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I find it really annoying that a viable strategy to climb as a “support” is to just pick any random champ that is good into marksman (80% of roster) and just build full damage. The entire playstyle is “harass weakest champion who cannot deal with my kit whatsoever as they try to farm and I don’t have to.”


As per phreak if support wasn't strong no one would play it and something along the lines of Balancing for player perception and not actual data


which is fucking insane to me that they actually think that's remotely a good idea. which champions are the most popular among all roles? 1v9 edgelord high skill cap champions. what role has 0 of those? support. why the FUUUUUCK should ANY role outside of support be the least popular in solo q lol


"Just build defensive items" Rito Phreak


Sure. Please everyone give me a pentakill at the start of the game so I can get a 4 min heartsteel


These types of supports are usually weak into actual traditional bot lane duos like (Kalista renata/thresh, Lucian Nami, etc. Problem is, soloq supp usually don’t have synergy or they are just plain out bad or autofilled which means that u will get abused in lane. Duo lanes are just never going to be balanced and pro/high elo will forever be so different from mid low elo meta


At this point I'm just waiting for Yone support to be meta to really give adc players nightmares.


I played against a Yone/Camille bot lane once. I already have the nightmares


nah, nah, leave out the "against a Yone/Camille" part. "I played [...] botlane once. I already have nightmares" is enough.


I don't get why y'all want to abuse bot lane. I hope y'all get the best enemy ADC possible and 1v9s ya loo


As an adc main, it's fun to watch other adcs suffer from random bullshit. "Imagine playing ADC" is my mantra at this point.


"AHAHAHAHA IMAGINE PLAYING ADC LOOOL" - my Varus maining ass locking in Garen top for the first time and """"outplaying"""" the enemy Kai'sa


I got autofilled from mid and gave up trying to play Kai’sa/caitlyn I just played karthus apc


There are 3 kinds of players that hate botlaners. Melees players Botlaners team Botlaners


Tahm supports : 😐


I played against a Yasuo with Yone support a couple of days ago, that was a nightmare I hope to never experience again.


I play it for fun here and there and its a nightmare if the enemy ADC or Supp arent champs who can poke you hard while stacking Q, just proc supp item twice then all in.


Looks like Camille is still a massive problem.. I see it in a lot of my games still and most of the times it is an int, but when it goes off it's incredibly frustrating to play against. Basically a Malphite R that lasts 5 seconds and she can deal 1k true damage while you're trapped


at late game she couldn't die. Worst nightmare as an ADC and a Jhin main


[it's lore accurate](https://youtube.com/shorts/sCVyi8PeCZ4?si=oz4J9P18qagMwmrm)


You never got a second item. Is this late game in the room with us now?


I faced a one yesterday when i was playing ziggs because we had no AP in the game. I knocked her back with w, Slowed her with e flashed away and she still reached me between my t1 and t2


camilles legs are longer than ziggs, you were fighting a losing battle to begin with smh


leg diff


I yesterday got to experience the horror that is Camille support for the first time One of the worst experiences i've had, Risoto should seriously deal with Camille or change how that item works, it's braindead insane how much damage she can do


As a support main ive adapted to the situation by picking taliyah if they pick camille. You wanna play cringe then lets play cringe. You wont get near me or my adc


If you can't beat em, join em But in a different weird based way


Try poppy as well into her if you hate Camille


Oh yeah thats also very good. I did that once into a yasuo camille lane. But i prefer my girlie taliyah


I too would prefer stoning the windshitters + camille 🙏


insanely based, any champion that fucks with dashes has my heart forever.


Oke imma pick Cassiopeia support for u 😘


cass adc poppy support bet


Cass is better as farming botlaner than a support


Hwei supp also shuts her down hard


almost every tank/peel support is good vs camille. go fcking naut, rakan, poppy, alistar. janna is also hardcounter. You really dont need taliyah


janna is THE girlie. Q her out of the wall hop, R her out of her own ult 🤩


Risoto 😂


Nerfed her e and nerfed the support item what u think it was before the nerf haha


That game was the worst game I played as Jhin in the past 2 weeks.


Picking Jhin vs a sion is hilarious


It's normal games


one trick god


Cammile/Ashe is legit disgusting to play against, if the cammile knows what she’s doing.


well she did.


Your team is also irons and bronzes while she’s plat and this is a normal game. Camille support has negative winrate.


Yea, when the skill disparity is that large the champion almost doesn’t matter


Yeah then the problem is not “these botlanes!!” like the post claims, its just player skill difference


Camille support is frequently played in challenger with high success, the pick is good, people are just bad.


48% wr in master+, but even if. you will get games, where fucking kayle support will be good, does that mean she is a good support? fucking no.


Just depends on the player. I’ve run into some high diamond Camille’s post nerf that still do disgusting things


people have different kinds of skill on a champ? are you human? like is this really your argument right now? juat for your info, not everyone has 50% wr on every champ, not every champs has 50% wr, not every champ is good in every game, not every champs can be killed by just playing better (example yuumi 1v1 anyone) and many other kind of things, which should be logical.


