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Literally me while I was reading that.


I'm sorry you're ashamed of your lost style - I prefer bratwurst hans to deadly sharp hans, but, I have to admit the designer style of the deadly sharp hans. Let Shallow Hal be our guidance here, the dudes who looked good were abhorrent cunts. Barry 63 is the true good guy here.


Shame he doesn't look the part outside of James Bond movies.


Oh no, that's James, and James is a murderous cunt. James went to Eton, and he's happy to stab you in the back. Barry is a good dude though, as long as he gets his curry and beer he's happy. He's not looking for trouble, but, he's willing to slap some Swamp Germans into place if needed. He also stays away from Stella as he wants to only beat up cheeky little fucks, never his missus. Like I said, he's a good dude. Fuck James though; posh little cunt.


Are you drunk?šŸ˜‚


It's 22.34, of course I'm drunk.




Erika is a good song and even though it was probably sung while marching (both ways) through France and Poland I actually enjoy it. The SS and their fans can fuck right off though.


It's technically a dutch Afrikaan song [it was made in 1930 by herms niel](https://youtu.be/E7zhrwAC-sA?si=TmStKoff_XfkVcbn)


That somehow makes it even more racist.


Let's be real, it has nothing on "[Teufellied/SS marchiert in feindesland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ECySsQthE)", that song is metal as fuck. Yes fuck the SS, but what an exceptionally menacing and mesmerizing song.


Mesmerizing is the term I'd describe the idea of the SS with... they were pretty much the Sirens of the Nazi machine, attracting all the attention of the cameras and posters (well, them and the Panzers) while the Wehrmacht did most of the actual fighting. That's why everyone and their grandmother knows about Wittman while Carius is barely remembered. Not that the Wehrmacht was clean or anything, but they were definitely not as clean a picture for the Nazis (note the difference). The SS got the best gear not because they were exceptional, but because they were loyal to the system, aka they wouldn't pull back or act passively if that was unequivocally the better thing to do (ahem Villers-Bocage ahem). It all sounds so good and heroic on newsreels and in books/films/games, but peel that away and the average SS soldier is a laughably average combatant.


Maybe he is the same Swede that fantasised over the Reich importing Aryan twinks from Sweden. I wish I could forget this post.šŸ˜“


Wait a sec let me find it for you...


Why did you have to find it? Today was a terrible day to be literate


Kommandant Heinrich copypasta? The really homerotic one?


Why did I do this. Well at least I didn't come up with it. > Kommandant Heinrich copypasta Ok so I'm not gay but I'm Swedish and have a fantasy where Germany win world war two and Sweden needs to export aryan twink boipussy slaves to high ranking SS officers for pleasure. I imagine I'm a shy little blonde twink with smooth pale skin and being brought into komedant heinrichs bedroom to give him pleasure. He is a tall broad shoulders kraut with a jawline that could cut a diamond and with massive daddy muscles and I'm a pathetic skinny little boipussy twink. He pulls me into his arms force kissing me and pressing my chest against his. He pins me down on the bed tearing my cute lil virgin panties off, he has waited for this for a long time. He teases my boipussy with his massive thicc German cock and then he goes all in. Fucking me with a force I've never felt before. Every thrust makes him moan with pleasure. I love the fact I give him pleasure. He cums deep into my sissy swede guts, breeding my booty hole then he cuddles me with his strong masculine German arms until I fall asleep on his chest. Any other straight guys have similar fantasies?


The final casual 'do other straight guys think like this?' after just describing the most batshit crazy gay fantasy one could imagine just kills me


Yep, that's a typical Swede




tbf, Ƅrisch femboys in Hugo Boss is basically Swedish kryptonite.


I guarantee you this guy didn't do his VƤrnplikt(conscription). Nobody in the military would talk like this. This guy was too fat and redacted, sitting at home reading 4chan.


Sadly, I don't have a picture of a Swedish wehraboo Soyjack, but that would 100% be this guy.


He's literally that 4chan post personified. More like, some Minneapolis dweller hiding behind a Swedish flair.


