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Politicians are professional crooks. And they know how to show appreciation for the ones who are more talented!


https://preview.redd.it/tbki7ygj1b9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69149bdfa3464adc12ef18be6f519b852212cfe2 This is the bad boy we're talking about here


A scandal is a required qualification to run the EU.


Biggest scandal is that his chief of staff only had 76k euros in bribe money, I don't think that's even enough to qualify for the job. This is very unfair and I think some other countries should protest, he should be required to have the minimum 100k OR 75k but a sex scandal as well.


Wow you guys really are Balkan!


Fml how many times do i have to say they have nothing on him? Our justice system is out of control. Didnt you see the wiretaps they released days before they made a decision for his position? Held for way longer than it should be allowed and they werent even allowed. Its a smear job imo. Happened to other politicians before.


Yep. It's very sad that those people get into that position. I felt bad for Europe when Borrell was elected as High Representative, and I tremble every time and Spanish goverment member is appointed for whatever position. Are we following US path choosing old and corrupted people?


not following anybody, it's been that way since the beginning. The only diference between Spanish representatives and other countries it's whether we can pronunce their names


I wish we don't begin following US path choosing old people with mental issues also...


What's wrong with Borrell?


He is stupid. He has been scammed 150 thousand euros on the internet when he wanted to speculate with currencies on a fake page https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2016-11-15/estafa-borrell-falsa-oficina-trading-especulacion-divisas_1289566/ Would you trust the representation of Europe's foreign and security policy to a stupid person?


This is actually revolting, clown fiesta. This corrupt fuck has been fucking the country for years, resigns for being under investigation and lands a nice cozy EU job


Tag, you’re it EU


Everyone's so fucked.


Quick guys, we need to stop the rise of the far-right and euroscepticism, let's fucking appoint this idiot


Portuguese De Niro


Context for the clueless? Edit: From Wikipedia >Costa’s third term was marred by a wave of scandals and resignations that affected his popularity negatively in the opinion polls.[42] 11 ministers and secretaries of state left their roles, over allegations of corruption and past misconduct or questionable practices.[43] The most significant scandal was the TAP scandal where Costa’s government has been involved. Infrastructure Minister Pedro Nuno Santos submitted his resignation in December 2022, following a public backlash over a hefty severance pay a secretary of state received from state-owned TAP, which fell under his remit.[44] --- >Resignation >n 7 November 2023, Portuguese prosecutors detained Costa's chief of staff Vítor Escária and named João Galamba a formal suspect[48] in an investigation into alleged corruption in lithium mining, green hydrogen production and a data centre deals. Over 40 searches were carried out, some of which in government and local government buildings, including Escária's office, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action.[49][50] Authorities found tens of thousands of euros in envelopes in the office of Vítor Escária.[51] Costa was also under suspicion of enabling the lithium and green hydrogen deals, and was to be inquired by the Supreme Court of Justice.[52] >In a televised statement in the afternoon, Costa announced his resignation from the position of prime minister, saying that "the dignity of the functions of prime minister is not compatible with any suspicion about his integrity, his good conduct and even less with the suspicion of the practice of any criminal act".[6] >The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, accepted Costa's resignation on the same day.[53] However, the resignation of Costa and his government was only made official on 8 December, in order to have the State Budget for 2024 approved. The Assembly of the Republic was also dissolved. The president scheduled early elections to be held on 10 March 2024. Costa's government remained in office in a caretaker capacity until the new government (led by Luis Montenegro) was sworn in after the elections.[8][54][9] >The investigation has since attracted criticism after the prosecutors admitted several mistakes, including confusion between the names of António Costa and then Minister of Economy António Costa Silva in the transcript of a wiretap.[55][56][57] Never heard of the dude, don't know much else.


[https://tviplayer.iol.pt/programa/noticias-cnn/6193fe4b0cf2c7ea0f090b1e/video/64522ca80cf2cf92250532e3](https://tviplayer.iol.pt/programa/noticias-cnn/6193fe4b0cf2c7ea0f090b1e/video/64522ca80cf2cf92250532e3) Yesterday was yesterday, today is a beautiful day, good bye 🏃💨💨 ![gif](giphy|glWHL6WQNNpdrCrMwd)


Sorry, I can't speak Portuguese, which I assume this is.


This human is not fit for the job


Duh, that's why he has that position




After a controversy last year involving one of his ministers (who was an ass) Costa told the journalists "Yesterday was yesterday, today is a beautiful day, good bye" and left. It obviously wasn't a nice attitude, and he acted extremely arrogant many times during his last term, which lasted until he had to resign after another scandal involving the same minister mentioned above


Wait, your politicians do leave its position when they are really fucked? João I didn't expect such thing from you...


Well, he left the prime minister position exactly because he knew they were looking for a new president for the European Council. The media was already talking about that possibility years ago, long before these scandals. There are even some conspiracy theories that he "asked" for this scandal to have an excuse to go to the EU council


Wait why would they scandal help to get such position?


Because the scandal was the perfect excuse to leave his position as PM. The day he resigned he said something like "this accusation is incompatible with the duties of a Prime Minister....so I can't continue as I'm under investigation". And the scandal seemed much worse when it was made public, it made him look like a dirty politician. Now, months later, apparently the scandal wasn't so... scandalous, and there isn't even a formal accusation against him


Ah now I understand, thanks for the context. That's hilarious in a Donald Trump sort of sad and scary way.


unironical translation: “yesterday was yesterday today is a new day look at the sky so so pretty”


Yea. Technically says: "Yesterday is yesterday, today is a new day, look at the sky, its beautyfull, bye"


Its in Hindi


I swear if people outside of Portugal had any idea how much of a useless fuck he is, there would be riots right now. The french and dutch riot for WAY LESS.


If he was spanish he would be still ruling so you aren't that fucked.


It’s not like his predecessor was any better