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I'd say that I don't understand how they could possibly be afraid he was on drugs at the debate. If someone is on a significant amount of drugs while speaking in public, you'd notice. They'd stray off topic from matters of state, and start rambling about sharks and shocks and their uncle, or make it all about them and their persecution or bragging about random accomplishments or whatever. It would turn into an incoherent jumble. It would be *very obvious* they were drugged up and not acting normal. But of course, stating it that way, it becomes glaringly obvious that not *everyone* would notice.


Republicans core strategy: accuse others of doing what you are doing. Gaslight, obstruct, project


Trump is out here demanding that Biden get tested for "steroids and cocaine." I think we know exactly what Trump is taking to get him ready for the debates...


Trump roid raging? That would be a horrible thing to see... Actually, it would explain a lot about his behavior.


Yeah Trump has to take drugs so he won't fall asleep and piss his pants.


“He’s on magic drugs that make him the smartest person on the planet for a short time! It’s cheating” — Dipweeds of course miss that if drugs existed that actually made 80 year olds super smart and functional every business in our terrible capitalist dystopia would require them as part of employment just so they could work more people to death


Would Hannibal Lector and Alphonse Capone notice?


Not sure about Capone but Hannibal Lecter is on the ball, he's like if Sherlock Holmes never had Mycroft or Watson or Mrs. Hudson in his life.


Sounds like you don't do any drugs...


And constant sniffing


and they'd *definitely* never platform someone who constantly shows all of those signs, would they?


The trick is to always be in that state so everyone thinks it's normal for you




Are you also 80 years old? Goddamn this line of argument is so stupid.


I kinda wonder what their strategy is. Trumps mind is gone. Biden does not need drugs; he could just fall asleep and let Trump speak gibberish and still win the debate. And Trumps supporters know this. So why all the focus on Biden using drugs?


It's an excuse for Trump getting absolutely thunder-fucked in the debate, or an excuse to skip the debate entirely. It doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to be something his base can repeat ad nauseum.


Because last time the Trump campaign made the mistake of lowering expectations for Biden so far that he would have won the debate so long as he stayed upright the whole time. But they don’t want to give Biden credit as an experienced and competent debater who is still mentally fit. So they are going with the drugs thing. It also means that if Biden looks better, it was only because he was on drugs. And if Trump comes off looking better, it was despite the fact Biden was on drugs.


And if Trump gets lost and goes completely off the rails, like he has done in his last few appearances, they will continue to ignore it? Fair. Might even work.


> they will continue to ignore it? Ignore isn't enough for them. They're in 24/7 denial mode, so they'll invent some patently absurd and contrived explanation for how it demonstrates that the orange shitstain actually won. An explanation that anyone without TDS will laugh at.


God the fact they are ALREADY starting on that dumbass rhetoric shows how scared they truly are of the debate. They KNOW Trump has no real chance in an actual debate.


The enemy is both strong and weak.


[Number 8 on Eco's list of 14 core elements of fascism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism) It's verrrrrry interesting reading coming up to US elections.


It’s projection. Trump really is on speed from his doctors.


Ronny Jackson-Johnson was on Fox news the other day pontificating about the various components of a drug cocktail that Biden just *must* be on. I think it's safe to assume at this point that it's just more projection, effectively a confession of what they've been putting Trump on for years.


Ronny JJ also order vast quantities of those drugs when he was Trump's White House doctor. The Navy demoted him and removed him from the role after an investigation into his actions. Then Texans made him a congressman 🤣


it was so much worse.... [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-clinic-improperly-distributed-controlled-substances-previo-rcna135787](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-clinic-improperly-distributed-controlled-substances-previo-rcna135787)


“They invented a drug that temporarily makes dementia patients competent but instead of releasing it on the open market and making billions they’re helping Joe Biden win debates and give speeches!”


I love their new excuse for bailing on the debate is saying Joe's using performance enhancing drugs.


Its like they dont understand how dementia works. They are like “oh, he has dementia. He only made sense because he was on drugs”…. Nevermind the drugs would just make him talk nonsense faster… like trump does.


"As we all know, a mixture of Redbull and Adderal briefly cures dementia!"


HUNTER BIDEN IS A DEGENERATE CRACK HEAD AND A CRIMINAL MASTERMIND-also the GOP For those of you that don’t know telling people the other is weak/incompetent and strong/mastermind is straight out of the fascist playbook. It’s just meant to confuse people/muddy the waters and throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. It’s the same reason they attack education and facts. They don’t want people to actually know what reality is.


