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Reunions are for the popular kids. I was never one, I was and still am hideous and hid in the shadows. I'm doing everyone a favor by not attending any reunions. It'll just be awkward for everyone.


This year would be my 30th reunion. Never went to one :)


Tetris champ and never went to a reunion? Marry me!


I went to one 10 year reunion, and it wasn't even mine it was my wife's. *It sucked. We never went to another one again...*


I was the same as you, not popular by any stretch but not hated either- I mostly got along with everyone. Our last reunion we had at 24 years and combined with the class ahead of us. Small town, lots of marriages where one was in their class and the other was in mine. I planned that one since so many people had been getting left out of the last two we did and I wanted to make it huge and inclusive. Well, I got railroaded on a lot of stuff and long story short the total head count that turned up was under 20. My class had 90 at graduation but we've had like 7 classmates die. I think the other class was around 75? It was so disappointing to have such a terrible attendance. I don't keep in touch with many people but I was so curious to see some of those who I hadn't seen in more than a decade to see how they are, how life has been treating them, etc. I just like to know that people are doing ok. After that, I'm not going to any more of them because apparently no one else is showing up and people just keep dying. It's supposed to be fun, not sad. Oh well.


I’m so sorry that went the way it did. Especially since you worked your tail off to get the event together. 🫂


Thanks. It's ok though. Oh well.


I never went to any of mine and they always have them on memorial weekend here. I know I will be out at flea markets while that's going on 😂. 


I need to use flea markets and garage sales as an excuse if someone from our class asks me if I'm going. Lol. Love it.


Yes indeed that's what I'm doing this year.  Flea markets are fun. 


Or take a vacation 😂😂. 


Been to both my 10 year and 20 year. Out of a class of around 500, only about 20 showed up. Doubt I'll go the 30 year one


I went to my 20 year and had fun. My 25 year was cancelled due to covid.


I managed to get myself roped into helping with my 30th this year- by offering to help with some things. Def not one of the cool kids, but I’m doing it anyway. There’s a lot of classmates I haven’t really kept in touch with and I think it would be nice to see some of them. Who knows if they’ll come or not. I’ve been posted our senior pics from our yearbook to our fb group, and it’s gotten people involved. I like seeing people connecting who maybe never really did all those years ago. We’ve finally all grown up.


I never went to any of my highschool reunions. I was the fat unpopular girl and I highly doubt anyone would even remember me. My 25th reunion will be in 2025. I'm genuinely curious now. Maybe I'll go just to be onery. 😂


I won't go to none. Everyone is married and has kids. No one shows up and memorial weekend is the worst time to have it. I'll be going to a flea market when that going on 😂