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You know you’re basically saying you don’t know how to get a girl going and relaxed 😆 Also where is the sidewalk of a booze cruise? Also rude to say no but fine to say it’s over cos of bad sex and saying the most uninviting shit I’ve ever felt?!


edited to clarify. thanks ._.


Thanks will re-read


Sex can be worked on, I feel like you were just wanting to have her as a conquest, she seems to annoy you and you find her too emotional, YTA for revisiting a relationship for your validation.


YTA I’m really hoping this is rage bait but for the small chance others are reading this…..bro you suck! Your story lacks any emotion and you have no empathy. You are a terrible predator. You got what you wanted through lies and seduction. You got exhausted during sex? Bro, real woman and real sex takes time, you watched too much porn. Did you get her off at all, I’m thinking you didn’t which makes you a selfish lover as well as a terrible lay. Stick with blow up dolls and leave real women alone.


YTA and should grow up. Be sober for your next breakup.


Nice rage bait.


YTA. There's nothing wrong with saying you're incompatible, but damn that was rude.


YTA. Big time. Sounds like you led her on when you first reconnected “I’m yours forever”… or until you try to hold my hand in front of my friends. And for real is it such a shocker that a virgin is tight.