OOP irl https://preview.redd.it/hb2msn1ll5ad1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648148a5b0022337de0030aa095314461cb62120


Not fat enough


The burzum t-shirt is so on point.


Still canā€™t get over how I almost bought such a shirt when I was 12/13 because I wasnā€™t able to understand the gravity of all that shit.


You and me both. Can't really understand Varg's popularity between older people.


Holy shit my dumb ass thought you were talking about the band named Varg and not Varg Vikernes. Took me like 15 minutes to realize.


[I mean](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_(Band)#Kontroverse) (unfortunately only im the German wiki). But I donā€™t want anything to do with ā€žfun-nazisā€œ


Leave 40k alone


You don't understand, his great great uncle married a Swedish woman, he's basically a swede himself. His favorite TV show is vikings and he drinks from a horn


Hey! Leave us Minneapolis dwellers alone!


You hear pretty stupid shit from 18 year old conscripts I guarantee you. Especially in the beginning. We had this kid larping as michael wittmann in the bootcamp. He didnt even make it to the armoured unit lol. We called him ā€natsi-peteā€ for the rest of the year.


Fuxk the Wittmann larpers, the guy wasn't even that good of an ace, he just looked very good on camera. Justice for Otto.


I would guess he's a teenager, maybe 15/16 Years old.


Yes. They had sick drip the SS did, but they're one of the most despicable organisations that has existed. There are lots of cool military units without blemish on their record he could look up to, including lots of current Swedish or German ones. I just think it's a case of young and a bit dumb, you gotta tread very carefully when praising anything like that, same goes for many other units or organisations. It's easy to fall into a dark hole and become a victim of extremism. Obviously drawing lots of foregone conclusions here but I'm not the one praising SS on an internet forum.


have you seen their pants? sick drip?


They were also pretty shit as a military unit and adsorbed huge amounts of resources for limited gain. One reason to 'like' them I guess?


It did hurt to read the fanboy drool over the SS like they were some heroic mounted rangers.


lol the military ranks with the respect thing, just reminds me of that time in training when I didn't know the airforce ranks that well and I called a colonel, a major, then a captain and then a lieutenant, or the uniform thing reminding me of lieutenant walking into my barracks while I was undressing so in my confusion I jumped to attention and greeted while my pants fell off. sorry these stories are too good not to tell




Perfection, average white nationalist.


White supremacist profile * Looks inside * Turkish


One day, the truth as to why so many white supremacists are Filipino will be known




once I was like this, then I turned 14


At what point did you transition from filipino to italian? Was It easy? Did you do It alone? So brave!


He was adopted šŸ‘€


At the point when his pubic hair started growing. I'm quite sure he did it alone. I hope.


Wehraboos try to not utter something insane challenge (impossible)


But ze **REICH** bro, we **must** reconquer Silesia!! https://preview.redd.it/9br8ai4rm5ad1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5dc3fc7e9fbb12ba6ff4812069d4d519c804d04




Very german of you.šŸ‘








Too late, we already ate all the coal


I just want RĆ¼bezahl (Liczyrzepa) back.šŸ„ŗ




Sry, I don't speak Friulian


No https://preview.redd.it/y1todih816ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24219a763cd4204020cadc7a37fc0ea386c82b4d




Gib nudes of Herr Tusk, and we'll have eternal peace Or Brauns sex tape, either is fine


The discipline to use force only when ordered? The SS? Christ alive, these people.


I'm pretty sure there were standing orders in place to be as horrible as possible at all times.


least nazi r/europe and r/2westerneurope4u user


This guy is gay, I donā€™t know how to explain it, but his comment spread gay vibe


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/717t6my106ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff989ed8f4608774b8dc8af8f374dfaed23006a


Yes. (My eyes are burning)


Understandable, bonne nuit.


Merci, *bonne nuit Ć  vous aussi.


And just like that, im back in 8th grade. I could blame this on my Keyboards autocorrect function, but I'm probably just dumb.


Or tired.


Why? Now I will have night terrors about SS twinks. *Why Hans, WHY!?*


HeHeHeHeee, my plan has succeeded. https://preview.redd.it/hk9vqdj7z6ad1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bae9dacb69bff7d73b92ac0f9742e72f4d9d937


https://preview.redd.it/iz6y2uj2v8ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79182f7c4d0763343907e55872fb556b219e7c6 My reaction to this information.


