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How do you think you up-bringing was different from others ?


We have to explain our situation to everyone and this is a huge pain in my ass. But anyways my childhood was ok.


I heard a story a while ago about a white dude who'd been adopted and raised by an Asian family. When he'd go out places with his adopted sister, their parents' biological daughter, people would sometimes ask questions because they looked so different.. usually they asked "was *she* adopted?" because people are terrible and make assumptions. Anyway, the joke they worked out was when this happened they'd both pretend to look shocked and horrified and then he'd say in an anguished voice, "We weren't going to tell her! HOW COULD YOU!?"


Omg if ppl did this to me and my dad when I was young I think he would go feral. He’s a white man and my sister and I are darker skinned Asian girls. I literally never questioned at all if my parents were my bio parents. They eventually told me when I was 7 bc my 3rd grade teacher asked me if my dad “was my real dad”. I’m 23 now and to this day he has some…. choice words about her.


my dad is white, mom is southeast asian and darker-skinned. as we go down the line, my siblings look more and more SEA, but i was the first and i am a carbon copy of my dad. i don't keep photos of him because i don't associate with him anymore (lowkey hate his guts), but i have plenty of my mom and siblings. my brother is also sort of white-looking, but takes after my mom slightly more - he and i are both blondes (i'm strawberry blonde, he's dirty blonde), but he's got brown eyes and my mom's face shape. my two younger sisters both definitely look SEA - one of them is also a redhead like me, though her hair is more auburn, and she also has my dad's facial structure and looks a lot like if i had some melanin, but if you didn't know we were related you wouldn't assume so. youngest sister just looks like my mom, straight-up. the amount of times people have assumed i was adopted is insane. like, i know i'm my mom's pasty white boy child. while it's definitely more common for children to share parents' traits, though... sometimes you do get a kid who's a carbon copy of one parent (in my family's case, i'm a carbon copy of my dad, my youngest sister is a carbon copy of my mom, the rest of the sibling squad is somewhere in between).


Very true, genetics are funny like that. I’m a Cambodian girl adopted by a small Filipino woman and a white man. My current bf had no idea I was adopted until I told him lol, most ppl assume I’m Filipino anyways but I def look Cambodian. I think it’s simply bc ppl of Filipino descent are the most prevalent SEAs in America.


funny enough my mom is filipino lol i've also noticed sometimes people unfamiliar with some traits can't pick them out as easily - my fiance is mixed (white/chinese/native hawaiian, primarily) and i could tell right off the bat (not specifics, but that they were mixed) while a lot of people just assume they're white because they have pale skin. i think a lot of people just have limited info unless they're raised around different traits, tbh. heck, i can usually pick out southeast asians and pacific islanders pretty easily, even if i can't narrow down country, while a lot of people assume my mom's hispanic just because she doesn't have stereotypically asian facial features (she definitely looks filipino to other filipinos, but a lot of people who aren't filipino can't tell).


In Hawaii we call that hapa. When a person is mixed but it white passing.


I love this! Such a great way to handle it


That’s good 😊


Does it take long to explain? Like I feel that's a 2 minute convo tops lol.


Probably not long but it’s a pain when it’s a rando in line at Starbucks, or a teacher, or kid at school, or the millionth time you’ve had to explain in a week.


Don't be daft. It's none of anyone's business.


OK and? She says she explains it all the time. Idk what your getting at


Dang you are daft then so sorry for you 😢


Have you met your extended Asian family? If so what country are they from?


My aunt is chinese and she doesn't know her Asian relatives. Her wife is japanese-american and yes, I know her family.


Do you have a relationship with your adoptive grandparents?


Do you think you will grow up to be an Asian lesbian? Do they talk about boys with you


Well, I'm not a lesbian, but my boyfriend is Asian.


Makes sense. We imprint on a standard of beauty as toddlers.


As if Asians aren’t beautiful unless you grew up around them lol


Wow you’re reaching. I also find Asian people attractive. That is probably why my firstborn is half Korean. Her brothers are 13 and 15 years younger than she. She became their standard of beauty. When my elder son started dating, his girlfriend resembled my daughter in unexpected ways. They weren’t dead ringers. My daughter is Irish and Korean. Looks hauntingly like Lukita Maxwell. His girlfriend was Swedish, but with a round face, green eyes and dark hair. She smiled like my daughter and tilted her head in the same way. None of us picked up on the resemblance until sister and girlfriend were in the same room for the first time. One of the lads my daughter babysat as a teen mentioned that she was his first crush and said she set the standard. He’s now married to a Vietnamese lady. Do you understand the point I was trying to make?


