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I always wondered about this moment, I’m guessing it’s the siege of Terra. That titan looks too pristine to be the traitors. Or am I wrong


Pretty sure that titan moment is from before the HH. In one of the HH books, there is a writer in the beginning who wanders through a conquered world's city after attending a local announcement gathering where it is described that a huge titan in the background looked over the scene. I imagined it pretty much like the picture. Imperium celebrating the ~~conquering~~ unifying of just another previously lost planet of humans. Edit: the writer was "Ignace Karkasy" and it was on the world "63-19". And I think it was actually the very first HH book. Of course the painting of this post is probably not directly related to it. I just wanted to bring up that the described scene was pretty much how I imagined what happened in the painting. Because at the time of the great crusade, there were probably tons of occasions on which the imperium celebrated while having Titans at hand. After HH lots of titans were no more.


Oh ok. The reaction of the onlookers made me think of surprised more than anything


Oh wow. Now that you mention it, I never looked that closely. I didn't notice the custodes earlier on. So you might be right that this is on terra. The whole scene just looked more like a celebration to me with all the colours. Could also be that it is from the celebration of the Triumph at Ullanor. Thinking about it, this is actually quite likely. They leveled a whole continent and had giant regiments of Guards, Space Marines and Titans march over it. There is even another picture that is similar that is referenced in the [wiki article for Ullanor](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Ullanor_Crusade)


I initially saw it as a celebration too. I’m just confused about the reaction. Ty for the info bro


It was actually interesting to find out where this is most likely coming from. I noticed many more details of the cool painting. I always loved the artwork.


Me too, one of my favorite parts of this fandom.


The colors look like legio ignatum. They were kept back in full strength towards the end of the siege so they would have been clean ish.


So, basically.. it’s them coming to the rescue.. That would explain the reaction of the people on the bridge. Thanks bro. We needed some actual lore knowledge to solve my dumb Question


I would say emperer class simple because he has the army devastating long range weapons


that's true, but the only thing capable of killing a titan is a crucible blade. and they don't have that


And hitting him with the heat of a star


I feel like disintegration might also kill one but that’s just a theory…


good possibility, but there is a titan in one of the levels that is chained in lava, and literally has lava pouring out of its eyes


I mean, having thick skin doesn’t mean they can’t be killed with enough searing plasma and missiles combined with a Gatling gun with bullets the size of a semi truck.


Is #2 from doom


From doom eternal


Ok, then #2. In fact, I'm not sure if number one can even hurt number two. The reason I think this is because normal human weapons are unable to hurt Doom's demons unless wielded by the Slayer because he is a clone of God. The exceptions to this are argent energy weapons like the BFG, or wraith weapons like the giant mechs we see crumbling across the game. So the plasma and ballistics of the imperial titan might not be able to harm the doom titan.


3rd entry Godzilla is a church


Unless you’ve got god killing or blessed weaponry on par with the crucible or argent energy in general, it’s like shooting a nurgle demon or worse than that. But of course, an emperor class titans gonna come out on top cause why the fuck not




It would have been pretty cool to be a human raised during the time of the great crusade. Dying at the ripe ol age of 100 looking at the direction everything is going and being like "damn humanity is winning right now this feels great my children's childeren may even know peace. My species is strong as ever and we are steamrolling through the universe." If you were like middle to upper middle class, you probably pretty well off.


My mother and her Nissan is more scary than these two toys.