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Crazy how the grandmother can protect Alexee being the alleged murderer of her grandson, but Alexee could not confide in her that she was pregnant. Whack both of them whack.


The grandmother calls herself "mom" in the police interview because she refuses to consider the fact that there was a baby. And he was her grandson. She literally sounds confused when the officer asks her "you're grandma?" And she's like "I'm MOM". You can tell her mind was only on 'defend my child' and not 'omg what did my child do?'. I feel like alexees mother should be punished. She's too permissive. It's disgusting.


I noticed that too, she vehemently distanced herself from the situation


Where can I catch up on this story šŸ¤”?? I'm intrigued


Try the Serialously podcast on her. Episodes 29 and 36. Or the uneasy podcast episode June 27 2023.


Thank you!


Yes!! I noticed that too she was straight up offended so gross


I agree..how could a person be so oblivious to their daughter abd her situation. ..she's guilty of course but I think there's more to this than an irresponsible teen killing her child ..


>Whack both of them whack. indeed, whack em!


I meant they are both whackā€¦crazyā€¦ šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ But I now see how it could be the other šŸ§šŸ˜†


Omg I feel so stupid rn šŸ’€


Me too šŸ¤£


Bro just agreed to whack them


The importance of commas.


nah this is the importance of words with multiple spellings for sure, whack being murder and wack being crazy


High high ya both high!


šŸ—æWith Kieffa


Your boooooooyyyyyfrieeeennnd Kieffah




Won't erase the cop cam video of her referring to the baby as "it" over and over.


And "nothing".


Nothing cried


Inb4 she passes it off as an AI deepfake


I still can't get over that she went to prom and nobody punched her lights out or even threw a drink on her


In another thread about her prom, I read that they didnā€™t stay long because of the hostility from other students.




I would of loved to be a fly on the wall just to see her reaction to that šŸ˜‚ probably threw a tantrum to mommy


You know she cried to mommy and mommy told her how perfect she is.


I was picturing a full blown temper tantrum with the stomping feet and everything šŸ˜‚ God I despise both of them. Iā€™m glad they are not from my area, I wouldnā€™t keep my mouth shut if I seen them.


Right!? I'd get a group together to put up a billboard. She's going to want to move far far away eventually.


Because mom was a hovering chaperone


Wasn't hovering too well..I mean her kid was pregnant for 9 mths.. or for her daughter to have unprotected sex so that tells me she's just a trophy mom..faking it while not actually patenting her child so no wonder her child killed her granddaughterĀ 




Right. Who is this boy that is cheesing so hard and was so eager to take her to prom?? Wonder what his family thinks and if they support it.


That's the babies father


Oh gotcha. I just joined this sub. Only thing I know about this girl is that she had a baby and put them in a trash can at the hospital and they died.


You should look alexee up on Spotify and listen to the whole story. It's interesting and infuriating. The mother is whacko, the "teenager" is 19.. yet mom treats her like she's 12. Mom gets belligerent with the police, glosses over alexees actions. It's a crazy case.


Any certain episodes or podcasts to look up specifically? I did watch the whole hospital police interview when it first happened. Iā€™ve forgotten some details.


Serialously had a 2 part episode. Episode 29 is the first one I think. High on crime also did this case episode 48.


Murdered* sorry, I just think the terminology is very important here.


Hang onā€¦..she went to the hospital to give birth and managed to murder her baby there? That the eff! I will never understand the minds of criminals, and definitely not the stupid ones. If your plan was to murder your baby, why go to a hospital?


Yeah I believe so. Went to the hospital, asked to go to the bathroom, gave birth, and dumped the baby in the trash can where it died. Iā€™m pretty sure it was alive but feel free to correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


She went in for back pain and lied about being pregnant . Even though it was obvious and even allowed the hospital to pregnancy test her while still denying it.


She chewed through her babyā€™s umbilical cord like an animal too.


Thatā€™s fuckin sick


For the life of me I can't understand this. How can this boy stay by her side? Where are his parents in all of this? Don't any of the people see how horrific this is?