Source? Anecdotally hard disagree from my own life, where I was uniquely equipped to evaluate this. My experience directly contradicts this idea.


I read it fairly often when I was in college for social work. I’m sure you can google it. Wait till you get to the stuff about scent and pheromones!


Thanks, Dr Freud.


You’re welcome. I’m sure you can look it up for yourself.


My mom was a fat white lady and I married a skinny brown Asian so...


Ok. But who is saying that your mother is your standard of beauty? My dad was a skinny, 5’2” Irish man. I spent my youth chasing people who looked markedly different from my own family. I Married a 6’2” barrel chested bearded guy. But, the rise of his brow to his hairline is the same steep climb as all my cousins: his legs, though much longer than my dads are the same shape. Small patella’s and ankles and curved muscle in between. There are points of familiarity that you seek out to fit that standard and enough points of difference to still register as not related. My daughter married a man who looks nothing like our family, but his understated humor and quiet, competent nature is spot on like her dad.


Does the same apply for whites?


White whats? Humans imprint on the people around them as toddlers and when nature tend to find themselves attracted to people reminiscent of that standard with enough points of difference to not be closely related.


Obviously, they are the normal and default standard of beauty. EDIT: /s for the slower folks.




What was your favorite dish they made growing up?


Lasagne. But we mostly order food. They are not so good cooks.


What's your favorite sitdown chain restaurant?


Red Lobster.


Girl same


I love the thought of a white girl, with gay Asian moms, eating lasagna. I think that is just amazing.


I love the thought of them eating at red lobster. In fact, I’m hungry for red lobster.






That’s funny. I was about to ask - do you / can you use chopsticks. I learned to use them when my friends parents were visiting. They found it amusing but was encouraging. They said my holding of chopsticks was very formal. I told them I picked it up from YouTube. We had a good chuckle.


Well, they usually eat out, which could explain it.


Did they make any traditional Asian dishes?


They are Asian and can’t cook? 🤯


Have you ever traveled to very conservative places where your moms wouldn’t be accepted as they are and had to act like sisters or cousins? I’m thinking like Saudi Arabia, etc




Or Tennessee


Serious understatement


Yeah as a Tennesseean for their safety stay clear. Have a nice day! Also what is your stance on hot tea?


You all fear monger, gays are accepted in red states stop the fear mongering


I was on an alabama sub yesterday and there were Nazis holding signs on the side of the road. There were more comments supporting their signs content than not. And Reddit skews liberal.




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It’s nearly impossible to travel to Saudi Arabia unless you are sponsored by a Saudi company and have business there. It’s not really open for tourism. And if you are an unmarried woman, good luck getting a visa.


What! Full stop LOL I am not Muslim, Arab or have any ties with KSA — went there as a solo female traveler a few years ago without being any of what you mentioned in your comment. Yiesh people need to get informed on this world. SMH


That’s not true anymore, there are massive Saudi tourism advertisement campaigns in the West.


Yeah it’s a good point… but there are other very conservative places - I just didn’t want her thinking I was saying Florida or something like I was trying to start an online argument.


Where did you read all of this? You obviously don’t travel much.


What asian country they are from? if i may ask that?


My aunt is adopted from China, her wife is a many generation japanese-american.


Do they seem different from regular americans from other races? Seems like both have them spent most of their life in America.


Not OP, but this is an interesting question that I am trying to understand. My husband is Japanese American and his family has been in the US for a couple of generations. He seems like a "regular American " but of course honors his Japanese culture too. How does a "regular American " act?


>How does a "regular American " act? Someone who did not have an separate identity, kind of hard to say since even white americans from small towns in south have different preferences. It's kind of hard to explain. But many people try too hard to stay attached to their culture/way-of-life/food even after 10 years living in america. It becomes a little hard to be around them if you are not from the same place. IMO, Asian lesbians who would have grown up here and spent more than say 25 years would be not much different than white lesbians or black lesbians. Lesbians by nature would be very liberal and would not have strong affinity to their culture or race, but I may be wrong with all these views though.


