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Ave Dominis Drip


Damn it. I would totally where a people skin jacket.




....yes. wear. Autocorrect is not my friend most days


Honestly same, if it was ethically sourced and they didn't actively murder people to get it then I see no problem with it. One of my absolute favorite things is when PETA t creates these extreme scenarios to be like 'see wouldn't this be fucked up if it were a *person*!" only to end up making folks realize that they actually *would* be okay with it. like their goal is to have people be like 'oh wow that's terrible we shouldn't be doing this at all to animals or humans' but it ends up the exact opposite


It doesn't even need to be real people skin.


I went on the PETA website, and frankly, I'm appalled and disappointed. First off, they use pieces of the animal's face in their leather, which ruins the texture of the garment. Secondly, on the Avery jacket, they claim they used 'very sharp knives to reduce stress' no doubt as a misapprehensiom of dispatch methods for four-legged leather donors intended to reduce the pain they experience. But the implication here is that Avery was flayed alive, which means her muscles were swollen and flexing when she was dispatched, and almost certainly, this means there's thin spots in the hide. I don't understand how they can try to offer leather alternative with such low production value. Understandably, humans have a very supple hide that would make for a good fashion application, but these PETA people have entirely misunderstood everything that goes into good tannery and have squandered this aspect of the donor animal. If it had a heavier weight or a better tow, I could understand; but as it is, this stuff isn't even worth any value as utility gear. Not only that, but they won't even let me actually buy the stuff in the first place. I hope PETA gets their act together, I'd love a new leather company on the market, especially one with a new type of hide. It's just too bad they're hamstrung by a lack of experience to take advantage of these exotic hides.


Of course Lorgar is on Twitter, that's where you'll find plenty of weak minds to turn to chaos.


Nah even the chaos gods don't want Twitter user


"**Klaatu, Barada, Nikto**"


This is my boom stick!


Human Leather is so cool


Magnus is sending a Cease and Desist order.


Papa Nurgle approves.