Iā€™ve lived in the next city over from her for a couple of years now and itā€™s such a shitty area of NM with A LOT of horrible people and high crime rates against children. I know of someone recently whoā€™s 1.5 year old wandered out of the house and she didnā€™t even notice until an angry neighbor knocked on her door saying ā€œdo you even know where your baby is? I called the cops and they took himā€ like Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say that this area of NM is full of horrible parents






Oh also, to add onto my last reply, she went to the police station and they just gave her the kid back because they said all of the foster homes are full. Thatā€™s how many shitty parents there are here


And he is okay with the fact that she murdered their kid? Yikes.


Donā€™t worry. Once she goes to prison the girls in there that are motherā€™s themselves will do enough work on this girl for the rest of us.. Given sheā€™s not on protective custodyā€¦ which might happen because mommy will somehow squeeze her way in to get her special privileges. I mean the fact that she told the cops to not cuff her and do the walk of shame to the cruiser told me enough about the influence she somehow has on those officers.


and risk getting suspended or expelled? most schools have a no tolerance bullying policy which can get you automatically expelled


i did think that, but still, some people would likely risk it and not care


Killed him with her bare hands and is wearing him as a trophy šŸ¤®


This b_tch is sick in the head. Should be locked up for life.


I knew she went to prom but to actually see her grinning at her prom like she didnā€™t just murder her baby is so jarring. And to wear his ashes?ā€¦ beyond sick


It makes it all so much more disgusting that she pretends to mourn him. That poor babies ashes shouldnā€™t be with her.


I think it's incredibly telling that she even wanted to go to prom much less was able to enjoy herself.


Right? Who is that brazen ?


Hopefully theyā€™ll bring these pictures up during the trial! Let the jury see her all smiles after doing what she did.


I was wondering if this could be used in trial against her, itā€™s definitely a very important piece of evidence as to her mental state and total lack of remorse for what she did.


I hope they do. But then again I read somewhere on this sub that the only reason sheā€™s got the necklace is to gain sympathy as a grieving mom. Hopefully the jury doesnā€™t fall for her act if the pics do get brought up. Iā€™ve never seen a grieving mother behaving like her.


I mean just look at how fucking happy she is. Iā€™ve sobbed just thinking of bad things happening to my baby both before and after she was born. My life would be in shambles if something ever happened to my baby. I genuinely donā€™t know if I would recover. & there Alexee is, just wanting to go to prom & keep her high school boyfriend. Any mother on a jury will see through her


That'll never change. Actually, depending on how anxious you are of a a person and the older your baby gets it may get worse. My 'babies' are 17 and 13. Having a child in highschool that's driving is can be hell on the nerves.


well except Casey Anthony.


Crazy people smile too...she's oblivious to the extent of her actions ..even if she physically didn't kill the kid she neglected it to the point of deathĀ 


I'm legit curious if she has any psychotic traits. Has she had a psychological exam?


That's not psychotic. It's narcissistic for sure.


Shame on her for grinning ear to ear after the pain she put that poor baby through. It takes minutes to suffocate.


All the dumb b!tch had to do was pull the emergency cord thatā€™s in every single hospital bathroom


the part that pisses me off the most is the fact there was a safe haven baby box in that hospital so if she really didnā€™t want him, the option was right there to put him in so he could go to a safe family privately without anyone even knowing she was pregnant!!!!


Exactly. I had a crazy, controlling mother and a very serious surgery when I was 17. I couldnā€™t bathe myself afterward and every time a nurse would come around to help, my mom would bark and bully and say she would do it. I didnā€™t want her to do it. My head was wrapped like a Q tip and I couldnā€™t speak, but the nurses knew. After the second or third time my mom tried to force them out, one whispered in my ear to let them know what MY choice was. I did and from then on, a lovely, pleasant nurse gave me a bath. This was almost 30 years ago ā€” Alexee was in the absolute safest place she could be.


Yes, the whole family has them. I think Devyn may have also had a picture of Alex on his Lock Screen on his phone. [link on topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlexeeTrevizo/s/Kl2aqB6QKS)


...like a fucking autopsy photo?!?!


Apparently open-casket photo.


Wait how is she wearing the ashes AND there was an open casket?


Because you can have a funeral and then cremate the person after. A funeral with an open casket does not always mean they will be buried.


A lot of people who choose cremation will still have an open-cadket wake or memorial service. A lot of people think that traditional burial is too expensive and it isn't environmentally friendly but they also want to have a funeral. Delayed cremation makes this possible. You can have a whole wake and funeral and instead of burying your loved one you can cremate them afterward. It's a nice compromise.