Relax lol, everything okay man? I was just pointing out that cam support is still viable in the right hands and as we know it feels very frustrating when that’s the case. WR isn’t the be all end all.


This role made me quit this game


it's not Camille it's the players. gold per min my first assumptions brand pushing the wave and they froze it. She's like a shaco support if you don't feed her she becomes irrelevant. She sup diff'd hard. You not having a dash it's hard to dodge. Best thing you can do is put down traps and use them to position around. If she misses punish her for it.


Played together with a Camille support, she went 3/7 and left me alone in botlane against ADC + pyke support Can we please just unanimously agree that Camille shouldn't be a support???


I agree


I perma ban her. I won't have such degeneracy in my game


The weakness of Camille support is when you as the players play under the tower and wave clear like mad. Because you deny your opponent's pressure and the ability to control lane tempo. As much damage Camille does if she cannot get the early lead. The game can snowball for the other lanes and leave you in an overall better spot. I am still a novice and I have no idea how to break that tower freeze properly without them going right back to tower freezing.


might as well have been Sion support and camomile top I mean look at the gold and item difference. i agree she's annoying to play against but it's also very easy to play around if you know what you're doing, looking by the ss I think you don't. now excuse me while I q up


Every item she bought is getting nerfed besides the shoes.


It's always the enemy camille support who does well, but the one on my team either ints or don't rly have no idea what they're doing. Tho tbf there are some good champs to pick against her that denies her engages in lane.


Super dependent on your support to outplay her. But I’ve found Taric and Braum were great vs her in lane. The roams are always a threat though.


I play xerath support and faced one, apparently its a xerath counter but i found no issue, just poke her down & stay out of e range.


Currently most disgusting IMHO is tahm kench as enemy adc slot. No matter what you are not killing him and if wave just slightly pushes forth, you're getting 1v3


Got humiliated by a Pantheon x Sylas duo so bad I started playing Brand APC… It helped me deal with horrendous duos like a Jhin x Shaco and even Yasuo x Yone. Quickplay is cursed af, but I’m too terrified to play Bot lane in SoloQ because of the horrible state of Bot lane.


Counterpoint, you can play anything in Bot quickplay


I've been running into way too many "fuck you in particular" bot combos lately. The worst was for sure a Pyke Lux bot. Who cares about farm or push, just create hell for the enemy adc 24/7


I had success against her multiple times by having Adc freeze the wave early on. One time she still tried to jump on us but almost died everytime from turret shots and had to back. Eventually she did die from it and we collapsed on her Adc, giving another kill. After that we played it super safe till the end of laning phase, ending it with my Adc being 2/0/0 and each of the enemy botlane being 0/1/0.


Deserved for playing jhin, especially with footwork. Anyways, have you watched cbolao brazil scrims? There was a game with singed adc vs riven adc




This shit right here is why I started learning midlane. Can still farm, outplay, do damage everything I like doing while also not being built like a piece of paper in a fucking tornado.


feel ya


Camille is still a problem even after the nerfs but wukong assassin support is a new thing I never thought I'd see


I stay banning Ashe 😂😂😂


Looks like it's just Camille problem (with any ADC)


I see role swapping at the beginning of the season was the best decision i could make


If you stopped playing bot lane before it became a top lane fun corner, you can dodge death.


Istg everyone just plays anything but adcs and supports in bot lane now 😭


literally. Couple weeks ago I saw Nasus with something else but I don't remember


Wirst i had this season was a ziggs velkoz bit who both played full AP while my Support locked an enchanter in first. I Was perma pushed to my turret good not farm like i wanted and was only dodging skill shots. Well the good Thing is they still lost the game because i got a good top and mid laner and they had no adc


The thing is if you don’t dodge her e in laning phase you are kinda fucked. Ofcourse depends on your supp and adc matchup as well. But shit is incredibly oppressive and unfun to play into


It made me quit lol


Love seeing supports doing more damage than adc. Yea adc is super fun.


It’s like, I get a mundo support who dies 4 times before ten minutes into kog’maw and milio. Wtf am I supposed to do? And wtf should I do when my adhd support won’t stop authoring the wave???? Like I’m trying to freeze????


Yeah. I feel like traditional enchanter supports are pretty much useless. There's so much damage in the game, and the amount of healing/shielding I get cannot keep up.


Ever played into a cho’gathb and tahm kench bot lane? Most unfun and unplayable game I have ever played


What you don't like when riot allow shit like vayne top and camille support ? It's DIVERSITY !! It's so cool ! The state of the game is perfect dude wtf !


most obvious trigger comment


You need to play as Nilah or with janna as sup 


Just play janna support and camille can't do shit


Looks like pisslow


Just don’t walk up lol


Don't leave funtain lol


True we need to add Abathur from heroes of the storm and make the ultimate 500 years champion.