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Realistically we have at least 3 months before it starts pumping so everyone can load up their bags


Why 3 months?


Historically we get a bear market for a bit after btc halving, late 2024, early 2025 is when we make gains


So more like 9 months not 3 months??


You’ll probably see a jump back to $1.72 in 3 months maybe, but all time highs won’t be until 2025


More like 8 months


What if you sell and it goes up and then you sell again and it goes down and you buy when it's up and you sell


Idk why I’ve never thought of that!


Bit of an outrageous statement. Seems like you're getting triggered by the price.


Uh oh we got another ape trader looks like. This isn't gamestop or pepe coin.


People need to realize that price can drop sub $1.10 pretty easily. If that Hurts your stomach. That means you're probably over exposed to a risk on asset...which is what crypto is. Not sure why people are asking for stock grade stability when this market is not that. Just go buy MSFT and chill.


I’m not selling rn but who tf are u to tell someone what to do. And u don’t know if it’s gonna go higher or lower so just stfu respectfully


Fuk u 2 respectfully!


More importantly, if you buy this coin and aren't using it to make $ in the liquidity pools what are you even doing. Easy money.


Can you explain what that is and how to participate? Is it like staking?


You can Google liquidity pools for more specifics but essentially yes it's like staking, but you stake a pair of two coins that the liquidity pools can use to lend out on your behalf. I'm still learning myself. For example, most of my liquidity is in vAMM-WETH/AERO, which currently offers 128% APR (though it's highly variable and likely to go down as more people enter the pool). You stake some ETH (or wrapped ETH) and AERO of the same amounts, and it generates staking rewards called "emissions". There are even higher rates with riskier coins or USDC. You can unstake at any time which makes it liquid for the lender. Since it's on BASE, all the transaction fees have been 4 cents or less. There's an added benefit to locking your coins for 2-4 years which gives you a share of AERO revenue and voting rights, but I'm not that committed yet. To give you an idea, I put $380 in on Wednesday and another $380 in last night, and I've already earned 2.23 AERO in emissions.


Much appreciated, ty for the reply. I'll definitely check that out tomorrow and might look into usdc pairing. I only have 700.5 aero buy i think its enough to make some money still. I like that it stays liquid (i also wouldnt do that long commitment.) Do the emissions get paid out in real time? All i ahve to compare is atom (which i love staking.) Thanks again.


The emissions earnings update in real-time, but it's best to wait to claim them until there's a decent amount to claim because each time you claim them you have to pay a tiny transaction fee to the network. I'm not sure I fully understand slippage or impermanent loss fully yet but those are important concepts if you're going to dive into this space. I just set my slippage allowance to the standard 1% while I learn more lol.


Will be sure to do some research on this as soon as i wake up, thanks again for the help. Slippage is the difference between the expected price of the trade and the actual price of the trade executed. Higher slippages are needed for the more volatile cryptos, 1% would denote a 1% variance between the aforementioned.


Why would I care about my slippage if I'm in a liquidity pool with an APR? I just don't understand the connection to my personal risk or profit potential.


I think its in any dex, not entirely sure.


But to clarify, if the value of the coin is going down then you’re still losing money (just at a lower rate than if you were holding just the coin)! I stake Aero/USDC


What's it to you? Don't encourage people to buy or sell. We don't take directions from posts like these because we should not create an environment of exit liquidity.


So you are going to sell low when you should’ve sold when it was high. You are training your brain to give up when shit gets hard. I am not encouraging anybody to do anything. If you sell now you shouldn’t invest do something better with your money.


I sold some at 1.9. I wouldn't sell now but still, people have to make their own choices


If only you could short crypto I would sell and make a ton of money


You can


Best to just accumulate now, not just aero but all the other cryptos. I love these crashes, not ready for bullrun yet.


Wierd ass cope and delusion in this sub. Aero has gone 100x in the past 4 months. It can still go another 2x if market pumps. But majority of the gains have been made.


But what if you sell, so you can rebuy it lower later?


What if you sell and it shoots higher and you lose your spot.


That's what buy orders are for.


Loool why on earth was this downvoted


Because people don't know how to use basic tools. Guaranteed 95% of the people on here don't even know what dexscreener is either.


Because you have your eyes glued to your exchange 24/7


Not really sure what you mean since they go through automatically, and have price alerts on this thing I keep in my pocket called a cellphone.


Show us the path on how to day trade crypto that seemingly can even beat the return of bots


Sounds like somebody's mad it just dropped another 20 cents, good thing I pulled some money out. Do you think I should put it back in now, or wait for it to drop a little more for higher potential?


Why would I be mad? 🤣. I've been taking profit along the way. My average is .11c - what about you? Don't dish your comments if you can't handle it. Not everyone is a genius trader like you who can day trade 🤔😏


You're mad because now you're getting defensive about it, so you have to pull out your 11 cent peepee. Also I'm not day trading Aero. I'm currently day trading $Boomer. The pump and dumps every 12 hours got mesohawny 💰


I am not mad. You make it seem easy to day trade to people here with your fancy alerts. Not everyone here can glue their eyes on the screen or, I guess in your case, your phone 🤔. That type of mentality is how people either lose profits or think they can outsmart the market. If you can, great for you. Memes are great for the scalps like boomer - happy for you. But a lot of scared people up in this sub and just want to make sure they don't lose their ass.