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The thing is, those that make youtube videos or podcast tend to claim that they have found an answer or a truth. They have not. There is no quick fix, no short cut, no just-do-this-salvation. They are quacks making money on desperate people. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on and focus on yourself instead. My advice is to not look for stuff directly related to ADHD. For me, the most disruptive parts of ADHD is lack of energy, intrusive thoughts and the negative feedback loop that comes from that. I have started to manage my intrusive thoughts with guided meditation and hypnosis. My favorite so far is: Guided Meditation for Detachment From Over-Thinking (Anxiety / OCD / Depression) by Michael Sealey (youtube) Listen, relax, see if it resonates. I use it to fall asleep and if I get stuck ruminating some old bullshit. It is NOT a quickfix and NOT your salvation. It is just a tool. My advice is to try to find such tools for the parts of your life that impairs you the most.


Holy fuck this took me half an hour to get it to post properly 😭😭


The podcast I got the most out of is the I Have ADHD podcast, but she does have a coaching program and I did join it after the free content helped me make a lot of progress in therapy. So feel free to take that suggestion with a grain of salt. Hacking Your ADHD podcast has had some good tips but as with most podcasts, guests are usually there to promote something. Podcasting costs money to make and distribute and it’s going to have advertisements in one form or another, but I agree that I have discarded at least 3-4 other ADHD podcasts because the free content was super thin and not actionable, or the host’s way of communicating wasn’t a fit for me.


Have a look at [the ADHD adults podcast ](https://youtube.com/@theadhdadults?si=j-ufEv3itzNgtMaf)


ADHD Chatter podcast by Alex Partridge is life changing