I don’t understand why the side running a 78 year old man is so confident in criticizing their opponent’s age. I also don’t understand why that’s working on a not insignificant segment of the population. This country has a lot of stupids in it, for sure.


The funniest part to me is if they had just voted for Nikki Haley in the primary they would still get what they want and she probably would have waxed the floor against 81 year old Biden. It’s super easy to play the age and cognitive ability card with a well spoken 52 year old at the helm instead of a 78 year old who can’t hold a coherent thought past 4 words.


GOP primary voters couldn’t get over the fact she’s a woman born to immigrant parents. Doesn’t matter how she would do against Biden in an election.


They've known since '08 that, to survive, they'd have to widen their tent and appeal more to women and nonwhite voters, but they're too racist to follow their own advice


So now they just gerrymander and stack the courts. Fun times.


Yep. Watching conservatives surgically attach themselves to Donald Trump has been one of the more wild things I've witnessed in my life. Like, sure, you got a random win one year when Democrats didn't turn out because they weren't amped about Hillary but still thought the win was in the bag. But ever since then this loser has been dragging them down. They've had plenty of opportunities to get rid of him. The Senate could have gotten rid of him after the insurrection during his 2nd impeachment. Voters could have gotten rid of him during primaries. But they just keep drinking the kool-aid. Not a smart bunch.


It’s because their base wants this. Trump riled up a bunch of absolute morons into being politically crazed. Now their base is holding them hostage and demanding more Trump. The older GOP people are just going along with it because they have to support their team above all else even if they know Trump is literally the worst possible candidate in history. Citizens of the US used to have a backbone. They’d vote for a stronger candidate even if they were politically opposed but now it’s all about supporting your team like it’s a damn football game and not life.


> it’s all about supporting your team like it’s a damn football game and not life You can thank the salamander for that.


On a personal level I think it's because their kids and family members started publicly calling them fucking brainwashed idiots etc. and they're taking that personally to the point they just want to win out of spite. It won't ever fix the fractured communities at this point but they dont really care, they just want the spite win to silence their little shit kids or nephews or what have you. And rolling it back and admitting the guy that caused all the name calling was wrong would prove it all, so they can't do that.


Oh yeah, it's all about pride. I mean, some MAGAts have legitimate mental health issues that lead them to believe all the bullshit, but I think most Trump voters inherently know he's bad news but they're in too deep and aren't adult enough to admit they were wrong and take that harsh hit to their pride, so they're double/triple/quadrupling down.


“You just haven’t heard my story about the battery and the shark, it’s a very smart story, like the one with the snake!” - Trump convincing you you’re wrong


Yes, the attacks are a low blow, but expected...the fact a significant part of their electorate is buying the shit is what really scares me.


To paraphrase the Cure, they've been looking at AI pictures of Trump for so long, that they almost believe that they're true.


They target Biden's age, despite their guy also being essentially equally as old, because they have nothing else to talk about. They have no policy platform. They have no ideas or solutions. They have nothing but fear and hate.


I don't understand why 200 million of us are looking at our options and not demanding different ones. I genuinely would not let either of these people drive my car under any circumstances, and they are supposed to run the country?


I agree. Need to put an age cap on the presidency. It’s not even just about the potential health issues and mental decline; we deserve leaders who are in touch with modern times and modern Americans. Same goes for congress.


Had a similar discussion with my parents and their friends during the pandemic. They were ranting about the vaccine and all that and I asked them: "Well, Trump is the one who got all the funding and R&D for the vaccine moving. So either Trump is a liar and all that money was for lining his pockets and the vaccine is fake/5G/etc. Or the vaccine is a real solution and Trump's administration realized that, despite his posturing. Which is it?" Their brains absolutely shut down when they couldn't rationalize both of those together.


Fascists tend to paint their enemies as simultaneously too weak and too strong.


Yep. It’s in the Nazi playbook.


And they dehumanize minorities. Calling them rats and vermin. Makes them easier to put in camps. All part of Trump’s master plan.


The old chilling point: Humans don't like to hurt humans. It's in our nature as social animals. As such, you make sure the people you want to be hurt are not humans. Minorities, rats, vermin, Barbarians, Jews, Negros, ... None of them is a fellow human, so it's easier to hurt them. And no, this requires no /s. If you think this quote resembles my viewpoint, which is pretty much opposite.. I don't know.


They go beyond that. They dehumanize liberals/Democrats in general. It is fucking frightening. These people would have no qualms rounding us up in camps. We aren't human to them anymore.


