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Yeah normal thing, your supp getting killed in lane lvl 1 not respecting enemy lvl 2 when you try to hit the wave and type adc diff gg ff15 when he was afk. I love when they doing this, it's one of the funniest things you can see in low elo. I'm used to playing the game solo so i just igrnore them and play for myself, trying to powerfarm and scale


I’m struggling to get out of silver, rn. Whenever I see a blitz or a thresh as support, I know I’m gonna have a bad lane, because these guys require hands to play.


And I thought I was bad at thresh :|


Oh let me guess , veigar got fed but you sre the one who gets the blame as the enemy ADC got fed and not the support , and the jungler has found another reason to flame you besides not leashing him , classic ADC in soloq


Is he playing with a controller?


i had a thresh in the last view games i played as jhin vs a morgana/cait this dude got snared level 1 by mrog q got shot down to 200hp and started to disrespect backport in the middle of the lane. never hit a hook the entire lane phase. pushed the wave when it was slow pushign towards me so that i could not safe farm under turret. and roamed all the time without dropping wards leaving me exposed to a khazix ganks and zed roams, still managed to somehow got into the 14k gold range, but i was the problem.


That's funny. I think my last game, my Nautilus wanted to bush cheese lvl 1 (me on Kai'sa), resulting in a double, causing the Samira to rage quit and us to win at 4 minutes. Easiest promo I've had.


my fave moment is when they roam to 'help' other lanes and everyone else also gets mad at the support lmfao and they'd still blame anyone else but themselves


lol nice try hiding the names


Yeah that’s frustrating but it’s a bit rich to post a video flaming him for missing 2 hooks where you also missed your W both times lol


Ye it would've allowed us to kill veigar and saved thresh, my bad on that.