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Slow and wasteful. Isn’t that like $10 a can?


He looks like a middle aged junior executive for Samsung. Lighten up dude you're a kid




Haha right. The biggest whiner out of the bunch


Lmao that was my first thought. That canned air is expensive just use your mouth! 😂


But you know he’d have an explanation as to WHY he’s not doing it. He always does.🙄


He totally would! And it would be a snobby answer too!


b/c he is so smart--what a delusion he lives under


Yep. Amber and Trent spoiled him and now he has a superiority complex because they never made him do hard things.


More like AMBER, I'm not too fond of Trent but he made comments many times about Alex getting up & joining in on stuff. AMBER always came to his rescue. I recall Trent once saying "why do I even try to parent " because he told Alex to come play kickball with them. He & Amber got into a little tiff about it.


That’s true! It’s always Amber that has to take over everything


She literally rules that house, including Trent. I've seen him "in trouble " several times. It's her way or no way. And she treats poor Anna differently than rest. I've always noticed it but I'm watching from the beginning again & although it's always been apparent it's POLARIZING when you go back and rewatch.


I know I actually want to go back and do a rewatch cus I feel like I’ve forgotten how polarizing it really is. I would hate living in that household.


He's like that guy Noah on Alaskan Bush People


Not even close


He's always got an excuse. He's so friggin lazy. It's like he can't just let himself go. He never gets any exercise because he opts out of everything. I'm putting it down to vanity. He's proper vain. 


Yes it is. If not more.


Stupid. Young ppl are just stupid. And he’s a HS grad.


you’re a whole ass adult bitching about canned air..


Whole ass. That phrase should die.


Whole ass cry baby


wah wah. keep crying.


No shit homie that was funny


Picking on kids with disabilities on top of that too, I can't believe this is allowed, are we in the 1950's?


i’ve come to understand a lot of people in this sub are a bunch of whiny babies that do nothing but bitch and complain. i don’t expect productive, intellectual conversation on a sub about a TV show, but fuckin’ come on. Amber’s favoritism and shit-don’t-stink attitude? worth talking about. Trent’s constant sex jokes that border on disturbing? worth talking about. blatant mistreatment of Anna? *definitely* worth talking about. but canned air? oh god. oh *lord*. someone direct me to my fainting couch. some canned air *totally* warrants all the bullying and bitching. 🙄🙄🙄 half the time i peruse this sub it feels like i’m reading a shitty teen mag. good fuckin’ god.


Definitely was not expecting intellectual conversation, but it would be nice for people have general human compassion towards something that somebody can't control! I feel like it's a room full of second graders


He can control being lazy. Be for real now. 🙄🙄🙄


But he can't control having under developed lungs 🙄🙄🙄


Honestly I got those kind of balloons for a baby shower and it takes like one puff to blow up a letter. It's way easier than regular balloons.


It takes more time to get the straw in the balloon correctly than is does to blow them up!


Yes totally agree!


Lol i was just gonna say aren't those the kind of balloons that are super easy to fill up 🤣


They're incredibly easy and I am super lazy when it comes to blowing up balloons. Even I could do it!


Just hand them all to amber next time she is full of hot air 


For 18, I think he acts kinda immature.. he also repeats what others say as if it was his idea all along which is annoying 😅 as a kid they always showed him as extremely whiny, if I remember correctly.


He repeats and whines about everything hes such a baby. When he goes to college students beware hes def gonna rat


He's gonna be friends with the teachers. Definitely be the teachers pet


I just got an image of him living in the dorms and being the resident advisor. Is that what they're called? I feel so old but I've totally forgotten.


You can bet 100% he would rat everyone out


For sure. Not just for drugs but for having messy rooms.


That boy's never leaving his Mommy's titty😂 he will definitely stay at home & probably live with Amber forever.


He's never grown up because he's been babied. It's more like he had better watch out, because unless Amber goes to the same college for her next degree it's gonna be a wake up call for him.


No shit.


