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NTA wtf is he being such a baby for lol you’re already doing so much for him and he’s clearly not appreciating it. You left everything to be with him and this is how he treats you? crazy asf don’t change girl you’re doing just fine he’s just being dramatic


Not only does he not appreciate all she did for him but to call her an asshole for respecting his wishes to be alone is pretty fucking wild. I’m always so amazed by what some people will put up with. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Thank you but please refrain from calling my bf names :( I don't think he doesn't appreciate the things I do, he's very vocal and affectionate towards me, it was my decision to leave my family cause I didn't feel loved either. I'm thinking maybe it's because of his work and being stressed, or he wants to be "pampered"?? I don't know if that's the word, it just has do to something about me not really knowing how to properly act in situations.


you’re doing the best you can, don’t blame it on his job because it doesn’t justify why he treated you that way.


Be very careful. It sounds like your family have good reason to not want you living with this guy. He mistreats you. You've done nothing wrong. What does he do for you?


I don't think my bf mistreats me, It's the first time my bf has done this. On occasions we would go out to eat, he is very affectionate to me, helps me with the groceries, and when I can't afford something, he helps me pay for it. My bf's a genuinely a smart and good bf. Maybe it is my fault he feels this way, I don't really know how respond well to situations.


Nope. This is definitely not your fault. 100% him to blame. And the fact you've tried to take responsibility for his issue only concerns me more. Just be careful. And keep the lines of communication open with your family.


I forgot to add that it was my decision to cut off my family, I didn't really feel loved there neither did I have a strong bond with them cause I was constantly treated like I never had a decision in anything and that I could never be trusted to think for myself. I never learned how to deal with emotions cause I was never taught how to or was comforted. Which is part of why I'm very sensitive with these things, I don't know what to do or act, I do my research on how to but I always tend to fail or be awkward at it.


Not really an AITAH post but picking it apart, you are NTA is you ask someone to move bc you’re uncomfortable or hot. Happens with my wife and I all the time. She’s a furnace after 5 minutes! Step 1. Tell him to quit judging your relationship against what you see on social media. It’s purely click bait, for monetization or attention (99% of it) Step 2. He is going through some type of funk and it sounds like self-pity. Did this too around 28-29 when I felt as though I was settling and things were changing. Plus, the repetition of a job, not going out as much and settling into the realization that I was in the throes of adulthood. It happens. Just have to navigate it and lick your wounds. There’s silver lining in all of it. Hang in there. You didn’t do anything wrong, but he does need a cold splash of water to the face. He’s living with someone he truly loves, you all are adulting together and just have to find ways to keep life progressing forward. It’s tough to stay positive in this global and political climate, but you have each other. Try talking to him without electronic devices around, stop comparing your lives to others on social media and dig into what’s going on. Make it an all-nighter if you have to. We don’t talk or listen enough in person anymore and it shows in society today. Best wishes and I hope your BF gets to the root of his problems in order to turn his outlook around. Because from what you are saying, he’s definitely going through something.


Thank you so much. This really reassured me but I'm still worried about my bf, I'm not really good with affection so I tend to be kinda awkward. Good to know I wasn't too harsh.


he sounds like a baby. needs to grow up