Ok thatā€™s enough internet for this year (see you all in an hour)


It as cursed as the Vaporeon shitpost meme. You are a fine *connaisseur* and I am adding it to my collection. Bravo my friend


"The ability to enforce its will through raw force" I think I have some idea on why he seems gay


Wait a fucking minute - the whole hyper nationalistic shit here is supposed to be a joke. Who let this asshole in?


Frontex šŸ’€


Ich hab gelacht


I agree but this sub has pretty consistently suffered from a small minority dropping the "ironic" part and using this as a safe space to do some regular racism. If someone were determined to get this sub banned they could probably trawl together/cherry pick a "greatest hits" of straight up racism were they minded to. The price of freedom to enjoy ironic nationalism is to be forever vigilant against _unironic_ nationalism


Report. I report serious political posts, almost always, from both sides. That's why I'm so grateful for Euro Cup, has brought back banter and shitposts. Better than Eurovision: less gay (but not completely not gay) and more important, NO NEW FLAIRS FROM OUTSIDE EUROPE.


Italians in other subs after Switzerland send them home in the EC: Mamma Mia, cazzo, Hurrensohn Schweiz. Luigi here: Mamma Mia, cazzo, porco dio, you shall only get pizza Hawaii for the rest of your life and all your spaghetti carbonara with cream shall come pre-cut. But your team was objectively just way better than the lazy ass Azzuri, congrats.


Oh yeah the ā€œyouā€™re a minority in your own capitalā€ people. They pop up every now and again but theyā€™re easily recognisable by their monumental stupidity.


Fun fact, Vienna actually is a minority majority city. It is, however, still the most livable city in the world, so I'm not bothered. It's also not the way those people think it is when they hear such things. It isn't "The great Replacement" (which doesn't exist), but it's just a multicultural city that basically just works with many different kinds of people. Yes, there are problematic people here, but that's everywhere.


The percentage of assholes is the same everywhere


No, in Rome the percentage is 100%


>Fun fact, Vienna actually is a minority majority city True story. 17% of Viennese Austrians weren't born in Vienna, but immigrated here from various rural shitholes. Vienna has the highest population of BurgenlƤnders of any city in Austria, including all Burgenland ~~cities~~ towns. Same for Lower Austria. Actual numbers for those interested: - Population 2 million - About 1 million (50%) of those are Mihigrus (1st or second generation immigrants) - About 17% are Austrians not born in Vienna - about 30% foreign nationals - 40% either non-austrians or austrians not born in austria - 5% princips - 4% kebabs - 3.5% ~~humor deprived~~ germans (that was redundant) - 2.8% winged hussars (Vienna State flag is the same as poland, so we think they got lost) . - 32% catholics - 3% protestants - 15% muslims - 34% no denomination . - \> 90% basements - social democrat mayors since 1955, including Mr. HƤupl who was mayor for over 20(!) years Considered one of the safest & most livable cities in the world :) Just don't be on Ottakringerstrasse when croats & turks face each other in a football competition.


I CAME HERE TO BE RACIST IN A FUNNY WAY, WHO HAS LET ACTUAL RACISTS HERE?? If I ever see one I will personally take away his t-word (terrone) pass away. And if they use it again I'll call my other Calabrese mates (monkeys) to, Idk, put him on some mafia hit list or smth


I despise those people, the worst platform for them is tiktok comments


Well, fuck em nazis. Lets push them away without using fascism as mods. It does not matter for which country you are a nationalist, we will all shit on your country. Have fun being a german nazi (no idea why I picked em first) we will still shit on Germany, Australian Nazis will be reminded that they are just incest rapist failed painters, Greek nazis still need to pay their fucking bills for a change, Spanish nazis are probably taking a nap and the English nazis need to realize that they do not really matter anymore tbh. We are the real Europa and home of freedom. Everybody gets poop in their face, welcome to Schengen.


Bonus if you're a dual-national passport holder, we shit on you twice!