It’s in the Nazi playbook. But it’s also just in the playbook of all authoritarian regimes, of which, fascism is one. Why call it a duck when a bird will shit on your shoulder all the same? If you hear something is authoritarian in nature but only worry if it’s fascism, that’s problematic, your response to all should be a resounding no.


> Why call it a duck when a bird will shit on your shoulder all the same? If you hear something is authoritarian in nature but only worry if it’s fascism, that’s problematic While your comment is far from the worst I've seen, I still have to say that the pedantry around 'fascism' is exhausting. It's not *true* fascism unless it's from the Romagna region of Italy. Everything else is just sparkling authoritarianism. Here's how I suggest we read OP's comment (and most every other comment casually mentioning 'fascism'): > Fascism is a subset of authoritarianism but one where we have copious recent photographic and video evidence of its large-scale atrocities. It sticks out in the collective consciousness as being associated with Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, WW2, and the holocaust. It's like the radioactive enriched isotope version of authoritarianism. As such, the word 'fascism' is often deployed as a more potent and resonant term, even when 'authoritarianism' would suffice. It's used as an implied warning of where run-of-the-mill authoritarianism could evolve if left unchecked. Most people on Reddit are not writing an academic research paper about fascism intended for peer review, so why treat it as such?


> It's not true fascism unless it's from the Romagna region of Italy. Everything else is just sparkling authoritarianism. I'll have the cream of sum yung gai.


This is a top tier comment. I've come to assume if someone speaks as the commenter you're replying to they're probably a fascist themselves. Maybe a liberal being a dumbfuck but what's the difference when it comes to what that rhetoric results in?


Trump convicted: justice system is rigged and weaponized. Hunter convicted: law and order, justice system is fair there are so many videos of people doing exactly this at rallies


Don't both sides do this? The amount of "trump has a secret agenda" and "trump is the stupidest man alive" etc.


Having an agenda and being stupid are not mutually contradictory, though. Yeah, he's a selfish dumbass. And he has a selfish, dumb agenda. Which is harmful to the country and the world in large part because it's selfish and dumb. No contradiction there.


I've never found his agenda to be all that secretive.


No, I don't think both sides do this to nearly the same degree. I think the ideological left perspective on Trump is generally that he is an idiot, but not necessarily as stupid as he appears to be when speaking directly to his base. For context, my comment pulled directly from Umberto Eco's [Ur-Fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism?wprov=sfti1#Overview). And Trump does have an agenda, but it's not secret. Project 2025 is out in broad daylight.


The agenda is actually pretty public. You can read it at Project2025.org. Do you need a job? I hear they're recruiting. Trump is a power mad figurehead. There's some evidence he wouldn't be able to finish a term. And I think there's an off chance he won't make it to the election. The Heritage Foundation is the real power behind the throne. Trump's family (not Trump personally) have got the RNC and the Party by the balls. But they don't control the real old-money establishment.


I'm going to assume you're asking in good faith. Yes, in election year this type of stuff, usually far more tame, is considered normal political mud slinging you'd see every election. However Trump isn't a normal politician running for office. He has the whole fascist element to him, you know taking patriotism and political tradition and radicalizing it. In the past politicians attacked other politicians policy. Sometimes they exploited the skeletons in their opponent's closets, but that was usually done behind closed doors. They just hand it off to the media and let things take course. Not like, "Russia if you're listening." Basically if you stripped away everything Trump is as a person, ignored all his fascist tendencies and everything he has said or done. Yeah, I guess you could say this is normal election year mud slinging. That's the point of Trump normalizing his extreme behavior, so people like yourself can just write it off as normal election mud slinging. So all the warning and talk about Project2025 by the left isn't given any serious thought by the most people.


Bush got it bad like this. A man who was an absolute idiot but also orchestrated 911.


Funnily enough, people who believe this are mostly from his own party and currently support Trump.


Don't forget the most recent one: Biden has Dementia vs Biden won the debate because he's "on drugs"... lol


So weird how pharma isn't out there making billions with this miracle dementia cure


I mean, the Republicans think he's on like Cocaine type drugs... or Monster/Red bull But I agree... gotta find who's supplying Biden with those Demetia Drugs.... gotta invest heavily there!


Ofc, as we all know you take dementia and add cocaine, you get... sensible policy and a coherent debate


I'm actually starting to think maybe we did the same thing with Cocaine, that we did to pot... Next few days we'll hear about how Cocaine is a "miracle cure" for dementia patients. Who knew!?


