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Do border guards in other countries appreciate pointless smalltalk during work?


Eh, it depends. I’ve had loads of small talk on smaller African airports or on a small (yet international) Australian airport. But in both cases they had to handle like 20 persons. In total. For the only flight in a couple of hours.


I had a guy checking my passport at Jakarta ask me to marry him so I guess if you count that as small talk...


If he had been wooly and fuzzy, would you have accepted?


Was he a goth? Just wondering if username checks out


If you said yes it doesn't count though


What a lot of Americans don’t get is that this small talk during business is inconsiderate to all those waiting


Don't ever visit Ireland, then.


Exactly, and they think they are polite!!


Small airports are so chill


In Europe, I have never exchanged more than a "Bonjour, Hola, Hello" But in the US, I've frequently had the border agent start small talking with me. At first I thought I was being interrogated. Maybe I was?


You were. (I am a green card holder and have interacted regularly with CBP officers for like 8 years)


I mean they probably just mistake you for an Arab, don't take it personally.


This. Every time I land in SF I am sent to the room. This even happened once during covid where there were only 4 or 5 other people in the plane and the airport was empty!


No no, they are just much friendlier than us in general.


Its Fake friendly though. "Have a wonderful day" you don't give a flying fuck about my day don't chat shit with me.


That's your POV dude. They are literally interested in your day and they love to help you scheduling one when you are on holiday there. Unless we are speaking about New Yorkers vast majority of Americans are quite proactive and have genuinely interest in other human beings. Maybe in Barryland is different bro...


Don't talk wet billy lad it doesn't suit you pal. We are well known as friendly cunts in northern barryland and Jock central. Don't have to go over the top and fake it like. Whats wi all this "dude" and "bro" business? Sound like a yankee doodle yoursen.


In the rank of friendliest countries we are behind Germany, Belgium (whatever it is), Norway, Turkey and even France ( I can't believe it). Draw your conclusion


Dont bet on daft polls or poorly researched infographics made by lord knows who for fuck knows why. They'll have your keks down.


Duly noted!


As an American it is definitely fake


From which state?


Lived in California, Nevada, Colorado, Washington DC, and New Jersey and have travelled extensively


I have been in Texas, California, Louisiana, and Oregon. We had really different experiences :)


New Yorker in exile here. I understand the stereotype, but one of the things that is different about Manhattan is that walking is actually a significant form of transport for the locals. Most don't even own cars. So, unlike in most of the US, where walking through town is something tourists and people at leisure do, and most walking is between the parking lot and the office, a walking Manhattanite is actually trying to get somewhere, and doesn't like hordes of tourists blocking the sidewalk, or asking 'How do I get to Carnegie Hall?'. New Yorkers are just as friendly as anyone else, when they're not in a hurry.


The issue is being in a hurry is part of you guys.


I’ve only found it to be fake from southern U.S. people. Northeast and Midwest are full craic. Baltimore folks are full of crack too.


Not its not, we just aren’t anti social weirdos, we are insane cowboys who could not point out the country of africa on the map.


In my experience, in the USA they are, maybe they expected the same with border Hans.


As a "german" he should have known better


That;s an absolute good point!


Depends. Had mixed reactions in America and I flew to Eindhoven the other year en route to the champions league final in Paris and the border guard was chatting to me about football, said he hoped we would win and asked who I think should start the game


I had some.....in the US. I don't remember any smalltalk anywhere else. They are usually nice and polite but in my experience I've never seem to want to chit-chat much.


It depends. I had some funny smalltalk in Australia, and in Paris CDG of all places (the border guard saw my Spanish passport and started to talk to me in Spanish 😯)


Oh, some instigate it, it helps to suss out if someone is nervous and should be given a second look.


CDG is typically Parisian. Unprovoked rudeness, yelling and I almost saw one employee throw hands with a rude guy taking his bag through security. Started throwing his things around instead.


Ironically, in the states they do. I’ve had very pleasant experiences with Floridian immigration officials.


better to fly through philly, newark or la guardia, youll get chewed out and spat on, doesnt take long though


Try that when trying to enter in the US and you'll be registered a persona non grata in seconds.


