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Ignore them and look at the positive side, someone's opinion about me on the internet doesn't matter cause I would never meet them irl


It's affecting me to the point that I think people in real life are like them too. I hope I can overcome this.


Nah people in real life are mostly not like that because on the internet you don't have to worry about getting punched in the face that's why people say mean stiff


You’re fit and healthy. The food you choose to eat can support your health or hinder it. Just as the comments and words you choose to consume can help or hinder your mental health. Don’t consume the junk.


Remember that you don't know these people, they don't know you - so why give a rat's ass what they think? The internet and its anonymity fills a lot of cowards with false bravado.  "Hey, I can be nasty and get away with it." An asshole is an asshole regardless, and nobody is fooled.  Let them hang themselves


Seems like I am more affected with what they say but you're right tho. Their actions reflect their attitude.


Some people are going to be negative, it's nothing you did. They're seeking it out. Some are trolls and are only doing it to get a rise out of you. They often won't even believe the thing you say, but it's purpose isn't to be true but to annoy you...get you mad, just get some form of reaction. Don't focus on the negative. Focus on the positive. Someone say something horrible? Did they even mean it? Whats the point in getting mad over something that both you and them know isn't true.


Some people just really spread negativity for fun. I'll eventually learn how to ignore ittt


Remember that they don’t actually know you, they know a very limited version of you. Lots of people use online hate as an outlet for negative feelings rather than working on themselves- putting someone down is a really easy way to make yourself feel a little superior for a moment. Do not be afraid to use the block button often and for anything.


This made me feel so much better, thank you so much!


generally i try my best to ignore the negative things i see online, a lot of the time i’ll block or mute users who are mostly negative


I will totally consider blocking and filtering posts


best of luck!!


It sounds like you are taking things personally and maybe absorb a lot of emotional energy from other people. It’s good that you have kind interactions in the real world and it’s important to keep those relationships active so that you can balance your mood, but online confrontations introduce many complications. One being anonymity which can encourage people to behave badly or simply lead to miscommunication. When we talk in person we can register facial expressions or body language and adjust our demeanor to match the situation, but there are no visual or auditory cues online, apart from emojis, and it can feel like walking on egg shells most of the time. Some people come in hot and irritable and we have no way of knowing. Many people lack emotional regulation or have stressful lives that lead into hostile or negative interactions. So it’s not necessarily your fault or anything you are doing, but online etiquette is probably something we should all be more familiar with. For one thing, we are mixing with a much more diverse and variable group of people online than we are in person. Not everyone will share our outlook or views because they come from very different places both geographically and mentally. The trick is to say, “this person may not want to be like me or may be experiencing something that I’m not aware of and that’s okay.” Sometimes we can feel attacked or defensive because we value the things we value. And if people challenge that it can create doubt or stir up emotions that are uncomfortable. People handle those feelings differently, but getting that validation from people online is difficult at best. That’s one reason why real world relationships are important. But also be aware of how you are feeling and make sure to check in with yourself periodically so that if you start to feel irritable, drained, or unable to disconnect from the Internet, you can see that it may be time to step away and do something else for a bit. There is so much happening online and sometimes setting a boundary means allowing yourself some space to be calm and away from things that get to you. You are the only who can manage your emotions and sometimes you can’t make others happy, because they are not in a place to receive or understand goodness. If you want to help, set smaller goals. If you want to bring good vibes, work on one post a day and filter out the rest. Not try to help or convince everyone. That’s how you get burned out. Enlist the help of others. Don’t try to do it alone. It’s always easier when we are a part of a group and can share the burden. But most importantly, don’t let the emotional drive make you a hostage to the Internet. Too much can lead to mental health problems.


You have a point. Sometimes, I do take things personally. I see it as an attack, or maybe I'm just too emotional? I don't know at this point. But I should really start on regulating my emotions. Thank you so much for reminding me about social media boundaries. I might have been too carried awayy.


