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How fast was the onset? How long do you think you were still feeling the effects of the THC? Had you smoked or ingested before? Hope you’re feeling better.


I think it took a couple hours to get reallllly bad. Went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 2 very delirious. I felt it for atleast 1 to 2 days. Never smoked or ingested it before. That was my first experience. And yes I am! It was a week ago.


I did something similar. I ate a piece and waited 30 minutes and nothing. Ate some more. Still nothing. So this continues until I eat the whole bar. I was so insanely high. I was still living at home and I just remember forcing my mom to sit with me until it wore off. I think I was seeing things too, a little Alice in Wonderland type thing.


Why did you go to hospital instead of just drinking water and sleeping it off? Who gave it to you? Who agreed to screw you over with a hospital bill for something so lame? 🥲


I fainted and my family panicked and called an ambulance. No hospital bills cause we have free health care where I'm from lol. I'd blame my sister who bakes but it was really on me for not asking about the cake before eating it lol.


Where r u from to have no hospital bills?


Dude…most of the world doesn’t have to pay for hospital bills. Land of the free is pretty expensive when shit hits the fan




Nah, I think whoever supplies the cake or hosts should make it VERY clear to everyone if there's drugs in the food. Especially if it's left unattended. Most people dont see a cake and assume it might have weed in it. Im not sh*tting on your sister or anything, I just wouldn't say the blame was 100% on you.


I live alone and I still mark my edibles. My sister would eat that pan of fudge over my dead body 😆


When did you start baking ?


Never bake the goods. THC breaks down at 210°




Native American blood 💪


Okay well that’s better! Lol


I’ve been getting fucked up my whole life and I’ve had some edibles where I had to lay down and focus on breathing lol I could definitely see how that would be terrifying for someone who has never been in that state of mind before.


I’ve legitimately forgotten to breathe while on edibles before. I can’t imagine what it would be like to eat a crapload of edibles but not know they were edibles


I have too but no one dies from weed and getting a hospital bill to be given water, snacks, and be told to sleep is silly, specially if the person that took you is experienced in smoking.


serves you right for eating 3 slices of cake in one go in the first place


Lmaoooo yeahhhh learnt my lesson for being greedy


The LD 50 of THC is soo high it’s almost impossible to OD. What did they do for you in the emergency department ?


I didn't OD. I had a really bad anxiety attack where I passed out cause I thought my heart wasn't working and my family panicked and called an ambulance. They kept me over night cause my heart beat was irregular, I was having delusions and panic attacks. I was also dehydrated apparently.


I figured fluids for sure. I haven’t had any pot in years!


I wouldn't recommend pot to anyone smh


I know it was bad and recent but i assure you normal amounts of weed arent like that. Thats like drinking a bottle and a half of vodka and saying the experience is terrible i dont recommend it. Of course it was bad lmao.


I've had half a bottle of vodka and that was nothing like the weed lol. I know normal amount of weed isn't bad, I come from a family that regularly smokes it lol. I just had a bad trip.


why did you eat so much? did you not know the dosage of each slice?


I didn't know it was weed cake. I'm used to my siblings making brownies and my sister is a baker. So when I saw the red velvet in the fridge I just assumed it was a normal cake lol. I don't know the dosage. I saw cake and ate it


Did it not taste different? I had edibles before and I'm pretty sure I could always taste the weed in it when it's an edible. what did it feel like going to the moon?


They were a little salty. I guess that was the weed but stupid me thought my sister was heavy handed with the salt which has happened before. I've never had an edible so I don't really know what taste I was supposed to be looking out for.


Who eats 3 big slices of normal cake in the first place lol


You don't? Okay


You regularly eat 3 big slices of red velvet cake? That's so unhealthy. That's worse for you than the weed tbh.


Lol no I don't regularly eat 3 slices of cake. Since my sister bakes so often, we've all had to cut back on baked goodies. I only had that much cause I was hungry and cake was the only thing I didn't have to make from scratch lol


I would've barfed. Red velvet is just so sweet to me.... I'll eat a whole fucking key lime pie if its in front of me though. :D


The funny thing is I don't usually like red velvet. I just happened to be too lazy to actually make a meal that I ate it and looked what happened 😭. Never again.


Damn and you were on a empty stomach? That cake probably hit you like a wrecking ball lmao were you thirsty when you woke up?


Lol yeah I was in dire need of water. It was when I got up I realised I couldn't even walk properly and saw lights and fairies in the edges of my eyes lmao


Sounds like the munchies to me.


How was it an accident? You didn’t taste tue weed?


I injested it unknowingly lol. I didnt know what weed is supposed to taste like to know it was weed


If you know that there was a possibility of the baked items getting you baked, why didn't you ask if the cake was medicated? Also.. 🤣 🤣 🤣 I had a whole brownie at a festival and FAFO'd... goodtimes.


Lmao you see. My sister usually bakes 2 cakes. One with the weed and one without. When there's one, it's usually weed free so I ate it without thinking to ask. Only to find out she baked it for my bro to carry to for his friends birthday party


🤣 🤣 I've been there. 🤣 🤣


How many MG?


I don't know.


People need to stop putting weed in everything, kids can easily accidentally mistake them as regular food, desserts, or candy, eat them and fall ill.


Or educate them on what it is and keep it away from their access at all times 🙏🙌


Did you develope hppd, derealization/depersonalization?


Depersonalization hiet me like a brick. I had no idea where I was, if I was real, if I actually peed in the toilet. It was absolutely something I didn't want to experience again




Dude, she's 16?!


I don't even know what that means 😭


Are you a bit chubby??


Yeah I'm 103kg


Ok....are you cute though??


I actually am :)


Guys. Pm is there for a reason


I had a similar experience a few weeks ago when I ate about 75mg of weed cookies at the place I was petsitting at. I had no clue they were edibles despite the packaging clearly indicating that they were week. Do you know how much thc you had?


Jealous. It don’t hit like that no more. Those were the days. Stuck in the floor. Seeing the whole universe. Ahh good times


did it create a recursive feedback loop of eating cake, getting high, getting the munchies, and going for the cake again?


I think the moral of the story here involves eating three pieces of cake. Three "big" pieces. Shameful. ;)


if you choose to partake in the future, will you recognize cannabis as a medicinal herb instead of a dietary?


I think it's best to start with a small dose and wait for the effects before taking more. I hope your experience will make you cautious in the future.


Why did someone let you eat so much weed cake? What’s the story?


Oh man I bet that was the most intense time of your life lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Advent012: *Oh man I bet that* *Was the most intense time of* *Your life lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


was it worth it though?


Why red velvet? Gross


How many mg was it?