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I used Relias for a course in my grad program and it was literally hell. I ended up finding the transcript and just reading that instead.


Relias is really really bad...


My company use to use relias and everyone complained. We switched to central reach RBT training. People are begging to go back to relias. It’s not great but it’s much better then other options.


That just shows how much our industry is in the stone age. Pause and think about it for a moment. People are paying money for Relias Learning. Real money. For something a couple of BCBA's could put together with a $50 camera, youtube, and google's quiz application...There are sooo many market opportunities in ABA right now it's crazy. Our industry is dominated by bad business like none other.


Relias trainings in general are awful! Their BCBA CEU ones are particularly onerous.


Agreed! Hate the video clips used for a DTI module I just completed. Some were confusing or just poor examples.


for real. Relias is the bottom dollar, low quality, plop-your-employee-in-front-of-a-computer and call them "trained" RBT solution.


Hi there! Did you ever see "Zootopia" or see the DMV scene where the employees are all sloths? That's how I felt while watching those videos. I remember thinking, "I wish I could just test out!". I don't like waiting, and I don't like feeling like I am being taught things I already know. I tried looking at it positively - good practice for future bosses who talk slow, good practice for clients who *meander* their way through the day, good practice for helping someone beat prompt dependency. I wish I could say it helped a lot - but it helped a little. Just enough to get me through. It will eventually be over, and you are not alone!


Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact! The algae in a three-toed sloths fur supplements the diet of the sloth. This algae growth would not be possible without the help of a species of moth which lays eggs in the sloths fur! Wow!


Good bot.


Oh man, these are annoying beyond belief. I haven't started mine yet....


I play it in the back ground, volume down, while doing other things


Did you do this for the first time you took it because it is so slow and I still want to retain the information for the exam!


most of the exams are unlimited attempts if you fail the first time you can see what you got wrong and retake it. also, depending on the lesson, it’s very much so common sense. if you know it’s not common sense, like different diet levels or something, i would just pay attention


My favorite part of relias was when the video ended but it wouldn't let me end the module. I thought it crashed and did it over until I realized there was like a 5 minute pause after the video ended.


You guys aren't the only ones with this problem. I wash dishes for a retirement home and am also subjected to these sleep-inducing Relias trainings. I have to listen to some dork slowly reiterating over and again, how important it is to not abuse or neglect residents, the entire history of HIPAA and other laws pertaining to the disclosure of healthcare information, not to commit fraud, etc. We used to get our training videos and tests through some outfit called "silverchair" Had all the same content but I could read at my own pace, take the test, and be done in fifteen minutes or less. Now I have to listen to the entire thing before proceeding and it takes an hour.


I’m so sorry. That is the same frustration I am encountering right now. It makes it worse when it’s slowed down to a painful level because then you check out vs just going at your own pace.


I’m getting hired to wash dishes at a retirement home right now! And watching the same stupid videos still!


They go so slow that I would open multiple relias windows and run through 2-4 courses at a time. The material on some courses is fed to you so slow while being such simple (for the most part) concepts that I found it much more time efficient while still understanding the material. The course sheet they gave me told me it would take me ~5 hours to complete these 4, but I got it done in a little over an hour again, while understanding the content. I’d recommend at least trying to do two at a time for people who are finding the courses to be too slow.


Were you able to still retain the information? I’m trying to take notes as I’m going but it’s so slow sometimes and reiterates stuff so idk how I’d take notes on two modules at a time but I need to cram and get a bunch done in a few days


Hard to say. I took classes in college on these topics so I really wasn’t concerned with getting any more than a basic refresher. I think if you do two at a time and that practice tests you’ll probably be okay.


I took classes related to it as well but I’m just scared about failing the exam and looking back to my manager and having to pay to take it again in person :/


Then you’re gonna do just fine friend, I did not find it difficult and the practice tests will give you the confidence you need.




Really? Which one?


I am looking for a course right now and these comments make me nervous. Can anyone recommend a better online training?


We are required to complete these courses at work while performing our jobs.  Literally impossible!


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I hate Relias. We can read, we don’t need the narrator to read for us!!!


I'm here to add my bitching, namely: I read fast, and Relias is ***slow as fuck***. Ughhh.


I have like 13 courses and only one had anything that I vaguely hadn't heard before throughout the entire thing. I'm watching "Understanding Workplace Violence" which I suspect could lead some unstable people to want to do workplace violence. I've searched everywhere to see if I can speed up the audio like you can on Youtube but nope. And we have to do these every year. It's a CYA thing for the employer.


You can sign in on multiple devices and take multiple courses simultaneously


The blatantly racism against white people is so disgusting! I hate this racist program. No other culture would allow to be treated so horribly in the work place. I will not agree that white people are bad or "special" we are all the same and the words inclusion while allowing slurs and generalizations about one race is so hypocritical


Lol what are you on?


How many hours can a module go for and how many modules?


Definitely quickest way to finish them is to just sign in on multiple devices and do as many lessons as you can at once.


yes 100%


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I do a lot of people's Relias trainings for a small fee. Like 25 per module. I know how annoying it is because I also have to do them. I work nights so it's easy for me to do them or at home.


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I used to be able to use tab and find the secret box to skip forward…they took that away