Iā€™d imagine either a casket/burial photo of like one of those 3D rendering photos? My cousin had a miscarriage at months and the hospital did like a really nice photo shoot with the baby and the photographer did some touch ups etc.


Poster on the link I shared said it was casket photo


Yes, dear god. What psyco puts a photo of a dead baby on their phone?


I had a friend that had a still birth. She had the baby on her Lock Screen, although it was clearly a photo shoot they did as a family after the baby had passed. The baby was like wrapped up and dressed, with mom and dad holding him/her. It was an intimate family photo. Although it was definitely odd, that was her way of coping and itā€™s not like she was showing it off or anything. A baby alone in a coffin would be even more devastating. I canā€™t imagine how he feels every time he sees thatā€¦


Im in disbelief that she had the audacity to show her face at school after this. Also that her mother allowed her to go. The whole thing happened only shortly before this dance. Like, WHAT?


Why is she not in jail!!!! Evil mother and evil daughter


Imagine what the classmates attending prom where thinking. The news was already out, there was gossip about her pregnancy... they all know she put her baby in a trash can. But theyre all smiling?


They have to wait for the trial but I still donā€™t see how sheā€™s allowed to walk freely and live her life like she didnā€™t do anything wrong


She totally knew! And Iā€™ll bet her BF knew. Hope she rots in prison


The sad thing is, she will probably get a slap on the wrist. A year of probation, maaaybe!


Iā€™d love to know why he went with her? If I was him and she killed my kid Iā€™d be like hell no


I keep thinking this. How is he not angry? How is his family not angry? Why are they not suing her? Why are they not throwing everything they have at this delusional family to get justice? It makes no sense. Itā€™s like theyā€™re part of this horrendous plot so I want him charged, too. I dunno how or why but I do šŸ¤£


YES ā˜šŸ½


Absolutely vile.


So many posts mention that she told her friends she was naming him Alex. There was a previous rumor she had been to the doctor. I know people are only mentioning Alex because in hindsight we know it was a boy, but Iā€™m curious if she ever mentioned a possible girls name to them as well. Because if not this implies she had knowledge of the sex which is only possible through testing or ultrasound.


I think itā€™s weird that she named the baby that she killed after herselfā€¦


Maybe she chose Alex *because* it's gender neutral. Like, maybe Alexander for a boy and Alexandria for a girl.


Alex is gender neutral


Why do they look related


So many couples do, I feel like itā€™s one of those things that often tends to get overlooked as a society.


A lot of my friends dated until they met someone who looked just like them, then they stopped dating and married the person that they looked like.


I've seen this a lot. I wonder if this has been looked into scientifically. Off to Google I go...


It has. Apparently itā€™s not uncommon for the narcissistic side of humans to subconsciously be attracted to either ppl that look like them, or ppl that feel familiar to them (i.e., maybe a male being attracted to a female that has similar characteristics to his mom, or a female being attracted to someone who is similar in appearance to her father). I personally think itā€™s a bit bizarre if the resemblance is TOO uncanny, but itā€™s not my business. Thereā€™s more to it than that, but thatā€™s my very basic Reddit breakdown for ya.


happy iā€™m in an interracial marriage for this reason


The person Iā€™m seeing doesnā€™t look like me but we have the same shaped ears that stick out and we are the same exact skin tone. I think itā€™s kinda cute to see these small similarities.


A lot of couples do, itā€™s a psychological thing ā€œwe tend to be drawn to people who are similar to us. We're commonly attracted to those who remind us of loved ones, such as parents, former significant others, or friends. ā€œSubconsciously, hormones are activated because the other person has triggered some kind of similarity or resemblance,ā€ https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/science-behind-why-we-find-certain-people-attractive#:~:text=First%2C%20we%20tend%20to%20be,resemblance%2Cā€%20says%20Beverly%20B.


Thank you for this response. Everyone else making it sound like itā€™s a narcissist trait but itā€™s actually just how we subconsciously natural select in a way


Itā€™s Reddit. Narcissism is the stock answer in these parts.


Makes me sick becuase even if he was stillborn wouldn't you want a proper burial!??!?! This whole thing is bullshit she murdered that child. My feelings are the mom knew and they both didn't expect full term and thought he would be small enough to flush.


They cremated him as soon as they could so the police couldn't go back to the body. Knew exactly what they were doing.


