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NTA, not only did he cheat on you he attempted to make *YOU* the bad guy for being “Dramatic.” He can apologize but you don’t have to forgive.


This is really up to you. I’ve taken people back from cheating on me and it didn’t end well, but the cheating was in no way part of why we eventually broke up. I would try and communicate with him a bit on the why, atleast to give yourself some closure, and if that’s not good then you can actually end it instead of leaving it in the air as it seems to be.


NTA: Leaving the restaurant to give yourself space and time to think is a natural reaction (and probably the best one). How you choose to handle these emotions and next actions are very important though. Go to therapy to help you work through this and outline your next steps. Be careful of who you choose to share this information with and get advice from outside of your therapist (everyone has their opinions, but only you will live with the consequences and you don't know everyone's intentions). A good therapist will help you outline a roadmap that you design, to bring you the best results possible for what you want out of life right now. Sorry you're going through this. If it's any consolation, my ex wife was honest with me when she cheated too (she told me right before we were about to leave to a festival), my response... "Okay, thanks for telling me, let's go to the jazz festival". I didn't address the emotions, pretended like nothing was wrong and moved on. I didn't attend to the hurt inside and which caused problems down the road. Had I handled them appropriately, I honestly believe we could've work through that, and the future problems that came along. Once I asked for a divorce and went to therapy, I have been in a loving relationship and handle my emotions responsibly (vs drowning them with alcohol and not confronting them).


This sounds fake. What prompted him to confess?


NTA. He did it in public on purpose, so you wouldn't create a scene. But he expected you to just sit there and be polite and you walking out made him look bad. F him. He cheated. See this as a blessing in disguise. You can walk and find someone who doesn't cheat. I would never be able to trust him again.


literally was about to say this. someone I used to be involved with tried to do something similar not too long ago. it puts this person in control of the situation.


Was he thinking you would fall apart and have a meltdown right in the restaurant? What an obnoxious way to dump this information on you. NTA.


Does anyone know why this post was rmoved by reddit's flters?


He went to restaurant to make sure he could control your reaction. Kind of a bitch thing to do.