Ah yes, he must be one of those famously coherent and articulate cocaine addicts.


The mental gymnastic required to cling to those two contradictory ideas are really impressive. There was an example on /r/BoomersBeingFools recently that was just amazing. https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1dokm6c/boomer_uncle_claims_biden_has_dementia_but_will/ >Boomer uncle claims Biden has dementia but will be on drugs for the debate. When I asked what this amazing breakthrough drug that combats dementia is called…. >He claimed that Biden has access to top secret pharmaceuticals. >So a drug company has a breakthrough drug that gives dementia and alzheimer’s patients lucidity and energy, even if it’s only for a few hours at a time, and it’s deemed safe enough for the president, wouldn’t they want to bring it to market and make billions and billions of dollars? We’re talking nobel prize winning level of breakthrough here. >apparently it was developed in secret, most likely by fauci, and biden is keeping it to himself. trump knows this which is why he’s demanding drug tests. >since trump no longer has access to this drug, is that why he seems so limited and deranged lately? >trump never took it because he never needed it. >but he sat on it and kept it from the public? >no one knew it was safe until Biden successfully used it.


How would a drug test find a secret unknown drug?


Amazing... just.... wow... the cognitive dissonance shown by that boomer comment.... Jesus.


This is like when an improv game goes off the rails and you need to keep saying "Yes, and..." to all of your scene partner's batshit crazy stream of consciousness.






January 6th was glowies, fbi, antifa! Also we shouldn't prosecute January 6ers because they are god fearing patriots defending us from drag queens and pronouns (what's a pronoun?!) Just add it to the list of deranged conspiracies consumed and proliferated by the dumbest among us.




It’s also play out of the Nazi play book. But they whine so hard when you use that word. But the Jews were both the weakest and most powerful of them all according to hitlers speeches. Same with Trump speeches. Joe and the left are both the most evil corrupt masterminds of the world. But as senile old farts who are weak and dumb.


The enemy is always dangerously strong and incredibly weak at the same time. Fascist 101.


If those GOP kids could read, they would be very upset.


How is this an advice animal…


It's not, but elections are coming up, so it's important to post as much political bullshit in as many places as possible.


Hahahaha, it’s just masturbation at this point.


Criminal masterminds can get dementia **after** being a criminal mastermind. Just saying.




Biden let his son go to prison. But somehow he is corrupt and only wants Trump behind bars.


You overlooked the temporal element of things.  I don't follow these circle jerks closely but I think the criminal accusations come from VP Biden.  Biden was VP from ages 66-74.  He is now 81.  It's possible to be both. It's possible to be neither. Your meme seems to indicate it's one of the other. 


From someone who follows these "circlejerks" a little more closely, the fbi informant who was feeding info to the house committee regarding their impeachment inquiry is in jail for lying about all of it.


Shhhhh! Stop proving people wrong! What are you a fact checker!?!?!?


They do this because they are fascists. Fascists literally depict their opponents as both weak and strong at the same time. It's literally a key part of a fascism.


He has a top secret experimental drug that makes him super lucid and wily for short bursts.


Vote GOP, make the rich richer and the middleclass poorer




You can do the exact same about Trump 😂


This is great advice animal!


Most of what they’re alleging took place when Biden was VP when he was clearly in better mental shape. Im sure I’ll be downvoted to oblivion for mentioning this, but this post is a straw man lol


You could literally replace Trump with Biden in this meme and the dems would be just as "owned" as you think the Republicans are. Better memes please


You know who else has dementia?


You know who else has dementia?


You know who else has dementia?


Having watched the debate- Biden may need drugs.


Lol nobody said mastermind, just criminal.


I delcare /u/FreeCandy4u a criminal. Sure there's no conviction or evidence, but I FEEL really strong about it. Therefore, /u/FreeCandy4u is now officially a criminal.


I mean, can they prove they're not a criminal? Just asking questions.


That’s the opposite of how it works. For someone to be considered a criminal, they must be proven to have committed a crime


That's the joke.


What crimes did he commit?


“Sleepy Joe” or “Biden has dementia” is a dumb political attack. It sets expectations low and lets any performance by him benefit from those low expectations. Republicans used to be good at this stuff. They attacked Max Cleland - a triple amputee veteran - as being soft on terror. It worked. If their attack was “Max Cleland spends too much time hiking” every time someone saw Cleland in his wheelchair… not so much.


I generally agree with you but to be fair they they think the "criminal mastermind" is a puppeteer pulling Biden's strings, not Biden himself


I can't recall a single time he was considered a criminal mastermind. The only thing that comes to mind is Hur calling him too stupid to stand trial.