They should have had 0 rights to a body that she threw in a trash can.


This is what confuses me, why was she allowed to have the babyā€™s body?


Itā€™s an unfortunate legal loophole, but sheā€™s his next-of-kin.


Thereā€™s so many cases where a parent kills a child, even their babies. Why is this one different? (Not coming at you, genuinely curious)


No, I get that you arenā€™t coming for me (thanks for that, btw), and I genuinely donā€™t know why this one is so weird. If I had to hazard a guess, Iā€™d say that her mother/the grandmother (Rosa?) had a lot to do with it. Sheā€™s just weird, and seems to have an almost Machiavalian level of control over everything here, including Alexee, who definitely wasnā€™t brought up to question anything her mother said. Unfortunately, something eventually had to give. Unless she was going to stay under her motherā€™s thumb forever, Alexee was inevitably going to get to the point where she wanted to break free and start making her own decisions. I think her upbringing didnā€™t give her any kind of framework at all to work with, you know, ā€œwhen I do this, this happens, so I shouldnā€™t do this.ā€ Even experienced adults can panic when situations happen that they donā€™t have any sort of ā€œtemplateā€ for, and she only had her momā€™s say-so. Instead of making her bad decisions gradually, with comparatively minor things, like a disastrous haircut on picture day, or a bad tattoo, or finding out that tequila isnā€™t your friend like most people, she went straight from zero to 60 with no brakes. Donā€™t get me wrong; that doesnā€™t excuse what she did by any means, but I think it kind of puts it into context a little.


How tf do you even attend the funeral of a baby you know you were the one who killed himā€¦. šŸ¤Æ


Narcissists can be mega delusional




Maybe someone can explain this to me because I don't understand the thought process here; She was desperately trying to hide the fact that she was pregnant. So why on earth would she go to the hospital instead of just staying home?! Like. Someone was going to find the baby at the hospital. They would absolutely trace it back to her. Why wouldn't she just have delivered it at home if she was going to do something evil regarding it?


My friend in HS hid a full term pregnancy; she only went to the hospital because sheā€™d been in so much pain and so sick from labor that her parents thought her appendix had burst (and forced her to go to the hospital). I honestly think if she had been able to hide her symptoms better/handle the pain/been alone, she would have hidden or disposed of the baby/body secretly. I think she either underestimated how painful labor would be or couldnā€™t comprehend how *real* it was? I donā€™t know if itā€™s a similar situation but Iā€™m pretty sure my friend would rather have died than deal with (or admit) she was in labor, she just couldnā€™t keep quiet or hide it at that point.


What happened next??


Baby was adopted out as soon as he was able to leave the nicu, her parents bought her a puppy to ā€˜make up for the traumaā€™ and then the family never addressed what happened or how fucked up it was. She pretends nothing ever happened and moved away/changed her name a few years later. We (obviously) lost touch, but I talk to her brother every once in awhile. It really destroyed her familyā€¦but they clearly had issues before that.


Damn. Thats awful. Glad the baby was okay


In the police cam video at the hospital, I took it as the mother knewā€¦believed she was pregnant. Just didnā€™t know she was that far along. She was trying to force Alexeeā€™s hand into admitting it, went so far is going to the hospital. Youā€™ll have to watch the police cam videos to decide what you think happened. Also that mother was very aware of Alexeeā€™s cycles, she bought her feminine products. When they came to arrest Alexee the mother informed them she needed to take tampons and told Alexee to go grab some. So sheā€™s pretty in control of that as well. lol


Yes, I think hospital was thinking she was maybe 6 months along, not full term & in labor.


I think it was one of 2 reasons - 1. Rosa insisted on taking her to the hospital & we know she has control over Alexee. What she says, goes. Or 2. Alexee expected her history of back pain would work as a cover up. I think she fully expected that as long as she didnā€™t give them any indicators that she was pregnant (wore baggy clothes & wouldnā€™t let them touch her, didnā€™t tell them she was sexually active, etc) then they would just assume it was her normal back pain. Give her pain meds to get her through until she could see her chiropractor & send her on her way. Probably thought she was going to be in and out with pain meds & then could do whatever she wanted to do . When they kept her, her plan fell through Or maybe it was a combination of both šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I donā€™t think she realized that back pain is literally a sign of labor


Thatā€™s possible too.