I find this to be an odd take. My husband's family will honor their heritage in many ways, while still being American. Family reunions are filled with amazing food and certain customs that are very much Japanese. At home, we both use Japanese words for certain things (mostly food related, such as calling soy sauce shoyu). His grandfather was a decorated veteran in WW2 (in Europe obviously) despite many in his family being confined to internment camps. My husband and his brothers have all served in the military and very much love their country, even though it hasn't always looked favorably on his culture. We are a melting pot society. It is ok and possible to hold onto your cultures and traditions, while still being a "good American ".


>hold onto your cultures and traditions Keep in mind, I am just meandering on this subject. I do not have strong opinions. I am ok with people being different. I am sorry if my previous comment came out offensive. I am just making an attempt to understand how some people assimilate easily while others struggle. My comment was just that I have seen some people struggle to be a roman while they are in rome. I have no objection to folks liking their culture but I have seen some folks not comfortable with anything other than their culture/group/food, etc. As in that's what they prefer to eat. And that's the group they want to hang out most.


Why do they have to be a Roman while in Rome? Btw, mixing cultures is exactly what the US is about. We’re not a monolith like many other countries. We’re a melting pot. There’s nothing wrong with repping multiple cultures. Not for the Ukrainians who have come here more recently, nor for the Irish who have been here for generations.


There is a certain fallacy in the way of thinking. I too have nostalgia for a “traditional ideal” of America, but what does that really mean? A white - often a euro-connected tradition held many many generations after immigrating. But then that’s not really the America I believe in anymore. It excludes so many varieties of experience in it. And allowing the broadest range of human experience equally is what I hope the promise of America is. Or whatever country leads the world forward.


What exactly do you mean by regular American?


It's an ama dude


are you close with their parents? do they have a relationship with their parents?


They are kinda grandparents to me.


Kind or kind of?




Do you say “moms?” I love it when my neighbor girl with lesbian moms says it.


No, I call them by their names.


My friend is also the child of a lesbian couple. I think he called one “Mom” and one “momma” growing up


But I knew from the start that they are my aunt and her partner.


Awe wack. What I’m about to say probably doesn’t apply to you Idek you. But Idk why but as a kid the kids I knew that called their parents by name usually ended up being entitled/rude


They’re not her parents though, that’s why she doesn’t refer to them as mom


That’s the role they play tho. But again, I’m not saying she’s like that I can only speak about the people I’ve interacted with


If you had to pick, what's your favorite crime? Mine is speeding.




are they "tiger" moms type? strict with education?




Would you say your cooking is noticeably better or worse than your peers? My bet is on better.


Lol no. We are just not a cooking family.


Do you ever compare your life to Michael Jackson's children


If you do not mind can you elaborate a bit, I am out of the loop on this?


Every day.


Cool did you learn to speak too languages


No. I could, but I didn't.


That sucks. Is everything ok are you doing good




?? Why are you ashamed? Dog? Your probably a great person


Hey, it's a cute name!


I don't want to be rude but it sounds like you don't like your self. Are you ok


Yeah, I thought it's cute and funny. Like the videos where dogs are ashamed when the owner sees what they did.


Oooo ok I got it now I understand . I'm sorry.. it is cute when you see that kind of stuff. I glad your a happy person/ loveable traits. Just don't be hard on your self because you're different. Or live a different lifestyle . Just be you and keep on bringing your best


I don't think its that deep


please stop talking to girls this shit isn’t working


It's just a username lol why you tryna read into it so much


Does the stereotype of Asian parents still hold up if their lesbian? Or are they to far from their Asian roots to even be the stereotype in general?


One of them is adopted, the other was born in US, so no.


So they are not pushing you to be Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer? 




Are you gay?


No. Are you?






Do you make a habit of bullying 16 year old girls to feel special? Or just this time?


People usually can't put two and two together.


She's 16


Are you still in contact with bio mom’s family?


Yes, the grandparents.


lol I’m high as hell so my vision is blurred and I thought this said Alien lesbians and I was curious AF.


That would be a way more interesting AMA lol


Yeah Reddit would definitely probe OP on that one


Do you live in white suburbia or a more mixed community?


Mildly mixed.


How did they come to get custody of you after your mother passed away?




This is my favorite answer.


My mom died and my grandparents raised me for the most part. Everyone else in my family is some shade of queer. In the fourth grade, it was time to make our family tree project. The teacher tried to mark me down because of the several lesbian Auntiea who had invitro fertilization. It was the first time I experienced bigotry against my family and my future biself. Did you experience similar reactions to your family situation?


I really thought the title said alien lesbians. They’re not aliens, right? I’m terribly sorry about your mom, but very happy her sister and wife became your parents.