'Biden crime family' ring any bells?


Literally the only thing that the house has been shouting for the last three years.


I love how.demented ol joe keeps outwitting the gop and their investigations.


Doesn't this similarly apply to Democrats talking about Trump?




No. Democrats have never accused tRump of being a mastermind lmao


So January 6 wasn't an attempt to overthrow the government then?


Yes, but he's not the one who planned the how, he just wanted it done. For those people, check John Eastman, Steve Bannon and the rest of the ones who plead guilty in Georgia. He directs others to figure it out.


You can literally say the same thing about left


Literally no one on the left has ever accused Trump of being a criminal mastermind, or any mastermind for that matter. If anything, its Trump cultists who are bragging about his criminal record and using it as some form of evidence for his business accumen.


The GOP and its voters already look like clowns to any rational person. And that's accounting for the "frog in slowly boiling water" effect we've undergone, watching the descent over a relatively long period of time. Imagine if we transported instantly from, say, 15 years ago to now. Imagine how much more blatant their insanity would appear. It's already shocking, but that would just make it look impossibly unhinged. What creeps me out is the younger generation coming up, not having been around to see the GOP's wild spiral down the toilet. They have no basis for comparison.


Democrats are pedophiles... Democrats want to kill babies. Democrats are idiots and can't do anything... Democrats run the "Deep State" and control the government. Biden is terrible can't do anything... Biden raised muh gas prices and is the reason anything I think is bad is happening. So many. Edit: Chill, Reddit. I'm pretty clearly using the same logic as the meme and presenting similar logical fallacies of the Extreme Right. Relax. No reasonable person thinks anyone wants to kill babies, or that any politician wants higher gas prices.


Saw a guy ranting about "Biden's inflation" on a friend's Facebook post. I wanted to know why, given that inflation is so unpopular with voters, Biden was supposedly still forcing corporations to raise prices on gas and food. And he's supposedly a socialist, too.


No one has ever called Biden a mastermind, lol.


They never called him a mastermind, but they insinuate it by saying he has all these ploys going on and he's pulling strings all over the place and orchestrating so much criminal activity.


These paid, low-effort political posts on AA are getting tiresome


See we don’t get paid. I know you trump lovers are used to paid actors and paid trolls. But stop projecting we ain’t getting paid. We just love America. Weird Jan 6 showed you people don’t and want to whine about a meme.


Being reminded you're a mark who has a child like understanding of politics must get tiring. I figure if we see some accountability for the fascist in our government these memes would relax.


Whole true, I think it's good to publicly mock fascists every chance we get. Endlessly mocked, for their entire lives and beyond. I don't think it's a coincidence that most the people who fought in WW2 are gone and fascists are rising up again. We gotta keep the fight that the silent generation started going for all time


The enemy is both weak and strong


It has been 0 days since the last time Ur-Fascism correctly described the Republican party.


This is the same thing the left did with Trump though. “He’s an idiot!” but also “he’s some diabolical tyrant!” And it’s not the same equivalency at all. Biden was criminal pos long before he had dementia.


It’s a fascism tactic. Your enemy is both too powerful and completely incompetent.


I mean don't liberals say the same thing about Trump? Of course Trump is actually a convicted criminal, but there's no reason those two things can't both be true.


No liberal has ever thought or said tRump is a mastermind of anything. And yes, you can have both dementia and be a convicted felon. Dementia *and* a mastermind? Not so much.


Spot on. That's my reply to these people too. Either he has dementia and he's a doddering old man or he's a criminal mastermind that pulled the wool over the entire country's eyes and stole an election from a sitting US president. It can't be both. Either hes so incredibly capable and intelligent that he pulled off the most brilliant rouse the country has ever seen, or hes in massive cognitive decline and he cant string a single sentence together. But these people are completely comfortable being hypocrites and contradicting themselves when and where it fits their narrative.


This is your brain on fascism.


Button 1: BIDEN IS A CRIMINAL, CRIMINALS ARE BAD Button 2: Crime is fine actually, "the average American commits several felonies a day", has no barring on Trump's ability to lead *GOP presses both buttons*


I mean, Trump has dementia and is a criminal. Certainly not a Mastermind, though.


"Biden has dementia and is being used by criminal masterminds" is the obvious workaround.


Dementia enters the chat later. After he’s been a criminal for some time. His handlers handle the bag nowadays.


Not an advice animal


They just throw stuff out and see what catches on 


Look, if you can't remember the crime then you don't get the...