Depends I had a wonderful chat in 3 different countries in America. Here, not really.


Drank a cup of tea with English border security once...but to be fair I was probably pulled aside because I was dressed as a pirate.


Haha you probably made his day 🤣


He was pretty chuffed once I explained I was coming over for a festival and dressed as a pirate just to take piss out of people who take black metal too seriously.


Bringing the black flag aesthetic to black metal. I like it 🥹


I love all of this.


I guarantee he’ll be telling his grandchildren about the time he caught a pirate


This is a great sign of respect in British culture.


Steve? Is that you?


Sterotypes exist for a reason. And those are actually the upper-middle class that can afford international travelling, imagine the average…


Do you mind if I don’t. For my sanity’s sake.


Fair enough




> Edin-burg I find that less offensive than Edin-*borough* as in burrow, and the variations on that, which was the American tourist norm when I lived there.


Edinbra or Edinburgh are classics...


so what's correct?




best I can do is Edinburg




Edins borg


How about Edinburgo spelling out every vowel the most latin way possible?


When I tried it out, locals got pissed. But yeah, it's an option :)






i was grinding my teeth whilst reading this, god I hate those kind of people


Which kind? The chatterbox or the robot?


Are you really asking? I'm with Jürgen on this one


thank you, sanity prevails


> be border officer > have boring job > have queue with hundreds of people > some LARPing americans try to tell me their lifestory > claim they are 0.00342% German and demand citizenship NOW! > try to shut them down by talking as little as possible. > they fail to read the room and keep yapping > they hold up the entire queue why is this even a question??


the robot is understandable at least


The robot is a robot. Most things are better than being a robot, even if it's being a silly chatterbox.




Yeah yes.


Bad Papachronaki, bad!


Chatterbox obviously


what do you think?


Once met an American at Frankfurt Airport who complained that German Gun Laws infringe the second Amendment.


It’s sad that I’m not surprised, but it happens here too (Land of Maple Syrup)


I have a love-hate relationship with americans. All of the ones I encountered were super nice people, but god they REALLY were walking stereotypes. I can't wait for the new season of american presidential elections though, that show is fire


I mean, the ones you see visiting europe are probably the less ignorant people from states. I dont want to meet an american who refuse to visit europe because he thinks we are part of the soviet third reich or something






Cringe worthy and naive, yes, but I thought we were free of American garbage in this subreddit? Every Europe based sub has loads of these kinds of posts, and that's good and fine, but not here now, too?


Because in the other subs you get banned for advocating for immediate deportation by trebuchet. Which I do.


I’m not surprised that that happened. Between the cost, distance, and time off needed (Americans are notorious for being reluctant to use their vacation days), your average American doesn’t visit Europe that often. My first time traveling abroad (excluding Canada) was to Italy, with a layover in France, when I was 17. I actually ended up losing my passport in the Paris airport, which no doubt did not help the “Americans are dumb” stereotype. A kind French gentleman took pity on me, and I was able to get to Italy to get a new passport from the American embassy. I will forever be grateful to that man, because I know that situation could have turned out a lot worse. While I don’t think most Americans would believe that the EU would count ancestry, I can definitely imagine that some would. Stereotypes are obviously not always accurate, but they exist for a reason. Naivety about other countries is probably true for a lot of us. Also the striking up a conversation with random people definitely rings true. lol Me personally, I definitely prefer the “naive but friendly” stereotype over the “bigoted asshole” one. I’m glad you found it endearing. While I completely understand while others may find it annoying, a lot of times it isn’t coming from a place of malice, just inexperience.


>a kind French gentleman Proof this story never happened 


Another yank telling his life story 🤒


Hang on, I speak a bit of Yank. “Sir, this is a Wendy’s”.


If you’re American and lose your passport in Austria, Mcdonalds will be able to help you. (It’s not a joke)


I looked that up to check if it was true, and it is?! That is wild! Thanks for the heads up. [US citizens in Austria can now get help at… McDonald’s](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/us-consulate-mcdonalds-austria-scli-intl/index.html)


I thought it was a joke (despite the “not a joke” comment) so thank you for linking that article. This will be a fun “did you know” kind of thing.