I always liked this sub because the shit talk is among the funniest Iā€™ve read on Reddit, and itā€™s all in good fun. I love all you fellas and wish everybody peace and prosperity. But my god there are some vile hateful pieces of shit lurking among us.


> I agree but this sub has pretty consistently suffered from a small minority dropping the "ironic" part and using this as a safe space to do some regular racism. Yep, that's the issue with the people who fell off to the far sides, they're more than mildly dumb to begin with, so they have no sense of nuance, irony and everything out of straightforwardness. At least the most vocals of them don't stay long and quickly go back under the rock they crawled out of.


Please tell me this dude has been banned


Found the original post, a whole bunch of [Deleted] comments. One could hope?


When a German is telling us weā€™ve gone too far, itā€™s time for a reassessment


Well he's talking bollocks, the SS weren't respected by enemy combatants, they were often executed pretty quickly where as the average Wehrmacht conscript was treated with respect and taken prisoner. The SS didn't only use force when ordered, they were known to be ruthless and overzealous, committing many war crimes and atrocities throughout the war. Despite the waffen SS having* a parachute Batalion, they failed spectacularly when attempting an airborne mission (Operation Rosselsprung) and were never deployed in an airborne capacity again. The SS were the true Nazi soldiers who truly believed the ideology. I saw an interview recently from a d day vet saying they only felt bad for the Wehrmacht, but didn't care at all about killing SS. Edit: corrected. Waffen SS had a parachute battalion.


But but but Maximilian krah said that they werent all criminals *shocked pikachu face* (meh cant find the picture)


The squad of the SS were mostly the people who believed in the ideology like you said and the second reason that the SS was hated was because those people were not all german but from a lot of country (mostly country who was invaded by the nazi) they were traitor


>Despite the waffen SS being a parachute Batalion Whut. I thought they were supposed to be elite battallions of infantry and tanks, I've never heard anything about them being paratroopers. I'd like some sources on that.


They weren't a parachute Batalion for very long.




Okay so the Waffen SS was not a parachute batalion, they had one. Makes more sense.


Any chance you can link the interview? Sounds interesting


It was some YouTube short thing if I can find the page I'll let you know. The page is called americanveteranscentre there's loads of interviews on there.


Yes I'm also quite into WW2 and different tanks and troops and everything but when I come to think of it I can't remember I read something impressive about them from a battle perspectiveĀ  However because I'm a bit of organized autist I think it can be fun and sit and read through all their ranks , different uniforms and stuff. But they were never a good fighting forceĀ 


You answered to him quite respectfully Hans, I think that was really good mannered from your part, I'd have been less respectful. Hope you reminded him to take his pills and shower.


I always try to keep a minimum of respect with these people, they rarely listen to you but if you get dirty, they won't listen at all.


Yeah, treating people with respect is the way to go, it's the way to open real conversations


I'm not surprised he's from swedistan, no sun and cold make those people develop weird fantasies


I think this might be the "I'm not gay but I'm Swedish" copy pasta guy


Ok! So I'm not gay, but I'm Swedish and have a fantasy where Germany win world war two and Sweden needs to export aryan twink boipussy slaves to high ranking SS officers for pleasure. I imagine I'm a shy little blonde twink with smooth pale skin and being brought into komedant heinrichs bedroom to give him pleasure. He is a tall broad shoulders kraut with a jawline that could cut a diamond and with massive daddy muscles and I'm a pathetic skinny little boipussy twink. He pulls me into his arms force kissing me and pressing my chest against his. He pins me down on the bed tearing my cute lil virgin panties off, he has waited for this for a long time. He teases my boipussy with his massive thicc German cock and then he goes all in. Fucking me with a force I've never felt before. Every thrust makes him moan with pleasure. I love the fact I give him pleasure. He cums deep into my sissy swede guts, breeding my booty hole then he cuddles me with his strong masculine German arms until I fall asleep on his chest. Any other straight guys have similar fantasies?


Came here looking for this gem


Lmao actually possible. What is up with Swedes and their fetish for SS officers lol


There's two S in Swedes...?