I filter my social media to positive things. Following accounts for my interests, positive news stories, and cute stuff. I also deactivate socials from time to time to take mental breaks. Just practice being aware of what and when it's too much and disengage.   


I haven't thought about filtering, thank you for this ideaa!


Ignore it most of the people are fucking losers lol The only reason they act like that is because they have a screen in front of their face


I just don't understand why they have to be so rudeee


Because there is no accountability online. It’s their pathetic way of making themselves feel superior, which they are not.


Learn to accept the fact that people's pain and frustrations come out in an anonymous format like the internet. They say all the things they feel they can't say in real life. But please understand that toxic positivity is a thing as well. The key is finding balance between the two.


I think I may have an issue with toxic positivity as well. I hope I can balance everything out soon. Baby steps!


I say the n word to them and then smile and go on with my day


I smile and go on with my day but it seems like a routine sometimessss..


People on the internet don't matter. Whatever negativity they want to spread has no effect on my life.


Thank you for the advice but easier said than done. I hope I'll overcome this soooon


I hope so too. Internet drama is petty.


Just laugh it off everyone who is negative online is mostly a obese angry person at home that blames everyone but himself for his misery.


Step one, delete this. They will see it and go after you even harder. Don’t let them know it bothers you, or they win.


Are you referring to comments toward you or just generally negative comments you're seeing?


The best way to handle online negativity is to organize the commentary you receive into different categories. Are they actually trying to be constructive or helpful? Or are they being condescending or wholly negative just because they're a keyboard warrior? The sad truth is that people IRL behave themselves because there are repercussions to their actions. Online though, unless you know some tricks with tech, there's largely nothing they have to be afraid of. So online, you're seeing the dark side of people that they don't show anywhere else. If it's positive or constructive, give it the time of day and accept that. If they're negative and destructive, throw it out because if they want to wallow in their own negativity let them. The more it affects you the more they win. From your pictures you are a physically beautiful woman, the fact that you're here asking for help dealing with negativity shows that your personality is equally as beautiful. Don't let them change that.


Embrace the power of walking away. You don’t need to have the last word.


I get upset and want to go Jeffery dauhmer 😊 but the bible says be angry and sin not. I also try to make sure my thoughts aren’t negative or angry thoughts. I usually just remain quiet because tbh living on earth is so boring everyone does the same things. It’s boring life is pretty boring.


Don't handle it let it go.


Social media isn’t real. You can be whoever you want to be on here. Especially Reddit. I wouldn’t take anything over the internet serious


[Youngins ice grilling me ohh you not feeling me? Fine, it costs you nothing, pay me no mind](https://youtu.be/Cn4alua9o2o?si=g_rOsZA4-dYM0TPt)


Fuq ‘em Amy, they want you to be as miserable as them… Don’t let ‘em win. Just ignore them.


So many people are cruel when they are anonymous. I don’t think that most people are this way irl. To what degree are you experiencing this/what is being said? How are your experiences irl?


I know you've heard it already but seriously you just got to ignore it because the reality it is that people online that you probably will never meet their opinions mean less than nothing and if they're not trying to bring you up and you don't need even to listen to them and definitely don't need to commingle those people into the same category if you will as people that are in your real life and if you're a positive uplifting person just keep being you.


So I’ll be honest. It’s the internet. Online negativity, harassment is a given. I’m guessing based on this you did not play halo 2 or mw2 the original one online back in the day where people said the most heinous shit to one another imaginable. And lobbies and voice chats were unmoderated as a whole. Not like how they are today. Just know that people will always say heinous shit online. It’s the internet.


People are reluctant face to face, to be honest, they may hate what you are wearing, should they say so and watch you cry, or like it and watch you smile Online, they can’t see the tears


Easier said then done but ignore it. Know they are just trolls who are probably jealous


Yes, unfortunately because of the anonymity associated with social media people will take advantage of it and be utterly negative…it’s so so sad…hoping you appreciate the positive comments that come your way…