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HE was rude to HER but you’re mad at her?? Riiiight. YTA. If I were her I’d definitely dump you. She deserves better.


Why does he dislike her so much? Which might be why she doesn't like him? Obviously he was really rude to her, but you're mad at her, not him. Sounds like there's a lot more to this story.


She didn’t like that he judged the industry she works in when I first told him about her. She thinks he’s an ass for judging her job without fully understanding it. They’ve always had beef with each other since, but she’s been trying to be friendly around him, and I warned her not to be rude to my friends, but she did because of something so small that he did. So I’m upset


You warned her not be rude? How about you tell your friend to stop being a piece of shit? She's going to leave your ass at some point and I really don't think you'll be able to understand why


Yes, YTA.


YTA and a man child to boot. Your friend treats your girlfriend like dirt but you blame her and enable your friend because you either don’t care or you’re just unbelievably stupid. I hope your girlfriend realizes her worth and leaves you because I’m pretty sure she has tried to explain to you her frustration but you just didn’t listen.