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Like a big ol sock with holes for the wings, tail, and head


Funny but i wonder how much we know of there culture we could interpret what they would look like with armor or even just civilian clothing, but a giant sock would oddly sounds cute


Proably engeneered out of a species that upset them


I feel like they don't, a big part of the Qu is their self-centered belief that they are perfection and therefore allowed to modify the other beings in the universe as they see fit. That kind of belief system doesn't seem too compatible with the idea of making clothes, they're shown to be able to handle moving nomadically around the universe so they've clearly advanced past caring about weather or space travel. So the only use left for clothes is a status symbol or to improve the way they look. Both don't apply when every being of the race considers themselves perfect gods of creation. That's just my headcannon tho


If they are cold blooded then clothes are not needed to maintain a constant body temperature. Thermoregulation is controlled by the mothership not primitive cloths.


I would think though that some of them wore clothes at one point or another though. They pretty had as many different cultures on there homeworld as we have.


Maybe there's just a lot of unknowns, I mean maybe they evolved on a gas planet where they never stopped flying on the hot gas air currents coming up from the core and so they never had to deal with hot or cold weather the way we understand it, maybe they don't have the concept of homes if they spent their lives flying nonstop. Maybe they evolved underwater and so they don't need clothes due to the way the water regulated their body temperature. Maybe they were like dragonflies and did end up building giant nests for themselves and wearing funny looking leaves or something. It's hard to tell for sure but their appearance makes me doubt they needed clothes since most flying creatures don't require clothes and the concept of something over them would slow their speed. But then again your question brought up another in my mind, if they never evolved clothes how did they deal with outer space until they managed to develop whatever technology they needed to fly around the universe? So many questions, so many unknowns


They're freaky. No.


They would wear hats and/or wigs


qu? more like # 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪qu


They might transform humans into clothing