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There are 34 rules for playing ADC per ADC so look up Samira rule 34


holy shit real.


Nah, the queen of rule 34 for ADC is Tristana


Get one shot Get one shot hard Get one shot from off screen Die


Couldn't be further from the truth


XD I’ll give a serious answer. I’ve been playing since season 6 and I’ve played every role pretty consistently with adc being my 2nd most played next to mid. Positioning - stay out of melee/cast range of champs that can hurt you very much. hardest thing to do for many people because often times you need to wait and not do damage this leads into the second rule Team - let your team go first in most situations. Use their health bars as your health bars. Look for tanks to go first and champs that use cc. Plan your engagement accordingly Vision - if you’ve ever played against a nocturne you’ll know how important this rule is. Never give the game away. You are a walking bag of 300 gold for almost every champ in their team. They want to kill you because you are easy to kill. Wait for your team to clear wards and buy control wards. Use blue trinket or even red if you really need to stay alive. Don’t get seen to early before a fight. Build - pretty simple rule but it’s crazy how some people don’t do this. (Also people might say don’t miss cs I think that’s obvious to say so it’s not a real rule. ) this rule is simply build damage items. Some people get way to caught up on building situational/attack speed items. The items this season are pretty good for adcs in my opinion. Just remember that sometimes you gotta just buy an infinity edge. God I hope we never have caits starting stormrazor/rfc first buy and doing 50 dmg auto attacks at 20 mins ever again.


As a Jhin main, I agree that positioning is very important and being ready to fight with having 2 bullets so you can maximise damage output in the least amount of time. Jhin is such a turtle with no mobility so staying back and literally throwing my entire team to the pit as I lean back and slowly shoot away is my favourite thing to do. Vision is indeed important as I can get brutally molested by a Jarvan or a nocturne and it has happened before. I'm strong early game lvl 2 So I don't worry much, like as my biggest counter who is Samira I can abuse her until level 6 and then I have to play safe. For builds I go Boots of Swiftness I to Ghost blade, and Collector, I follow up with IE or Firecannon (Usually go with Firecannon for some reason, idk if it's better) and then go LDR for tanks. Idk in this patch I think stormrazor can be good.


You should try going steelcap boots against Samira. Jhin is a good champ to build situational boots because he doesn’t need attack speed boots. You could get away with going mercs against heavy cc or steel caps against multiple auto attack champs. Definitely keep going swifties against skill shot champs/ comps with a lot of slows/ or multiple slow moving tanky champs like sett.


Jhin is the malzahar of adc.


Top diff Jungle diff Mid diff Supp diff


Honestly this one cracked me up :D


4 Horsemen of excuses of an ADC, I love it.


4 horsemen of it takes only one of them to ruin the entire game for the adc


exactly, it's much worse if the top, mid, jg is fed tho, and support if it's pyke or lux or pantheon etc.


Sure it's worse because toplaners need other champions to be able to fight at all! /s I guess you are trolling...


I mean as tanks, unkillable demons


Never heard of this 4 rules nonsense but if deny cs is one then there is a lot more than just 4 rules. If you're looking for reductive general tips for adc then I'll say 4 of them, but know that it's not really that simple and depends on game state. Auto enemy back when they auto you Always go for level 2 first for level 2 all in... unless your kalista Hit whatever is closest to you Stay alive


I think it was smt like Farm Deny smt smt


1. don't play with an inclomplete champion kit that only works with a support 2. don't play squishy dps when the most popular builds across all roles are burst 3. don't play a role that gets less recources for no reason 4. don't play the class that has the most unplayable hard counters (jax, rengar, yasuo, every single assassin, etc)


Jhin for life, even if it means losing


sound like a meme to me, but.... if I had to give unspoken rules to the ADC role those would be: 1- if first pick, don't choose a comp reliant marksman (a marksman that can't have more than one playstyle) 2- ban your counter on champ select but if you are first pick ban whatever is broken on the meta at the time 3- never rely on your support doing the ward duty, buy control wards yourself and ward the river 4- if ahead push, ward and roam, if behind freeze and don't die


nono I promise, I remember 4 things, it was like, deny cs, farm and stuff like that


1.) Don't dig straight down 2.) No floating trees 3.) Wait this isnt minecraft 4.) If you take even one step outside of nexus turrets you die


sounds ez


As long as you know wave management, farming, spacing, and know how to rotate, then you'd be fine


Play Perfect Still Die


Nah, that isn't true. There is always things you could have done to win out in the situation.


No Further From Truth


Don’t f**k with cats!!






Absolutely, I'm never letting go of Jhin, Jhin main 4 life


Farm, Kite and Carry.


Flip a coin heads you 1v9 tails you 1/10




That's what a real ADC says


Allways be out of position farm bot when baron comes up and top when drake is up blame Support for no peel blame jungle for no ganks


that's what I do all game.


Bro your comments in this thread are wild considering that you couldn’t tell if Aphelios was a midlaner or not 2 months ago


Yeah, idk if you are implying that ig I learnt alot or I'm still the retarded, I feel like I'm the second one 😭😭 I have started league in September 17th, I've been playing for less than a year please excuse my idiocy


Nah I’m just fucking with you (welcome to league, we tend to do this a lot). Adc is a tough role to learn first, top/mid are much easier to conceptualize just because of the nature of bot lane. When you start to learn math as a kid, you don’t start of trying to do algebra (there are 2 dudes on each team, that’s a lot of variables), you start with 1+1 (solo lanes because it’s just one dude vs one dude). Obviously there’s some nuance, and most ADCs are gonna be easier to learn than gangplank, but it is a wild ride. If you haven’t played much Ashe, I’d recommend you try it out.


I had started with top, playing Mordekaiser then Sett Continued to JG, playing Hecarim and Kayn and WW (Want to learn Viego) Then went on to Mid, playing akshan and sylas Support, where I hard mained nami and was my first Mastery 4 Then ADC, where I've been playing for the most time, playing Samira, and then went on to Jhin primarily and sometimes Nilah, wanting to play a bit of other champs if I'm bored like Ezreal and Caitlyn, and jinx, and Lucian and mf and sivir and vayne, (it's alot, and it's all my ADCs lol) And also tyty, I play with my brothers sometimes and they help me


Try to stick to a role for a while to learn the intricacies of it. Knowledge is everything in this game, and the more of a character you play the better you tend to do. Good luck with everything!


It doesn’t. That’s not a thing.




Rules as in, what an ADC must know before qing up


no shortcuts take the longer and safe rout to get most places, a few seconds more is better than dead


Caedral outlines it pretty well https://youtu.be/zbORw9zzB1Q?si=EH189309g7xJ-0AU


Denial, anger, bargaining, depression


Never queue up ranked after midnight.




Farm until you’re killing tanks in under 5 seconds, squishies in one. Freeze, slow push, crash, back, repeat. If you have a big item lead and can ward enemy jungle - push for plates. Take note of who can kill you and if they’re not on the map in mid game, don’t push waves further than your vision. Let the enemy come to you in fights (unless it’s your team pulling hook engages), hit anyone who comes too close.


FF 15 JGL DIFF (when your jungle plays karthus and had the audacity to powerfarm instead of ganking lvl 2)




deal the most dps receive the less amount of dmg survive scale


3 rules. Farm good, don’t die, deal lots of damage.