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Took 2 weeks for my PERT to be approved. Membership applications are done on the first of every month.


Thanks that is great! Hoping to be designated by the end of the summer.


Congrats on being done!  It’s hard to say for timelines, sometimes it’s quicker than they say in the email. Better to assume the worse and be pleasantly surprised if it’s done faster.  Now you get to have fun with CPD hours! 


In In-Depth Tax so don't have to worry about CPD too much for the foreseable future. Thanks for the advice and the congrats!


That’s pretty cool! How is the In Depth if you don’t mind me asking? It’s something I keep getting curious about pursuing but don’t know if I’m smart enough haha 


It is very manageable. Heading into level II shortly. I would not stress about the difficulty, if you put in the time and research, you should have no issues. The first level is a more detailed version of the CPA tax elective, levels II and III is where it gets more advanced. Just nice to have it for the jobs that require it! Already serving my well in my most recent job hunt.


That’s very encouraging to hear, thank you, appreciate the response very much. Congrats again :)