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With the Qu and the 1984 dystopia, there's still a possibility to come back, nowhere near to where you were before, but still a chance. With the Combine, they're so inconceivably huge, you can NEVER win against them.


I think the rebels in hl2 came back, considering in portal 2 you see the Earth looking healthy years after half life 2 took place. So the rebels must have somehow won


Who would have guessed that throwing the boat rlly would work huh


Remove crowbar treeman and da reble lose


All of them at once


You're right ngl


1984, is that even a question? ingsoc's grip on the populous is only with fear and disinformation and then with that it sucks as we see with winston and the fact the book is written in past tense, implying that the party has long gone. we don't even know how big ingsoc is, for all we know the party could be lying and the real size of the country is like half of england


one uses suppression fields and chemicals in the water to alter your mind, with a whole empire the size of the universe to stop you. one literally changes your entire being so that you can't even fight back as you have an intellect of an ant and the size of a walnut. one kicks down your door and yells at you


Yeah but... The Qu are there, and you know what they did Also the combine Is basically making humanity extinct


oh i miss read the title mb, yeah the qu out right turns all of humanity into not humanity (literal separate species and maybe even genus). the combine uses way less extreme methods and slowly brainwashes people. tldr; the qu


I saw a video talking about that but I’m gonna be real that really seems like a stretch I mean the book addresses every way the party could collapse and has a solid solution for each one, and I’m pretty sure the whole point of the book is to show what an omnipotent government would look like, rather than one pretending to be


The government in 1984 gets wrecked by the next Julius Caesar the Proles give birth to, they’re by far the least bad


The Qu, the combine was defeated, but the star people suffered for millions of years as the colonials and countless other species


To anyone that isn’t an asteromorph the qu are basically invincible and theirs no coming back your entire species is going to be reshaped into a form entirely unrecognizable and most likely striped of their sentience even if some lineage of whatever your turned into reevolves sentience and starts a civilization you’ll have been dead for Millions to hundreds of millions of years your species and civilization have been extinct for just as long and have been long forgotten with your only surviving legacy being a species as closely related to you as you are to the common ancestor humans and elephants


The Qu alter you into becoming something of an animal from my understanding, and in 1984 there is routine abuse and propaganda. The combine are basically both of these at once.


Can someone tell me who the last 2 are?


You beat me to this OP, I literally had this shower thought last night. Which one is worst on a personal level just depends on luck. Becoming a Combine Stalker is worse most Qu creatures, but a Colonial is even worse. For humanity overall, the Combine is probably the worst, because all humans will either die out on an Earth stripped of its resources and the inability to reproduce, or the unlucky ones will be grafted into cyborg soldiers and slaves. With the Qu, being a colonial is probably a worse fate for a single person, but they do eventually recover and rebuild, albeit many generations later. But at least there ARE later generations. With ingsoc, most people are suffering, but they themselves are human too, so they don’t want to eradicate literally everybody.


I feel like that with the Qu, you wouldn’t have to worry much, as even though they edit your genes to cronenberg humanity into oblivion, such selective breeding processes would probably take thousands of years to actually take effect Tl;Dr, the Qu is your best bet, because you yourself won’t suffer, but your children will


being a qu creation (if youre most of them) isnt too bad. being a citizen of Oceania is mid at best but its really just being scared constantly. same goes for the combine as the Combine take a lot of inspo from 1984