That wasn't totally his fault, they really leaned into it. The family I mean. They called him the king of the house. No joke. Of course he's going to act bratty when they give into every one of his whines. Such weird parenting choices.


So weird. Like they let one kid be super whiny and get babied but forces another to grow up and move out when she didn’t want to/wasnt ready


I'm sure Anna had her bags packed long before she turned 18. I hate watching the way they treat her. Anna is my favorite Johnston.🤩


He was one of the reasons why I stopped watching the show early on because he was so whiny. I know that kids can be whiny, but it was all they showed from him.


Honestly I think Alex is the weakest link… lazy, afraid to swim, and holding onto a ex gf who doesn’t want him. Not trying to roast a teenager but…. He needs to grow up. Jonah smoking delta 8(diet weed) and having life changing conniption due to it still puts him ahead of Alex… I do sympathize with Alex in some aspects and wish him the best


Him and his girlfriend got back together, but I found it really odd that he said to her "Leighton could meet her future aunt." If I was 18, I would've been like wait what?!? He seems to have a lot of books smarts, but not very street smart. Maybe that'll change after college.


She probably has the same reaction then was like “I’ll dump him after Puerto Rico. I want this vacation”


Pple always says he has a lot of books smarts, but I remember him crying over an ap English class


I, honestly, think he was worried about the classwork. On the first couple days it always sounds like more work than it actually is, but that's just me.


No I remember Liz explaining it to Trent when he left the dinner table in a huff when the jossen was there. She said he keeps studying and studying and wasn’t getting it


Oh I missed that part.


I though jonah was the one that said that


Nope it was Alex when he was videochatting with her. I saw someone else say it was Jonah but I just watched the episode and it was Alex. Unless there was another version somewhere. I watch on TLC.


Yeah. Unless Jonah also said this to Ashley at sometime, but the most recent episode it was Alex talking to his girlfriend.


Jonah did also say this to Ashley.


Gotcha. Well I don't think it's as weird for Jonah to say it. I think it's weirder that Alex said it. Jonah and Ashley seemed to have been talking about marriage, moving in with each other, kids, etc.


Jonah said this also..


You are correct I saw the same thing


That's where I seen it 🤣 I seen the comment someone put on here the other day and they said jonah said it


Reddit is like a game of telephone of bad information getting passed along 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm picturing what's her name saying Alex, you are the weakest link. Honestly in the latest episode when he said he was thinking of going into video editing behind the scenes I was so relieved. I was so uncomfortable when he was trying to be in front of the camera in previous seasons. He doesn't have that it factor. That's the nicest way I can put it.




The delta 8 thing was hilarious


he and his gf are back together, he is an excellent student and heading into college. he is ingenious and sometimes does more work to do less but that doesn't make him lazy at all. an adult trash talking a teenager on the internet is crazy sad 😂


you got downvoted…..hard….I love the show and I wish nothing but the best for all of them. No trash talk; only constructive criticism. Which is warranted because they put themselves in the public sphere


lmbo who cares about getting downvoted on reddit by a bunch of grown people who would sit around and trash a teenager on the internet.    nothing you said at all was constructive, you said he is the weakest link, he is lazy, incorrectly said he is holding onto his ex who doesnt want him when they are actually back together and she does love him and used jonahs depression and mental health battled as some sort of race that alex needs to compete with. nothing constructive there at all...  you're a total ...... loser


Someone is butthurt lol :(


look at your base level intellect on display lmbo... insults of a 5th grade. id expect nothing more 😂


Cry some more. I bet Alex will come rub your back and tell you, you’re special. lol grow up. this is a Reddit commenting about a reality show on TLC


your IQ continues to plummet.


And your situational awareness is shorter than Alex


I’ve never liked Alex. Always been a baby back bitch.


i’ve been dying laughing at this for the past few minutes omg


Be right back, stealing that phrase.


It’s Trent’s phrase he said it on the show. And it’s so funny bc he raised a BBB


Trent is actually hilarious when he's not doing his sex jokes.


