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It’s freedom. It’s security. It’s peace of mind. The more I accumulate, the easier life becomes. Doesn’t make me happy, but being poor made me suicidal. Go figure.


Yeah, it does make me that much happier but it does make me calmer and less aggressive


[Getting rich is easy!](https://youtu.be/EMWc9aK7QlA) Very under rated. More people should try it and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a lot of money.


Because having it means I’m able to purchase freedom for myself and those I love. I’m also able to help others given the position I’m in. My love of money is indirectly tied to it’s ability to purchase happiness for myself and others.


I agree, you don’t have to worry so it’s easier to be happy, but at the same time I wouldn’t judge someone based on how much they are worth. By the way as long as basic needs are met, you don’t have to have money to be happy.


Yes, but you do need it if you want to choose how to be happy.


For me the less the better


I think we're talking about 2 different things.


Ok so the happiness comes quicker with money?


We're talking about the difference in finding happiness and accepting limitations.


Love nothing more than to spend money on my son’s life to make it everything I didn’t get myself.


i don’t love money itself i love what it comes with, all the things that could be done with it and the security it provides.


It makes life easier.


IDK I think it's probably just that I'm into quirky stuff and I find the images on the bills to be historically interesting and love to analyze them especially when the stripper finally shoves the titties I STUCK em in right in my face


For me I just don’t want to run out of money in some point of my life


It solves all the stupid problems in life. I can solve the rest of life’s problems when I’m not bogged down by the stupid ones.




What’s the difference between a man with 10 kids and a man with $10 million dollars? The man with 10 kids knows he doesn’t want more.


Personally to me money is a tool. Just like a hammer, screw driver, drill. How you use that tool dictates the results you’re trying to accomplish. Some folks overburden themselves thinking you need a ton of money to live survive and be happy. Breaking News you don’t. Consistent income, budgeting and staying debt free or close to debt free is the blueprint.


It is a lot easier with money to: live when I'm lonely, heartbroken, sad, panicked, out of work, alone, hungry, questioning existence and wondering where I went wrong, feeling sorry for myself, feeling sorry for you and Joe Biden. I don't have to worry about getting dinner, what to drink or what to wear or where I'm gonna sleep. I worry about making more money, well actually I don't. Thank you Morgan Stanley .


Why not ?


Money allows me to do more of the things I love you do


It keeps you alive and surviving.


I like to eat sometimes


I like to buy without thinking to much if I can afford it. Also security


Money is the most important thing in life. It's personal freedom. It's protection, security and stability. It's the ability to save and ensure your safety. It's the ability to live life and take advantage of what the world has to offer. Some say love is more important than money. Sure, it is, in a sense. But the reality is, you need money for love. You need money to date. You need money to find and date someone worth keeping. You need money and good money skills to ensure a marriage will last. You need money to pay for medical expenses and unexpected "life events". You need money set aside for your funeral. Money comes before all of these things, without money there is no happiness. This doesn't mean be a greedy Scrooge type, it means have a healthy and sober appreciation of the fundamental force in life that money is, and treat it with extreme attention and prejudice. Aside from the personal aspect- the invention of money literally catapulted the human species into advanced civilization. Throughout its different forms, as a medium of exchange it made the division of labor possible. It helped lubricate massive leaps in quality of life and productivity, and it connected humans all over the globe. We talk endlessly about the ills of money but tend to forget everything we take for granted right now came because we invented money as a medium of exchange and social lubricant. Money really is the most important thing.


Don’t judge someone for how much, they are worth though


I mean, I don't think I mentioned that- I'm sorry if that's what it may have seemed like I was communicating, but that was not my intent at all.