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first time i tried acid i was looking at pics of me and my sister and i cried cuz i love her so much


Wonders of acid makes you realise stuff deep down( realise stuff that you should already know just yanks it out), to be used responsibly :)


That's wholesome as hell. Bless you crazy kids.


Hope ur ight bro but ur so right shit feels greatšŸ˜‚


Better then ever


Good dawgy hope the trips going goodšŸ™


Trip is done slept for 4 hours feel great still kinda just a long break for me now haha


I remember the tears really coming on hard when I was eating a watermelon I never experienced such love and joy for something so simple, gave me a huge appreciation for little things in life. Haven't cried since


Simple and beautiful


Fk yeah, get that release fam. Enjoy the hormones


Lovely release


I'm crying frequently on my micro/mini doses. It's very revelating, removes my pressures, think of my loved ones and can actually call them and not sound high af


Only accidentally cried laying down smiling, shit just rolled out


my first time too, had a great trip and by the end of the day I thought of my parents and oldest nephew (he's been though a lot) and just couldn't hold it almost called my parents too but luckily I stopped myself because I couldn't imagine how stupid I would of sounded on acid lol


The first time I did holotropic breathing, I did a *ton* of crying, like the entire ā€˜tripā€™. We had a small group that would do it together, everyone breathing had a watcher who would manage your breathing; we used drum / rhythm tracks to set a pace. I ā€œenteredā€ the space by imagining tipping backwards and backwards, like you do on a back inversion table, until my consciousness ā€™invertedā€™ (for lack of a better term) and the world was now inside the surface of a bubble or sphere, instead of on the outer surface, kind of like Larry Nivenā€™s ā€œRingworldā€, except an entire sphere instead of a ring. I never did recall what my crying was attached to, but when I came back out, a few of the group were all crying too, from the sadness they picked up from me. I have been following and lurking in this sub for awhile, having never taken anything psychedelic, except Iā€™ve done my fair share of cannabis, mostly just gummies now. Iā€™m trying to get a fix on what an acid experience would be like for me. I think Iā€™m in a good headspace and not too much repressed dark stuff lol, but you never know lol.


Brooo the first time I did acid I got really sad and started crying at one point and it felt so amazingšŸ˜­