This too. I forgot some of the details and I speculated before that Alexee thought she was just going to get some controlled substances and be on her merry way.


I think the mom was playing mind games with her. Itā€™s clear that Alexee has a huge fear of her moms reactions to things. So if her mom demands she has to go some somewhere, she will oblige. And sheā€™ll also oblige because if she refuses to go not only will her mom might escalate the situation at home and learn the truth, but outside of home there are more places to run, hide, and do what she did. Alexees mom knew she was pregnant and that her daughter was lying to her. She wanted to take her to the hospital to emotionally abuse the truth out of her + probably get her the abortion pill depending on how far along. I can say with confidence that Rosa is comfortable playing mind games with people.


She had a visible baby bump. No way people didnā€™t know


And no way if Rosa just put a hand on her belly she wouldnā€™t have known she was pregnant at 30+ weeks. Pregnant bellies feel distinctly like pregnant bellies and Rosa has been pregnant herselfā€¦ and thatā€™s all if she somehow didnā€™t see or feel him move too.


Thatā€™s what I think, too. The mom figured she could bully the truth out of her daughter, but didnā€™t realize how far along she was in her pregnancy, and it backfired *spectacularly* on all of them.


Alexee had congenital back problems that gave her pain throughout her life, so her and her mom just thought they were going to the hospital again for more back problems.


Idk but if this chick went to my high school and everyone knew she killed her baby, nobody would have taken her to prom. She would be getting bullied most likely and not even go to prom. That smile and her living her best life is sickening.


As a mother who lost their newborn to a rare condition. I would just love 10 minutes with this family.


Same here! I feel your pain.Ā 


Sorry youā€™ve had to experience it as well. Shit like this is infuriating, people would move heaven and earth to have taken care of that baby and she does something so evil.


I wanna smack that smile off her face


Same! šŸ’Æ


Not defending her but I don't think alexee is psychotic or a sociopath or anything of that nature. Just my opinion obviously from what bits I know of the story but I'm getting the vibe she has HEAVILY dissociated from the pregnancy and subsequent killing. She for sure needs psychiatric help, but she is also still a child and her mom gives me controlling narcissistic vibes. Not evil but effed in the head and needs serious help.


I completely agree. Sheā€™s a traumatized kid, not a psychopath.


Fucking purity culture. When you teach that having sex before marriage is like the ultimate sin and all your daughterā€™s worth is tied to being a virgin shit like this happens. Imagine raising your child to be that afraid of telling you they had sex.


This is the impression I got too.


She was 19, how exactly is there a child? I can agree that she was heavily disassociated and distant from the pregnancy. When I was 19, (Iā€™m 22 now) I had an accidental pregnancy from an abusive, cheating boyfriend. I went to the ER one day for excessive bleeding and found out I was 16 weeks pregnant when I previously assumed I was around 7-8 weeks. The ultrasound showed the baby kicking, sucking its thumb etc. The tech was asking me if I had any names or if I was excited, when in all reality I wanted this thing out ASAP. I got an abortion, although late. Itā€™s a shame Alexee wasnā€™t given this option.


Why the hell did they let her have the ashes? I've never heard of a killer getting to keep their victim's ashes in my life, that's absurd.


I would be embarrassed to show my face every again at school or even a dance. Gross!


The fact that her mom allowed her to even go is so disturbing. Even if she somehow twisted in her mind that the babyā€™s death wasnā€™t her fault, wouldnā€™t her mom want to save her the embarrassment and shame? Weirdos


that poor baby suffered so much in his only moments alive & sheā€™s somehow able walk free. it makes me so angry


These people are sick in the head and should be locked up. Seriously. Iā€™m so shocked


What ever happened? Is she not being charged with murder????


Sheā€™s out on bail and the trail starts August 26 2024


Wait, the baby is a murder victim but the infant's body was released to Alexees Family after medical examination for the case??? How tf does that happen in a murder case?


Thatā€™s what I said how does a murderer get to keep the ashes of the victim


How is her date, not to mention the people around them, standing there with her looking so happy while knowing she murdered her own baby? Like how does she still have a social life, let alone being allowed to go to prom?


When I watched the body cam video I can tell both the mother and this b were both sick in the head you can tell they are bottom feeders how they cling on to each other to get out of trouble. Disgusting human beings I hope she ends up having the same fate and someone knocks her lights off permanently.