Hmm, so that's why... I just thought it was the fallout from Chernobyl.


Probably a yank who thinks he is part of the viking super-race.


They did a DNA test and found out that they're 1/56 Swedish. 1/34 Italian as well, which makes them feel extra connected to Mussolini and Pasta.


Swedish flair because 56 is bigger than 34.


Reminds me of that story about some fast food chain in the states introducing 1/3 pounder burgers but it failed because yanks thought 1/4 pounders were bigger


Listen Barry, we might be fat, but at least we're regarded too.


* master-race


Hey we have to deal with our loli/furry degenerate Nazis. You could at least take responsibility for your sociopathic neo-pagan viking Nazis.


Idk Iā€™m a yank vet, and can confirm most of us are regarded


I have to admit, historically those crisp, clean aryan uniforms really did brighten up the streetscapes of Europe, especially when hanging from a lamppost with their god-chosen bearers still in themā˜ŗļø


https://preview.redd.it/oidy7n06z5ad1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127384437e46b550951dd326789d6d35d7ba6f06 C O N C E R N


Does Sweden have a radicalisation hotline for this type as well? šŸ‘€ Dude needs to be on a watchlist, yesterday


Thanks a lot, didn't really want to hear about Mohammed's fetishes...


Scandinavian try not to be a Nazi sympathiser challenge (impossible).


This guy misses his mom


It's insane how much of our perception of the Nazis is painted by their own propaganda even today. One example of this is how essentially all the footage even modern documentaries use to show the German war machine was taken directly from Nazi propaganda films they created to show the public at home how the war was going. In that case it leads to for example people thinking the German army was much more mechanized than it actually was as the films would show mostly tanks, motorcycles and trucks. But the horse was the actual workhorse of the German army (pun intended) and outnumbered the mechanized parts of the army by far. And in the case of the OOP people have kept propagating the image of the SS and Nazis in general as this super well ordered, stylish, unified and powerful looking force that they very much intentionally wanted to create. Which has led to the delusions OOP lives under believing they were anything like that, and worst of all making it far too easy to disregard the wretched acts of inhumanity we can scarcely imagine that they propagated and committed.


OP, you're right in this [not being military.](https://inglouriousbasterds.fandom.com/wiki/Dieter_Hellstrom#Trivia) https://i.redd.it/s1s8t9jgt5ad1.gif


Ooooh, zis must be a terrible misunderstanding, it's not like I'm trying to eliminate potential rivals or anything... https://preview.redd.it/lx1bunrxv5ad1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=148f951b49e8ba75d3eba0106d2695c8b12cebdf


kNoW yOuR uNiFoRmS!


aren't Arabs and Latinos one of the most ardent supporters of white supremacy groups?


So Swedes and Italians?




https://preview.redd.it/1m6wjrz7q5ad1.jpeg?width=1937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc4a5c81c31fb21061b7ad8fdab2c34eaacb01d Duce! Duce! Duce!


https://preview.redd.it/d11ez9auu5ad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f45d175ec22715227cfe3f64a536709920926b had to go balls deep inside my phone, scrolled through 10k images just for this


Man, I love this anime šŸ˜Š


What the hell is this? Genuine question, I really don't know what this manga is.


It's from the one and only "Girls und Panzer" https://preview.redd.it/5j5tarl5t5ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b39233bf393167c54b51029858a7b913f1ed41


Is this where fascist femboys came from?


what the hell did I just read.. we are supposed to be joking, not flat out sympathising with nazisšŸ’€


Well, kid, sometimes people don't realise how mental they are because they've already spent too much time in their 4chan bubble.




Kraut sausage has an entirely new meaning to me now


He's probably a turk tbh


I mean, I get it, it was a dark time in history and all.. but doesn't this awaken anything in you? https://preview.redd.it/o5zbedq9i5ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ded2bbfa74b71632f0ce7d25d64b15a639b7d8


That's not fair. She has thighs and a skirt.šŸ„µ Edit: just to make this clear, I have nothing against people using the overall aesthetic for their own stuff, but I have something against idolising a (military) organisation committed to mass murdering millions of Jews.


