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You need to stop talking like this! you sound like a crazy person! you probably shouldn’t have taken pills and drank! you should think about how you care for yourself and how you’d like to be perceived! you should move on from this woman who was using you as a rebound!


TY! its not that i did it on purpose it was an accident and it just made me feel like a monster! a lot of the things i said were old scars and behaviours i worked out in therapy and had no feelings like that it was just insane


Yea YTA. First don’t mix booze and medicine that was just moronic on your part and the fallout was deserved. Second yta for your parting words. I really hope she just keeps moving on, it really seems that would best for both of you. 


the whole boose thing was an accident if i had taken just my tylenol i wouldnt have had the adverse reaction!


>as an empath   Don't know why it is, but whenever someone volunteers this information, what follows is pure self-involvement. You seem to have a lot to work on and aren't in a position to be a dependable partner right now, let alone a step-parent.


Eh i wouldnt go THAT far i wouldnt cry if someones crying, I'm not a total basket case I dont absorb emothions i just feel for people! And in a time of getting cold things thrown at me and still could only send love and hope to me shows the most dependability. I felt like i made an honest mistake and got thrown out


I meant your post is almost entirely about you. It doesn't really look at the effect on her of any of that, and your parting remark to her is about as far from empathy as it gets!


Ofc she wasnt happy with the break up and she felt like she had to make a decision to protect herself and it just made me feel like a monster because i had truly never felt that. When those things happen its like someone else is in the drivers seat and youre tied up in the back seat begging the driver to stop. Nothing i said was remotley that bad untill the end there. See what im saying for a legit week i was just fractured from that it took a toll mentally and i felt like she just couldnt comprehend it