How can you wear the ashes of the baby YOU killed. I donā€™t understand


Alexee, her mom, bf and his family all make me absolutely sick. When is the trial happening?? Please tell me she is not getting away with this?!


Trial starts August 26 2024 praying she gets maximum sentence


Who let this monster go to a prom? And what mother allowed her son to go with said evil monster???


Boggles my mind that she really tries to play victim. YOU KILLED YOUR BABY. YOU PUT YOUR BABY IN A TRASHCAN, YOU KNEW BETTER!!!


The whole thing is just so sad. I donā€™t think sheā€™s a monster but she did something that can never been undone all because she was scared of her parents knowing she was pregnant. Imagine the kind of family she must have had for it to lead to this. I think thereā€™s something up with the parents because no child should get to that point where she literally gave birth in the bathroom in secret. I think this girl needs to be admitted into a facility for quite awhileeeee and the parents should be investigated


If she told people she was pregnant and they testify she is for sure going to take a plea before trial or be found guilty. I canā€™t wait!!


What a pig


Casey Anthony 2.0


So curious what her classmates think about this. Feeling comfortable enough to go to prom? Crazy


Apparently they left early because of the backlash from the other prom goers.


Of course she knew, I thought that was obvious


Iā€™m not that familiar with this case. Was it his baby too? Why did she murder their baby? So sad.


Yes, the guy in this photo was the babyā€™s father. We donā€™t know _why_? She was at a hospital, went to the restroom, wrapped the baby in a trash bag, and went back to her exam room like nothing happened. There is security footage and body cam footage. Just google her name. Itā€™s infuriating.


She needs be locked up.


They allowed her to attend prom?! And the babyā€™s father is still with her?! what in the world!


Trash person


Here I am not even able to have a baby going through treatment after treatment, medication after medication, and this b*tch has a baby then kills it?!! How is she smiling and all happy knowing she murdered her own child!!! It makes me sick!!!!! šŸ’”šŸ’”


This is so sad and no doubt we will see more of these stories with abortion so inaccessible. These young girls feel like they have no options. When a pregnancy is forced to proceed with an ambivalent mother or mother in denial - itā€™s a recipe for disaster . Wouldnā€™t an abortion done even at 10-12 weeks been more compassionate than the hell the baby went through? I have pity for Alexee. I feel bad she didnā€™t have options . But I do think she knew what she was doing. Desperate people do terrible things. It doesnā€™t make her a terrible person . She did an awful thing . Thereā€™s no redemption in lying about it . If the baby was stillborn, sheā€™d have gotten help . You know when there is a human coming out of you. I have empathy for the fear she must have felt . I have empathy for the desperation she felt. I donā€™t have empathy for throwing the baby in a trash can . I donā€™t have empathy for not getting help . She had several key moments where she made choices to to the wrong thing. To do the cruel thing. Sheā€™d carried the baby all that time and couldā€™ve told a nurse or doctor sheā€™d delivered but didnā€™t want to keep it . She couldā€™ve gotten help . She didnā€™t. Those are inhuman actions . There is no excuse . Iā€™m so afraid that other mothers will feel desperate and do the same . We know from history that maternal mortality and fetal mortality rise with abortion limited . Itā€™s just sad. Multiple lives are ruined by this . And it will happen again, over and over. If sheā€™s wearing her babyā€™s ashes- thatā€™s only for show . Sheā€™s in denial about her monstrous actions. Sheā€™s telling her self every excuse she can to believe sheā€™s a good person. Maybe she has regret. Thatā€™s not enough . She chose to do what she did. Itā€™s a tragedy to carry a baby all that time and then kill it . On the other hand - there is a slight chance the baby was born not breathing - but she chose not to get help. My guess is that she stopped the baby from breathing so it wouldnā€™t cry and be heard. Sheā€™s using the no breathing to say stillborn. The ER shouldā€™ve done a pregnancy test asap and then an ultrasound. Even if she went in for back pain. The hospital is at fault here too bc a woman of childbearing age- you would do a pregnancy test with back pain within 5 min of seeing her. I have a masterā€™s in nursing . Thatā€™s just standard of care - minimum!! Sheā€™s at fault- but if the staff had caught it , this couldā€™ve been avoided . At minimum they are negligent. I used to do pregnancy tests on every woman just with a stomach ache, UTI, or back pain in a retail walk in clinic. Why didnā€™t the ER ? Or did they ? I digress - yes itā€™s sick if sheā€™s wearing ashes . I hope whatever happens to her, she gets some sort of restorative Justice where sheā€™s punished , but still able to have a life later and rehabilitated from whatever made her be able to do this