>She has thighs Would be concerned if she didn't


Big thighs save lives


*Would be happy if she didn't. This is why we nordicks are depressed.


> She has thighs and a skirt Just like Meloni šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°




It awakens in me the urge to fake my resume to get an executioner job I am fully unqualified for, for the sole pleasure and privilege of botching her hanging, making it unnecessarily long and painful


Utter disgust at your weeb behaviour. If you want to jerk off to Hentai, leave this catholic sub and join the Senate you filthy degenerate.


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/ar7y3u7k26ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fec33535aeb71e87079f0a6728e22caf969f7bb


I'm not at home, can somebody make an image of Marge Simpson holding up a picture of the Holocaust and saying "I just think it's neat" for me?


https://preview.redd.it/1farcrjev5ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=380aed9ee7415b78214794de9f94d66099362e17 You would never guess, but I actually havenā€™t seen the original


ty. This is exactly how I imagined it.




Leave the name in next time, nazis need to face the consequences of their beliefs


I felt lame for blocking a bunch of people on here but since I have Iā€™ve been able to avoid total regards like this


Report them too


I met a Swedish neo-nazi in Bulgaria, he seemed nice at first and fed the cats in the courtyard. Until he was drunk enough to open up about his real feelings in front of me, my mate, and two German guys. The Germans was loathing him while we spoke German to each other behind his back. My mate slapped him for heiling while he went out the bar. The bartender then gave my mate a free drink for slapping the Swede, then told him the bar across the street is a neo-nazi bar, but it was closed that day. This happened at an Irish pub in Sofia.


*"Ok so I'm not gay but I'm Swedish and have a fantasy where Germany win world war two and Sweden needs to export aryan twink boipussy slaves to high ranking SS officers for pleasure. I imagine I'm a shy little blonde twink with smooth pale skin and being brought into komedant heinrichs bedroom to give him pleasure. He is a tall broad shoulders kraut with a jawline that could cut a diamond and with massive daddy muscles and I'm a pathetic skinny little boipussy twink. He pulls me into his arms force kissing me and pressing my chest against his. He pins me down on the bed tearing my cute lil virgin panties off, he has waited for this for a long time. He teases my boipussy with his massive thicc German cock and then he goes all in. Fucking me with a force I've never felt before. Every thrust makes him moan with pleasure. I love the fact I give him pleasure. He cums deep into my sissy swede guts, breeding my booty hole then he cuddles me with his strong masculine German arms until I fall asleep on his chest.* *Any other straight guys have similar fantasies?"*


Now we have 2 Swedish guys simping for Nazis and that's 2 too many


Madre de Dios


SS were the guys who ran the death camps. Just in case you missed that tiny detail.


Yeah... There are people like that here, I live in a pretty rural town, and I remember in high school there was this one guy who actually stood up in history class and loudly denied the holocaust. Every single person in that class just stared at him in disbelief. That same guy decided to start a political party after graduation, and managed to get an interview with local radio or newspaper or something, and said they would DNA test EVERYONE and kick out anyone who's not 100% Swedish, nevermind that it would get rid of just about everyone, but he obviously didn't even know that would go against the constitution to kick out Swedish citizens.


I enjoy WW2 german aestetic, both uniforms & like their tanks. Iā€™m no Nazi because of it. Same reason I enjoy Warhammer 40k, But I wouldnā€™t want to live in that setting! šŸ˜‚ I can find the whole ā€evilā€ theme interesting in game settings, playing as the bad guys & such, but it doesnā€™t make me a bad person who likes to hurt others. Infact I am a nurse, my whole profession is to help people. But ofcourse there are Neo-Nazis too, unfortunatly. Something that buggs me with germany is how they treat their own history about ww2. Example the guy that restored and rebuild a working panther tank from historical spare parts, but then it got confiscatee by the german goverment and destroyed, like why? The guy wasnā€™t a nazi, he was just facinated with the tank, itā€™s no symbol of nazism either, there was no swastika or SS symbol. Ah well.


