman heritage and was the last bastion of Roman culture.