She is from New Mexico, abortion is legal here. Iā€™m as pro choice as the next person, but that argument doesnā€™t work here because she DID have that choice. I think she freaked out, and even know as women we know realistically the choice to terminate or not is a time restricted choice, when it comes to making that decision it is very hard. Especially for a high school student. This is NOT to defend her actionsā€¦ she killed her newborn son. I think immaturity played the biggest role in this, especially since it seems like her mom was somewhat controlling or at least very very involved, itā€™s possible she never had to make big decisions on her own before. Itā€™s a shame an infant had to pay the price for the first time she had to make a decision on her own.


This is exactly why sex Ed should include the education that there are safe haven boxes for newborns that someone doesnā€™t want or canā€™t keep. Anonymous drop off, no questions asked. Not saying Alexee didnā€™t have this information because she very well could have, but I wonder if that would help prevent tragedies like this in the future.


You canā€™t force any of that on someone unwilling to do it.


The way you guys talk about this girl who was young and probably terrified at the time like sheā€™s Hitler is shameful


It seems that despite her mistake, others are getting joy from continuously criticizing and targeting her, which is troubling, especially if they claim to follow Christian values.


Exactly the constant ragging her and harassing is so unsettling, just let her do her time and receive her punishment in private


Yes, how dare all of you hold this woman in contempt for murdering her newborn.


Iā€™ve seen rapists and other male murderers catch way less slack then this girl. At the end of the day, the constant bullying of this girl comes down to sexism and patriarchy. Sheā€™s already gonna be punished through the legal system, no need to publicly smear her still to this day


Crazy how they had rights to that poor babys body then burned him like a piece of trash. If i were the DA or police that baby would be property of the state. The fact she even gets the opputo hold his remains is BEYOND ME.


Bitch u threw the baby away why the fuck are you wearing it's ashes


No shame.


OK, sorry an absolute ignorant person about this situation here but I heard that he was born still? Not saying what she did was right at all with his remains, but does that make her a murderer???


They can test the bronchial system and see if the child ever breathed - he did. He was then tossed in a garbage can. Grieving parents with all of a hospitalā€™s resources do not toss an infant at any point of life into the garbage.


So how did he pass then? Because Iā€™ve heard stories of women throwing kids away and they are still alive they found him after a few minutes and he had passedā€¦ not saying her throwing him away was right she was absolutely sick for that but I donā€™t think she unalived him though is my point


If I recall, out was reported that he suffocated due to another bag being placed in the trash can after he was placed in.


He had air in his lungs I believe.


Based of the autopsy report it was ruled homicide thatā€™s why sheā€™s being charged with murder, also the baby had air in his lungs they also said she strangled him or covered his face until he died of asphyxiation


Gotta be true if someone said it...I hear you like eating carrots while doing handstands..I hear it so must be true...what's your sources for this information? Your pissed at a kid dying ...she's a kid herself ..guilty ..of course but still a kid and her parents complete lack of knowing what's going on with their own kid says a lot about this family dynamic...clearly she's got issues that carrying rumors don't help .


Why are YOU so mad? Are you aleexe?, Who in their right mind thinks itā€™s okay to murder a baby?!! Kid my a** she was 19 years old was big enough to spread her legs wide open and now ā€œsheā€™s a kid herselfā€ these are not rumorsšŸ«¢ SHE KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT AND DECIDED TO MURDER HER CHILD SHEā€™S A SICK HUMAN BEING, MY DOG HAS MORE HUMANITY IN HER.


God wonā€™t forget.


Isnā€™t gods big thing forgiveness?


Where did you ā€œhearā€ that?


My husband passed away in 2022. He wanted to be cremated. My daughter had his ashes ( professionally) put in a bracelet and his niece had his ashes ( professionally) put in a ring. My daughter also had a still born baby during Covid and had some of his ashes put in a ring. Itā€™s not like they can fall out or anything. They just took a tiny bit of his ashes and embedded them in jewelry. Just my opinion but I donā€™t think itā€™s disgusting at all. If she just poured them in a charm necklace where they could fall out would be a different story for me.