You have to admit, their drip goes hard, gotta thanks Hugo Boss for that


Ahm, actually, Hugo boss only produced them. The design was done by two other party members, Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck.šŸ¤“


No need to add that annoying emoji Hans, that was interesting


Listen I like 20th century history as much as the next guy, and the world wars are highly interesting topics, especially the military history. But everybody knows the SS weren't some elite unit, just fanatic nutjobs that eventually turned into a last ditch effort branch that admitted anyone by the end of the war. The SS were nazi fanatics, is what I'm saying, and should in no way be admired. By all means, praise the equipment, military technology is always an interesting topic, but circlejerking over the Waffen SS is just the highest form of ignorance there could be Edit: lord, I should proofread my messages more often


It's the swedish from that 4chan post lmao


Insert copy paste: Ok so I'm not gay but I'm Swedish and have a fantasy where Germany win world war two and Sweden needs to export aryan twink boipussy slaves to high ranking SS officers for pleasure. I imagine I'm a shy little blonde twink with smooth pale skin and being brought into komedant heinrichs bedroom to give him pleasure. He is a tall broad shoulders kraut with a jawline that could cut a diamond and with massive daddy muscles and I'm a pathetic skinny little boipussy twink. He pulls me into his arms force kissing me and pressing my chest against his. He pins me down on the bed tearing my cute lil virgin panties off, he has waited for this for a long time. He teases my boipussy with his massive thicc German cock and then he goes all in. Fucking me with a force I've never felt before. Every thrust makes him moan with pleasure. I love the fact I give him pleasure. He cums deep into my sissy swede guts, breeding my booty hole then he cuddles me with his strong masculine German arms until I fall asleep on his chest.


Wow ... thats an interresting choise of words


Is that the swedish guy from that copypasta where the writer wanted to be dominated by a nazi commander?




No, you're barries, not baddies Easy mistake to make, r&d are pretty close on the keayboard.


Yeah the SS sure where cool and not some insane people who blindly got drunk on an whackjob ideology.


Least fascistic 2we4u redditor


average ironic ultranationalist on this sub


If I snort a bunch of speed my house is very clean as well


That's the most erotic thing I've read all day tbh.


I've seen this guy before! He was saying something about how all Russians are animals or smth


The best thing about the SS is they make excellent movie villains


Can the mods find this dude and ban him? While we may allow Swedes on this sub (for some reason) r/2westerneurope4u is no place for vile nazism or fascism.


Was the German military power actually an achievement of the nazis or did it come from the wealth and good demographic of the German empire that was before them? I mean I cannot deny that overpowering 2 colonial empires + pushing russia so far is a big achievement.


A complicated question. I can not give you a fully satisfactory answer here. Let's just point out that the germans analysed the results of WW1 very sternly (kinda logical if you're the one who lost) and drew the necessary conclusions from that. While France and Britain focused on civil matters, the German military (the military, not the Weimar government) was busy figuring out tomorrow's warfare.


They seemed to have missed the most important part of the analysis. That fighting several great powers at the same time is utterly stupid, and that you should form powerful alliances instead. Let's be real, during WW1, Austria-Hungary was not nearly as powerful as France, Britain or Russia, the Ottoman Empire was a walking corpse and so far away as to be irrelevant to the critical part of the battlefield. Had Germany has any diplomatic skill what so ever and had one of the three on their team it would have been game over for the other two. But no. Just like Italy during WW2 was not on the level of France, Britain, Russia or the US (yes, the French got steamrolled, but their retreating army managed to beat Italy, like... C'mon) and Japan was so far away as to be irrelevant. Once again. Had they had any of those four on their team they probably could have won (with maybe the exception of France). Also. Putting like 2% of GDP on killing Jews while fighting a total war is obviously insane. Yes, it's obviously morally abhorrent, but it's also just so dumb. German strategic incompetence has lessened somewhat but is still real. Like, putting all your energy eggs in Russia.


I'd always advise anyone who wants to look into this to look at military and ideological reasons separately first before drawing connections. 1941 Germany was winning the war in the west until Hitler decided to invade Russia in the east because he thought he needed Lebensraum. Even though Russia was obeying its treaty obligations with Germany. That's the real stupidity in my opinion.