Same. Can’t wait to whip this puppy out in casual conversation!


Is this the key to smalltalk mastery?


It works for me!


It doesn’t get any more ‘murican than this!




If I lose my passport abroad I should make my way to a curry house?


Absolutely! They probably won’t be able to help you, but you can get a good meal!😋


Is that where they have the kangaroos?


No, the kangaroos call it Macca's.


Yeah I don’t think anyone claims malice here or in general. I just find it baffling that overgrown toddlers pretty much have the world at their disposal (or they think they do). The ignorance, the naivety. How do these people even function in their day to day lives? They wouldn’t survive the reality of southern european countries where you constantly have to adapt to every foreigner/language that comes your way. I just can’t understand how these people are “more efficient” and have more money because of it. I just don’t buy it.


I don’t think ignorance is a good thing, but I don’t think it would negate someone’s efficiency, as long as you are knowledgeable in your topic of employment. (I’m assuming you’re referring to that article where European businesses leaders were complaining about their employees’ efficiency vs US companies?) There are a lot of ignorant people that have high paying jobs or impressive degrees. I think work is also viewed differently here vs Europe (Obviously I’m generalizing here, I know Europe isn’t all the same, so correct me if I get something wrong). Work ethic is often linked to moral character in the States in my experience. Being a hard worker is seen as being important to being a good person. I think that this view is being challenged somewhat by younger Americans who feel unappreciated and taken advantage of by employers in the US today, but idleness is still looked down upon to some degree. That might affect the efficiency thing? As for the difference in money, I think there are a lot of reasons for that, including the amount of taxes and cost of living, but I don’t really know the specifics. Also, in general other countries can be a bit of a blind spot for a lot of Americans. I know that sounds incredibly self-centered and arrogant (it is to a degree), but our exposure to other cultures in day to day life is much less than a lot of countries. I think this explains why you get some of these insane questions (besides the fact that some people are just not very bright.) Obviously this isn’t a great excuse, and the level of ignorance is rather appalling at times, but I feel I can’t judge people too harshly, since I didn’t know a ton about Europe until I became interested in history and politics. Furthermore I’d question (and this is not me being smart, I don’t know the answer to this) if you guys are that much more knowledgeable about African, Asian, and South American countries, than Americans are of European ones? Again, this isn’t a gotcha, I’m genuinely curious if this is a uniquely American issue? And yes, I know I wrote an entire essay in the comments of a post on a shit-posting subreddit, in response to a comment that was probably a rhetorical question, but I got carried away and typed out this whole thing, so I will post it with the knowledge that I will rightfully be ridiculed. Thank you for allowing me the chance to procrastinate writing the article I actually should be working on. I will get back to that now.


They have more money cos they won WWII and their country was the only one not blown the fuck up. That’s it.


And loaned all the money to the French, Germans, British, Italians, etc so they were indebted to the US dollar.


Did he really say Edin-burg?


If Hamish is around, I always make sure I pronounce it edin-burg. If not, we say Edinburough. It hits him harder if an Englishman says Edinburg, as he knows there's no excuse for us not knowing how to pronounce it.




This couple seamed autistic indeed, based on your description. This clearly shows the German heritage. But they used more then 3 words and none of them was 2 pages long. Not german enough.


Tbf. I'm danish with a German middle name (Chemnitz), and when I was in a German airport, the border guard got all giggly about my name, and asked if he could borrow my passport to show his colleagues. Suppose it's more it's an unusual name, then the fact that it is German.


The idea of this sub is that its for Europeans, the name is a big give away Go be American somewhere else, you cunt


Those septics really are annoying shits.


From the dead empire, we don't care


Americans are the definition of mildly infuriating Throwback to when I was taken to the side for interrogation in JFK airport probably because of my Middle Eastern sounding name 😬😬despite being a minor.. tbf i didn't shave so i did look kinda grown


>Middle East sounding r/shitredditsays


Yeah yeah you're getting fucked by Vladimir anyway


savage: detected opinion: rejected