>The ene­my is both strong and weak. “By a con­tin­u­ous shift­ing of rhetor­i­cal focus, the ene­mies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” -Umber­to Eco in his 1995 essay “Ur-Fas­cism” It is straight out of the fascist playbook. The enemy is dangerous and we must rally to fight them, but they are also weak and useless so we are the strong and good tribe in the equation, and rule of the strong is the natural way of things.


Aren't they saying something like Obama is the actual mastermind puppetmastering Biden?


Hunter is the criminal mastermind and Joe has Dementia.


You don't have to be smart to be corrupt. I don't know where you're getting the mastermind from.




They just switched to saying "Biden crime family" and include hunter biden, the drug addict, as part of the masterminds.


The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” 8th characteristic of fascism by Umberto Eco. Knowing our past can help us better our future, beware the fascists!


This was true during the 2016 election as well. Conservatives were claiming Hillary was both physically weak and about to fall over and die while also being a Deep State mastermind.


That's where Obama comes in, checkmate commies i feel like russia infiltrated the gop and all russia does is spread chaos and misinformation.


Great meme advice animals. Top notch. You really got them.


Haven't seen that hat in a while, perfect use of it.


I've never seen or heard anyone call Biden a mastermind of anything lol


Stupid people are criminals all the time your point?


Those buttons need to be separated by about 5 years


Well, both actually truth


Its the typical fascist palybook. The enemy is both weak and yet at the same time in control of everything and is super powerful.


One would imagine his handlers are pulling the strings in this hypothetical situation. But that would require two brain cells rubbing together, which is a lot to expect from this sub.


Been a while since I've seen a scumbag hat.


"The Enemy is both strong and weak" #8 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism


He either has dementia or he is faking it, making him a criminal mastermind. Tbh all government is either absolutely incompetent or criminal masterminds.


I saw one video where a lady was saying that Biden isn't even real, he's just being played by a series of actors wearing very convincing masks She even went as far as to say that the time he fell trying to climb up the stairs, it was Jim Carrey doing some physical comedy


This is pretty even keel with the stuff said about trump. Keep in-fighting and let them keep steamrolling I guess.




Democrats couldn't decide if Bush was an evil mastermind or a dumb hillbilly 🤷


No one thinks he's a mastermind, he's actually an idiot. Too bad he has the whole establishment behind him.


It's a tough race, but posts like these keep this as the worst subreddit on the site.


I truly believe they are so fucked in this debate. They’ve set the bar on the floor and “Sleepy Joe” is going to look like he’s vaulting over it.


They just say whatever and whoever the message lands with votes within that echo chamber anyway. There’s no actual discourse of opposing ideas happening. There is no actual narrative, just piqued emotion.


the enemy is both extremely dangerous and dangerously incompetent at the same time lol


Obama was a radical Black Christian Muslim terrorist. There is a trend here.


I have to listen to this shit every day since moving back in with my parents. Fox News's biggest fans I swear, TV is on 4 to 5 hours a day and I hear all the stupidest brain dead takes. Should be illegal to say some of the stuff they do


Biden isn’t making any real decisions, let’s be honest.


Isn't the argument (from their standpoint) more that he was a criminal previously and NOW is riddled with dementia? Both things can exist at once, even if I don't believe that Biden is necessarily a criminal.


Biden Had dementia (gop) Biden is to old to be held accountable for his crimes (dnc). Fixed yer meme.


No point in having the Scumbag Steve hat and "GOP" when a MAGA hat would serve the same combined purpose.


To be fair, Hitler was an evil mastermind who’s brain was pudding from a combination of meth and syphilis


Enough stupidity smashed together fuses into conservative logic.


Not that hard to figure out if your IQ is at least double digits. Earlier, before his dementia set in, he was/is a criminal "mastermind" but has since started to have problems. His entire term as "president" he has been nothing but a figure head, hell, he even said it at one point, "I just do what they tell me"... But the "voting public" has an IQ of 50 and the attention span of a goldfish so all of them can ruin the country while you morons debate about letting pedophiles into the little girls room...


Bidens the puppet... who also has dementia. Get it right, you inbred oafs.


Button 1: "Trump should have executive immunity and not face any charges for actions taken while in office." Button 2: "Joe Biden is a criminal and should be prosecuted immediately." (Pushes both buttons at the same time)


The entire GOP is kind of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure.


Not a master mind but a criminal. Should do one with the do nothing GOP threatening to write a sternly worded letter. That will show then we mean business!