Yeah he can be funny


Nah, it ain’t just Trent’s phrase. I learned it from a comedian years ago. Lmao


This made me LOL. And not that fake lol over text.




And Emma ended up blowing up the most. If I were her, I’d have split the balloons in half, finish my half, and left Alex to finish his w his can of air.


Dude Has been a slug his whole coddled life


I feel Sorry for him and Emma having to live with a new born and older ramblings. I think she took the easy way out by coming home with her baby. She should’ve stayed in her own house like an adult.


She couldn’t afford to live on her own, they were already paying part of her rent when Brice moved out. I thought it was weird he didn’t move back in when they found out she was pregnant, she didn’t tell her parents for 5 months


I just wanna know how so many people think he's "cute".


Who thinks he’s cute, I have never heard anyone say this about him


I have seen multiple comments on here saying they think he's cute and is the funniest family member


At this age, really? That is shocking, I would get when he was little cause kids are cute, and he spoke more. But now he barely says anything


I’ve seen it Here too. I don’t get it.




Who else got annoyed every time he “jumped” as a balloon popped from when him and Jonah went to pick the balloons up for Liz’s shower? I cringed from annoyance.🥴


probably PTSD from amber's poppings


Chalk that up to being a spoiled rotten toddler 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know you’re not supposed to talk bad about kids but I have never liked him. I think he’s spoiled, he thinks he’s smarter than anyone else & he thinks he’s entitled.


His ego is as big as his thyroid 




He is and fat brat thinks he is going to marry Ally. I almost died laughing


This was his version of working smarter not harder…… lol


Aren’t they wanting the balloons to float? Because you need helium for them to float. Those look like balloons that need to float.


As soon as I read your first question I started laughing!! I got a flash of Alex running from IT. They float!! They float!! Just the image of him.....!!


You tie the letters together, like a banner


Ahhh I gotcha! Thank you!


I feel bad for his future wife


He's a rich kid, I was so mad when I watched this 🤣


Guys CHILL I don’t think it’s that serious


Snark subs don’t care about that💀


The oldest son is even lazier. Remember when Mom & Dad went out of town and Emma had to set her alarm to wake him up so he could get to work. I would NEVER expect my younger kids to wake up their eldest sibling. That son has NO ambition & acts so childish. It's Annoying.


Wow this is a hateful space.


I think reality kids need to be left alone. Their parents chose that life.  Not them.  That said, I truly dint get the hate on the younger ones.  The older ones make the choice to be in tv.  Unless Amber is another JB & signing all the contracts.  She’s  been tv hungry since LPBW She probably wrote to TLC daily.  Unfortunately, they are boring & cringe @ the same time. 


Why is this sub full of hateful comments toward this whole family? 😅 Ya’ll realize it’s TV right? I’m sure a lot of what goes on is scripted/planned for the show.


He's a little person with additional birth defects and health issues, including pulmonary. Really y'all? I understand ripping on some bullshit, but this is kinda gross. You ever lived in a limited capacity? If not, then you shouldn't have an opinion like that 🙄 just disgusting


Exactly….just watched the ep where they mentioned Jonah was in the NICU for 6 weeks because of under developed lungs. Totally possible Alex can’t blow up the balloons himself


He doesn’t have any lung capacity, his lungs are as weak as any other part of him. He never really does anything physical


Did you see him that one time he was doing jumping jacks. It was just awful. Like bitch do some physical stuff once in a while. God dam


No what episode and season was it


Uggggh!!!’ That kid some kinda lazy alright!! And Whiny as hell!!! Gets on my nerves!! 😣


Why didn't they rent or buy a helium tank


He looks like he ran a 100 yard dash in a 50 yard gym.


What episode was this


I just know it absolutely KILLS Trent to have sluggish, entitled sons.


He's very very lazy


He's a cry baby


They are so annoying why do we watch it.


Yall are really being hard on lil man


Awww he’s only 18.  I’ve done stupid or stupider stuff at that age.  And consider who his parents are.  Being little is tough enough at his age.  Then add on other 18 year old stuff.  I can see if he was 30 & living in the attic lol.  But still a kid.  JMO. 