Do your mom jokes do double damage?


43/M raised by lesbians in the 90s when people wanted to fight over it. Did you ever have to fight?


Very sorry for your loss. It’s great you have 2 wonderful women in your life. Were they friends of your parents? Stay strong!


Favorite part of living with them? Least favorite part?


How happy have you been growing up? Are they more open minded? Less? Average? I’m a lesbian parent and I know we’re kinda known for teaching kids to recognize men’s BS at a very early age in order to choose a good man OR not become that kind of man, ergo for being very feminist. Is this your experience?


Both of your mothers are Asian? Where they born in USA or they come from another place? Do you have more affinity to Asian people? Do you speak any other language? They have another culture? You were adopted at baby? are you bisexual? Do you have more friends Asian?


My daughter's mom is with a girl, is there something I can tell her(daughter) when she's older to help her explain to others gently?


Do they feel more like your parents than your late mother? Im not sure I remember what my emotional intelligence was like at 4..


What is your relationship like with your aunts? Do you feel supported and nurtured by them?


As someone who 60 some years later still does not even know why my parents had me since I was clearly not wanted I would say just having two people care about you like that is pretty special. We as kids cannot pick and choose our parents or guardians but they (your guardians) on the other hand chose to take you in when they didn’t have to. How wonderful it must be to have someone to cheer you on and make you feel wanted.


Do you have male/masculine role models? Do you think there's any thing you lack compared to having a masculine person around and caring for you on a daily basis? No offense intended and I don't have any assumptions about it, just figure since I've heard the line that kids need two parents (and typically that's within a hetero context) I'd ask someone who has relevant experience


Were you shocked at the amount of rice consumed? I'm white and married Asian and I was shocked how much we continue to make. Every meal


Do you like rice? I feel like every culture has their carb that shows up daily. Italians - pasta Asians - rice French - bread Idk, something like that.


Americans - pasta with potatoes in it and a side of bread… with dessert to follow


The only pasta with potatoes in it i know of is gnocchi. Mmm!


I do now


This is sooooo interesting. Do your mothers practice any sort of Asian culture? Like related to clothes or decorations or cuisine, etc


Are they stereotypical Tiger Moms and raised you the way Asian kids are raised in those "Emotional Damage" Youtube videos? DISCLAIMER: **I know that's comedy and stereotypes** :) But I also know stereotypes exist for a reason.


what is your favorite and least favorite fake fruit flavor


Were ypu raised since birth? Or atleast toddler years? Were ypur experiences more on an Asian upbringing?


Just explain that you don’t eat Chinese food so of course you would never look like them.


Do you know their language if they speak other language? And what language is it?


To clarify, your mom that passed was your bio or adopted mom? Was she Asian to?


This is the total opposite of the lesbian adoption stereotype.


Do they have an open relationship, or are they monogamous?


Bet you had a lot of Doritos bags in your house growing up


What kind of Asian? And do you speak any Asian languages?


What did you think of the movie The Kids Are Alright?


Do you know how to cook rice properly and if so how?


Do people actually still think this is a big deal.


What is your favorite breakfast option at hotels?


Is this the reverse of Lilly from modern family?


What did you learn from doing this reddit AMA?


In like 3 years I'll be the same as you!


You have parents. Okay, cool, and....?


Does fatbers day bother you and make you feel left?


Left out.


My father is the one, who is left out. He was a random person anyways.


I never know what to do on fatber's day.....


Ya I know. Can't spell thats me.


What is your favourite band/artist?


What do your parents think of that?


Do you have any sort of romantic feelings towards women yourself?


Man, I'll bet they were STRICT!




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Your family doesn't seem asian. Just American as it gets except two moms instead of a mom and dad. Your the modern day version of my two dads.


Aren’t all these fake?


Are you sexually fluid?


Isnt asians white too


Are you happy?




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Have you written a screenplay yet? I think you could sell this story to Netflix.


Luucky uou


I bet you are awesome. I bet they are too.


Serious question - did they try to do any Asian customs from where they’re from or do they just act like white people?


So are you allowed to date non Asian cis men?


To keep the trend so multi-racial, do you date other black teens at your school


When they brainwashed you as a lesbian did they keep your eyes open with toothpicks? /s


You like Kimchi fried rice with a little sriracha in it?




Do you want to date Asian women? Are you into women? Do you like ladyboys? (Bonus question)




You don't have to. I doubt she cares.


Can u use chopsticks