Being 18 should be all the more reason to be much more active and productive than he is though.


Agreed.  He needs to do what most “kids” do.  Either get a full time job or go to college.  Be productive & either live at home to save or get out.  I also hate when people say it’s hard for little people to get a job.  There’s plenty out there.  As long as you have the skills.   It’s a big world.  Regular sized people get judged too.  


I thought Jonah was buying that house he lived in…..? Did I miss something?


He just loves to tinker.


Seriously? 😐 Of all the things to snark about with this family… this isnt it. lol 😂 Wanting to use a little air pump to inflate balloons is “lazy”? lol Whatever.


Yeah I agree, the comments are a little extreme.


Reading the subreddits of some TLC shows can be a guilty pleasure admittedly but these places are dens for the saddest and most miserable people on planet earth. Everything is negative, every action one of the subjects of the show does is over analyzed and made to seem like a cardinal sin. This post comments is full off most likely adults sitting here criticizing an 18 year old for being wasteful with canned air. Like just think about that for a second lol


😂 very good points my friend! The funny thing is for everyone that has watched the show from the beginning or when he was little, Alex has always been that kid that would try to figure out the easiest and the least amount of work for him. So initially when I read that I’m like that sounds like Alex to me! I was surprised people were such vitriol….but your comment is very true!


ikr like most of the comments on this sub are honestly a lot more hateful and spiteful than most other reality tv subs which I find puzzling because this show is fairly harmless in comparison to most of the other ones I watch


They couldn’t wait for Emma and Alex to turn 18 and graduate so they could pounce💀💀


But it wasn’t an air pump. It was compressed air.. or air in a can for electronics, etc. It’s wasteful using it on balloons. After you’re out of air, the can gets tossed. Manual pumps cost nothing other than the initial purchase of the pump.


doesn’t he have breathing problems? either way, looks like they’re blowing up party balloons. what’s wrong with an efficient way to blow up multiple balloons? do you want a cookie or something?


No he doesn't have breathing problems. Those balloons are so easy to blow up. They aren't like normal balloons.


i had him confused with Jonah. that’s my bad. either way i don’t really see the issue? he’s using pressurized air that he probably already had in the house. okay? and?


I mean it's fine if that's what he wants to do. It seemed kind of wasteful to me. I'd like that he's using his brain to try to find an alternative to work smarter and not harder, but I just don't think that this was it. It took twice as long as Emma. Plus he really is the laziest one of the house. I've seen every episode of the show and every time there's work to be done he complains or wanders off into the house. Even Jonah does more work.


i just feel like it’s an unnecessary thing to bitch about, not saying you are, you’re reasonable and correct lmao but the folks straight up insulting this kid over canned air are ridiculous.




It was in fact quite slower


Party stores use helium in a tank, not canned duster spray lol


Work smarter not harder. That kid is actually very smart. Can we not pick on kids?


Working smarter would be not wasting an $8 can of air when all it takes is 2-3 fucking breaths.


If you’re poor I guess so


If you’re morbidly obese, I could see how taking a breath is pretty difficult. I hope you lose the weight!


You are sure offended for no fkn reason


Looked thru your comments. You are one fucked up cunt.


Eh, I will say that those balloons are annoying and can be difficult to blow up. Recently used these for a party. Those foil letter balloons are not as elastic as latex balloons. Those letter ones also come with a straw you have to blow through which also is frustrating. I don’t blame him for using a better and faster method. I wish I would have.


i think he is smarter than he is lazy


Contents here are getting as pathetic as their parents. Ppl stup to that level?




Hateful comment towards a TV member or sub member. You said you are new to reddit. This is not the way to engage in conversation with anyone. Try being nicer.


Someone needs to read a dictionary.  All that could’ve been said with bigger & nicer words.  Or just even nicer wording?   Dweeb, cunt, party pooper, shit stain.  For real?